husker 0 Report post Posted October 8, 2006 I think it would be cool if you could pick your own channels. For example, your television provider says that you can choose 50 of your own channels, any channels you want. You would have to have one main channel so if there was a weather alert, you could see it. I think it would be nice though because maybe I don't want Animal Planet but instead I choose National Geographic. I think this would be a pretty cool idea and would be very sucessful Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
serverph 0 Report post Posted October 8, 2006 well, you can pick what you want from the 50 or so channels from this hypothetical provider, can't you? this leaves you the option to watch whatever you want, from the available choices. if you limit yourself on the channels you can have access to, it defeats the purpose of having the bundled channels for your widest leisurely pleasure, doesn't it? on a given day, your mood might strike you to watch animal planet instead, leaving national geographic for a while. at least, with both of them readily accesible, you can switch channels to whatever your mood dictates. furthermore, you can always set your remote to remember your favorites -- something akin to having your main channel/s for quick point-and-click access! :Por am i getting your point wrong for the idea you posted? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
the_aggie10 0 Report post Posted October 8, 2006 husker said: I think it would be cool if you could pick your own channels. For example, your television provider says that you can choose 50 of your own channels, any channels you want. You would have to have one main channel so if there was a weather alert, you could see it. I think it would be nice though because maybe I don't want Animal Planet but instead I choose National Geographic. I think this would be a pretty cool idea and would be very sucessfuldont we already choose what we want to watch? there are thousands of channels out there and we can choose one? so i dont really get what you are saying. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
justlikepaper 0 Report post Posted October 8, 2006 That would be cool. I would totally pick G4, HBO and other stuff over dumb stuff like Animal Planet. It probably wouldnt work though because it would take a long time for them to give you the channels. Just get Comcast DVR or Tivo.Luckily, I have Comcast DVR Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
husker 0 Report post Posted October 9, 2006 Some people already have like 500+ channels so it doesn't really matter for them but I only get like 100 and I would be nice if my family could just pay a little more to have different channels. Sure you might want to watch some other channels that you didn't get, but isn't that how it is anyway? Maybe it would be better for some people than others. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
greenirishgirlie 0 Report post Posted October 9, 2006 actually, i think there are talks of having something like that worked out either on cable or the dish, im not sure though. i was just thinking about that the other day actually. i think i would have to pick, sci-fi, hgtv, discovery, cartoon network, lifetime, the local channels, espn's (all of them), the music channels like mtv and mtv2.. and i think i would want a few movie channels and i'd be set im sure haha.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cerebral Stasis 0 Report post Posted October 10, 2006 Heck, all I really care about is the Discovery Channel, the History Channel, maybe National Geographic, a news channel, and maybe G4. For the most part, though, I'd much rather browse the Internet than sit around watching shows on the television. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
changeyourmind 0 Report post Posted October 27, 2006 I dont think its a better idea of limiting yourself to limited channels.Well Human nature is dynamic and if you limit yourself to limited channels you may regret it later on.every one in the family has diferent taste so if everyone can watch all the channels they will be happy and more scope of discussion and thereby gaining teh knowledge.gaining more knowledge and have knowledge about everything is always a virtue. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-[Nero]- 0 Report post Posted October 28, 2006 I wish there was a television provider that provides channels showing only one movie series... example, CSI in one channel, Alias in another, House in another channel,... and so on...Also, after one episode, the next episode will be shown..... how's that? TV spree.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tractor 0 Report post Posted October 28, 2006 Ya but then they wouldn't make money. It would be cool if you only bought the channels you wanted. I have 9999 channels but only watch 50 and pay a fortune for um. I think they should have more options but then again... They do that and you only pay for 50 channels there services are going to cost more then the channels so they would be loseing channels. Good for people. Bad for company. But if they could get the finaccial services part over then they might. It would be cool to ONLY get the channels you want. Cause haveing 9999 does anyone even watch 9999 channels? Didn't think so. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sharn 0 Report post Posted October 28, 2006 The thing is, you pay for all the channels you DON'T want. For example, my family has Dish, we pay, what, 30$ a month? HALF our channels are sports. My family has absolutely no reason, nor want to watch sports, so we're sitting here, paying for channels we NEVER watch, while missing out on the good channels, cause they're not in our package.I love the idea. Though most of us who deal with this have thought of it. We wouldn't even mind paying like... 75 cents a month per channel. That would be a WAY better deal than what we're getting now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tinkerjack 0 Report post Posted August 1, 2007 I too think its a good idea, but also agree that the companies that run these things would never allow it. You can choose a package that includes what you want, but likely it will also include something the company wants to promote - like a sale on merchandise that includes what you want but also what the seller wants to get rid of.I think the best idea would be to sell choose your own channel packages that include a standard set of items but have special interests in mind - like a family friendly package that included children's channels like nickelodeon, disney and boomerang. The package I have doesn't include boomerang and a couple of other disney and nick sites. Why not sell it all together? I want to see the cartoon package that includes all the channels that show at least 25% cartoon programming. Sigh. I can dream, can't I? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Plenoptic 0 Report post Posted August 1, 2007 Sometimes I like to scan through all the channels I have whether I watch them or not because there is nothing else on. As I scroll through sometimes I see something I like and then I can watch that. Then I may gain a little more interest in the channel and go back every once in a while to see what else they have there. Sometimes you just don't know how good a channel until you watch them. This is because either you don't like the sound of the subject of what's played on the channel, or maybe you heard it was a bad channel, or maybe you just have no clue what it is so you just stay away. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dooga 0 Report post Posted August 1, 2007 I think my satellite company has some channels that can be ordered separately, but they're a ripoff... 2.5$ for each channel per month. That's in addition to the 60$ per month TV fee, which basically has repeated crappy Canadian channels. Oh well. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rvalkass 5 Report post Posted August 1, 2007 With television programs being made available on demand now, is there really much need for selecting channels any more? It is certainly a great idea, and I would certainly benefit from it in the UK, where Sky and Virgin are both ripoffs for what you get. Being able to pick just the channels you want would be great, but I fear it has been outdated before it even started.Perhaps the ability to create your own channel from the archive of all TV programs, or paying for each program you watch, would work better now. The BBC, for example, have started uploading clips to YouTube, and their iPlayer lets you watch any program broadcast in the last 7 days (albeit only on Windows ). Paying perhaps 10p-20p per show (or per hour of programming) that you choose to watch on demand from an archive would work better both for consumers and the TV companies. There would be no risk to the broadcaster of a program not being successful - the production company would be paid on how many times it actually gets watched. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites