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Screaming Babies

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You know, I've decided that one of the most irritating things is when babies start crying/screaming during the movies or in church. Especially if the parents don't leave, but sit there trying to make them stop. Please try and make them stop OUTSIDE, because now on top of your screaming child, I have to hear you make cutesy noises to make it shut up.Can't people find someone to watch a kid for like two hours? And if you can't, I don't know, it might be nice if you didn't go to the movies that night. Church is a bit more understandable. I know parents need time to do their own thing and all, but it seems to defeat the purpose if they bring the baby along, and it's highly annoying.

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as a parent and a teeenager i can both agree with and disagree with what youre saying... we deal with it all the time, so to us, its really not that big of a deal... if you dont like it, thats your problem and you can leave if its that upsetting to you, however i also understand that (especially in movies) parents shouldnt bring their babies along, its not like they really have the opportunity to watch the movie, and the kid doesnt understand at such a young age-man i hope that made sense-

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Sadly some people have no choice, because their relatives live far away, their neighbours aren't the friendliest and hiring a babysitter is not always so great either. I know a guy who would masturbate while babysitting (the kids were asleep meanwhile..but still... ~_~) when he was 14, 15 years old. But I agree, parents should not bring their babies to the movies, because one can watch movies at home aswell.


Also, sometimes the baby doesn't scream much in general, but it's the new, unfamiliar situation like a church which might make a normally silent baby turn into a non-stop crying little monster, and the parents, out of surprise, don't know how to handle the unexpected behavior well.


What is even worse: mothers who yell at their babies when the latter is simply asking for a little bit of attention, which actually makes the baby cry, followed by some harsh arm-grabbing and angry facial expressions by the mom e_e The parents who make cutesy noises are actually really lovely then.

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babies crying can be very annoying especially when it is in an environment like a movie where it can ruin the experience and also when the parents don't even try to shut the little things up. Aslo it sucks on things like buses or trains where you can't get away from the little annoying things. ARGH. can you just give the kid some beer or valium or something?*

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I also understand about the screaming babies. It is part of the responcibilty of having one that you should probably not take them to the movies or a place that should be quiet. That's what the DVD is for. You can get it when it comes out. Of course we all were babies too and would scream and what not but it is the parent's responcibility. If you are gonna take them to the movies do it at a time when not people are there.

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There was a board about this awhile a back, at least with small children and babies in movie theaters. In a situation such as if your on a bus or at a store I can understand not taking your kid outside. It would be a rather inconvenience to have to get off the bus or run outside of the store every time your baby cries. However, I feel in a situation such as Church or a Movie that you should take your kid outside and calm them down out there. Not because its annoying, but its just makes it harder to hear the movie or person.

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ok,so im a teen and have no idea about screaming babies or babies itself whatsoever,but just the idea of a drooly snotty little pooping machine screaming all day sounds like a nightmare! phew,im sure glad im not there yet,anywayz, GOOD LUCK to all those moms and dads

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I understand as well to the babys crying in movies. As for church, most churches have a FREE child care program run by members of the church, well.... Mine does. Babies at that age can't be blamed for screaming in church because the parent should think ahead. It's almost the same thing as cell phones. You can leave them at home and you can turn them off but they sure are annoying if you hear them go off in the final amen of the church sermon. Movie theatres are the same way. You wouldn't bring your cell phone to a movie when you know that it is going to ring, so why bring a baby? I was a very quiet child and I never cried as a baby, at least as my parents say, but I know that the very first sound that I made I would have been out of that room no matter what the circumstances. It's just the difference between being a responsible parent and being a selfish parent.

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I hate the scream's of babies, the worst is on the arplane. It makes me so angry and tired out. I start getting headaches and cant fall asleep. I dont know what but I think its really, really irritating. and god it makes me realize how hard parenting is going to be.....

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Babies crying, dont really bother me all too much. I mean, the parents deserve to be able to go places, and babies do cry...and parents dont always know when, they will or when they wont. I think past a certain time of them crying they should take their kid out. But WE who do not have kids shouldnt have to leave, we paid for our ticket, and we paid to see the movie, where as you who have children paid for your ticket and paid to watch a movie with a baby, who you would have to watch and shouldnt ruin it for the rest of us.What does make me mad, is KIDS who scream and cry, at a certain age im sorry but if your child is 5 years old, and crying like a baby you need to disipline him or her a lot better. I hate going out to eat, and seeing a crying 5 year old, just because they didnt get a damn brownie or something. Or a kid kicking the back of my seat in a restuarent booth. I mean if your child is like three its more understandable, but if the kid is supposed to be in school, it isn't understandable at all.This kinda has to do with it, i HATE with a passion when women go out and breast feed their kid in public. I think its rude and gross. If you have to do that, do it before you go out somewhere, or bring a bottle because honestly a lot of people dont want to turn to see half your breasts hanging out. You can argue that is natural, and people shouldnt be ashamed/embarassed by it...but you know what sex is 'natural', peeing is 'natural' but you dont see anyone [in their right mind] going out in public and doing either of those, right where anyone adult or child can see them.

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It must be one of the worst thing you can be put thru, when a baby just crys and crys. but you can understand that a baby will cry but when the mother or father just leave them to cry or scream it really gets irritating. I understand that parents also want to go to movies and things like that, but atleast be a little bit considerate and think about someone besides yourself for a change. You might not care if your baby crys thru the whole movie or the whole time you at a restaurant, but everyone does. You could leave your baby with a baby sitter and if that does not work for you then i'm sorry to say but you must stay at home and watch movies or have supper there. If you can't keep your baby from crying and screaming then don't bring them to public places where all they going to do is irritate the s*** out of everyone !!!!

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This kinda has to do with it, i HATE with a passion when women go out and breast feed their kid in public. I think its rude and gross. If you have to do that, do it before you go out somewhere, or bring a bottle because honestly a lot of people dont want to turn to see half your breasts hanging out.

You actually saw someone doing that!? O_o Wow... that's a new one. I most certainly haven't seen enough.

Anyway, in response to the topic... I don't like them too... especially if the parent won't leave if it's possible. It could be hard at times, but that's part of the sacrifice of being a parent. You have to resist your pleasure to be able to give your kid the best attention s/he needs. You also have to learn to be considerate of others. I mean... you're not the only ones in the world. They deserve their peace. If your baby acts up, either leave and try to hush your baby, not bring your baby along at all or not come at all. If none of the three options are possible, then hope that the people around will understand you somehow.

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babies are babies. its what they do. its no different to a dog barking.
learn to deal with it.


I agree. It's obviously not a pleasant thing to listen to, but it's more than likely that at that age you would have been similar. On something like an aeroplane I can understand it being extremely irritating on long haul flights, but say in the movies, usually the sound is so loud anyway, that any baby cries are drowned out. In church I have found parents usually do go outside, and if they dont (and the baby is really bad) I've seen the priest actually tell them to go :D.

What I find worse is the three year olds who scream and throw a tantrum when they don't get what they want. That really ticks me off.

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