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Revolution To Be Called Wii?!

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I was reading about the amd x2 for notebooks coming in a couple of days, and there was this article that said that the new nintendo console named revolution is going to be named Wii......Now what kind of name is that? I liked revolution better, it looks like its going to be another kids console.

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Yes, it's rather terrible. Then again, they have your attention, don't they? Who knows, once Wii get past all the Wii Wii jokes it might just stick. I wonder if it'll come in yellow...Some people are saying its because the Revolution was rather similar to the Xbox 360 namely because 360 is a revolution. "ii" means good in Japanese too I believe. It really does sound rather kidified, but console names have never been amazingly flash. Just look at "Gameboy". I reckon that sounds as corny as corn on a cob, but people have gotten used to it. I just hope Nintendo can bring out some good games - I'll definitely buy one if there's some good innovative stuff on it, regardless of the name.

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I agree, the name doesn't really matter and they have started a viral marketing thing here, as people are spreading the name for free and people get to know it. Yes, it sounds a bit stupid and I'm sure a lot of people will laugh at it, but then again, most people interested in gaming will probably still call it the Revolution. The games are what make or break a console and if Nintendo can bring out some new concepts and some interesting new games then they will have a chance, otherwise the console will flop like the Dreamcast.

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ive always been a fan of nintendo simply becasue it was the first ever system i owned NES System. but after seeing what others were coming out I was driven away simply because of the game types that sega was offering the the Playstation to finally what i have is the xbox and the xbox 360. I definately think that Nintendo caters to the younger gamers. they are more of a family type of console. if they break away from that they can be great. but nintendo to me will always be just for kiddie games.

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Wii.... interesting, but there are better names out there lol. Revolution sounds better but I don't like that too much either. I say...



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Wii... well, it sounds a bit silly, but we?ll get used to it. Anyway the name doesn?t matter if the technology and games are good enough. About the children thing, I think Nintendo is always more focused in that kind of audience that other consoles. That example of Gameboy is good, probably it?ll happen the same with Wii.

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yeah the name doesn't really matter to me, i'm still going to buy one...I think Wii though is a good name and it explains the reasons why in the official article which is on Nintendo's website

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well the wee is going to be a hard to learn game.having to work it like a remote yet use it like a game controller.also having to move it up to jump and stuff , its going to be a weird and hard thing but im sure it will catch on.

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Ohh, Its true, This shoul of stay as "Revolution" as a part of the 3 future consoles, I dont kno what to pick, The xbox 360 aready came out, and i heard it was nice, I havent got a chance to test it, but of what i heard its pretty nice, I planing to get One of them, Im just waiting untill all 3 of them come out and see wich one is best. ps3, xbox 360, or Revolution that is now called Wii ( sounds pretty much like a little kids console )

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The name doesnt really matter to me, just mostly as for how the games play and how fun it is. I love the whole idea of you waving your hands in the air to make things happen. The main reason im getting this is just for Twlight Princess. Anyone else seen previews of this game?Many people are complaining about the controlers, I like them, one for each hand, all wireless, all motion sensored. Its very unique and I havent seen any other system have a controller for both hands.Then its having the virtual console where you can download most games to the expandable 1/2 gig built in flash memory from all the systems, I dont think they're including the gameboy's though :) , that nintendo made, and also from Turbo and Sega. Plus you can use all your old gamecube games on this too, so nothing goes to waste from this. As for the DS and Wii, Oprea is making a web browser so that'll be a great function to look forward too (Even though it doesn't come built in, it'll be a seperate disc supposedly). I like the Wii, thats my stand

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yea your right. But the reveloution is more catchy than saying i have a Wii. They should still call it the reveloution and make the Wii like a nickname. But i really how the system has nice graphics and the game play is good. But like you say whatever the name if it is good than it shoudlnt matter.

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Apparantly the reason they called it the "Wii" is because it sounds like "We" implying it's meant for everyone (Read that in a PC Active magazine last night)I think it's a stupid name, but like you say, it'll grow on us I suppose...

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