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Aliens Or Ancestors Or Some Kind Of God

Aliens : Real or Just Imagination  

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Well from what i can see from your post, its more like i think theres something there so there must be something there =) And blackholes will rape anything too close to it. So even if blackholes brought you to another galaxy, you'd probably be cosmic dust by the time u get to see solar system no. 2

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Pyramids where the only logical structure to rise up high to the sky so that is a logical explanation why they where built. How they where built? Well I think they had at least some kinds of machines to work with, as some amchines these times have very simple concepts but their power is extended mechanical.As for your theory, you might be right, but I doubt we will ever get to know that. Story's of Aliens seen are often declared foolness and no-one believes them as they used to do ages ago, so accepting will be even harder.

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Well weren't the pyramids built upon years of hard work? If they can build the sphinx why not the pyramid? It didn't take them a year to build these monuments, for each egyptian king they had their tombs prepared long before they died. Well interestingly as much as there are so many speculations about having No God or Aliens Existing or other extra-terrestrial beliefs, if they are unsubstantiated I do suppose they are false until proven.

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I don't quite have the time now (it's almost 5am) to go and put all the info i've found into this. I mean, I read most of the replies so I'm sorry if I repeat something else someone else said, because I might have skipped over it. I believe in God in the bible and everything. I also do believe though that it was aliens that came to earth back during the egyptians and all those other times. I read if it's true I believe they found batteries, a power source in a pyramid in egypt. I really doubt that they would have all the drawings on the walls of the Gods standing before all the egyptians. in one picture i saw the god (can't remember which god it was) was handing something that resembled something of a power source. I believe that it was aliens that gave men the technology to build the pyramids that we can't build today. i mean, i'm just too tired to think of everything else there's been proof on. it's really just plain stupid if you've read and researched all i have and don't believe that aliens exist. i mean, now adays they find animals dissected with an instrument that we don't have. whatever it was was able to make clean cuts into the skin of many animals and remove the organs and such without leaving one drop of blood anywhere outside the carcass...not even on the fur. they've also found humans dissected in similar ways. i don't think there's really much you can do to people who don't believe you no matter what you show them. they'll just have to get obducted to believe it. I still put my faith in god though, he created everything, but the bible is for our means of guidance, who knows, maybe he felt it wasn't nessecary to mention that he'd made another race? lol maybe he had a reason for the way things are. maybe we weren't meant to know of this other race, it's sure caused lots of problems today just because of disagreements about the subject. i dunno, i say let things be, and don't dig too much because you might just find out something you'd rather not know. i found out some things that are just quite shocking and really have changed who am, and i mean that in a bad way. i guess if you do look hard enough you'll find the answer, but that doesn't garentee you'll like it. as they say ignorance is bliss.

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Looking at the sheer size of the space you've got to think of possibilities that there has to be life out there. It would be really unscientific to consider earth as being only abode of life. Definately there would be life out there its just that we havent come across it yet and we may never come across any in our life time. There are millions of stars and millions of planets so how can anyone say that only earth can have life. It would be kind of medieval thinking to think that way.

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No one really knows what is oput there... Grr... Only those living in the other worlds or dimensions know that they exists... like we humans think we are the only life form out there...

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  LostLittleRobot said:

i mean, now adays they find animals dissected with an instrument that we don't have. whatever it was was able to make clean cuts into the skin of many animals and remove the organs and such without leaving one drop of blood anywhere outside the carcass...not even on the fur.

That's because they drained the blood and stuffed the body full of salt. It was a long and complicated process, but I don't really think there's anything mysterious about it.


As for your earlier comment on batteries, there were the Baghdad Batteries, and the Egyptian "batteries" have not been proven to be such, since there are no markings or evidence of electrodes (source). Even if they did have batteries, it doens't necessarily mean that they were given to them by aliens. Humans have always been as smart as they are now (if not smarter) - they could have very likely developed a battery, although for what purpose we don't know. I recall seeing a documentary at one point that suggested the Egyptians had light bulbs, since there were certain scenes that seemed to suggest it, and there were no smoke marks in the dark tunnels from torches. Of course, saying that aliens were responsible is a bit of a jump, since it's not even been proven that they had light bulbs, or even batteries.


As for the making of the pyramids, I've read theories that they used gigantic kites to help them lift the blocks.

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I dont believe in Aliens, but thats because we have nothing to base this on ... Theres no concrete evidence that says "This is from aliens". And if you're gonna say theres not evidence that says God exists, the bible as credible as you deem IS a piece of evidence that claims the existence of God and thus its still feasible to believe.

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hi friends..i think that as cerebral stassis and many of you have pointed out that there were different ways to build pyramids... i just want to know that even today the best of the best engineers and architects agree to the fact that it is next to impossible to build pyramids with todays technology.... that civilization, egyptian, was not wiped out by some comet strike or something like that, so the knowledge they had assimilated must have come down through the ages... so why is that we dont know their technology...as far as the concept of gigantic kites to take stones to the top is concerned..... i think just close your eyes and give it a shot ... do you think that it can be done... can you lift stones worth thousand of tonnes with wind energy... i cant believe it..by the way... nice hearing from all of you...keep writing..ok...bye..

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I do not know who would be ( Sorry to Say this ) So selfish to say that there is no other life but us! I mean what out of the whole universe we are the only planet the only life! Cmon people that makes no sense at all![bUT WE ARE ALL ALLOWED ARE OWN OPINIONS] ( No matter how crazy the may be! ) :P

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I really think that there are other life forms in our universe. Life on earth is like a huge puzzle and we will probably never finish solving it. There are lots of unexplained things like the pyramids and I really think that humans back then had help from someone else, but if they did how come there has never been any trace of the "others"? What is it with pyramids and people back in the bc era?

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Aliens Or Ancestors Or Some Kind Of God Aliens Or Ancestors Or Some Kind Of God

 we do have certain mysteries today which might link to aliens...Area 51,and biggest of all...The bermuda triangle...As far as ancient texts are concerned...Indian texts have many references of advanced civilization...Pushpak viman,surgery and operation at time of mahabharata...It seems strange though how these knowledge have completly vanished as well as the civilizations like mayans,egyptian and probably the indian too

-reply by saurab


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I must say that you have touched a great topic. Well you are not the only one that thinks that aliens exist. Space is unlimited why do human feel so lucky and can't think of other lives! I don't believe in god but i believe in this theory that time after time heavenly creatures or unseen powers come upon earth and take over a particular civilization. For example they came to the Egyptians and helped them build the pyramids. Maybe they did it for the personal motives and may there be some proofs deep below the pyramids. Proofs of their existence and rule. Maybe they are there and watching , just waiting for the right time. Maybe they come themselves maybe they take over mentally on a civilization. Maybe they enslave us for their personal resources. All these things have fantasized me since my childhood and hope there is a movie or something which relates to all this stuff. If you see 10,000 BC the movie, you can relate something. The godly human which makes people do all this can be actually a alien in disguise or maybe spirits would have taken over him to enslave a whole country.Just think a whole night can pass. Possibilities are unlimited for sure.

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It gets even more weird. Not only is there an incredibly vast amount of space that be know nothing about, string theorists are also researching the possibilities of multiple universes. Universes possibly exactly like ours, or just as possibly so different that we couldn't even imagine what it could be like because it would be governed by completely different sets of physical laws. String theory can't be proven yet, though it's a promising, fascinating and very mind boggling theory. I have always believed there is a huge chance there is non-terrestrial life on other plants but imagining people in other dimensions is something I haven't though about too much.When you think about it, there really isn't much about our existence that isn't completely hard to understand. I mean, where the heck did we come from? What is the universe? It's amazing that we live our lives on our tiny planet, thinking that this is life. That this is what it means to exist. Even the most inquisitive people are still accustomed to the idea that Earth is the only thing other there. We all know we're just little things in a massive universe, yet we don't really bring it into our consciousness much. Like when someone traverses the world, it's a big accomplishment. In reality, taking in the entire perspective of everything it's like walking to the bathroom being called a great achievement. Then when you stop to think, that we're just a speck in the universe, like a grain of sand in a desert, and the total perspective of things sinks in, it's like, Whooosh. Brain overloard.I think I can sum everything up rather well in one question - "What the hell is going on?".

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I do believe there are other life forms somewhere other than earth. Why not? But I don't really believe that we have already made contact. All those Daniken crap is not only utter hogwash but also extremely disrespectful to the astounding effort and creativity of our ancestors. C'mon, let's be serious, a being that has traveled light years to be here, first thing it'd do is to announce itself. There are too many similarities between UFO and ghost stories. Why should an alien being present itself only to weed addled conspiracy theorists, in the middle of the night and in the remotest locations?

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