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Wireless Electricity tranfer electricity without wires

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It would be very, cool. Being able to charge your palm or phone while your walking along. But there's bug problems with it as others have mentioned. How would you control the flow of electricity? What would send it, and others. Very unlikely.

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The making of RadioWaves and all will also require electricity. Anyway, who know scientists. If they make such things possible, we will be possibly gone out of the Earth because of the continous Zaps! It would kill us all here. No one will be left!

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Well this would be possible... But the technology is nowhere nearly fully developed.Scientists have made the first "teleporter" that successfully works. Note that is doesn't send the particle to be teleported through the air, instead it creates an exact replica on the other end, whilst destroying the object on the other side.They have only managed to do this with a single photon, base of energy.So it would be possible, and without the static problems, as it doesn't get sent through the air!!In order to get a much larger output of power from it would require serious development, but after all, they are working on this continuously...

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Electricity finds the fastest way to the ground. AC power moves electrons back and forth quickly through our device. If somebody would have found out how to do this, you would know by now. I doubt if this is possible, but it might be. Just go to the basics and you'll see that there is probably no way (at least not yet) of doing this

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I once heard scientists where planning to install a base on the moon to collect the sunlight... since the moon has no spin of it's own putting a power plant on the lighted side of the moon would generate huge amounts of electricity. They even proposed to cover the entire lighted surface of te moon with solar panels. Other even more futuristic ideas include covering the whole sun with a shell made of solar panels (or something similar) so collecting the entire energy that sun produces. Only a few hours would be enough to power mankind for thousands of years. What is really interesting is the way they plan to send this huge amounts of electricity back to earth. They plan on using some kind of laser bean to send the power for where it is produced back to the place where is needed.Returning to reality... we are sending "wireless electricity", but not in the amounts we need to power a household. For example, in the countryside where my grandparents live there is a really huge radio antenna. The signal the antenna sends covers a big part of my country. That's why the signal is extremely strong... So strong that a few miles away from the antenna with a simple wire you receive not only radio waves, but electricity. Enough electricity to power a radio or a normal light bulb. But that proves it is possible to have "wireless electricity".

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I just thought it would be very useful to resurrect this by posting in it again - I just saw on the news that american scientists have developed a 96+% efficient wireless electricity. They expect it to be available to consumers in about a year. It uses the electromagnetic frequencies and works within about a 2m range. There is a large copper antenna that can be put in a wall or table, somewhere subtle, and small devices such as a phone or ipod can have a small coil inside to simply charge as you use them!Granted, 2m doesn't sound breathtaking, but I really do expect this to get bigger as they develop it!...

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  DeveloperX said:

I remember that at last time when someone tests "tranfer electricty without wires" half part of siberia's nature (region of russia) was damaged! It's phenomen called as "Meteorite of Thunguska"!!!

Posted Image


It's very powerful method...

"Meteorite of Thunguska" or "Tunguskiy Meteorit" is remains unknown event, same as "Did really Tesla sent an electricity charge to the moon and its reflected it ?", there comes " why moon didn't explode then ?", its not a big peace of mirror, and its not made of metal, anyways even if it was work of Tesla's experiments, still it doesn't means that we should stop trying, otherwise we couldn't have created many cures for many sicknesses, "sacrifice is a major factor of success" thats what i say, if Tesla hadn't see that big electricity ball flies away from his tower, he wouldn't discover that electricity can fly, and it has purple color. Meteorite of Tunguska could be his hands work, he probably felt right to hit it coz its his folks motherland :XD:

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Wireless electricity?I think is an old invention that for some reason won't came to the final users...Who invented, Volta, Tesla? I don't remember the name.Well, if that is possible, why the corporations are'nt working on it? :XD: Too expensive, too difficult? Or something more obscure behind it? :)

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wireless electricity tranfer

Wireless Electricity


It can be possible.


In lab we can tranfer electricity in discharge tube across cathode to anode.We can create such a medium through which we can tranfer electricity without wires.


-reply by shyam narayan

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wireless electicity can be produce by the photon concept,Wireless Electricity

wire less electricity produce by photon because photon have the more energy (SOLAR SYSTEM CONCEPT)

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Ok this is weird because when I was younger I was thinking about the same thing. However, it is possible to transmit electricity between to points without having a connection in between, unfortunately there is no safe way to do this without causing harm to us. And for the amount of electricity required in order to run say a computer, if would electrocute anyone that comes close to it. Until we come up with a better and safer power source, I do not see this as a viable option. Maybe in the future with newer power sources this will become a possibility.

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It would be possible to transmit electricity on great distances without wires, but that would be highly inefficient. Converting it to radio waves would be inefficient in the first place not to mention that transporting it through the air would also be highly inefficient. Wires are also inefficient until you reach high voltages and amps. That is why electricity is first amplified then transported through the wires and then lowered to a standard voltage and amp. Transporting standard electricity would be cost inefficient... much of it would be simply lost in thin air... I remember that my grandparents live near a high powered radio transmitter (AM transmitter I think)... It is extremely powerful since it sends radio signals for hundreds of kilometers. They are not exactly near, but around 5 kilometers away. A neighbor of them could power a light bulb or a radio with only a wire hanging out of the house. That is wireless electricity. But that transmitter probably uses huge amounts of power and only a very tiny fraction can be received. Not to mention there are some health consequences to living even closer to it.Maybe transmitting through space, where there is no air (but there is still background noise) could be more efficient. There was another idea for transmitting energy for some distant human mission which kind of resembles your idea. It wouldn't send energy in form of electricity, but something more primitive... light. Sun's lights would be reflected and concentrated and sent through space to some distant space station where, by the forms of future solar panels, would be converted into electricity. The advantage would be that light would take less punishment from background noise. There is a theory that states that all our radio transmission never reach very far as they are quickly covered by background noise (the background noise of the universe). That is pretty sad considering that millions and millions of years from now the only thing that may remain of humanity are slowly fading radio waves...

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  adriantc said:

It would be possible to transmit electricity on great distances without wires, but that would be highly inefficient. Converting it to radio waves would be inefficient in the first place not to mention that transporting it through the air would also be highly inefficient. Wires are also inefficient until you reach high voltages and amps. That is why electricity is first amplified then transported through the wires and then lowered to a standard voltage and amp. Transporting standard electricity would be cost inefficient... much of it would be simply lost in thin air... I remember that my grandparents live near a high powered radio transmitter (AM transmitter I think)... It is extremely powerful since it sends radio signals for hundreds of kilometers. They are not exactly near, but around 5 kilometers away. A neighbor of them could power a light bulb or a radio with only a wire hanging out of the house. That is wireless electricity. But that transmitter probably uses huge amounts of power and only a very tiny fraction can be received. Not to mention there are some health consequences to living even closer to it.

Maybe transmitting through space, where there is no air (but there is still background noise) could be more efficient. There was another idea for transmitting energy for some distant human mission which kind of resembles your idea. It wouldn't send energy in form of electricity, but something more primitive... light. Sun's lights would be reflected and concentrated and sent through space to some distant space station where, by the forms of future solar panels, would be converted into electricity. The advantage would be that light would take less punishment from background noise. There is a theory that states that all our radio transmission never reach very far as they are quickly covered by background noise (the background noise of the universe). That is pretty sad considering that millions and millions of years from now the only thing that may remain of humanity are slowly fading radio waves...

So basically, wireless electricity is pointless overall on the ground - unless you are going into space and you somehow dont have a 5 million metre long cable to watch television, you would probably be using solar!!

Wireless electricity is a good idea, but yeah, its not very efficient at all. The only thing they ARE effecient and do their job are telephone chargers and electric toothbrushes :D
Other than those items, (maybe you have novelties that need a quick charge) wireless electricity has no other uses.

You're not going to watch telly with an eletric transmitter would you? You (well me personally :D) are going to obviously want your 600W subwoofer and surround speakers. And i dont think you will manage to get 700 odd watts flying through the air, before you know it, the air would start ionising!
And also i bet that it would take like a kilowatt just to convert the damn current to radio waves.


Magnetism is the best and most efficient way of transporting currents through the air. (since it is a force, it already exsists)

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You can't have wireless electricity because there will be no grounding for it. In order for it to work properly there *has* to be a ground.Along with this, I have the feeling that it would cause a lot of side effects - like tumors and whatnot. They are already finding that cell phones used for extended periods can cause them.It's because we are electric in nature..If you add too much electricity you completely offset our balance.Either way - nothing is going to work without the ground, :D. Even batteries use ground(That's why there is both positive and negative ends).It was a pretty good idea though, just not practical enough.

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