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Wireless Electricity tranfer electricity without wires

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What i feel is, to make this possible one way to go is to find some way to convert the energy of electrons travelling in the wire due to current to photons, reverse photocurrent. Then we can send those photons easily with help of fibre optics from one place to another and through satellite from centre to nearby points and we already know how to convert them back to electrons.

But the problem i see is in coding. How will we be able to code and uncode the photons to make them reach their destination.


Well I think u can try out over these lines if u are pretty interested.


Bye all

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This project is done with my felow country man(an Iranian) and there is a contract which is going to be signed between the inventor and one of Cell Phone Production Companies. I will find the web site of its news and give it later.

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Thanks for pointing that out, True. Let us sum this thread up.Is wireless transmission possible?YesHow?Lasers or MicrowavesIs it being used?YesWill I be able to drive my car on energy supplied wirelessly?Probably not for a few decades, but in theory, sure. A satellite could, once again, in theory, direct a beam of microwave energy onto one's car, giving it power, much the same way taht satellites work together to beam a satellite television or satellite radio signal.Will I be able to run my cell phone wirelessly?Probably not. It would take enormous precision to beam the microwaves right to the phone, without having it be deflected by any objects in the way, not to mention it may be dangerous if the wave is bounced erratically, so that probably won't happen.Should I read what was written previously before repeating a question someone else already asked?Yes

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i guess wireless energy transmission would be very unpractical for small moving targets, even if it is a car...what if the driver enters a tunnel? or the garrage or a 4 level parking place...i guess not. This technology, either by microwaves or lasers could- in my opinion- power navy ships, perhaps oil drilling sea platforms, big industrial plants- some miles far away from the city- or i guess if the power is obtained from some sort of solar sail then i guess the energy could be sent to earth by laser in an area that never gets clouds or other obstacles, like some deserts e.g.

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Ok but what you guys are talkign about is not the transfer of electricity but a form of energy being moved by other means. Laser- Light Amplification of Stimulated Emissions or radiation.I was under the assumption that electricity on itself could not be directed unless traveling down or through a conduit.

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Normally, yes, but microwaves and lasers can transport energy that can be converted to electricity, but like all circuits, it would need a ground to make a full circuit.

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  MAME_NUT said:

There is an excellent bio, etc. on Nicola Tesla at Wikipedia.org. Maybe we should read a little more about electricities history before we say that "wireless electrical service" is not possible. I myself would love to see the technology come to light to make that possible. :blink:

It is possible in theory.

As you near a Tesla Coil in operation......hold one or more fluorescent bulbs near the machine.
Wireless transmission is what you will have, as the bulbs light up. Not you :wacko:

Study Tesla and you may one day brighten the world.
Edited by W?TDH (see edit history)

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Wow. I thought of this allong way back but what i thought was. Have poles with like balls on top. And have like lighting between them. But have it unbreakable and not shock anyone if they touch it. And there would have to be a huge transmitter at the start to puch it all the way. But this would also take away a place for birds to sit.

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this is pretty cool of an idea, but I must first say that ive never really heard of anyone stealling electricity or from lets say a neighbors wires.. unless they just happened to be an electrician and they knew what they were doing but either way i dont think this has happened where people have problems.. Well also I have seen advertised on Tv a company that comes out and install an in ground generator system.. that runs on some type of back up power that keeps it charged while the electricity is on.. thta is pretty cool I think.but back to the main topic..How would you be able to capture electricity and contain it ot even try to control it without it having wires.. you have to think about how easy electricity can be attracted by other conductors.. you dont want to be sending electricity just out in the open when it can be redirected with out any control. hey some kid with braces could be walking around and get hit with it..but i still think its an intrestng idea and topic.. because it does make you wonder how else can you transfer electricity without wires.. and to me the first thing that came to mind was a batteries.. just imagine your house ran by a giant lithium bttery that was capable of self recharging..now that would be cool..

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why bother with transferring electiricty from one point to another??? its dangerous.it's be easier just to make very very small portable generators that actually produce electricity. I bet we'll be doing that in 100 years!

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Well you never know. With the future advancements anything could happen. Just look at the world today compared to 100 years ago. How many new advancements in technology have come out in 100 years time. Quite a few. You really never know what the future will be like until we are in the future.

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I think it is possible... I remember reading an article about it about a couple of months ago. If you are interested you should google it, I think you will find it unless it was a scam.Aha, I was right. I just googled it... had some free time, and there it is. Lots of reliable sources with articles that talk about wireless electricity. Checkout the mobilwise chip.

Edited by FLaKes (see edit history)

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OK I would like to say that I haven't read all this topic it is already large and there are very interesting ides but I haven't had enough time to read all this. So this is what I want to say and I don't know if anyone mentioned this earlier in here.I don't know whether anyone of you is familiar with Serbian scientist called Nikola Tesla he made todays world possible with the technology he invented like radio then alternating current and so on. He was leading enginner at Niagara Dam when it was build. And in general he is great person. It is also believed that he had his fingers in the missing ship incedent. OK enough about his life it is important to say that he is great guy and if anyone would like to read more about him you can do it on wikipedia.He was doing experiments with exactly this thing that is sending electrity remotely he had success but because of financial problems he had to abbendon his project and leave it behind. He did this experiment in Colorado Springs but the thing is that this relay he developed was destroyed during the world war two by united states army in order to make german submarines harder to indentify regionn or something similar also. I would like to say that he wanted to build one more in the europe and make it able to send electriciy produced in the united states to europe. However and unfortunately funding problems were obvious and he never finished his life work. Since that no scientist has tried to do any similar experiments on these grounds. A nd therefore there was no advantage in this field for more then century almost.

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