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Some Muslim People Can Be So Ignorant

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Alright so today I went to my absolute FAVORITE restaurant in the whole entire world, and it's called Jerusalem's. They serve really delicious Middle Eastern food at great prices. So I walked in there all happy, and I sat down and ordered the usual (chicken sandwich pita, falafel, split pea & lentil soup, and some apple cinnamon tea). My food came in about ten minutes and I was sitting all happy and cool, chomping on my monstrous chicken sandwich, when the owner of the restaurant (he is Arab) gives me the dirtiest look that anyone has every given me. His face looked like he was about to pull out a shotgun and blast my freakin head off with it, mingled with a look of fury and retching. He came over to my table and he gives me the check (at this point, I haven't even finished my chicken sandwich pita yet) and I was like "sir, I didn't ask for my check yet" and then he says something in arabic which sounded like "Yehuda" which means "Jew". So basically the point of my rant is to say, why do most muslim people have to be so ignorant about religion? Why is it that you can't just see past our differences? I have never ever met a muslim person who has not hated my instantly. I'm so sick of it! They are basing their prejudices on age old myths about Jews, and they don't bother to actually get to know a Jew personally. It really pisses me off.

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Alright so today I went to my absolute FAVORITE restaurant in the whole entire world, and it's called Jerusalem's. They serve really delicious Middle Eastern food at great prices.
So I walked in there all happy, and I sat down and ordered the usual (chicken sandwich pita, falafel, split pea & lentil soup, and some apple cinnamon tea). My food came in about ten minutes and I was sitting all happy and cool, chomping on my monstrous chicken sandwich, when the owner of the restaurant (he is Arab) gives me the dirtiest look that anyone has every given me. His face looked like he was about to pull out a shotgun and blast my freakin head off with it, mingled with a look of fury and retching. He came over to my table and he gives me the check (at this point, I haven't even finished my chicken sandwich pita yet) and I was like "sir, I didn't ask for my check yet" and then he says something in arabic which sounded like "Yehuda" which means "Jew".

So basically the point of my rant is to say, why do most muslim people have to be so ignorant about religion? Why is it that you can't just see past our differences? I have never ever met a muslim person who has not hated my instantly. I'm so sick of it! They are basing their prejudices on age old myths about Jews, and they don't bother to actually get to know a Jew personally. It really pisses me off.

I don't understand it personally, but as said in another thread - it seems muslims and jews just don't seem to get along. Personally, I don't understand why people discriminate against others based on religion or anything else. I'm sorry that happened to you.

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I think you're making some very broad generalizations in your post, and you may want to be careful in doing so. I am not a religious person, nor am I overly familiar with either Jewish or Muslim customs, but saying that 'most' and 'they' is something that you should probably look to avoid when discussing such topics.

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I really wonder, Why an owner of a restaurant treat his customers in this way.Well, Frankly if you ask me, I would had never done such a thing IF I WAS DOING BUSINESS. I still doubt, If that person actually ment to give you that disgusting look. It might be that you have mistaken it with something else or he might be staring at someone else sitting behind you.Also, When he said "Yehuda" on your face, didn't you question him back ? You should had asked him what he said.

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I don't understand it personally, but as said in another thread - it seems muslims and jews just don't seem to get along. Personally, I don't understand why people discriminate against others based on religion or anything else. I'm sorry that happened to you.

I never knew either. I'm sorry what happened to you. I wonder what the face looked like lmao

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You seem to be treating the Muslims in the same manner that you are complaining about. Generalizations lead to the form of prejudice you dis-like so much.

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I have a good friend that was born in Gaza, and when he moved here, in Canada, he lived in a predominant jewish area. Jewish grocery stores and many other merchants in the area refused to even serve him. I went to his home many times while we were attending school and there was nothing but bad looks and unidentifiable jibberish directed at him. The hate is definitely not one sided. It will take some time, land agreements, and new generations to calm the wave of hatred and breed acceptance between both the Jewish and Muslim people.

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Why do people in general have to be so ignorant? You saying Muslims are ignorant is just saying you yourself are ignorant...I just dont see the point, sorry.

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It?s sad but you shouldn?t illustrate muslim people with situations like that. I guess you haven?t met millions of muslims in your life... maybe there are other jew restaurants with stupid owners, and a muslim has suffered the same as you.

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Yeah, I'd have to agree with one or two points made here. I am sorry that you had to experience such treatment, semeticsister (assuming it was based on religious or racial prejudice, and not just a mistake on your part), but it's just one isolated case. You can't assume that other Muslim people are going to act in the same way just because one did. There are many people that are a part of the 'Ku Klux Klan' and similar white supremecy groups, but does that mean all caucasians are ignorant, racist bigots? Of course not - the majority of us, thankfully, aren't. I think it's important to keep an open mind, and not assume that just because one person fits a stereotype or acts a certain way doesn't mean that others from the same religion, country, race or background will.

Edited by Spectre (see edit history)

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i don't have much to say on the topic of religion, the only thing i would like to put is a line from one of my favourite songs (Held Down - De La Soul) which goes:

and when i'm watching the news and my daughter walks in and chooses to ask, "why are all those people slepping on the floor all covered in red?" i told her "they were looking for god but found religion instead"

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I'm sure that somewhere there are a lot of muslims who aren't at all prejudice against any race or religion however just like semeticsister, we often find ourselves basing our opinions on our experiences. Most muslim peope I know don't like Jewish people. Of course, it could be that the majority of them do not think like that, however as I've not come across anyone thinking otherwise, I am led to believe that in general muslims do not like Jewish people.Of course, making assumptions like that is sometimes dangerous. I once knew a woman who was mugged by a black person, and promptly turned prejudice against all black people and didn't like to be anywhere near them. Even though this was an isolated incident, she based her prejudices on 1 event, but going back to the topic, I feel that semeticsister has experienced discrimination before and therefore maybe cannot be blamed for their opinions.

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I can understand why you disliked the way the man treated you, but it ain't fair to put all muslims on that side. There are a lot of muslims who don't like the 'western' or 'jewish' people, but thats an effect wich is coused by our beloved rulers, who use, or better said, abuse religion for their own good. Every tree on this earth has bad apples, but that doesn't mean every apple is bad.

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This topic makes me sad. semeticsister i hope you realize you are doing the same exact thing in a different form. There may be many muslims on the forum who may not enjoy your comments.

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