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The Mayan Predictions end of life cycle

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Not everything is about religionThe Mayan Predictions

With much respect to you point of view, understand not everything is sacrosanct or about religion. Have you ever once stop to think that the "Predictions" were not so much mans cosmic attempt at seeing the future but more a purely simple statement on an observed recurring event that the mayans knew not only happened in their ancestors time, but also in their own time, and would continue to happen in their descendants time. Just think of Haley's Comet.

-reply by Army of One


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cosmos collisionThe Mayan Predictions

21/2012 the  end off our world that what the mayans mite have thought , well the mayans were star gazers they had seen and witness a lot of things they they had seen in there night sky , not like us today because we have light pollution , so we are blind too see our true haven up above , all I know is we  that we are going too be hit with a very big space rock and there nothing we can do about it , the tail signs are there already and our beautiful jupiter has shown us the facts , must I say , so there a very big astriod belt around our solar system , so may be something outside our own solar system will cause something too happen too the astroid belt  and all that rock will hit us , then hey ...That all I'm saying...So switch off all the lights at night so we can see our beautiful universe...The way our mayan friends seen the havens ...Bye the Slochieman

-reply by graham wiseman

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They had many predictions, and here was one of them:--Great Birds will come from the sky and end a great city to the north at 9/11/01.Fact: 2 airplanes(birds) struck the twin towers of NewYork(great city), a city to the north.Posted Image"Great Birds from the sky..."

-reply by 2012

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I only think there is a possibility because the Mayans predicted it and have got everything right that they predicted, but to be honest everyone makes a mistake every now and then. I personally think the Mayans got lazy and foresaw the fact that they wouldn't last that long so stopped production of there calender

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My Prediction....The Mayan Predictions

hey, if the mayans can do it why cant I? So I predict that we will all still be alive on 11/22/12, some of us will have great regrets about what we did the night before, and some of us will lose our house for that huge loan we took out to have that fun...Just a warning. You heard it first, right here..!!

-reply by 11/22/12

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Why could they predict their own deaths.

I think that this is just untruthful.

Just because  their calender ended it does not mean that the world is going to end.

unless you have prove that it is... Then stop placing these websites on about this situation!

-reply by John Ko

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the end??The Mayan Predictions

when was the prediction made by the mayan indians of south america??

well christopher colomubs discoverd america (jamaica) 1492...How did the mayans know about the rest of the world at that time?? africa,europe,asia australlia,the south and north pole??

I belive it's all hype to promote the movie.

-reply by eleni sara

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As far as I know, the mayyans were extremely accurate in what they did, especially in predictions.No what they predicted came true.I repeat 100% true. But the theory of the world ending in december 21st (not 23rd) 2012 might be a wrong prediction. If you've seen the movie 2012 the world ends and THAT scares people A LOT.So this is my theory, the end is not here, science is not always true and neither is astrology.I am an Indian and I heard some news saying that a place in coastal India will be flooded by 2100, so it is possible that even that prediction maybe wrong.THE WORLD WILL NOT END IN 2012, THATS ALL I THAT CAN SAY.-reply by shashank

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The mayans never predicted deaths or any such matters as those they predicted sighting of planets and eclipses and so far they have been right about those predictions. I am not saying that the Mayans predicted the world will end on December 21, 2012 but this date actually does have some significane dealing with the solar system.

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I think the calendar stopped at 2012 is cuz the mayans didnt think it necessary to make it go any further...Laziness... Ide stop writing an essay after 5 paragraphs...Doesn't mean life is going to end when you finish reading it

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The Mayans understood 17 calendars or cyclical activities,Including a large 26,000 year cycle for our entire galaxy to rotateAround the central sun. The 2012 date is the time when all the cyclesConverge and begin a new. On a less visible level the Mayans were awareOf the evolution of consciousness itself and mapped that evolutionThrough what became known as the Mayan calendar.

It is theLeap in consciousness that is predicted, not in a moment but actuallyOver some span of time  - perhaps 200-300 years. This prediction getsInterpreted as the end of existence, but it is really the end of oneForm of existence and the beginning of another. We're always changing,But there is a particular acceleration (felt as a collapse of time) toThe process which many people are now experiencing. 

There isNothing to fear. It is an expected and welcomed process, even thoughThere is challenge in letting go of something in life that wasPreviously seen as real and now appears less so. Enjoy the journey andIgnore fearful predictions wherever you find them. Fear is binding.Release the fear and you are free to expand into whatever is next.

-reply by Nakigaia

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The theory of the world ending on Dec 21,2012 is based on the Mayan calendar. They supposedly had predictions up to this time, then nothing else, it stops. I do not believe the world will end at this date, but it might be the end of the world as we know it. There is supposed to be an alignment of the planets or something like this to happen then.I read the Bible, and am a practicing Christian. I have read in my Bible studies where God states that we can know the seasons of the end of time. (meaning we will see signs of things that will look bad for this world like more earthquakes, famines, pestilences etc) Jesus said no one knows except His father when He is to come back. We are to be watchful and be ready for His coming.There have been many people that have tried to predict when this time will be. Even one comes to mind that wrote a book in 1988 saying it would happen then. Obviously he was wrong, but he caused quite a stir. But the generation that saw Israel come back into their land and become a state again, is supposed to be the generation alive when He does come. I believe it could be anytime, especially the way the world is getting worse about everything.

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No the Mayans predictions never came true! They were a group of people who beleived suicide was the way to heaven. Its a fact! If the world is going to end, the world is going to end! You hear people talking about trying to find solutions about not dying. Like flying into space or moving in a different place. The mayans spoke another language. We don't even know if we translated it right. If someone came up to you and told you, you were going to die december 21 2012 you would kind of laugh. Even if there is some scientific reason why. On March 10th 1982 the Earth and the Sun were aligned and all the planets were on one side of the sun. Yet nothing happened. I am nt saying to not be scared but if the world is going to end there is nothing we can do about it! We have to deal with it. God put us on this Eart to enjoy it while we could. When you think about it if no one ever paniced and no one published these things in newspapers we would take it as it is. Its human kind who is making this happen. Its people who are saying the world is going to end! Even if the world does end by a flood or ice age, it will happen so fast you won't even know it. All we can do is make sure there is food in our cupboards so we won't starve to death. Because to me dying insantly is way better than dying of starvation in the basement of my home. How do we even know this will happen? We might aswell enjoy life as we can. In my opinion not the whole world will end, maybe just a small part of the Earth will. We might go in a great depression like earlier in the years. Who knows. But don't dwell on the future and make the best of what you can right now. Stop searching the internet for article on when the world is going to end, stop making your self scared and paranoid. Go to a church and pray for health and good will and you will die or live in peace. --- Ember.-reply by Ember

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