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First Music Cassette And Cd You Ever Bought What was the first music cassette and cd

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I remember buying my first 8 Track tape when I was 12 or 13 years old. It was either The Beatles or the Stones, not sure. I had a paper route that took me past the local "record store" every week on collection day ( Saturday ), so I stopped in and bought the tape because I had heard a couple of songs from the radio. At the time, the only 8 Track player we had was in my Dad's car, so as soon as he got home, I plugged it in. The player wasn't even stereo... as I recall.

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My first cassette was the Spice Girls and my first CD was probably a Top of the Pops combination one, however, after that, it all went downhill and i bought The offspring 'Conspiracy of One' on CD and after that it was all rock, until recently when i've realised that i like all types of music!

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oh boy.. The first cassette I ever bought was Guns n' Roses' Appetite for Destruction (think that was 92). In my class we had "free time" where we could play music or do whatever. I poped it in the stereo, my teacher went berserk and my parents were called. Good times lol :huh:My first cd was Blind Melon's self titled album, which I still have somewhere here. I played it for my girlfriend weeks ago and she couldn't stop laughing at the lyrics.. I bet she's listening to it right now :|

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lol it could be very weird because my first music casset was Slipknot album (slipknot, Slipknot).. I listened it about 100 times I just love that band :huh:.. And my first cd was Linkin Park.. Don't remember name of it and Im not a big fan of them just my muther bought me it on name day.. I still have it but Im using my mp3 to add music on it so I can listen all kinds of it ;)..

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lol, interesting topic :huh:lets c, the first casette that i ever bought was one of the Grammy releases with had the song - Sunny came home by Shawn colvinand the first cd bought by me was the debut album of westlife, i cannot recollect the nametoo bad that i dont have any of the two, at present, with me.........

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The first CD I ever got was a CD that mixed an ocean sound with music. I think it was strings in an orchestra. It was pretty cool. even remember where I got it. It got it at a store on a trip to Mount Rushmore. It was a tourist store with stuff to remember your trip and stuff. You know, a typical store you would find there. Although I don't know why they were selling CD's.

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The first CD I ever bought would be *Clears Throat*Eiffel 65's album(whatever the name of it was)I bought it when I was 10 or 11, and it was the sweetest thing ever. That is what got me into techno.

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