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Are Australians Like Americans? Do you agree or disagree?

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There are many similarities and many differences. I don't think it's a case of either country trying to like the other, in fact, I think it's quite the opposite. Both countries proudly proclaim the things they have done and promote their cultures. Sure we watch a lot of American movies and programs, but I think that is mainly because there are so many to choose from. Why are there so many to choose from? I think this mostly due to the much higher population, this I suspect is also why America has so much influence. America is a large country with a large population so therefore the country produces a lot of products. The number of products is more than the country itself can use so therefore they must look overseas for sales and subsequently the influence of American is felt all across the world. Fast food restaurants are a classic example of this, I think you can find a McDonald's almost anywhere in the world.I find it curious that America would buy the company that produces one of our national icons, (Kraft's Vegemite) and then decide it is illegal to sell the product. Now Vegemite will have to be sold on the 'black market', Aussies in American will not be denied their beloved Vegemite! :lol:

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Well I think the most similar thing between Australia and America are that they?re very large countries with a lot of space and most people concentrated in some big cities. I don?t know but, apart for the different weather I suppose Australians should be more like English people. Maybe not much though but because of the Commonwealth... something must be. Mmm... do you drink tea? :lol: Here in Europe we don?t have news about Australia very often... it?s like they were in another world or nothing really interested happen. I suppose it?s because Australian politicians don?t have too much weight in international politics or they don?t make polemic speeches or whatever. I know it's bit of a sign of not having too much culture, but almost the only we know about Australia are kangaroos, surf, Sydney Opera House, Killye Minogue and some good rock bands :( I?d like to go one day and spend some months there.

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Being Australian myself, and having visited the East Coast of USA a couple of times (San Diego, Los Angeles, San Fransisco, etc), the only similarities I find between the countries is that we both speak the same language (English), although even that there are slight differences (ie the Metric System as an obvious example!) The two countries are half way around the world of each other, but even the fast foods and so forth isnt as much as those in the states.. but with the smaller population down under, that is expected. Also the menus of the known fast food franchises such as McDs, Burger King (aka Hungry Jacks: over here), and so forth have slightly different menus (ie Salads Plus & no super size meals). However its gonna be interesting now that an aussie icon in the form of vegemite is apparently banned in the states. However, there are those (esp ex-pat Aussies in the states) which are bound to still eat it!

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i would agree if it was true. but i dont know any austrailians that act like americans,vica-versa, but i agree that one country should not act like another, because that would end up in all the countries would end up as one, which would make there be one leader of the whole earth, which nobody wants do we? NO

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Australians are like Americans, why else would you find so many in America? Some Australians I guess just think life is better in America, but many Australians I don't think would feel this way. In a way everyone in one country wants to be like another. It would be crazy if Australia acted like the US because everyone need to be different and countries are the best way to do that. In every countries that are things that it does really well, and things the country does not so well, I think it just depends what people are looking for in a country.

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we had a speaker today at school and he said some stuff that ausies think americans are like 1: not all americans have a gun, we have two one of mine got taken at LA airport though.2: not all americans take drugs, i've never even drunk beer before3: Austarlians think americans are ignorant and rude, we are not rude!!!, but we are ignorantit'll be a long time b4 us aussies can be like that^^^ beer, no guns and rudeness is how we live!!!!

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australians need to stand on their own two feet, appreciate what they have and keep building our own culture and traditions. i celebrate australia day and anzac day.. holloween, mothers day fathers day are USA traditions. i am Australian and not american. culture doesnt stop being created but "they" are trying to develope a one world culture which is americanism. i am Australian and happy to be Aussie and i like the american people but i dont trust america and i dont trust the USA military here in australia.

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