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Is There God, Why We Are Here

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I am a strong beliver in the evolution theory. I really belive in science more then in God. You will wonder why... For one thing the evolution theory is probably right. It's not that hard to imagine a human as a better monkey since only 2% of our genetic material is different. Not to mention that the proofs cannot be denied. I take it for granted...

I never saw God stoping an earthquake or decembers tsumani waves. You'll say that was a punishment ... but what was the guilt of a kid who died in that horrible day in december. Everybody has a pet. I have a turtle and I care for it and i don't like it suffering. So why is He making us suffer. We are, as the Bible sais "His children" ... so why does he let us suffer. A kids mother and father would make anything for their kid



nice post dude,

ask your self how is this evolution theory borned, basicly an old man was alone alomost uninhabited island , then he saw some animals then he went to nearby island then he sow different island, one of the animals had in his oponions more suitable body for this new island.

and he get a idea that this other animals were different from the other animals because they evolved for this island.

and he wrote a book, and the chiristians were angry about the theory and it become battle against scholars and church. Since then anybody that was against this theory was branded as religios.

Theory was not tested inaff, and there was not inaff debate between scholars.

That is why there is sow many missing links, fake skulls

then were human skulls that later was proved that they was just a monkey with nice paint.



1 in 1000 of the theories that drug companies invest in ends up being truth.

Biology in very complicated, chanced that one theory that an old came up with long time ago ends up being true in very,very unlikely.

biology is not like physics it is much more compicated ask any modern drug company scientist.


free debate without being labeled as religios fanatic, then you will se scientist questioning this old JOKE.

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I really don't know one way or another if there is a God, or why we are here. And I'd love to think that we'd all live happy eternal lives if we believed in a 'holy being', but who's to say that is what actually happens. All I do know for sure, is that the minute I die, little creepy crawlies take over my body and return me slowly back to the soil I've walked on all these years.And with certain things, I really don't know if I want to believe in a God. If he can sit by on his holy throne somewhere, and allow someone to kill or harm an innocent child, then how good of an entity is he really? There's no way I could just sit back and watch that happen if I had the power to stop it.And what about all the people starving to death around the world? Where is their God when they need them? And the people dying in wars, and those filled with disease? There is so much bad that happens in the world... and nothing is being done about any of it.If God truly existed and was truly all powerful (which he has to be if he created us, as so many people claim) then why couldn't he use his power to help us here on Earth. The poor little people that he created.Don't bother to tell us that it's all our fault that things are this way because we are sinners either. If he created us, and put the seeds of sin into our making, then there isn't really anything that we can do about it. It's all there, predetermined that we all have some evil in us.I feel that a God that would put the evil into a person that would let them harm a child, or give them the ideas to kill millions of people in wars can't be a good God. He has to be a spiteful little person who gets his entertainment from watching ourselves ruin everything around us.If God created man, and then one day decided to make him diseased, please tell me the reason why? Why do something so cruel to the people you created? What about the one day he decided to let people starve to death. I guess the disease wasn't doing enough for him anymore, he wanted to throw some more stuff at us, and watch us squirm? And then, as if that wasn't enough... more and more and more bad stuff. Everyday it happens. Things that are so sick and twisted, that should never happen to anyone if someone that cared, ie God, was really looking out for us.I don't know if I'd want to go to a place after death if it was run by the same person who created all this. He messed this up so badly, who's to say that things would be any better wherever we end up next?I don't know. They are just thoughts. And a lot of questions... Agree or disagree, it's up to you. One thing we are lucky enough to be blessed with is differences in opinion, so I can thank whomever allowed to that to occur, be it God or whomever.

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Well, I haven't read all the posts but well all religion is based on faith. "By faith Abraham, when he was called, obeyed to go out unto a place which he was to receive for an inheritance: and he went out, not knowing whither he went." Heb. 11:8, R.V.It's always by faith that's why I believe in God and not in other religion. Everyone has different opinions. God made us to have fellowship with him according to Genesis. Judaism, Hinduism, Islam, Buddhaism, and many other religions are based on faith.

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Well, I haven't read all the posts but well all religion is based on faith.


"By faith Abraham, when he was called, obeyed to go out unto a place which he was to receive for an inheritance: and he went out, not knowing whither he went." Heb. 11:8, R.V.


It's always by faith that's why I believe in God and not in other religion.  Everyone has different opinions.  God made us to have fellowship with him according to Genesis.  Judaism, Hinduism, Islam, Buddhaism, and many other religions are based on faith.


Well All these relegions are only based on one thing... or being that is...

That what you call God. All religions lost their origins and their essence nowadays and nobody remembers what they all really were based on, except for an Upperbeing, could be Upperbeings as well, wich "created" us. Even read a thing a while ago wich quoted the Bible:

...and God said: Let us make man in our likeness

So what I'm trying to say is really not to believe in "religions" these days, because they all say different things and then fight over it, but just to follow your heart and believe in yourself, only then the answers will show.


Just my 2 cents :lol:

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Well here's my two cents. Trusting yourself isn't always the right choice. I have a question though Horus. Why is 'us' and 'our' in colors? Yeah, every religion fight over each other saying 'Our religion is right, yours is wrong'. This feud goes on forever...and forever.

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Well here's my two cents.  Trusting yourself isn't always the right choice.  I have a question though Horus.  Why is 'us' and 'our' in colors?  Yeah, every religion fight over each other saying 'Our religion is right, yours is wrong'.  This feud goes on forever...and forever.


Well those words are in color because in one of the many different bibles it is quoted like that with "us" and "our", wich for me implies man is not directly created by God. I have many reasons to believe that but I dunno if I'll "bother" you all with that lol plus I'll need more time to write a post... I just think Mr. Darwin was terribly wrong. :(

Yeah I'm getting sick of all these fights about religion, maybe we are all wrong... :lol:

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there is this topic in Xisto forum  " The Most Idiotic Thing You Heard A Christian Say"


It made me think about  GOD and religion, every thinking person knows that nothing borns from ZERO, to say that there is no god is like saying that  the univers  and the worlds are made by no one, it is  little stupid.


SOW the real question is, when god made us , did god  give as a manual of life.


if you make a cd player there is also manual of the cd player,


where is the manual of life for humans.


You may ask there is too much religions out there and those guys just want to control me  and my money,


actually there is  only few major religions out there.


the only people that can give us the answer are scientist why,


by searching what  the holy books  of major religions say, and compare them into what we humans know first time in history  trought  science.


bible has been translated sow many times that it not original,


only holy book that has not been changed even a letter is holy quran.


many  scienctist have become  muslims after they  have studied the quran , and compared what the modern  science  knows, etc. how baby's are born , the universe , things that were imposible  to know.  in the 6th century,

sorry about my english,

you can search google to find out more.


Science and Religion are two different things.


Science explains HOW the everything was/is created. The Bible explains or at least hints at WHY we were created.


You can never understand GOD. Don't even try. Because If you think you do, then he is not GOD.

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i think science and religion does not mix. you can never scientifically determine whether God exists. gimme a break! using probability to prove the existence/or the absence of God! i mean christianity is all about faith. blind faith. you just believe. no questions asked. if we were just a result of some explosion what purpose do we have. our actions dont have any consequence but the concept of eternity brings meaning to our life.

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You can never understand GOD. Don't even try. Because If you think you do, then he is not GOD.

Bravo! There's something I've never heard before. Nice said. Yes, there were sometimes when science collides with religion and there you are, confused, wondering which was right and which was wrong. Is Darwin right on his evolution theory? Or was it Buddha and his afterlife? Or Jesus Christ who claims to be our Savior? It depends on faith in my opinion.

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this is what i see:is there a god? no.Why are we here: For no reason. We're here for the same reason snails and plants are here. To live. We humans seem to think that we should rule over everything though, which is wrong. You gots to live with nature, eh? We are nature. see what im saying?

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I am sure this will not be the only reply I post to this topic, but lemme explain how I was brought up as a child versus how I believe now. I was brought up in a very religiously Christian household. That is to say that we took what the Bible said and actually tried to apply it to our daily lives. I had no problem with that...it brought a sense of order to my child's life. However, when I went to a Christian college down here and had all my so called "friends" decide to ignore and abandon me because of a personal choice I had decided to make, I decided I had had it up to HERE with organized religion. That's not to say that I don't believe in a God or Supreme Being or whatever you want to call it, but that I didn't like the way some people wanted to read the owner's manual, as it were. Basically, what I'm trying to say is that I think that most religions have a litlle bit to offer to the overall owner's manual of life. I mean, there's already some similarities in some of religious texts. But, I also agree with no9t9 in that religion should not run our lives, per se, but should be part of the things we take into consideration in how we live our day to day lives. That is to say that religion is necessary for helping showcase one or more viewpoints on a subject, so that one can take all sides into consideration before making a decision.

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what is this " science" 


science  is not a person, or a thing with only one voice or opinion, there is many theorys is some things the  big bang is a only  a "theory".  that is why they call it big bang theory.

do you know how complicated life is, every dns in your body has it is own place, it mathematicly imbossilbe to be accident.


it life reading a 10 million page book and saying the letters in the  book are accidently written.


Actually it is not mathematicly impossible to be an accident; over millions and millions of years it may have come together that way.

I am not saying this is true or not just pointing out that it is possible.

I currently belong the the Catholic faith and I question it everyday. Sometimes I can't sleep at night laying awake thinking about "spending eternity with God" I have been alive for 14 years and thinking about living forever in a "paradise" with God can be a bit much. Then I think about spending eternity being tortured. After that I feel lonely and I can't sleep. This always seems to happen after I watch a movie like Fight Club or Donnie Darko.


So, to the subject of God...I still have A LOT to figure out, but I was recently confirmed in the Catholic faith and they say you recieve the gifts of the Holy Spirit and one is Understanding. Let's hope it works :rolleyes:

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It sounds like you guys could benefit from the Official God FAQ.

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I find it very hard to believe that a God could exist, due to the large amount of suffering inncoent people go through, such as murders, wars and terrorist attacks. If free will does exist, then why does God allow people to attack eachother and cause suffering? Surely if God is supposedly benevolent he would put an end to all this? I find it strange that if God does exist, he has not told us of his existance. I can see each side of the arguement and see pitfalls and advantages to each. I am agnostic and intend to stay such until more is known about the mysterious creation of life, the universe and everything.

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