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Is There God, Why We Are Here

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I'm just pointing out that ultimately you have to believe something or someone always existed.  If there was never anything how could anything ever exist?  Nothing would mean there could never be anything since there would be nothing to make anything with.


Yes, right. I was using your points, not opposing them. Its true that there are more then meets the eye. The world is very vast and there are many things that unxplainable/X-Files things that surround us. Whoever that give a thought about this will surely believe that there are something higher power out there.

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It made me think about  GOD and religion, every thinking person knows that nothing borns from ZERO, to say that there is no god is like saying that  the univers  and the worlds are made by no one, it is  little stupid.
SOW the real question is, when god made us , did god  give as a manual of life.

if you make a cd player there is also manual of the cd player,

where is the manual of life for humans.

You may ask there is too much religions out there and those guys just want to control me  and my money,

actually there is  only few major religions out there.

the only people that can give us the answer are scientist why,

We don't need manual of life my friend, we born nothing, we seek then we find, we learn then we teach. Gods wants us to find the answer to all our question not the scientist itself but we as individual must seek the answer. God Created us to beautify what he is created, but since we are weak, we sinned against him.

There are many religions exist right now, and it is really hard to find which one is good, which one is bad. To tell you, there is no good or bad religions, is the member of each religions can tell. somebody moves from one religion to another until they find the right one according to his/her beliefs. For me I don't care which religion you have, but I care about who you worship is.

There is GOD, There is Holy spirit, There is life after death...ManOfSTEEL

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If GOD existance is still blurry for you, then please consider this;1. If there is no GOD, then there is no life after death, then nothing will happen to you or believers, ZERO, NADA!.2. If GOD exists, then most probably there will be life after death, then there are probably people who will be send into hell for not believing or commited sin and some who goes to heaven for eternity.Make your choice :P

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Arguing whether there is or is not a God is a game for the weak. For every point a believer makes, a non-believer will have just as valid of a point. It's never gotten anyone anywhere.So, my question is, why bother? I've seen more threads than I can count about about the existence of God lately. Give it a rest...

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I believe in God... it is what our religion teaches us...I talk to him whenever I'm alone or scared.. sometimes I tell him I doubt he even exists but it helps me cope...gives me an excuse that talking to an "imaginary person" and talking alone to yourself is not insane I love this imaginary person whom I ask everything to and tell everything to and knows me all over...The beauty of life and nature is so magical that you can't help but believe someone had created it... Indeed if there were higher dimension beings out there in the universe like aliens... I believe God is an alien....Hurrah!

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Arguing whether there is or is not a God is a game for the weak. For every point a believer makes, a non-believer will have just as valid of a point. It's never gotten anyone anywhere.


So, my question is, why bother? I've seen more threads than I can count about about the existence of God lately. Give it a rest...


For starters, on one is dragging you to read this topic. If you dont like it, please dont bother to read it.


Secondly, there are some of us are spritually awaken, which have alot of questions which need to be answered.

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Arguing whether there is or is not a God is a game for the weak. For every point a believer makes, a non-believer will have just as valid of a point. It's never gotten anyone anywhere.


So, my question is, why bother? I've seen more threads than I can count about about the existence of God lately. Give it a rest...

You're absolutely right .... I find it exhausting trying to argue with the "believers" of this world .... it'll never make a blind bit of difference to their ideology or mine, so why expend all that energy? Well, primarily to exchange views, thoughts and feelings .... it's called a healthy debate ....so, back to the thread ....


Why are people never satisfied with having only one life? Why does there have to be another one waiting for you when you die? You didn't mind that you never existed before you were born? Why worry that you won't exist after you're death?


Can't you just settle for one life? Why so greedy?


Someone very close to me died recently after a long and dreadful illness .... I imagine her somewhere, happy and healthy .... I imagine I'll see her again .... I imagine that she's with us all, watching over us .... But I know that what I imagine is fantasy .... it's a comforter, a coping mechanism .... and I can live with that .... that's what an afterlife is to me, it's a human being's coping mechanism for dealing with death and grief and there's nothing wrong with that ....


So in answer to the thread question "Why are we here?", I believe we are here to live a life, for as long as we have it .... our legacy is what we leave behind .... some make a bigger mark in life than others, and that's fine .... the way we live on after death is in other people's memories and if you're lucky, we're remembered fondly ....


just treasure your life while you have it .... it's a gift ....


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We don't need manual of life my friend, we born nothing, we seek then we find, we learn then we teach.  Gods wants us to find the answer to all our question not the scientist itself but we as individual must seek the answer.  God Created us to beautify what he is created, but since we are weak, we sinned against him.


There are many religions exist right now, and it is really hard to find which one is good, which one is bad.  To tell you, there is no good or bad religions, is the member of each religions can tell. somebody moves from one religion to another until they find the right one according to his/her beliefs.  For me I don't care which religion you have, but I care about who you worship is.


There is GOD, There is Holy spirit, There is life after death...ManOfSTEEL


When you say there are no good or bad religions you automatically assume that religion is about what "works" for you... By that standard then, Christianity is not a religion. It is not about helping you cope with life or making life easier, it's not about becoming a better person or more spiritual. Christianity is about getting in a right relationship with God and growing in that relationship, and escaping the penalties for our sins through God's infinite mercy.


I always looked at religion as simply a philosophy on which way holds the truth about eternity and the things that really matter. Obviously not all views or philosophies can be correct. Again however, Christianity is not based around a philosophy, it is based around a person, Jesus Christ, and where our relationship stands with Him.

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Everyone is unique regardless of how they came about. I believe there are Gods but that they didn't shape us in any manner or form. That's what's up to the rest of the universe. We're very young for a species and there are so many things we can't grasp so we turn to the skies and wonder why we're here. It's obvious. Evolution took its course and we moved on, beginning to walk upright, developing those horrible frontal lobes of the brain, learning to use tools, etc. The formation of everything is rather hard to imagine. What we do know is that there is endless space out there. With all that gray matter of the universe, there's no real room for a heaven. If there were, wouldn't you think that some of the catastrophes that take place every day could be prevented? What about the millions of social problems we have? If there were truly omnipotent beings watching over us, don't you think they would be on the way to eradication?We know that all living things are made up of DNA which are made of bases, base pairs (I would explain more since I'm in a bioengineering program, but I'm too tired), and bonds between the two strands. Since the rock that became the Earth is nonliving, it would have to be found or pushed manually into an orbit around the sun. Therefore, where did the rock come from? Scientists believe that Earth was the chunk of an asteroid and that the moon was part of the debris. Circulation around the sun made it spherical and warmed it along with the general bacteria on the earth. Eventually, water came to the planet, and with water came plants. From these basic things, we built our civilizations. It's hard to imagine it was all so tiny once.I mean, having a deity create a universe and then forget about it seems to be so irrational. Believe what you want to believe - but know that only some things can be proven. Other things are just a matter of chance...or perhaps divine intervention?Also, there are many forms of God, not just Christianity's mental image of it. Just because there are more Christians doesn't mean the rest of the world suddenly lost their religions and converted :PScio means "I know" in Latin. Therefore, science is the pursuit of knowledge through observation and research. Man was not an accident. What was an accident was the formation of the Earth (presumably by asteroid or whatever you want to say) Man himself evolved from the tiny prokaryotes in space to what we are now today. I know Creationists will hate me for saying all that so confidently, but it's what I believe. (I'm responding to the person who said stuff about 10 million letters? words? in a book being an accident)

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Everyone is unique regardless of how they came about. I believe there are Gods but that they didn't shape us in any manner or form. That's what's up to the rest of the universe. We're very young for a species and there are so many things we can't grasp so we turn to the skies and wonder why we're here. It's obvious. Evolution took its course and we moved on, beginning to walk upright, developing those horrible frontal lobes of the brain, learning to use tools, etc.


The formation of everything is rather hard to imagine. What we do know is that there is endless space out there. With all that gray matter of the universe, there's no real room for a heaven. If there were, wouldn't you think that some of the catastrophes that take place every day could be prevented? What about the millions of social problems we have? If there were truly omnipotent beings watching over us, don't you think they would be on the way to eradication?


We know that all living things are made up of DNA which are made of bases, base pairs (I would explain more since I'm in a bioengineering program, but I'm too tired), and bonds between the two strands. Since the rock that became the Earth is nonliving, it would have to be found or pushed manually into an orbit around the sun. Therefore, where did the rock come from? Scientists believe that Earth was the chunk of an asteroid and that the moon was part of the debris. Circulation around the sun made it spherical and warmed it along with the general bacteria on the earth. Eventually, water came to the planet, and with water came plants. From these basic things, we built our civilizations. It's hard to imagine it was all so tiny once.


I mean, having a deity create a universe and then forget about it seems to be so irrational. Believe what you want to believe - but know that only some things can be proven. Other things are just a matter of chance...or perhaps divine intervention?


Also, there are many forms of God, not just Christianity's mental image of it. Just because there are more Christians doesn't mean the rest of the world suddenly lost their religions and converted :P


Scio means "I know" in Latin. Therefore, science is the pursuit of knowledge through observation and research. Man was not an accident. What was an accident was the formation of the Earth (presumably by asteroid or whatever you want to say) Man himself evolved from the tiny prokaryotes in space to what we are now today. I know Creationists will hate me for saying all that so confidently, but it's what I believe.


(I'm responding to the person who said stuff about 10 million letters? words? in a book being an accident)


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God isn't just omnipotent, He's also just. By all rights He should let us suffer the consequences of our disobedience, because He is loving He has come already and paid the price for our sins. He did work miracles, He did teach the world, and He even rose from the dead, yet still people didn't believe, any more then they will today.


This period of human history is one in which God has given mankind a chance to choose Him or refuse Him. It's like a guy who loves a girl very much, but even still if she will refuse him unless he begs and goes down to her level he won't do it. He wants her to love her because she chooses to, not because she has to. And if she won't love him then he can walk away knowing he left it up to her, one way or another he can be resolved.


This is how it is with God. He's done enough already to "make the relationship work" and ultimately it's simply our choice to choose Him or refuse Him. This is the crossroads for every human being, we choose Him or reject Him. He allows these things to happen in the world because if He didn't we wouldn't be choosing Him out of love but because we have to and know His awesome power. He will change the world and make it perfect, but He is first giving us the chance to choose Him. If we don't then He will reject us as we have rejected Him, and if we choose Him we become His children who may spend eternity with Him.


As for how the universe was created, where did the building blocks for it come from? The Law of Biogenesis says all life must start with life. I think some of the most crucial answers are being avoided here.


As for your closing comments, I guess there's yet another distinct differences between what we both believe: You believe man is getting smarter and "evolving", I believe man is getting less intelligent and weaker. We only lose 10% of our brains now, is it possible that those skeletons of supposed human ancestors had larger cranial cavities because they were actually more intelligent, not less? A slightly bulkier body could also explain longer life spans to an extent. Interesting to think about.


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Hmm... it should be "difference" not "differences" and I meant to say "use" pertaining to our brains, not "lose".... No edit function.... *sigh*

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They had smaller cavities that were bunched into different areas (the forehead, and the top). Humans are actually growing taller and their brains are expanding to fit those cavities. There's still a lot of grey matter in our brain, but the areas in a prehistoric person's brain would be much less developed than what we have now.I have to question the Law of Biogenesis a little bit. Most living things have DNA or genes of some sort in them. This leads us to the belief that there is life outside of our earth in the form of bacteria or other organisms that are capable of spreading these genes - bacteria and protists that would eventually become sentient in some form. For a trait to evolve over time to eventually get prominently represented, it may take several generations. For the organisms to involve into the first life forms would take several years and for them to become us, even longer. It falls out of the time frame suggested by the Bible - that was only one of my arguments.Also, why is God always mentioned as a male Christian god? That connotation makes me wince sometimes :PBut seriously, aren't there enough God/gay marriage/[insert controversial topic here] posts? If you really want to post about it, don't make a new one pleeeease. Reply to one of the many already on this forum. You don't want to offend or otherwise hurt someone who's reading these forums. Believe me, there are very very sensitive people out there who would probably anger at some outrageous things. (I'm basing this fact on my relatives and their arguments)

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They had smaller cavities that were bunched into different areas (the forehead, and the top). Humans are actually growing taller and their brains are expanding to fit those cavities. There's still a lot of grey matter in our brain, but the areas in a prehistoric person's brain would be much less developed than what we have now.


I have to question the Law of Biogenesis a little bit. Most living things have DNA or genes of some sort in them. This leads us to the belief that there is life outside of our earth in the form of bacteria or other organisms that are capable of spreading these genes - bacteria and protists that would eventually become sentient in some form. For a trait to evolve over time to eventually get prominently represented, it may take several generations. For the organisms to involve into the first life forms would take several years and for them to become us, even longer. It falls out of the time frame suggested by the Bible - that was only one of my arguments.


Also, why is God always mentioned as a male Christian god? That connotation makes me wince sometimes :P


But seriously, aren't there enough God/gay marriage/[insert controversial topic here] posts? If you really want to post about it, don't make a new one pleeeease. Reply to one of the many already on this forum. You don't want to offend or otherwise hurt someone who's reading these forums. Believe me, there are very very sensitive people out there who would probably anger at some outrageous things. (I'm basing this fact on my relatives and their arguments)


Well, I was referring to one specific ancestor I recall reading about that has been used as proof recently that actually had a larger skull, particularly the back area, then that of humans. However, most of the supposed human ancestors do in fact have smaller cranial cavities which is against them and does suggest they are only apes:




Did man descend from the apes? Our DNA is totally different from that of each of the apes, monkeys, and all the rest. The number of vertebrae Ian our backbone is different from that in the apes. Our cranial (brain) capacity is totally different from the great apes.


Orangutans-275-500 cc. Chimpanzees-275-500 cc. Gorillas-340-752 cc. Man-1100-1700 cc.


Cranial capacity is, by itself, an important test of whether a skull is from a man or an ape.


"Since there are variations in tissues and fluids, the cranial capacity is never exactly equal to brain size, but can give an approximation. A skull's capacity is determined by pouring seeds or buckshot into the large hole at the base of the skull (foramen magnum), then emptying the pellets into a measuring jar. The volume is usually given in cubic centimeters (ccs).


"Living humans have a cranial capacity ranging from about 950cc to 1,800cc, with the average about 1,400cc."Â *R. Milner, Encyclopedia of Evolution (1990), p. 98.

As for the time frame used, that again is assuming the Bible is incorrect, something no one has ever been able to prove, since the Bible states that man was made a mature being not gradually formed over a long process, and that it was done in our 24 hour day.


The Israelites referred to Jehovah-God as "Yahweh", the Father-mother God. God is simply a Spirit and I see no reason to believe He has a gender. However, He did come in the form of man so I guess maybe that's why He's referred to as such?


Christ said He is the way, the truth, and the life, and the only way to the Father, He did not make allowances for any other way to be right. It is recognized that some of the greatest teachings in the world's history have come from Christ, including the Sermon on the Mount, but because of things He has said, that He is the Son of God, that He existed before Abraham, that He and the Father are one, we are left with only 3 choices, as C.S. Lewis says. (I don't quote the following because it's only as I recall it, not the exact wording, only general ideas along with my reasoning)


1) We can call Him a liar

-Yet what liar ever died for His lies? Again there are both the teachings and the miracles which even His greatest opponents, some of the most learned men of their time and rulers of one of the greatest world empires if not the greatest to have ever existed, could not refute.


2) We can call Him a lunatic, on the level of a man who says He's a poached egg

-Yet again, there is the witness of His teachings and miracles, as well as the hundreds of fulfilled prophecies.


3) We can fall at His feet and worship Him as Thomas did, as Lord and God. But as C.S. Lewis says, let us not come about with this nonsense about Him being a great teacher, for He hasn't left us that option.





As for offending people, if no one ever gets offended by us then we're not standing up for what we believe in. If we just try to agree with everyone then we stand up for nothing. It's not my job to not offend people, it's my job to speak the truth in Christ and the Gospel. If people don't want to hear it then they can just ignore the topic. Also, I didn't create this topic a new one, I did simply reply to it, which is what I try to do whenever possible.

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So you expect me to believe scientific evidence on evolution from a site called "godrules.com"?

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1)  We can call Him a liar

-Yet what liar ever died for His lies?


David Koresh [Waco]

Jim Jones [Jonestown]

Marshall Applewhite [Heaven's Gate]


I could name more, but I'd have to think about it for a while.


2)  We can call Him a lunatic, on the level of a man who says He's a poached egg

-Yet again, there is the witness of His teachings and miracles, as well as the hundreds of fulfilled prophecies.


Strange how every messianic movement provides proof of their messiah's miracles, eh? No?


3)  We can fall at His feet and worship Him as Thomas did, as Lord and God.


What is it with Christians and feet? I'm seeing an institutionalized fetish, here [just joking, don't stone me!].


But as C.S. Lewis says, let us not come about with this nonsense about Him being a great teacher, for He hasn't left us that option.


Finally, we agree on something. When some one makes an extraordinary claim regarding the sacred or profane [such as being the son of God], you either believe him or throw rocks at him. There is no happy middle ground.

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So you expect me to believe scientific evidence on evolution from a site called "godrules.com"?


Fine, just don't expect me to believe any scientific evidence from sites with a theme on the religion of evolution then either :P If you don't want to look at the info I present you merely by what it brings to the table please do not expect me to do otherwise for yours.



David Koresh [Waco]

Jim Jones [Jonestown]

Marshall Applewhite [Heaven's Gate]


I could name more, but I'd have to think about it for a while.

Strange how every messianic movement provides proof of their messiah's miracles, eh? No?

What is it with Christians and feet? I'm seeing an institutionalized fetish, here [just joking, don't stone me!].

Finally, we agree on something. When some one makes an extraordinary claim regarding the sacred or profane [such as being the son of God], you either believe him or throw rocks at him. There is no happy middle ground.


What other Messianic movements are there that have provided miracles as proof? Mohammed is the only one that's garnered any kind of a following and that as a prophet, not the Messiah. Furthermore, he neither claimed to do miracles nor to be sinless knowing he couldn't back such claims up. That's another thing that makes Christ unique, He claimed to be utterly without sin (according to the Old Testament Law) and even His enemies couldn't prove otherwise, even though He grew up in their midst. I don't know of anyone else in the history of the world who could make such a claim and get away with it. Members of His own family including His earthly brother James even accepted this. If anyone knows your faults and foibles it's your family... James not only accepted this and that He was God, but was one of the many to die a painful death for His sake.


The thing with feet you will find anywhere with royalty, when you bend the knee or bow you obviously have to use your feet somewhere along the line, it is simply related to abasing oneself in the presence of one acknowledged as a greater. And as Christ told the Pharisees, only those without sin have the right to execute judgment according to the Old Testament Law, including stoning, meaning no one but God has that right. It is why only God has the right to forgive sins as well, since only He is sinless and the one being sinned against by sins, and why the Pharisees accused Him of blasphemy for forgiving sins. Again with the rock-throwing stuff you assume sinners have the right to execute judgment, it is that same false assumption that will bring upon such as the Catholic Church such great condemnation and punishment at the final Judgment.

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