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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. Sounds like you are heading for a wild and crazy weekend.Be careful out there... don't drive after consuming alcohol... Have fun...(sounds like Grand Bend in my days) :XD:
  2. You could try giving the class = " nav-text" a background image???
  3. Try this: .input_text { font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:x-small; color:#999999; [b]float: left; margin-right: 3px; [/b]} And yes, in the future, it makes it really a lot easier to upload the files to your Hosting account and supply a link. I know you, so I don't have a problem downloading a zip file from you, but many times on a Forum where a new mwmber asks for help and supplies a zip file, I refuse to download them. anyway, float the inputs left and add a small seperator margin to fix that problem. Oh, and take the "px" out of this line<img src="images/swf_placeholder.jpg" width="800px" height="277px" alt="place holder for swf"/> to fix a couple of warnings, I think. Another thing: remove the xml prologue line which you have in the very first line. Although the w3c states that it is a part of the Doctype, some Browsers (IE) goes into quirks mode when it is present and the w3c will validate the code without it. removing it is very much a good idea for cross browser compatability. Good luck with it.
  4. Dig a little deeper into the tutorials and you will find about 8 of them by Ghostrider, all excellent sources of information. The search feature is up on top of every page.
  5. Google and SEO guidelines say that the links should be "good" links. Good defined as having a better Ranking than yours, and being 'related' to your site. If your site is about "dogs", then a link to a Auto Repair Shop is not a good link. Linking 'blindly' to another site having no reltionship to yours is not a good idea. IMHO.
  6. Click on the Community link top-right and there is another link to a Link-Exchange and also a link for the Xisto Buttons and ad Banners.Enjoy.
  7. I think the voting stays open for a week.:XD:
  8. Click on the Xisto button at the top right of every page, select your package, sign-up and have fun... :XD:
  9. SM,check the referenced link in the opening post.They need input selects rather than a drop-down menu. Definately a php solution (or ASP).
  10. here is the direct link https://support.xisto.com/ hateheals, you should be a Hosted member before trying to transfer credits. Perhaps your "Member" status is what is failing in the script.
  11. He is a script which works with dates and pull-downs.If you have some php skill, you might be able to re-work it to generate the anchor tags for your site. <?php # Script 3.12 - dateform.php (2nd version after Script 3.7)$page_title = 'Calendar Form';// This function makes three pull-down menus for the months, days, and years.function make_calendar_pulldowns($m = NULL, $d = NULL, $y = NULL) { // Make the months array. $months = array (1 => 'January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'); // Make the months pull-down menu. echo '<select name="month">'; foreach ($months as $key => $value) { echo "<option value=\"$key\""; if ($key == $m) { // Preselect. echo ' selected="selected"'; } echo ">$value</option>\n"; } echo '</select>'; // Make the days pull-down menu. echo '<select name="day">'; for ($day = 1; $day <= 31; $day++) { echo "<option value=\"$day\""; if ($day == $d) { // Preselect. echo ' selected="selected"'; } echo ">$day</option>\n"; } echo '</select>'; // Make the years pull-down menu. echo '<select name="year">'; for ($year = 2005; $year <= 2015; $year++) { echo "<option value=\"$year\""; if ($year == $y) { // Preselect. echo ' selected="selected"'; } echo ">$year</option>\n"; } echo '</select>';} // End of the function definition.// Create the form tags.echo '<h1 id="mainhead">Select a Date:</h1><p><br /></p><form action="dateform.php" method="post">';// Get today's information and call the function.$dates = getdate();make_calendar_pulldowns ($dates['mon'], $dates['mday'], $dates['year']);echo '</form><p><br /></p>'; // End of form.// Print the current day and time.echo '<p>Today is ' . date ('l') . '. The current time is ' . date ('g:i a') . '.</p>';?> I didn't write this script, but I can assist with modding it if you need some help. Post back here if required.
  12. right here... I like the "devil in her eyes" that mich has come up with. Sm's is a great render, but the vectors aren't very summery... and Will's needs a border. Saint-Michael:1 Will.Allison:0 Mich:1
  13. Cool site. I wonder what google would be worth?*wait* I'll be right back...Based on their calculations, the google.com is worth around $2.3 Million... right! I suspect the calculations might be a little light...
  14. Here are a couple of Tutorials I have posted on my AEF Forum hosted here at the Xisto. Since the Tutorials are already published, I will merely link to them. Header Bar Information : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Footer Bar Information : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Styling the Header/Footer Bar : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ The first two are about how to add some html code to the space reserved in the Forum layout for an optional Advertising spot. I adapted some code so that several links can be placed in a single line and the CSS for colours, sizing, paddings, etc are described in the third link. I know there has been some interest in the AEF Forum software by some other Xisto members, so I am sharing this information here. Hope you enjoy them. Any questions, please PM me, or post on the above Topics...
  15. Try this link: http://botanical.com/botanical/mgmh/p/placom43.html It describes the plant and several uses for the leaves, one of which is to treat bug bites... :XD:
  16. Look on the Forum Main (Index) page and scroll down a little bit. Look for the green numbers.
  17. Post split from another Topic.Everyone shows their own "Warning Level Indicator" to themselves. They are private to the Member. Look at the indicator for a percentage value.When it is at 0% you are good to go.
  18. Like this? http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I think the method for this script is in the Tutorial section. If you can't find it. PM me or post back here.
  19. In the top right habd corner of every page, there is a link for "Credits", click that and then select "Transfer".You can only transfer credits if you are Hosted and you must have 30 credits left AFTER the transfer, or the transfer will not be successful.also, please use the Search feature. This sort of information is in the readme, and has been answered many times on the Forum.
  20. Topic is resolved.Please PM any moderator to continue this discussion. Until then, this topic is closed.
  21. Topic is resolved.Please PM any moderator to continue this discussion. Until then, this topic is closed.
  22. It has to do with the backwards compatibility of the Windows Operating System."con", "com1", etc are reserved words left over from the days of MS-DOS, so they are still not available. Remember that "Windows" is simply a shell that uses the MS-DOS "kernel" (don't know if that is the corrct term :XD: ), so lots of times when you click a mouse to do something, the Operating System actually uses low-level coding to perform the task. Even though you can't see it happening, the Operating System is actually running MS-DOS behind the scene, so the folder or filename you select must still meet the MS-DOS restrictions.
  23. The short version of the purpose of the Document Type Declaration is that it is a link from the HTML page to the list of "rules" the Browser should use to interpret and render the HTML coding the page contains. The w3c is the organization which determines the "rules" and they have several DocTypes available for your use here. The effect of using a "proper" Document Type declaration is that the Browser either uses "Standards Compliance" mode to render the page or "Quirks" mode. Quirks mode is where the Browser will guess at the intended rendering and will cause the page to display incorrectly (according to the w3c interpretations). Internet Explorer is the Browser which is usually the problem with using Quirks Mode. Konquerer, Opera, Firefox and Safari are the most compliant Browsers for using Standards Mode. The chances are that if you remove the DocType Declaration and the page doesn't change, then you may not be using a DTD which promotes Standards Mode. A review of the above list of DTD's would then be recommended.
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