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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. Try adding text-align: center for IE6's benefit... #header_center {background-image: url('si_07.png');background-repeat: no-repeat;margin: 0px auto;text-align:center;width: 270px;height: 140px;}and delete the "min-" on the height.
  2. Sonesay,Upload the new css file and then someone else could check this using IE6 and report back here as to whether it centres the Header Image.... thanks.
  3. As noted above, you will have greater flexibility with your own Domain Name and a Wordpress installation on your own Hosting account.Options for hosting include Xisto (of course), Qupis.com ( a sister company, also free, but with ads on the bottom of each page) and Xisto - Web Hosting.com (another sister company, but paid Hosting).Xisto - Web Hosting has a Plan as little as $9.95 USD per year, that can be upgraded quite simply as the requirements for your site demand.Xistodomains.com (yet another sister company) is a great place to purchase your Domain name, also.The paid services (xistodomains and Xisto - Web Hosting) are a big reason the Xisto remains as a free alternative. The profits from those services help keep Xisto afloat, so buying your Domain from xistodomains and purchasing your Hosting at Xisto - Web Hosting will help keep the Xisto available as a Learning Centre for new Webmasters, like yourself.Even if you simply stay here at the Xisto as a free account, I highly recommend purchasing a Domain-name from xistodomains. The Domain Name will 'brand' your Blog, regardless of where it is Hosted.
  4. The above suggestion works to centre a div, but you have been using 'Min-width' which is not universally accepted, and also, you are trying to float:left a centred div, which will not work, either, so adjust the css to give it a width, drop the float, and apply the margin: 0 auto as per below. #header_center {background-image: url('si_07.png');background-repeat: no-repeat;margin: 0px auto;width: 270px;min-height: 140px;}Tests in FF2 okay, haven't tried IE7 or IE6 yet.
  5. Found another reference to HTML5 on the W3schools site: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Lists of the elements/attributes/etc that are new to html5 and also the 'not supported' tags are also listed. Interesting to note the DOM Events that will be added to HTML5, like 'contenteditable'. Interesting stuff. A blending of javascript and xhtml into a web page. Maybe I'll start learning javascript or Ajax next... likely be handy in HTML5.
  6. Does a refresh help? Works for me.
  7. According to this link http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ , the header, Footer, etc tags will be used for structuring a page. Might be useful. Perhaps avoid problems with floats and div placement. header would always be at the top of the page, Footers always at the bottom.
  8. yes, that would work.have a field for clanid if they belong to a Clan, blank(or minus1) if they are an observer.
  9. yes, like that.google on datbase normalization to see how to create Tables properly for Databases.Information should only be in a database once. notice that the clan Tables do not have a list of its members? the clanid is in the members Table row, so for each clan, just use the clanid to find its members. if the same information is in two places, you will likely have a problem ensuring the data integrity and also, duplicate information is avoided, so space is reduced.
  10. simply add a Member Table to the above layout with their Clan id in their profile
  11. Check for zPanel or Rapidcp over at the SourceForge site.
  12. As stated above, ID's should be used when you have one (and only one) Element on the page that you want to style. Classes can occur once or many times on the same page. Id's are more 'specific' when the styling is parsed, so the styles for an ID will override a class if there is a conflict in the Cascade. Check this link: http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/cascade.html%23specificity
  13. Yes, it is possible.Xisto Hosted Accounts are on a different Server than the actual Name Servers used. "Gamma" Server contains the T17 accounts and the Name Servers are on Alpha...
  14. I think there is an Apache directive that does not allow connections to the Xisto/Qupis mysql databases from outside Localhost.I might be wrong.
  15. I would suggest you contact https://support.xisto.com/ and rer to this posting as the problem you are trying to solve.
  16. tricky77puzzle's reply more accurately reflects the handling of account Credits on Hosting Approval.
  17. http://www.w3schools.com/css/css_border.asp Basic css format: body { border: 0; }to eliminate all Borders. Place this on the body and they should all go away. Then add them back into the page as you need them on various Elements. ie: p { border: 2 px solid red; }for a 2px wide red border on Paragraph elements. or: p.pretty { border: 2 px solid red; } for a 2px wide red border on Paragraph elements of the class "pretty". Be sure to add the class="pretty" to those Elements. Multiple Elements can be using the same class name of a page. or: p#pretty { border: 2 px solid red; } for a 2px wide red border on Paragraph elements of the id "pretty". Be sure to add the id="pretty" to those Elements, and remember, there can only be one occurrence of an id on each page. Of course, IE will likely not obey this Rule the same way as Standards Compliant Browsers, but it is a start...
  18. Rough outline of a Normalized Database Schema I'd look at for this would be something along these lines" Table - Map map id map name map info and descriptionTable - Gametype game id game name game info and description Table - Clans clan id name description leader name email wins lossesTable - Challenges challenge id clan1 name clan2 name clan1 issue challenge date/time clan2 accept challenge date/timeTable - Games game id clan1 id clan2 id challenge game number game type game map score clan1 score clan2 define the maps and gametypes define the Clans Clans issue challenges Clans accept challenges Randomly select 3 gametypes and maps --> this is where you need the randomization script play the challenge and record the scores Update the wins/losses Would probably not need a whole bunch more than this to Admin the process, but some of the Reports might get a little hairy. Compound Joins, etc, but should be doable.
  19. If you followed the recent Nameserver change for the Xisto Hosted accounts, you recently (should have) altered you Nameserver information to be as per below:NS.COMPUTINGHOST.COM => => that this would be the correct IP Address?
  20. Here is a sample of a pretty cool effect using java script: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Can't be done with Html or Css or php. Html/css/php will do a on-hover to resize, but only a single image at a time. Javascript is used to affect th individual image you hover on AND the neighbouring images, too.
  21. Moved to Qupis Support Sub-forum.Have you received a confirmation email? the Login information should be in the Email.Also, are you in fact Registered yet? The Qupis Accounts are not automatic. They require Approval before they are activated.Could you whitelist the Qupis email address in your Email client, check your Junk/Spam folder, and please reply as to whether you have received a confirmation of Account Set-up?
  22. Happy Birthday, WM... 39, eh? ... just a pup.


  23. Here is a link to a Password Generator : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Source Code here: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Hope this helps...
  24. No, when you apply and receive your account, the account will be re-set to about 1 credit, which means you have to continue posting immediately to earn the credits to maintain your account. Once you have your account, the scripting continues to deduct credits at the rate of 1 credit per day. You can, of course, accumulate credits to avoid posting each day, (example: earn 10 credits and you don't need to post for 10 days). The responsibility is on you to make certain that your account always stays in the positive. there is more information available in the Xisto Readme.
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