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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. Hockey. *doh* Game is on right now.... back later...
  2. What you want is to break a date down into its parts: month, day, year. You can do this by applying the MySQL date functions, like YEAR(), MONTH(), DAY() (I think) to the date when you select it. Then you'll have just the numeric values.I'm looking forward to seeing the results...
  3. Have a look at the script I sent to you and you will notice there is a line in in which sets the path to "./". This references the path which the script is run from. Modify this path to include the name of the directory on a relative basis. $path = "./test/" Also, if you are making changes to the script and want further advise, I would reccomend including a copy of the actual code which is not working. The sample you list above does not have any directory in it so I am curious about whether you actually have a valid path in the source code. Also, the echo statement is commented out in the listing you display. //echo "<a href='$path/$file'>$file</a><br/>";Check to make sure the commenting slashes are removed before running the script. With these slashes in place, the information is not being sent to the Browser. Might explain the blank page.
  4. All it needs now is a form to select the directory and a radio button set to select ascending or descending sort order. Then an If statement to sort in the chosen order. And a set of html ul tags and li tags. And a class to hook the styling to for the html / css and you are all set.I prefer a single page script / form method personally.Looks good.
  5. Both of those scripts look like they will work to sort in ascending order.To sort the array in descending order, use the function rsort() instead of sort(). Everything else should remain the same.
  6. Punbb is a free one and validates to xhtml Strict. And there are Chat Rooms available through the fantastico on the Hosting accounts here.
  7. The first rule of accepting input from a user is "NEVER Trust User Input".Use techniques like stripping the html tags and escaping "special characters" out of their input before printing or storing the information, altering br's to newlines, basicly assume there is something dangerous to your site in the input and inoculating it before it has a chance to do any damage.Also, ensure that the access to your data and databases is never revealed. Disable error reporting so errors don't display on a client's screen, remove the files from web accessible paths, using methods that do not reveal the information on a "view source". These are some of the most common techniques used for securing the site.
  8. clear your cache and try again. I think this should be instant, but I might be wrong.*edit*Followed the link and I don't have access either. Can you review the link to check for a spelling or typo error? Possibly missing an under_score?
  9. Okay, Originating Poster requests to close this posting, done.
  10. Wouldn't Iraq be a pretty good Base from which to invade Iran? They are neighbours and the traveltime wouldn't be very much from there.Just Kidding, of course. The US has an obligation to ensure that the country of Iraq gets restored to a 'working' country. That is one of the reasons several other Nations didn't assist this time. There are some issues which will be difficult to resolve before the United States is able to withdraw completely. I'm not certain what those conditions are, but they have a responsibility under International Law. And you can be assured that any early departure will upset some of the members of the World communities.Some things like a restoration of Food Supply, Electricity, Potable Water, are on the list but I'm not sure what exactly the requirements are. The US can't decide the criteria on their own. Even though there is a Government in place, the conditions go beyond that.
  11. What differences do Yahoo and MSN look for in a site that would place them higher on the search list?
  12. An approach which might work is found here. Use tooltips as a hidden span to conceal the full text, then on mouseover, have the full text displayed as a tooltip. When a mouseout occurs, the text hides itself. Might work??? No page refresh is required, either. Alternately, read the first line of a file for initial display, onclick, read additional information from the file and display. Reverse the process to shrink the displayed info. As Tyssen points out, though, the page refresh would need to occur each time the click happens.
  13. Look at the php.net site for the functions relating to directories such as isdir(), readdir().Simply read the contents of the directory while looping and count the number of files, then echo or print the results. Exclude the sub-directories while looping.That is a rough outline of the the pseudo-code to perform the task. I think I have a script which might need some changes to it in order to do exactly what you want. Do you code in php? If so, PM me and I'll see if I can find it to send to you. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml/; xml:lang="en" lang="en"><head> <title>An XHTML 1.0 Strict Page to List the files in this directory</title> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" /> <meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css" /></head><body> <p>... Your HTML content here ...</p> <?php//dir_list.php$default_dir = "./"; // lists files only for the directory which this script is run fromecho '<div id="link_div"><ul>' . "\r\n\t";if(!($dp = opendir($default_dir))) die("Cannot open $default_dir.");while($file = readdir($dp)) { if(is_dir($file)) { continue; } else if($file != '.' && $file != '..') { echo '<li><a href="' . $file . ' " class="link_li" >' . $file . '</a></li>' . "\r\n\t"; }}closedir($dp);echo '</ul> </div>';?> <p>... Your HTML content here ...</p> <p> <a href="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ the xhtml</a> </p> </body></html> This script lists the files as links. You will have to Mod it to count the files and echo the results of the count. And add the CSS styling for the UL and LI's , etcetera. Not a biggie.
  14. Try this: #<center> <table bgcolor="#000000" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=1 border=0><tr><td> <table bgcolor="#f0f0df" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=6 border=0> <tr><td colspan=2 align=center><small> <b><a href="http://dmoz.org/">Search Open Directory</a></b> </small></td></tr><tr><td><small><b> <a href="http://dmoz.org/Arts/">Arts</a><br> <a href="http://dmoz.org/Business/">Business</a><br> <a href="http://dmoz.org/Computers/">Computers</a><br> <a href="http://dmoz.org/Games/">Games</a><br> <a href="http://dmoz.org/Health/">Health</a><br> <a href="http://dmoz.org/Home/">Home</a><br> <a href="http://dmoz.org/News/">News</a><br> </b></small></td><td><small><b> <a href="http://dmoz.org/Recreation/">Recreation</a><br> <a href="http://dmoz.org/Reference/">Reference</a><br> <a href="http://dmoz.org/Regional/">Regional</a><br> <a href="http://dmoz.org/Science/">Science</a> <br> <a href="http://dmoz.org/Shopping/">Shopping</a><br> <a href="http://dmoz.org/Society/">Society</a><br> <a href="http://dmoz.org/Sports/">Sports</a><br> </b></small></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> </center>It is the second example I suggested earlier. Did you even look at it?
  15. Okay, thanks for the reply. I really didn't need to know the link because I had already sourced it out. As I stated earlier, my purpose was to have you investgate the opposite side of the issue involved and hopefuly understand the History of the situation. It is important to recognize that there are always two sides to every story and that by knowing the issue's History, the reasons are better understood. Or maybe just better explained.
  16. I don't understand the exclusion of Religion on this topic. Isn't there a phrase on the back of each American dollar bill which states "In God We Trust"? How can we possibly exclude Religion in this topic when the American mindset is so tied to Religion that it is written on all of your almighty dollars?Additionally, there is a morality issue involved here and Religion plays a part in each of our Moral opinions. Whether you believe in a "Christian" God, or any God at all, there is an influence there which will impact our opinions which has as its root the religious beliefs we hold, so I suspect, as does Tyssen, that it will be nearly impossible to dis-allow Religion from this debate.I look forward to reviewing the replies.
  17. What exactly do you mean by "But the directory of the directory itself. " there is another piece of code on that link I posted which lists some possible search labels. Is that what you are referring to? Check it out by clicking the above link and looking at the example posted there. The second one.
  18. A good book on the subject that I have used is "PHP for the WWW:Visual Quickstart Guide" by Larry Ullman, published by Peachpit Press.
  19. Thank you for the snippets of information. But I believe that I might be better served with the full link. I would hate to mis-use or mis-quote the information. It is only with a full link and the complete information that we can best understand the quoted information.And I agree with the second snippet. Reverse-discrimination is a "white" construct meaning there is no "reverse" discrimination. Not accepting a person because you had to accept another is discriminatory, period. In an ideal world, zero discrimination would exist; unfortunately, this is not an ideal world. I am glad that your Dad got his job, and I am also glad he befriended the other fellow that was awarded the bonus points. We need more inter-racial co-operation in more situations as we strive towards a better place for ourselves, our children and their children, ad infinitum.On the other hand, I think it is important to recognize the History of the other side of the coin. Blacks (Afro-americans, whatever they prefer to be called) have not had a good story to tell and the Affirmative Action Program was an attempt to restore some benefit to them as a collective group. As it was a "legal" method, there were challenges against it in the Courts of the land, and some cases were supportive of it while others weren't. I'm sure it isn't over yet.Hopefully, you will be able to learn something from this exercise. I am playing the Devi's Advocate here and attempting to guide you to see both sides of this argument in a non-partisan manner. How am I doing?
  20. I simply can not decide. There are too many really quality results posted here. I'll be back later to vote. The worst one here would be winners in most other SOTW competitions.
  21. Here is a link to a page which lists the code that you need to insert onto your page to allow the search to happen. You won't be downloading the DMOZ itself, you will be allowing your visitors to use their seach facilities. Simply cut and paste their code into your webpage.
  22. Seems that I can lead you to water, but I can't make you drink.Have you researched those terms listed above? and do you understand the History of Blacks in America? Do you understand the Civil Rights Movement of the 60's and the Civil unrest it created? And the results being the Affirmative Action Program? And the consequences that resulted? Like the bonus points on the tests you are questioning? Or the Quota system in effect at the time as a result of said Affirmative Action Programs? Do some research...
  23. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ subdomain, of course, with your own subdomain name.
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