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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. I am not a graphix guy, but I think the experts around here are going to mention that the text should be 'aliased'. I think there is a Tutorial about that here somewhere. I am not sure if it is in the Tutorial section or in the gfx topics. Might want to look it up using the search feature.Border is a big one. Can you cut it down a little?Otherwise, nice job.
  2. very definately it could've made a difference, yes.
  3. Too bad the (stereotypical) class doesn't have a male in it. It would be good to have a differing background to discuss and relate his stories. It would definately be good for the children to have another male in their lives. Too many children in today's society are mono-cultured by single parents, particularly single mothers, and even most Primary school teachers are female. It is time that males were equally represented. Enough of that Macho carp. Not all Mothers stay home and cook and clean on their days off. I think your different lifestyle will enhance the children's education and maybe you could use the lifestyle you lead to inspire them (especially the little girls).
  4. If there is ever any doubt about the server status, simply click on the link titled "Xisto Network in the top right of all Forum pages and then select the link "- Server/Network Status -". It might be wise to bookmark that link. The Forums are on the Epsilon server and the Hosted accounts are on Gamma . (I think). Ignore the red markers on the Beta server that will always be showing red because POP and SMTP features are disabled for the Xisto dot NET server.
  5. This line may be the source of the problem. The intval function is defined on the php.org site. There is no int() in php that I can find. It appears that you are trying to use (int) instead of the correct function and the parser may be getting confused about matching the braces/brackets/what_ever_they_are_called. try using: $pages = intval( ceil($file_count / $conf["items_per_page"]); *edit* Dang, that php manual is big. Type casting is what you were doing. I see that now. Anyway, I'll try again... (might want to try my suggestion anyway, in case it works??? It should perform the same task as the type casting.)
  6. In my humble opinion, as long as the material was freely available elsewhere on the web, and downloadable by anyone (with the publisher's permission), and not available for download from your site, or otherwise in violation of the copyright holder's rights, you would be okay.Having said that, good luck with the site.I am sure that BH or Opaque will be by to confirm or deny my opinion is acceptable to them.
  7. Boy, this topic takes me back in time to way back in the early 80's... DOS, or Disk Operating System, versions were all around. MS-DOS, IBM-DOS, PC-DOS, etc. DOS was a small 'kernel' of code which was used to manage the file system on early 'Personal Computers' (PC's). One of the commands was exactly the one you are asking about. 'Delete' was used to erase the reference to a file, and not the contents. Esentially, the delete command erased the 'location' of a file from the file's directory listing, so once the file was 'deleted', the system could not find the file. The 'contents' of the file actually remained on the disk, but the system had no starting reference point to find it. Another thing to remember is that the file was never stored continuously on the disk medium. The file was split up into 'chunks' of typically 512 bytes and the chunks were stored onto non-contiguous 'sectors' on a disk. The location of the next sector was stored with the sector which preceded it, so if you could not find the starting point of the chain of sectors, you could not find the 'links' in the chain which were the file contents. Therefore, at least theoretically, by erasing the starting point for the file, the file was not on the system and the disk space was available for other files to be written over it, thereby eliminating the file. Confused yet? Anyways, I don't recall all of the details and particulars of the early DOS systems, but I do remember that Norton Utilities was "sometimes" able to 'recover' files by reading an entire disk and mapping the sectors and such so that "sometimes" files which were 'deleted' could actually be 'recovered' or re-built. It was critical to the recovery process that you hadn't actually over-written the sectors containing any parts of the original file. Since those days, I think the FAT (File Allocation Tables) are much more efficient and accurate than the earlier DOS systems, but I digress... Anyways, I found a link which does a fairly good job of explaining the Delete command and particularly explaining the implementation of the various methods of using *wildcards* and the selection criteria of the list of files you are able to target for deletion. These are explained near the bottom of the page. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  8. I use a phpbb ver 2.something forum with gzip enabled and it works great.Using gzip reduced my bandwidth approximately 50 % for that forum, freeing up a whole bunch for other stuff.
  9. which is line 114 and is it a php error?
  10. Aw, shucks. It was nothing.Xisto appreciates all its members and if you would pass the word around, it will only make this a better place.Good luck on your project.
  11. What is the purpose of this code segment? if($mod['member_name'] == "") { $moder = "none"; } $moderator = $moderator . $moder; If you want to print "none" for the number of Moderators, check the mysql query results array for the number of results and then perform the while loop inside the loop? if ( count(mysql_fetch_array($forum_mod)) > 0) { while( $mod = mysql_fetch_array($forum_mod)) { $mod_name = $mod['member_name']; if($mod['member_name'] !== "") { $moder = " <a href=\"index.php?act=members&memberid={$mod['member_id']}\">" . $mod_name . "</a>,";echo $moder; }else {echo "none";} I don't know if all the code is correct, but the logic might work differently than what you have now. Treat this as pseudo-code.
  12. What is (or isn't) happening correctly?
  13. When the backup was done did you backup the 'structure' of the database?I think it is default on phpadmin to save the structure.There will be mysql commands at the front of the backup file which you should be able to modify the settings of the database tables before you re-store the DB on the new host to match the settings from the previous Host?
  14. Apparently you are still a member. Welcome back. Good to have some new victims faces here. Click on the Xisto readme file link above the shoutbox or in my siggy to learn all about the changes to the Hosting program. The Credit system was installed over a year ago. It is a special add-on to the IPB Forums coded by Opaque and others. And, no, it is not available for use by others.
  15. Is it possible to use something like phpadmin at the other Host?It may be required to drop the DB and perform another backup and change the encoding before re-loading the data?
  16. Problem resolved via email. Essentially, do not insert any information in the SMTP settings of the phpbb configuration page and the process will use the default settings for the server on which the install is made. Specific directions were as follows: "I checked on my phpbb forum and there is -- nothing -- in the smtp settings at all. Maybe that's the problem, by setting something in the data fields for the smtp settings, the default server mail settings may be all confused. Go to the Admin Panel of your phpbb2 forum, select configuration, down near the bottom of the configuration page, remove all the smtp settings and have someone use the email feature or the registration to see if this fixes it. As serverph said in the forum, usually, this is set automaticlly, so don't force the software to do anything might make it work." Exactly correct.
  17. Is it Leech Protection you want or Hot Link disabling? Hot Link disabling saves your bandwidth by restricting the access to images. Simply name the domains which you wish to allow access to images and nobody else can link to them. As I understand it, Leech protection disables users from accessing the site completely.
  18. Send her Flowers.They love that. Red Roses.
  19. Probably something that BH can sort out.I'll leave him a note by reporting this post.
  20. The Standard Warning Applies:Make sure to back-up your Registry before you alter it.Can't say that enough.
  21. Sorry about this, as it will affect your dealing on the VB scripts, but only Hosted members are able to transfer credits between themselves. So, until you are Hosted, nobody will be able to send you the credits.
  22. Yes, I believe there exists an SMTP server on this Hosting service. Well, at least the php mail function works and I have never had any difficulties using the mail() here. I have a forum set up on my account and the emails to/from members works perfectly. I also require email notifications for registration, so have fun with your new site.
  23. Yacoby, using the php query string is only one way to manage a php based site. Typically, there is only one "page" and the "content" for the page is altered based on the value of the query string. Using this method to simply accept the value as input by the user, as Spectre points out, can be very dangerous. Imagine if they inserted the name of a file which contains all of your database passwords and usernames? Maybe even your cpanel name and password, etc... not that you would keep that information inside your account files, right? Click on the link in my siggy to review a template (not the zip file) which I have used a similar, but "more secure" method. What I do in my Template is check the query string value (what comes after the question mark) and evaluate it against the contents of an array which includes a list of the 'acceptable values'. If the query string is in the array, the page is displayed, otherwise, the index page is viewed. ?> Source Code <?php $submit = $_GET ; if( !isset($_GET ) ) { if (file_exists($data_array[0] . '.txt' )) { include ( $data_array[0] . '.txt' ); } else { include ('index.txt'); } } elseif (in_array($submit , $data_array)) { if (file_exists($submit . '.txt' )) { include ( $submit . '.txt' ); } else { include ('index.txt'); } } else { if (file_exists($data_array[0] . '.txt' )) { include ( $data_array[0] . '.txt' ); } else { include ('index.txt'); } } ?> linenums:0'>Menu Array<?php$data_array = array('index', 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 'contact');?>Source Code<?php$submit = $_GET ;if( !isset($_GET ) ) { if (file_exists($data_array[0] . '.txt' )) { include ( $data_array[0] . '.txt' ); } else { include ('index.txt'); } } elseif (in_array($submit , $data_array)) { if (file_exists($submit . '.txt' )) { include ( $submit . '.txt' ); } else { include ('index.txt'); } } else { if (file_exists($data_array[0] . '.txt' )) { include ( $data_array[0] . '.txt' ); } else { include ('index.txt'); } }?> Admittedly, this is not an ideal solution. I should probably 'sanitize' the input string, too, but it has never (yet) caused me any grief. Review the template by clicking the link in my sig and if you wish to download the zip file, by all means, do so.
  24. In many cultures, drinking is acceptable at younger ages, but rarely does a culture or society approve of drinking to excess. (See also, BH's comments about killing brain cells in the posting he made to the joke about brain cells being like Buffalo.)It isn't that drinking might be bad for you, I don't know too many people who actually waited to be 'legal age' before having a drink, but regardless of your age, it is important to recognize the factors which lead to drinking, and the effects which result and how it might influence or impact your future.Factors which led to drinking at a younger age include: : 'the cool factor': all the cool people do it, so I want to be cool, too. : peer pressure: I think I must drink to stay in touch with my friends and not be excluded from the group.: situation : Family or school issues causing 'stress' in your life.: escape from the pressures of life: nope, drinking won't make them go away.Effects of drinking? : physical: hangovers take time to cure and you feel like *fill-in remark here*.: emotional: doesn't really solve any problems, but could create more... ie:drinking and driving? fighting? pregnancy?: social: as a result of the consequences of inappropriate behaviours while drunk, you receive a 'stigma' which people won't forget any time soon. Criminal records don't go away, for example.And, of course, unless you are an exceptional person, the cravings for the euphoric state of drunken-ness may increase to the point where drinking becomes your life and life-style. Alcohol might only be the beginning of your search for an escape.I believe you would be better to NOT drink at that age, but if you do, please be careful to not drink to excess, don't drink and drive whatever you do. Call a taxi. they are cheaper than the lawsuits.
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