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Everything posted by wild20

  1. Actually, it is very plausible that people lived 900 years. If you look at a cats intestine, it is short and straight, meant for digesting meat. Our intestines are long and curvy, made for plants. What does this mean, when we were first created, we ate plants, not meat. this makes us healthier and it has been proven that vegatarian's live longer than meat eaters do. Another fact that explains it. Tests in rocks with air bubbles show that the oxygen level was twice as high as it is now. Tests have shown that animals and plants raised in a super oxygen rich envirionment can grow 2-3 times as large as a normal animal or plant. By introducing harmful, cancer causing substances, and by reducing oxygen in the atmosphere, we have caused everything to get smaller and live shorter life spans. You can't deny the studies and proof. Also, adam and eve were most likely very tall. orkers in many places over in Asia have found human skeletons as large as 20-25 feet. Dinosaurs were never mentioned in the bible, but neither were millions of other animals, so that statement is the wrong one to bring up. Also the biblical flood took place before many religions were even here. This explains why other religions popped up and talked about a flood, AFTER it was already recorded by the people who followed God. All are copies from the bible. So the holes that people think are there, are really not there.
  2. If you look at the bible, it actually is the only religion on earth that shgives a viable answer and solution to the creation of all things. I think most people don't want to believe in a loving God because they fear that there are to many restrictions. It is not true. There was a great debate. It was with two world leading professionals in evoltion, and in christianity. Check it out here, there is no denying that there is a God. Not many, but one. Mods, I hope it is okay to post this link, it should help solve a problem and give some answers. Thanks. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  3. I wanted a more meaningful post that that therapy. I would like to remind people that I am trying to get you to think, not spout off at every thing that is wrond in your life. After all, if you were part of the debate, "Is God To Blame" you would have seen how God is justified in His actions. Yet you condem Him as if He caused your problems. Remember also that we are only human and cannot question God's actions. He sees things on a grander scale. Remember that guys.
  4. Thanks. Sorry, I thought this was for more serious stuff. You know, like a car accident or something. Thanks for moving it.
  5. Hey all you forum members. I would like to tell you a little about raising chickens and my experience with them, and would like to ask anyone if they have stories or experiences with them. I hope this is okay to post about mods. Raising chickens is quite easy if you have done research on them. I have raised them for about four years now, and here is the basic steps and info about them:1. Profile: They are great animals, and although not always the cleanest, they do have a nice look to them. They strut around the yard as if they own it. Most chickens don't like to be held, they would rather be left alone. You should only have a rooster if you are prepared to be attacked. However, this can be avoided if you train them properly. (See step two) They are usually gentle and like to eat, a lot!2. Training: It takes a keen eye, a gentle yet firm hand, and a knack for being mean to those who are mean to you. There are a few steps in training chickens. 1. A rooster is naturally mean. You have to get the natural part out of mean and the mean goes away by its self. To get that mean out, it is quite simple. You go outside and wait for the rooster to come and try to attack you. This is where the keen eye comes in. Right as he goes in for the attack you swoop your hand down, grab him by the tail, and hold him there for a second. Look him in the eye and tell him you will NOT tolerate any of this. Then toss him a few feet and return to what you were doing. I know it sounds mean but it does not hurt the rooster and he will straighten up fairly quickly. Repeat over the course of the next few days until tamed. 2. You can also train chickens to come to a whistle. Every time you feed them, whistle a consistent tune every time. Within a few days the will come every time. These are the tools of the trade and what they do.Broom= strikes fear in a chicken if it goes out of the area it is suppose to be. i.e. PorchYou= source of food, whistles a melody we should come tofood=eating mode on3. Feeding: Habits vary with each animal but in general, they are pigs dressed in chickens clothing. They will eat whether they are hungry or not. They love table scraps as long as it isn't too salty. This is what the like: Worms, and bugs in general, table scraps, crack corn, grass, seeds, and nuts. Well, I think that about does it. Anyone have anything to add? I decided this would be a good topic to discuss. If you own chickens, then feel free to add your experiences. Have a great day guys.Notice: Actually training methods vary. Remember, be kind to animals!
  6. I don't see how you can believe in anything else Galahad. Evolution is filled with holes, and most other religions are just myths. Chrsitianity is the only religion in the world with a book that is in accordance with most science and talks about an explanation for the creation of the world. I mean what nonsense are are talking about? If you are refering to evolution nonsense, I am with you there;) Have a great day guys.
  7. But Science has it's limits. It can only predict physical things. And even there, svience is often wrong. And not only that, I believe that God lets us develope only so far according to the purpose laid out. The problem I see with your scenario, is it only has human limits. As you said, you don't believe in God, but I think that is a mistake because we came from something, not nothing. I just had a large debate on evolution before. So it really comes down too something supernatural. Any other thoughts?
  8. Okay. Hmmm. We have some interesting theories. I believe that the world will end when God says it will end, whether it is now, or 100 years from now. But I do know that Technology most likely won't play arole in it. Also kirby, you said "I don't really care about the end of the world, as long as I'm alive at this very moment." Isn't that really living for the moment? Just some thoughts. Hey does anyone have any more theories? This is getting kind of lame. I was thinking about maybe having a litle more discussion/debate type stuff. Anyone else?
  9. Wow, this did turn out to be a popular topic. I am a SDA and believe that the end world power will actually be a church, forcing people to worshipr on a certain day. This ties in with the mark which could be a physical and mental mark, a decision made by you. Your story is very symoblic sonyguy. I believe that no one can predict the end of the world according to what the bible says. Although God may have used the person to predict the popes, I believe the wars are either symbolic or the last war known as armegedon. (Is that how you spell it?) This war takes place AFTER we have reigned with Christ for 1000 years. It is all very symbolic.
  10. To start out, Admins and Mods. I searched for this topic and could not find anything related to discussing the end of the world. If there is one, feel free to close the topic. I know this has been a popular topic in some forums.I have heard much about the end of the world, I discuss this in many different forums that I am a member of. (I debate religion a lot and go to different forums for fun) I find that many people say it will end with a rapture, others think armegeddon, still other think there are aliens invasions waiting to happen. So, I would like to discuss and debate this topic over the next several days and find out a few things. I would like to know what the majority belief is, and what the truth is behind the end of the world. Here, you can express your beliefs, I will be coming along as usually in my debates and ask some questions and hopefully get into a debate about a specific topic. I welcome all to join in this and would ask that you come back and check to see if anyone replies to your reply. Thanks guys. Ready,.. set,... go!
  11. Wow, that is quite the experience. I am not sure exactly, but did you know atlantis, during the time of the maya's, were reported to have a very advanced culture until it "sank". They describe these things as flying ships almost. Scientists laughed at the atlantis legend until now, when more and more are believing there might have been a technologically advanced civilization. They now believe that atlantis sank after the last ice age where the ice melted and literally overnight could rise as much as a hundred feet at a time. Here is how it relates to UFO sightings. The sightings by civilizations could have been the techology they [atlantis] had back then. How does this play into today's world? I found designs on the internet that were reported to be from the government orking on a top secret project. Hitler, believe it or not, was also working a on a flying saucer aircraft. Pilots during the world war, often reported seeing balls of "fire" flying around there aircraft at amazing speeds. They were later found out to be something created by Hitler to distract pilots. If they could do that back then, I think they could have flying saucers now. The tehnology that could be hiding from us may be very great. Hopefully the government will let it out one day. But hey, that was a great post. Keep it up guys!
  12. The answer to that is very simple microsoft. Read your bible. It will tell you why. I can imagine God likes creating. He is after all, the central source of life. So, I think He was most likely wanting to create some more. Remember, we were created after God's own image. This means that we are special. I won't say better than other life in the universe, just special, like all His creation. Have a good day.
  13. Good point s243a. I forgot to mention that many sightings are nothing more than aircraft that go over. I am convinced that the military is doing some kind of special program. We just don't know about it.
  14. Definitely depends on my mood. I love the smooth texture of creamy and I also love the crunchiness of nutty:) So it just depends.
  15. I just said though that rape victims can adopt. There is no excuse for killing anyone, not even a fetus. As I said in my last post, none of you would kill a 5 month old baby, but you will stand back and watch as a unborn baby screams from pain as it's brains are sucked out of it's head. May I be allowed to ask what kind of society we live in? Why would someone do that? Kill a baby? It makes me sick. I can't believe you guys!
  16. What is the point of that though? What do you mean "how christians got it so confused."? I am glad you would be humbled in His presence Dymond.
  17. Ilona:I understand the pain and hurt in this world. But why blame God. We had a huge debate over the topic. From it we learned the origin of sin, the reason why humans aren't perfect, and who is really responsible. I said many times during the debate an important thing to remember. Translated into this situation it could go something like this. If you look at the world around you, you will wonder how there can be a God. Stand in His presence, and you will see how He couldn't "never" exist. If you were to know Him personally like me, I believe you would understand why. I study the bible and have found many texts explaining the fall of man. The bible goes into vague detail about a war in heaven because the devil thought he was as good as God. Which he already prooved he wasn't by starting a war. Of course, God said no and threw him out. Now he tempted and munipulates the world of non-believers. But God in His fairness gives us the power to overcome satan. We just have to accept th love of Christ and believe He died for us. Why would you look at the world around you, when you could look at something far greater. The choice is everyone's. There is no pain, when you are a Christian. Difficulties maybe, it's not easy, but with God, there is never pain.The rest of you:Great posts. I encourage quality posts as much as I can without sounding like a mod. Thanks guys.
  18. What would you ask Him. Would you be guilty in His presence? I know this sounds like ray comfort. But it makes you think. What would you be. Would you be frozen in fear, would you have a lot of questions? Would you talk about the mistakes you made or why someone died? I will ask questions through this topic. I would ask Him how He is so great. How He could love us so much as to send His Son to die for us. Please speak your honest opinion. Thanks.
  19. Abortion should be done away with. You may disagree with me. Why? Can any of you give me one good reason why you should kill a live baby? What about the morning after pill? It will kill the already devoloping fetus. People are so blind these days. I challenge any of you to give me a good reason. Why would you kill? It is murder. You may think it is a great solution to rape victims. Why not turn to adoption? Let me give you some alternatives here:1. You can always adopt the child out.2. You could keep the child and the blessing that comes along with it.3. You could kill the child.Three sounds bad doesn't it? For every abortion, that is one dead child. It's future taken away. Destroyed by the act of one person, one choice, the worst one that has ever been decided on. Anyone can debate, anyone can discuss. It is simple. It's murder. Would anyone out there kill a child that is a year old? What about 5 months. No volunteers? I am suprised. You all can support the death of a premature baby, but none of you have the guts to abortion a 5 month old. you would rather have a premature baby scream inside the womb from the pain of having it's brain sucked out. All I can say is where is America going? I WILL be back at this topic!!!
  20. Well, again, I have bnever seen one. Great posts guys. I have heard many rumors on roswell an such. I can't explain it. Many poeple can't. However, I believe it is military tests. We didn't find out about stealth technology until 10 after they had it. With something so big as to alude your enemies, why even try to to say you have it? You got something big. And so they will keep it a big secret. This could also explain the hush hush and coverups.
  21. Yes, you are right Biscuit about the debate. It always turns into to something else at the end. Also, how you feel inside is very important, but it really won't get yoiu anyway during a "REAL" debate. I know because I have debated Pastors and very knowledgable people in terms of religion. You quickly turn yourself into an absolute idiot if you don't use evidence. And although this wasn't the case here, it can and will happen during harsher debates. Just a little advice.Blue:I think you are confused with some beliefs. Just because hevane exists, that doesn't mean we go there right after we die. The bible says we are resting when we are dead and only when Jesus Christ returns will we be alive again. So it is really not to confusing. You just go by what the bible says. Research for yourself, no where will you find that we go somewhere right after death. Quite simple really.
  22. Very good stories. I have never researched the ball lightning theory, but it is very interesting and I think it may be the cause for many sightings. Good job guys. Also, during tests with animals in space many alien sightings were actually live animals that survived the fall back to earth. Again, good job guys. Keep them coming.
  23. I have seen many UFO phenomena stuff and would like to see if anyone ever has seen a UFO. I don't believe in them or other life visiting us. But I do find it an interesting topic. I wish to discuss this subject as much as possible. I am not talking about aliens. I mean actual flying things. Share your stories and beliefs here. I will also try to explain a little about what may be going on in a later post. I have watched many UFO files and has seen many myths and sightings explained. Have fun guys. P.S. Please, make these replies quality. I don't want, "no I don't believe", I would like you to actually give the reason why and if you know anone who has ever seen, or believes that UFO's exist.
  24. Then with that, let us sjake hands. Agree that we are both good debaters, and leave it at that. I will start up another debate soon. I just think that the main reason that people believe what they believe, is because they want to. I am not saying that all these people are wrong, or that they are sinners, I don't even mean that they are all wrong. I just think that a lot of people need to do more study and less "taking others word for it". Although I don't believe what you believe and believe that there is one God who created heaven and earth, I do believe that you should at least check out the bible a little. If nothing else, it will give you a little more knowledge about other religions. There are many questions out there, many like who created the earth, are very hard to understand. Others, like life after death, are easy if you study and read the bible. Even christians get confused sometimes. The most imporatant thing is to get your facts straight and make sure that what you believe is correct. This includes severely questioning your faith. A suggestion before we leave this debate, you really should try to get more information before going into a debate. Although you debate well and ask good questions, you don't have anything to back it up. It looks to other people as an empty statement or belief. It also makes the other person feel as if they are wasting their time because they feel more like they are in an interogation rather than a debate. Thanks for debating.
  25. Yes biscuit that was a long post. Just with out any evidence. I actually believe that joshua is providing ample evidence for his claim. As a writer, I do expect a well written article. Evidence being the most important part. This debate grows old in my mind. I have, again, backed up my claim with both scientific, and religious evidence. I would like to see the same from others. Unless of course, you just don't want to do the research? Time and time again you tear down the same things that I bring up. wWhy not research and bring some evidence of your own. I will wait for your next post.
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