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Everything posted by goldinero
You may want to try a live Ubuntu Linux CD. Ubuntu Linux is based on Debian and with the live CD version you don't have to install it to your hard drive. If all your hardware works with the live CD, then its a good chance it'll work with Debian Sarge.Good luck!Goldinero
I recently ran across this site called Dynamic Masterpiece that is kinda like the milliondollarhomepage.com but with a twist. It pays you for referrals. Has anyone else seen it?
The Coral Castle is on the west coast of Florida state. A guy named Edward Leedskalnin built it several years ago. It's made out of huge stones carved, positioned, and balanced with incredible accuracy. Reportedly, Mr. Leedskalnin used no standard machinery, e.g., cranes, trucks, peumatic lifts, to create his castle. When questioned about how he had moved stones weighing several tons into place, he commented that he understood the secrets the Egyptians used to build the pyramids. More information here. Believe it or not.
Like the Windows vs. Mac debate, arguments over the "best" Linux distribution is futile as it is little more than a religious discussion. As Arigato noted, different people like different flavors of Linux. One thing most Linux users agree on, however, is that Linux is a much better OS technically than Windows. Plus, by using Linux, you don't have enslave yourself to a ridiculous End User License Agreement (EULA) or submit to a corporation gathering information about your computer or yourself that you'd rather not release.
Nothing is "always correct" in this world, much less a website. I have used PayPal myself on several occassions and believe that (for the most part) it is a fairly decent payment system. I personally trusted it more before ebay bought it. But, like other payment systems based on debt, it maintains a database of private information on everyone who uses it. And that database can be compromised. Aside from security, several people with legitimate businesses have had PayPal freeze their accounts. For more information on concerns about PayPal see http://www.paypalsucks.com/. I hope this reply helps someone understand PayPal a little better.
Desile Cars Can Run On Olive Oil! did u know that
goldinero replied to tdktank59's topic in Science and Technology
I knew that the Wankel rotary engine could run on a variety of fuels, but I wasn't aware that the diesel could too. Question is, will this catch on. -
Many live CDs are marketed as rescue CDs, which is what I think you mean by "saving computers." But Slax is not. It doesn't have the tools necessary to do rescue operations. But it does boot up as a nice workstation environment.
As a North American I tend to agree with the original poster. I don't think terrorists have changed the world any more than any other catastrophe in the world. The only thing that has changed is the amount of attention terrorists get from the general public in the form of fear thanks to our "benevolent" government that puts negative labels on disagreeable groups to rally up the lynch mob. Conveniently, all this focus on terrorists takes the public's attention away from the real threat to its way of life, i.e., nationwide surveillance, legislation that errodes personal freedom, and a Department of Homeland Security that is quickly becoming a secret police force to take care of Americans who oppose the US Government. The public, being like a herd of sheep, easily directed to believe things that in many cases don't even make sense, see the WTC fall and are willing to give up freedom to fight against not an enemy but a concept - terrorism. Instead, the public should understand that 10 times as many people die each year in the United States from firearms than died in the WTC collapse. And the government, if it could not protect us from the WTC attack or the hurricane Katrina deaths, is simply not capable of protecting the public from catastrophes, man-made or otherwise. Therefore, letting the government increase the policing of its own people is only inviting the inevitable collapse of liberty as we have known it in this country.
I'm totally with you on vent items #1 and #2. In fact, I have a lot of complaints about the government. But I'll have to open another vent topic just for that. The US goverment and State governments are totally messed up. They have become the very thing that our forefathers fought against in the American Revolution. Thomas Jefferson summarizes my thoughts best in his statement,
Faster Than Light Travel? Thinking caps please
goldinero replied to Mithshark's topic in Science and Technology
At one time peopl believed the world was flat. Later, they believed that traveling at the speed of a locamotive would be dangerous to humans. Then they believed that human flight was impossible. Again they thought supersonic flight was unachievable. Of course, now we know they were all wrong. And it is only a matter of time before someone shows not with an equation, but with physical evidence, that E=mc^2 is does not define the upper speed limit of travel most places in the universe. -
I believe they are referring to the potential hazard of this flu as a pandemic. I read something about a conceivable death toll of 250 million from this flu if it gets out of control.
Fiber optics for long-haul communications transmission is one thing, building an optical computer is quite another. The primary barrier to building an optical computer has been making electro-optical interfaces small enough and cheap enough that they can be put on a chip to be used for data transmission for short distances. Currently Intel (and other companies, I'm sure) is working on silicon-based light transmission. The technology is based on the concept of creating a light waveguide on a silicon chip over which the light can travel. Then using techniques similar to those used in Raman optical amplifiers, the light can be gated as ones and zeros using constructive and destructive interference.
Very well. Definition: bank loan - funds extended to a person called the borrower who signs a promissory note to pay the amount of funds (usually with interest) to the bank. A bank asset. Specific examples: 1) I called my credit union credit union and asked an accounts rep how I get free online bill pay. She told me I had to be a gold member. I asked how I become a gold member. She said I had to have a total of $10,000 in deposits and loans with the credit union. When I asked how loans were figured into the amount for gold membership, she replied that loans are assets to the credit union. 2) In Modern Money Mechanics published by the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, it states that 3) Mark Cella, in his article "Out of Credit Card Debt - Without Filing Bankrupcy" states Now that I have provided the definition AND specific examples to back up my definition, please put my post back where it belongs: in the What is.... section. Thank you, Goldinero
I'm sure GW is a very nice guy if your his friend. Heck, I'd love to be one of his buddies in the top levels of Haliburton right now! But lets face it, if you're an American, you're seeing the US Constitution eroding before your eyes through the Patriot Act. You're seeing money being spent to destroy a foreign nation that was no threat to us (Iraq) and then more money spent to rebuild it. And now you're seeing money spent to rebuild a part of our country (New Orleans) that will very likely end up under water again within the next three years. I work in the Federal Government myself, so I see the BS trickled down from the very top every time a new administration takes over in the White House. Most of the BS I've seen is disturbing, but tolerable. But what we're dealing with now are forces that are destroying the fabric of this country. We are fighting against an idea (terrorism) and calling it an enemy. Gas in Iraq, is $0.05 per gallon and we're paying $2.75 per gallon where I live. And the conflict of interest and outright ethics violations that were committed to award and maintain Haliburton as the prime contractor for Iraq, not to mention the Haliburton subsidiaries working in New Orleans, are atrocious. That's all for now. But next time, I'll tell you how I really feel! :-)
Using Voip with VOIP, will we still need landlines?
goldinero replied to nobilius's topic in Science and Technology
I have a friend who uses the Vonage VoIP service and swears by it. He recently moved from one town to a city 60 miles away. Normally, that would have required him to disconnect his phone at the old address and connect (with a different phone number) at the new address.With Vonage, all he did was disconnect it from his broadband modem at the old house and reconnect it to his broadband modem at the new house and his VoIP service was up and running. No disconnect or connect charges, no changing area code and phone number, no inconvenience.He plans to take his Vonage box to another country and connect it to a broadband modem there to see if it still works. That would be trick, wouldn't it? -
Good info. I'd like to add a couple things. Many girls/women shy away from resistance exercise, i.e., weight-lifting because they think it will make them bulk up. So they only do cardio exercise so they can "trim down."But resistance exercise, even lifting heavy weights, will not cause a woman to bulk up. In fact, it trears down muscle tissue, which rebuilds while you rest. When muscle is rebuilding, it burns significant calories. So weight-lifting actually improves the fat-burning efficiency of your body.Also, I find it best to work out before breakfast. If not then, than at least after a good 4-hr fast. This way, my workout starts burning fat instead of glucose in my system stored from the last meal.Cheers!Goldinero
According to the wikipedia, But this statement is inconsistent with the way all banks and mortgage lenders operate. In fact, it even flies in the face of documents published by the Federal Reserve that clearly state deposits do not fund loans. That banks do not fund loans using deposits can be further shown by looking at call reports for your favorite mortgage lender at the FDIC website. These call reports show that every loan is an asset the bank. If the bank lends $100,000 from its deposits, then its assets would be reduced by $100,000. Even if the bank records the loan as an asset, there would be no net gain in the asset base of the lending institution. But in reality, each time a "lender" makes a loan, its asset base increases by the amount of the loan. So where does the bank get the money to "lend" to the borrower? It gets it from the borrower. The signature on the loan paperwork creates something called "commercial paper" that the bank can sell. So, in actuality, the borrower has created money by making a promise-to-pay and the bank, for putting this promise-to-pay into circulation, charges the borrower a phenomenal fee (called interest) that amounts to a significant fraction of the original "loan."
The Denver International Airport has some of the most disturbing murals I've seen anywhere, much less in an airport. I've been through that airport a half dozen times and have seen the murals on three different occassions. There is a lot of speculation as to what these murals are and what they mean. Whatever it is, it is strange.
The link in your post is about telling a real diamond from a cubic zirconia. That is simple for an expert to determine. What I am referring to is not a cubic zirconia. It is a diamond made in a controlled environment. I believe one way to determine the difference (that I heard about) was using spectrometry. But I don't know the actual process for creating the spectral signature that someone would use to distinguish between a real and synthetic diamond. The thing is, the girl mentioned in the article of my original post had created diamonds in her garage using a welding torch. Granted, they probably aren't gem grade diamonds, but it makes you wonder about those that people could create given the desire and equipment to do so.
I think in Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, the answer to life, the universe, and everything is 42. The meaning of life probably has an equally intriguing answer. There was a very wise man who lived a few millenia ago who said in a book he wrote that "everything is meaningless, a chasing after the wind." He also said in his conclusions... His name was Solomon and his words are in the book of Ecclesiastes in the Bible.
That's a good question! I was trying to figure that one out for quite awhile. Nobody would tell me! Here's what I found out... there is no shared SSL certificate. Therefore, you have to make your own individual SSL certificate. But to do so, you have to have a dedicated IP address, which the free hosting package doesn't give you. So, you're basically hosed, when it comes to SSL at Xisto. :-(
Halloween And Christians Its origin and, should we celebrate it?
goldinero replied to wild20's topic in General Discussion
I'm a God-fearing guy myself and my kids collect candy on halloween every year. It isn't that I'm ignorant of the origins of halloween, but that it makes no difference to my kids.If I took a firm stand on halloween, I'd have to do likewise with Christmas and Easter, which have their roots in paganism. Then I'd have to take a hard look at Mother's Day, Father's Day and most other Hallmark "holidays" because they have their roots in commercialism. We should also stop putting money under the children's pillows when they lose a tooth because the tooth fairy is a familiar spirit.What's really important is to have a strong relationship with your kids and teach them what's really important, which is to have a strong relationship with you and with Jesus. Most everything else is trivial.