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Everything posted by rabidrabbit

  1. As someone looking forward to my death, its the last trip we should all have unless you believe in reincarnation.I should have died various times, seat belts do work people :)Worse way for me would be slowly and in pain, ionically enough this happen every day as some doctors and other do gooders refuse to understand the paitents feeling and will not assist them in ending their life in a quick way.If this happens am hitting a brick wall at a high speed and ending it fast.Best way and giving me a great smile. Would be suffication in the arms of a certain young lady I know
  2. depends on the kind of fight. Drunken fights: The Tossers or Dropkick Murphy'sGang fights: Disturbed, Rob zombieBut metal or punk seems to work best for fight it seems
  3. Usualy when this has happened to me its just been the disc being dirty.Just use medical \ (rubbing) alchol with a nice piece of soft cloth, T shirts work best.With this method your not scratching the disc either
  4. Religion seem to achieve more destruction misery and death, than the good it preaches. Most religion try and convert by force or by deception. Then there is the extremist that take things too far, manipulating and twisting their faith for their own personal gain, and with that preying on those that in need of some one to listen to them and they are slowly turned into extremists themselves. The fallacy in religion is that it is supposed to be the word of Gods / God but it is spread by humans and as such it will be tainted no matter what anyone says, and as such it will be twisted and modified to the extreme that the true meaning will be lost. Some need faith, others need something stable in their lives but what important is that as all thing in life everything is good in moderation and one has free will, so don't try and force anything towards people.
  5. About 100 years ago it was legal and main countries depended on it for production, but that was its weaker cousin Hemp. This crop was so important that they callled it the big cash crop ever and then it was legal lol, this was as the hemp plant produced rope, fabric, used in cooking etc. Hemp oil was supposed tob the fuel that the deseil engine was supposed to be powered with.Then the fad ended, although hemp is still widely used mainly in the bio chemical industry. So in a way Hemp is a legal product what is not legal is when its cultivated for recreational purposes.Now if we look at the netherlands the legality of resale has its limits and although coffee shops are popular they are only limited to Amsterdam. The way that drug use is not spirialing is a strong eductional program.If marijuana does become legal, there will be fears of it will lead to other harder drugs, so one way to keep the doom sayers pacified would be via the implmentantion of various rules on where to buy and smoke.But even if marijuan is legalised we have to remeber that various companies still have some strong anti drug policies.
  6. My first PC build I forgot to place the risers on the case before mounting the mother board on the rest when fine, except it blew the board dont know if it blew the chip though was my face red and I dont think my mate was too impressed.Also when doin none essesintal maintence on one PC I left it running opened the side up looked into it and my beard got caught in the graphics card fan, on tug it hurt like hell and it killed the fan lolEatting whilst attching bits and pieces is not an idea pizza hardens up quick
  7. what I tend to use for bad scratches is normal tooth paste (do not use th ewhiting ones as those contain large particals that will ruin the CD/DVD even more)Normal scratches I use 'autosol' a chrome polish used on cars bikes etc as its cuts through the surface quiet mildly.The important thing to remember is to apply these products with a cotton cloth, an old T shirt works best :)Also when you are doing this you are cutting into the layer its self so at that point it would be adviced to reburn the disc in question.
  8. Please take into consideration that in some schools this may lead to action by your school.My last school this breached the school's rule and some where excluded from school for some months.
  9. For starts the word Hell just discribes the underworld. Its origins seem to derive from the nordic Goddess Hel ruler of the norse underworld.The Norse underworld is divided into various level so does not resemble the now defiention of Hell. As the current religious sects have us believe. Another thing to take into consideration is the emgerence of satan, did not occur untill Jesus appeared. So it seems that both entities could me linked. If we also take in consideration that Jesus dead for our sin could this mean that we are already in Hell and on what we deem as death is when we are actual released for our imprisonment?It seems that Hell is just a state of mind we define he area and prupose that why we have free will.
  10. That amount of tution fee is usually paid only once'But this prices usually only applies to home or EU students.The reason for these fee being so low is that the goverment subsidises the rest of the fee's.The same for goes for EU students, Overseas students seem to pay minium double of what home students do.On average it seems about ?9000 plus.Hope this helps
  11. Nokia they seem to last longer the chargers seem to be interchanagable.I'v had 2 ericsons they died just looking at the puddle they fell near.Nokia's seem to have a better endurance and in my case thay are cheaper
  12. wood is easier to maintain than carpet, clean is much better on it, wet spills are dreadful on carpeting
  13. Now adays porn is everywhere so its normal to be watching it.whether or not it becomes an addiction or not is up to each person.There will be others that will shout out against it, but its part of growning up.Some people dont have the confidence to 'start practicin'as its called so its an outlet.But as time goes on porn does start to get boring and just turns into a background thing.But in conclusion its not a bad thing, its natural and more commonplace than most will admit to
  14. Hi I was wondering if any one could advice me on weight loss. Am now 38 and been told that I really could do with shedding some body fat. So after some research its seems that I need to lose about 3 stones. I am a large person, but the fat seems to be gathered mainly along the midriff, I do walk a lot, but I do tend to spend hours in front of a computer screen. Trouble is that I have had no experience in weight loss what so ever, to the point I don't even know how to diet so any advice given with be gladly received. Thanks in advance.
  15. usually the pattern goes as follows:1. Walk away from the cause (slamming door depend on where I am)2. Get away from all interaction with other life forms (I find shouting helps, if you can get away with it)3. Go for a brisk walk for about 10 mins and if all that fails and I have internet access 4. Go online get onto a certain game and de-stress by the medium of killing virtual nasties, and complaining about the general day on the chat
  16. The problem seems to be twofold as in a lack of eduction reguarding diet and the rubbish found in food now adays.It seems that in the UK most obesity is most commomn on families on a low income bracket, due to this cheaper food stuffs are bought these are mainly processed foods. These foods stuff are usually made with stuff you will not want to know! Such as recovered meats, which the taste and apperance are changed drastically with dyes added sugars added salt etc. This is not health food but if you are on a budget, combined with working late, this is what you are going to be servering your kids. Needs must, this trend started in the 80's and now those adults raised then are giving their offspring the food that they have always known.Its these kids that must be educated in proper eating, along with govermental sancations on the food producers.Once the chain is broken obesity levels with be reduced and the only reson why the goverment is now watching over this issue due to the cost of the health service wil have to pay in the long run.But another factor to take into consideration is that the way the media portrays the ultra slim giving the impression that certain persons although having a safe and suitable body maybe deemed as obese.
  17. Online eduction is great as it takes the lesson to a person that may not be able to attend that lesson due to a number of reasons.It is also cheaper to run a online course hus making it free or cheaper than that taugh at an institution.This form of teaching also includes everyone and does not discrimnate in its teaching format such as room layout etcHowever there are downside to this form of education:1. My main downside is that of will power I am the kind of person that will be distracted by a single leaf blowing in the wind, so the internet amuses me to the point insanty, and as the lesson is online I wil do everything except the lesson.2. Sometimes you need a point to be repeated there and then and just not wait for an email a couple of hours later.3. A human face is sometimes needed to make the lesson more bearable, to be there to encourge us.4. Interaction with others make the lessons easier to understand as some of us learn in a certain amount of chunks of infomation and can relate that infomation at simple version to others making it easier to understand.So in conclusion at some point human contact and interaction would be best, even if this would be just for one day and discussional.
  18. To quote monty python 'I drink therfore I am', getting drunk varies from slightly intoxicated to so wasted you can't move. But this seems to have occurred across history and all cultures have there own form of booze, so it seems to be in our gentic markers. Even in the animal kingdom animals will all fruits to ferment to get nothing but wasted, so it seems that we may need it as a release. The most common use for getting drunk is that of a social intermingling either to get lucky or gaing dutch courage to ask some one out. It also gives you a short feeling of well being, its this feeling (numbness in most cases) that gets some addicted to the buzz of geting drunk. So its seems to be human nature that th use of alcohol is more of a release mechanism, but as most things it must be taken in moderation or else revenge is found in the form of the dreaded hang-over. But if you ever want to hear the truth ask a child or a drunk...
  19. why not both, some jobs offer it am an airbrush artist I do make enough cash to be happy with.Although I trained in law I found it boring and did not offer the freedom painting does, it sometimes pays better than law, and you don't have to wear a suit
  20. well guys and some girls beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Whats hot for me might not be for you, I usually go for the eyes myself but if ever asked this by a partner or a female friend the answer is its them
  21. I do agree with some of the comments made reguarding the patch issues, how comes when the game Disc's where sold as DvDs (mine are still on CD format) whern't they realeased with the relvent upto date patches at the time of manifacture. Server queues dont seem o occur to often on the EU servers but lately it seems to have cropped up, although it seems to be more freaquent during school holidays. End game has now been spiced up with the achivements factor, and its gonna be guild link soon they say, but wow is not for everyone a mate tried it and he didnt like it at all he's back on COD4 I dont know how much more longer I'll be on the game am slowly running out of toons to get to 80 endgame sucks at the moement.
  22. depends on the day and events that have happened usually 6 hours, a bad day or night its been no sleep what so ever, to which I've noticed after the 2nd sleepless night turns me hyper as a 4year old on a sugar OD, then I tend to sleep for about 18 hours, its bad when you go to sleep and you've lost a day lolthings that help sleep property law books, business legisilation,lavander , hot milk and enya these sometimes work
  23. I myself have been playing wow now for 2 years although this has been on the on and off due to travel and other comittments, and I do admit that I have an addiction to the game, but it is not the game in its self bt my the others I have met online. I am a bit of an altochlic so have various alts 28 in total on about 5 servers, although 10 of them are in the one server, just beacuse the ppl there are great. The game its self can be deemed as addictive but in my personal option and experence its more the people online rather than the game its self s wow is not a one person game through out at one point you will interact with others. But the other reason why wow can be so addictive could be that the company adapts and responds to the customer suggestions, but all this may change with the next expanision which could make or break the game further
  24. hi the am new to websites and a total noob, so forgive me for any greenhorn mistakes
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