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Everything posted by evilsmiley25

  1. While searching for this article, I found another about scientists successfully creating a chimera a few years back. I personally do not believe in this because it is wrong. Humans should NOT be tampering with nature, and creating freak animals. I was not trying to sound paranoid about this, just merely stating my opinion. Why should we have a need to make animals half of one species, and half of another? What purpose does it really pose? Especially a human mixed with a sheep. This case was most likely a human humping a sheep, you are right, but it is still wrong.
  2. Welcome to the Xisto, wwjester. If you haven't already read the rules, you can do so here: http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?app=core&module=help Now, to earn myCENT, you will also need to register on this link, with the same email you used to register your Xisto forum account: https://support.xisto.com/register.php To earn myCENT, you need to keep posting on these forums. Each post you earn myCENT and when you hit 100, it will update into your credit balance as $1. If you have any more questions, I can probably help, or any other community member can help. Don't be afraid to ask. I hope you enjoy it here on the Xisto forum boards.
  3. This is absolutely ridiculous! They get a better life for committing a crime, and it is FREE! I would committ a crime to get INTO prison, aha.It is costing people a lot of tax money. I say we give them the very basic needed to live, if that. Use that money to help shelter homeless people (not the ones who are homeless from drug abuse, or their own fault). These people need the living conditions more than freaking jail inmates...
  4. Hey Xisto community. I am not sure if this has been posted before, but I will post it now. I was in IRC when someone posted a link to this story. I am not sure whether it is true or not. CLICK HERE FOR LINK TO ARTICLE. I personally think that this seems unreal. It does not seem possible for a sheep to be born with a human face, our DNA is too different. If this is really true, then it is messed up. How would something like this even happen? How can a sheep be born with a human-like head? Can chimeras really exist in our world? What has caused this freak-of-nature? I am so baffled at this story. I hope it was not science prodding its way into making chimeras. We humans should *NOT* be playing god. It results in freaks like this poor lamb, who by the way, did not survive. It claims that the baby lambs body was burnt by the villagers when they realized the freak sheep. So, what do you guys think about all of this? I am very curious to know!
  5. Er...I doubt I could figure that one out. I have never been too good with logic puzzles.
  6. Very nice guide. I might consider trying to make this sometime. I took an intro to culinary course this semester, and I was really excited to learn how to cook for myself. This recipe sounds tasty, I should try it. Is it really complicated, and one mess-up, it is no good? Or is it relatively easy to make?
  7. Wow, that is really weird. I hope it wasn't put there by Xisto. I tried searching for something about it, and no related articles come up. I would make sure someone is nothacking into your website, or you don't have malicious programs on your computer, because if that was accessible to the public, it would have made your website look really bad. It would be tough to explain *that* one.
  8. Basically what the pop-up dialog box says. Comment, promote, and remove. I guess promote is to save the site on your search, comment is to leave a comment, and remove is to remove it from the search.
  9. While I do understand where people come from on this matter, I do not view this as being "pathetic" or a problem, just because you have *online friends*. As long as you can draw the line on where they stand to you, as people, and that real life is more important than online.But, I pose a question for everyone else. In the probability you meet someone online, and become friends, is it still considered "online" if they live in the SAME town as you? They went to the same high school? I would like to know how others view this scenario.
  10. My first MMORPG experience began with the game Runescape. I joined this game back in 2004, late december or early November, sometime around then. I thought it was really boring and hard to play at first, because I was stuck on tutorial island for about 3 days, *embarrassed*Anyways, after I finally got off the tutorial island, I really enjoyed playing the game. I became a member sometime in 2005, and I was a member for a few years. It was a really fun game back then, before they messed everything up.The wild was removed in 2007, and it made a lot of people quit.
  11. You are as normal as the rest of us! (Hopefully that is a good thing O_o)I have this obsession with holding things in my hands. I feel like if I am not playing on the computer, or video games, I *NEED* to hold something. I don't know why. :/I doubt it is OCD though, maybe more boredom. When you get the feeling to *throw/toss* things, try doing something that you consider fun. Maybe it will keep your mind off it. :)Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is anxiety disorder. It causes behavior such as doing repetitive behaviors such as handwashing, counting, checking, or cleaning. It is performed with the hope of preventing obsessive thoughts or making them go away. Performing these so-called *rituals,*provides only temporary relief, and not performing them increases anxiety. So maybe you do have it? Do you feel stressed or anxious when you are tossing things to yourself, in the air?
  12. Welcome to the Xisto community, frederik! Don't forget to link your xisto and Xisto forum accounts email, so that you can begin earning myCENT for your posts. Good luck on earning free web hosting, and I hope you enjoy it at this community.Join the shout box some time, and have a chat with the people in there.
  13. Sounds like a pretty fun and awesome game. Is it a download game, or is there a webclient type of thing you play on? Also, is it free? I wanna check it out, but I would rather not have to pay to play it. Online games are also usually easier to play, and you would not have to take up space on your computer for the download. No risk of viruses either!
  14. Welcome! Don't forget to read the rules, and link your email accounts on the Xisto billing website, so you can earn myCENT and start earning toward your free web hosting.Hope you enjoy it here, I know I do.
  15. wow that thing is puny! I would probably end up cracking it in half, because it is so light weight, and small. It is nice that phones are getting smaller, but at a certain point, they get too small. Reminds me of skit I saw on MadTV....
  16. I would personally pick the xbox360 (if I did not already have one) or the Playstation 3. The Wii is a really bad machine, and it is very boring to play. I also heard about the wii remotes breaking when they first were released, which caused people to *throw* the remote at their new flat screen televisions, sending cracks all around the screen. There is also another story about the remote hitting and putting a nice size hole in the door. Here is another story about a woman's ring getting crushed from the wii remote. So, for many reasons, I will be steering clear from this one.
  17. That signature is really nice, in my opinion. I am not the greatest at making signatures, but I think mine are alright for an amateur like myself. I want to learn how to make better signatures, though.
  18. It should be removed or hidden eventually. When I signed up a few days ago, it was confusing me how the system worked here. I signed up at the xisto, but then I saw the forum to request web hosting, and I assumed you would need both, at first. It might only confuse the new members to Xisto, if anything. I was reading through that forum though, and although it must have been a slight bit harder to attain web hosting, it didn't seem *that* hard. The only rejections I saw were from people who wrote a one-liner request, and had less than 5 posts.
  19. I see that you're new too. Welcome here also to Xisto. Don't forget to link your account emails so you can earn myCENT.
  20. Oh wow, you sure do know a lot. This is why I didn't want a acer laptop, though. They look cheaply built, and sounds like they have a lot of problems.
  21. To be honest, the cons definitely outweigh the pros to having flying cars. There would be a lot more accidents occurring because of people crashing, or running out of fuel. And, people would need flying lessons instead of driving lessons, which can be very expensive. Unless we're talking here more of "hover" cars, where they just float a few feet off the ground. I just do not ever see *flying cars* ever happening, because of the cons that would follow. That's just my honest opinion on the matter, though.
  22. Internet explorer has always been a piece of crap. It always is slow, and never works good for me. But then again, microsoft did steal everything from the macs, so I am not surprised they mess everything up. Problems with IE in the past: Just proves how Microsoft messes up IE all the time.
  23. Well, I view all of that as more of a science fiction type of thinking. I doubt we will ever invent shields that renders a person or object *invincible*. I have a realist style of thinking though, I tend to believe in the more possible, then the epitome of the perfect world.
  24. I'm really happy I found this website too! I have been looking for a good, reliable web host for many, many months now.I started on freewebs, and I realized after a few days that it was a really bad host, for serious websites. It is okay to just mess around on, or starting out, but it isn't for anyone who wants to own their own *serious* website. So, I then moved on to loads of other hosts, and none of them satisfied my needs. I soon heard of weebly, and I thought it wax pretty cool for about a week. Then, I realized I need more than JUST pre-loaded templates and a small website like this. So, I heard of things like mySQL databases, and began searching for web hosts that provided that. I found the best ones were the ones that provided cPanel.Anyways, after a while, and some more google searches, I finally found Xisto! I read about how you post to earn credits, and I thought that was a pretty awesome idea. I had heard of another website that did this, but I was too late to sign up. They were closed down.So, after I signed up here, I am now posting every day, so I can one day own my own *REAL* website. Thank you Xisto for hosting this awesome website! Keep up the good work. :)P.S. I also enjoy how friendly everyone here seems to be. I have been on many forum boards, and I have never found such a nice group like this, (not trying to be a kiss *bottom*, I just enjoy the community here, and wanted to post my opinion.)
  25. That's what I have been doing, but it seems like my myCENT values are dropping, even for lengthy posts. It's hard sometimes though to go into a lot of detail about a topic. Can't think of much to say right now either.
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