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Everything posted by web_designer

  1. thanks for the suggestions. i found it very useful and i agree with you about the signture but i am still thinking of one suitable to me. i already sign up in social communities and face book. it is really a great way to publish my website. but i still thinking of advertising as you said before i didn't find it a good idea. any way thank you for your reply
  2. thanks for your suggestions and you are right soviet rathe about where i should post. so i followed your advice and published in web design. and i will visit these websites and see what going on and which one is more suitable to me.
  3. thank you all for your suggestions, please mahesh2k give me more details about ad network, but i hope you can show me the difference between the ads and network ads i really don't have an idea about that. i am still new in ad world , i was just stick in design world. and thank you very much about the ads that connecting to design , great idea. and very suitable to me. another favor please, what do you thing about amazon ads. i added ads for books. but i am not quite sure if that is a good choice. and also i saw a link in xisto for affiliate and seems that i activated it. but the funny thing is that i don't have an idea about what is happening.
  4. that is right but in trao 17 hosting the version of wordpress is 2.5.1 and that version doesn't contain the link for upgrade yet it is exist only in recent version. also i already tried to unstall the plugin but it didn't work, so i had no choice but the manual upgrading.
  5. this is a post on how we can upgrade wordpress in cpanal (assuming that you are already have a hosting in trap17and installed wordpress ).but if you didn't install wordpress in your cpanal yet then do the following : - the first thing to do is open your cpanal go to software/services and choose fantastico de luxe. - in fantastico de luxe choose wordpress then new installation and you have now wordpress installed but the version is 2.5.1. to upgrade wordpress from 2.5.1 to 2.9.1, you need first to backup your database and all wordpress files just in case anything goes wrong and deactivate all the plugins and do the following: - download wordpress 2.9.1 to your local computer from here https://wordpress.org/download/ and unzip it. - delete the old wordpress files from your cpanal except (wp-config.php and wp-content folder in case you have customized your theme or uploaded a new theme but you should overwrite it later). - upload the new wordpress files to your cpanal either using filezilla or FTP (i used smartftp client and it worked great for me). - don't forget to overwrite the content folder because the default theme has changed. - for wp-config.php it should be the same but in wordpress 2.5.1 there is only a one security key but begin from wordpress 2.6 there are three security keys so we should update our wp-config.php file by replacing the security key in the wp-config.php with the three security keys which we find the in wp-config-sample.php and they looks like that: define('AUTH_KEY', ':dr+%/5V4sAUG-gg%aS*v;&xGhd%{YKC^Z7KKGh j>k[.Nf$y7iGKdJ3c*[Kr5Bg');define('SECURE_AUTH_KEY', 'TufWOuA _.t>#+hA?^|3RfGTm>@*+S=8\"\'+\"}]<m#+}V)p:Qi?jXLq,<h\\`39m_(');define('LOGGED_IN_KEY', 'S~AACm4h1;T^\"qW3_8Zv!Ji=y|)~5i63JI |Al[(<YS<2V^$T])=8Xh2a:b:}U_E');define('NONCE_KEY', 'k1+EOc-&w?hG8j84>6L9v\"6C89NH?ui{*3\\(t09mumL/fFP_!K$JCEkLuy ={x{0'); these keys AUTH_KEY, SECURE_AUTH_KEY, and LOGGED_IN_KEY, were added to insure better encryption of information stored in the user's cookies. Beginning with Version 2.7 a fourth key, NONCE_KEY, was added to this group. You don't have to remember the keys, just make them long and complicated or better yet, use the the online generator. You can change these at any point in time to invalidate all existing cookies this does mean that all users will have to login again. after putting these keys to your wp-confif.php file , you are done from your wp-config.php file. - run the wordpress upgrade program,Using a web browser, go to the WordPress admin pages at the normal /wp-admin location. WordPress will check to see if a database upgrade is necessary, and if it is, it will give you a new link to follow. This link will lead you to run the WordPress upgrade script by accessing wp-admin/upgrade.php. Follow the instructions presented on your screen. and now we are done - activate your plugins and enjoy your new wordpress.
  6. hi everyone, i uploaded my website in trap 17 a while ago and now i want you to share me your opinions of the best way to advertise in my website? which is the best affiliate program?i want a program that doesn't make my website hardly load, i don't want google adsence, i thought of amazon ads, so what do you think??
  7. thanks for your advices, i am now thinking to change my anti virus from kasper sky to avast or microsoft security. even though kaspersky is good but i noticed that it can be hacked and the most problem in it is when it expired then i should wast my time searching for a free keys , it is really so annoying so i think i will change it.
  8. thank you a lot for your advice but i made it at last and upgraded the wordpress, actually i did made a post about that and i published it as i supposed here but i don't know i dind it in Open Discussion ť xisT-O-Rama ť Life Talk ť General Talk so i want to move it to internet / web design as soviet rathe already adviced me but how???? if any one can help me i will be appreciated.
  9. trojan-gamethief.win32.magania the worst trojan i've ever see in my life. it attacked my computer and start blocking the hard disk, which that is mean i couldn't enter my hard disk drives, it also attacks the registry, my system stops, windows open and close by itself, when i make a scan in kaspersky internet security it affect the kaspersky internet security either but at that time i could find the virus locaton which it was in this path C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\cvasds0.dllor C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\cvasds1.dllor C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\herss.exei thought as long as i found the virus location then i can remove it manually, but the funny thing that i couldn't enter local setting at all, not by show the hidden folders or using explore, or even from the dos window command, in fact in dps i could enter and show the hidden folders but i couldn't deleted it.so i decided to use my final option which is the format for c drive but when i did that it return and affect my files in c drive again at that point i really get mad , and didn't know what to do, but after a little bit of thinking i discovered that the virus is already infect the other drivers so it came back when i installed the system configuration so the solution that i did and work for me is after i did format c drive i installed trendmicro antivirus and did scan for all my computer in this step i fixed or clean the other drivers from the virus but c drive is still infected so i reformat the c drive and installed system configurations and that's it if you want more informations about this virus, these what i can collect so be careful and start removing that virus or trojan as soon as possible.
  10. hi.. i don't know what is going on???why is my post here, i thought that i posted it in introduction section... why is here i don't know, probably i mistaken where i posted it, so admin please help me to transfer my post to introduction or at least tell me hpw to do that, regards
  11. hi everyone, i'm so glad to tell you that i finally find my way in cpanal, of course not assuming that everyone will get lost like me, but i did.any way, i could upload my files to cpanal, uprade wordpress from 2.5 to 2.9 and i'm now working to fix a few little things more, i uploaded my site using upload file in cpanal it was great but i couldn't using it to upload the wordpress upgrade folder . so i uploaded it using simple ftp, and it work like magic.the hard thing was the manual upgrade to config file but i did it.thanks to all who helped me till now.my next step is to find out my emails in cpanal, and i will go toward officiant and how to add it to my site, so any ideas, which is the best way, i 'm now reading the ads section, but there is a lot of opnions, a lot of ads companies. so what about your opnion??don't forget i have a wordpress blog specified in codes and designs hosted in logic plan, so what do you think the best way to adverste in it?
  12. thanks for your response, but i already deactive all plugin but the problem is in cpanal i hosted in logic plan (lunix i mean ) and i installed wordpress using fantastico which is seems it supports wordpress 2.5 and this version doesn't have an automatic upgrade i don't really very sure but that option maybe it became after version 2.6 or more so when i tried to upgrade manually by uploading the zip and extracted it in the main root the extract didn't complete, i wish could give you a clear idea about my problem.
  13. hi...seems i get lost again i installed wordpress but i found it the web host supports only wordpress 2.5 while i'm working with wordpress 2.8 and i want to upgrade to 2.9 so i uploads the zip file but i couldn't extract it, now anybody have a way to upgrade wordpress to 2.9 or 2.8 any ideas i will be glade for your help...
  14. i think my main problem that makes this code doesn't work is all the images i use had been added as a background image in my css file, but what puts me in a puzzle that it works when i use plug in but where is the problem?!! even i made a another css file like quatrux said before but it didn't work either, and now i really give upi dis activated the plugin and tried to add the code manually because my previous hosting didn't support wordpress plugin but now i will transfer my hosting here to Xisto so i hope here there is support to worpress plugins, if anyone know they didn't please tell me...
  15. thanks a lot for your help, i finally made my mind and register in xinto and now i am waiting for my hosting to be activated, i will took a quick tour in cpanal and i find it simple and easy to use, of course maybe i will be lost again, ( i hope not... ), but i really find everyone here very cooperative, now i can say that i am really glade to join your forums...
  16. hi...i have a three years old baby girl, i began teaching her a one year and a half, not hard things numbers, words, animals names, her body parts, colors, and more but the hard thing that i teach her these things in three languages Arabic, English and french, she remembered some and forgot the others but i am quite sure that i give her the basics. but if i send her to nursery i will prefer a one which is give her the basics too but in the same time, give her a spce to play and enjoy her life with the others children.i think if there is a balance like that it will be great, and i encourages you to send her to that nursery if there is these two options..
  17. this is a good point of view, in fact i didn't put that in mind before all i want it is to have my own address with no hosting domain before, may be i will think of get a sub domain from here, but can any one give me examples of the sub domain in Xisto what will look like, it will be more better if anyone have his blog hosted here, thanks to all of you
  18. Rainbow Effect to your text…just try and see You can add effect to the text (headlines or titles) by using java scripts, it will colors the words with a rainbow color, Just put this code in the body tag and you can edit it as you like, enjoy <p align="center"><font size="6" face="Tahoma"><strong><script language="JavaScript"> <!-- function createHexArray(n) { this.length=n; for (var i=1; i<=n; i++) this[i]=i-1; this[11]="A"; this[12]="B"; this[13]="C"; this[14]="D"; this[15]="E"; this[16]="F"; return this; } hx = new createHexArray(16); function convertToHex(x) { var high=x/16; var s=high+""; s=s.substring(0,2); high=parseInt(s,10); var left=hx[high+1]; var low=x-high*16; s=low+""; s=s.substring(0,2); low=parseInt(s,10); var right=hx[low+1]; var string=left+""+right; return string; } function makeRainbow(text) { text=text.substring(3,text.length-4); color_d1=255; mul=color_d1/text.length; for(i=0;i < text.length;i++) { color_d1=255*Math.sin(i/(text.length/3)); "255*Math.sin(i/(text.length/3))" color_h1=convertToHex(color_d1); color_d2=mul*i; color_h2=convertToHex(color_d2); document.write("<FONT COLOR=\"#FF"+color_h1+color_h2+"\">"+text.substring(i,i+1)+"</FONT>"); } } //--> </script> <!--You may edit these font tags.--> </strong></font><font size="6"><strong><script language="JavaScript"><!-- // You may edit the message below. {makeRainbow("<< your text must be here >> ");} // --></script></strong></font></p> Notice from rvalkass: Code should go inside Code tags.
  19. thank you for these information i really didn't know that...i'll keep that in mind every time i use CSS and also i think it is a great thing that CSS is keeping developing i find it very useful and if they can fix more bugs in browsers which is killing me that will be very helpful for all designers
  20. Hi…these are some useful shortcut in CSS 1- Shorthand: 2- comments: You can write comments in CSS to organize your CSS by /* your comment here */ 3- Pseudo Selectors: 4- Media Types: 5- Units: Hope you enjoyed my CSS cheat sheet…
  21. i am really now get confused, does co.cc not considered as an actual domain?? and now when i am ordering the host i choose this option (I want to transfer my domain to Xisto - Web Hosting (Xisto) and it doesn't work so there is these two options (I want Xisto - Web Hosting (Xisto) to register a new domain for me.) and (I will update my nameservers on an existing domain Or I will register a new domain.) so which one i should choose?? to continue the forums??
  22. sorry for being not clear my domain is a free domain in co.cc not buy it from here so i just want to make my hosting here to connect to it and make my domain point to my hosting here , thank you to your suggestions about the hosting plan a lot of members adviced me the same and i'll take it, also i'm not worry about mycents at all, because i know i can increase them just by posting and i really love posting here, thanks again, for your reply, and to everyone else
  23. hi...seems it is my unlucky day , i keep get errors and get lost again, now i want to add the DNS of Xisto to my own domain so i can activated, so from where can i get it , because when i tried to transfer my domain to xisto when i was ordering for a free host i get this messge (The domain you entered is not valid #) so where is the problem ?? i couldn't find out...waiting for any help, thank you
  24. thank you, you helped me a lot, but i have a question about the hosting plan, does linux means that the platforum is like linux or anything associated to linux because i did not familiar working on linux i use window or WAMP not lamp also , i already have a domain name so what is your suggestion now??i got that message (The domain you entered is not valid # ) when i tried to transfer my domain name to xistomay be because i already put another hosting name (my old one ) in the domain dns am i on the right way?? please helpmay be if i change the hosting to trap it will workbut from where can i get the dns of Xisto???
  25. h everyone and happy new year for all...i'm new to trap 17, i loved the system of forum posting and the hosting pla alot, when i began to post and participate i even loved it more, now i earned 2$ and i want to request for a free domain but i don't know from where to start also i want to know from your experience which is the best hosting packet for me my website is a wordpress blog or from we can i see the packets offers...thanks in advance...
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