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Everything posted by web_designer

  1. i am the one who asking here not you anwiii yes jealousy is a horrible weapon, that you can't ever use it and got good from it. and always the results can't be fixed. even you pretend that's ok and you make it up with that one who is jealous but still deep down inside, you know he is jealous from you and you can't trust him any more. now i couldn't get you here completely. but i agree that jealousy between couples is not something to play with, NEVER. it will only lead to disappointed, and loosing trust between them. some people think "if you love someone you should be jealous on him/her" and that is completely a stupid idea. love between couples doesn't mean possession, on the contrary, love brings respect, trust and loyalty. and about that i really believe in these words " if you love someone, send him free. if he return then he's yours forever, if not then he never be".
  2. now i always wonder? why people should be jealous? jealousy is a very complicated topic, and have a lot of faces. but i think most of the time it hurts a lot. sometimes, it is ok to be jealous in a positive way which brings positive reactions like being jealous of your mates that motivates you and makes you do your best either in study or work. another positive jealousy is being jealousy between lovers, boyfriend and girlfriend, or husband or wife. to show that one how much you love him/her. but the truth is, there is a tiny line between jealousy and crazy. unfortunately, all kind of jealousy eventually lead you to be crazy, irresponsible and selfish. only some people can make a balance and control themselves from carried a way.in my opinion, all kind of jealousy is a unacceptable behavior. it is the fastest way to loose your friend' s trust, and respect. also, it is the most effective way to ruin the relationship between couples. even some like her/his spouse or boyfriend/girlfriend to be jealous on him. but i think not, first you feels complimented but later you will start sick of it. no one love to be kept under rules, and absolutely nothing compares to freedom. even if you love that one and you don't want to bother him, but always after a while you will find out that you can't take it any more. being jealous all the time means that there isn't trust or loyalty. even between friends or brothers/sisters, if you feel jealous from your friend you will try to reach him/her. that leads to not trusting him/her anymore and when he/her finds out that he/she won't trust you either as friend. for the god sake, there are persons jealous on their friends from other friends, or from their family. and there are couples jealous from everyone around his/her lover,even sometimes from their children, TV or computer. it is just a sick behavior that can lead to psychological disorder. it is very complicated situation, and all of it starts by a little prick of jealousy. all you can do is not listening to it and control your emotions. but is it hard to do? or NOT? what do you think?
  3. i saw that strange way of drinking tea, do you really like it? for me, not at all. the perfect way to make tea, put the water in the electric tea pot, put tea-bag in a hug with a little of sugar and VOILA, i have a quick and delicious tea and i will give it to my husband because i don't like tea a lot but may be add some milk and took it to myself. this way of making tea is complicated, for the god sake how much time it takes, i will spend an hour or more making tea and make nothing to eat , may be because they used to it, or they have a lot of time, but i know that it is one of their traditions and they are so strict about traditions. if you want, see these links oh how to make Chinese/ Japanese tea http://www.chinatownconnection.com/making_chinese_tea.htm http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ by the way, they called it tea ceremony, because it take too much time.
  4. yeah...you was spamming to yourself ADMIN happy you relised that...finally and thank you for the sorry thing, we are all here support you either you are a SPAMMER or not... p.s i took the chance to use the dots ...i really love writing in dots but you banned me from that
  5. hi timclaire, thank you for sharing and you are welcomed here. for me i didn't use any of them. not yet, when the time is comes i will back to your link and check, since most of people think adsense is the better one. but i prefer to see the differences.
  6. hi, little asterisk, welcome here with us. if you aiming a domain and hosting plan then you are in the right place. all of us started like this and later you will find it a friendly and useful community. start by posting good quality topics or searching in forums sections, choose which one interests you and reply. you can check your mycents from your xisto account after signing up there with the same email you used for the forums. also you can check the hosting plans and available domain in xisto account. about wordpress, you are right it is the best. if you have any questions feel free to ask. have fun
  7. thank you, i like your signature too. and yes i love anime. this is one of my favorite character.
  8. hi, i decided to participate, this is my entry. good luck guys.
  9. well, good job mom. i really believe that if we denied children to curse or use bad words and they of course will get that from outside, then there will be kind of balance. and avoid them from carried away, at least to respect their parents and don't curse in front of them.
  10. personally, i don't like cursing at all. but not being around people who curse, i don't think so. who curse will reflect his image either good or bad, everyone can choose what he wants to be. we can't force people to do things, or judge them according to their backgrounds. i mean there are persons arise in a community consider cursing is a natural thing, in the same time, there are persons arise under strict rules, that consider cursing is a bad behavior.in my opinion, i believe there are kind of levels in cursing. there are words are used usually and not considered cursing, in the same time there are words i don't think it should be said at all. and that depend on society, TV, songs and more. all these are reasons that promoting cursing words. so, i would be strict to my children and not allowed them to curse but all these things will teach them the opposite.
  11. wow, a huge number of text messages, about 300 sms a day, i wonder who pay for that but according to your age and activity i think it is normal. after all it is very nice to have a lot of friends that you get along with them like that. for me the most amount of text messages i received about 50 but only for one day and with a special conditions. other times maybe 5-10 if there is an occasion or something, the average is 2. but still sms is so fun and great way to communicate between people.
  12. hay anwiii, believe it or not i am so honest in my replies, even about the bi thing that's right i google it but WHEN i was typing my reply not after that, the meaning i got is the same that nirvaman said before, so i answered that i don't know such women and that is true, did not added anything else. when we was chatting in shoutbox to told you that i google it, because it is kind of funny. another thing i consider that sheepdog support me because at least she didn't agree on everything you said, the same for nirvaman and mahesh2k, they didn't agree on every word you said and that's fine for me. the makeup thing is a misunderstanding i just thought you consider all types of makeup is a reflection of insecurity, and you took the toe as example. now if you read all my replies carefully, yo will find we agree that there is evil in everyone including women but i argued with you about the ALL thing you insisted on it first. but since you wrote that then that's ok with me. and please notice i never assumed you didn't honest but i assumed you only didn't met a good kind of women, so why are you assuming that i am not honest?? after all, i think all this topic shows a different point of views and was really interesting. one more word, these differences came from our different backgrounds, societies, and experiences. that make sense for everyone. end of discussion for me.
  13. high school is one of my good times in my life, even i admit that the college is better. but high school is always different phase in person's life. high school is the first steps of maturity. we learn how to be responsible persons, how to choose friends and trust them, choosing our feature and what we want to do. the best thing in my high school time, i got three of my best friends, they are like my soul-mate, we have a great times together, and shared beautiful memories. i learned how to judge people and take decisions, learned from my mistakes and became a stronger person.
  14. thank you darling, great we share the same opinions, now, the point is HOW we can do that? how we can convince him the there are some good women in the world. i talked too much and got nothing. so, if you have another idea, be my guest. and anwiii, we are a team now, if we are really evil, then you are in big trouble
  15. thank you mahesh2k, your reply is really interesting and objective. even the whole meaning leads to "not all women are evil but most of the . but i like it, hope you can met another types of women in your life. in general you support my idea, and i am really happy
  16. i think colors not only impact our emotions but also they reflect our current condition or feelings. at least that depend on me, when i feel relaxed i wear something blue or green. when i feel depressed i wear something brown or beige. when i feel peaceful i wear white and of course when i feel happy i wear pink. i remember i read somewhere, that most of the bridges painted in green, because green is the color of peace and make people feel more relaxed, and that will reduce the cases of suicide. for the same reason surgeons in hospitals wear green cloths to convince the patients that everything is alright.
  17. WOW, awesome. very interesting opinion. i like it a lot thank you for sharing and support my point of view about women, oh, god, i felt like shouting in the desert alone. now we become two.
  18. hi hannah, you are welcomed here between us. this forums are very useful in many ways, you can talk whatever you want but be sure to break rules or forum, you can have fun reading many interesting topics and you can even post about your homework here. i am sure many will help.i also, love art a lot. i love all kind of art, i hope you will share us some of yours, have a good time.
  19. well since i can see this post then it is approved and fine. also, the list is very interesting even containing words i didn't imagine that they are profitable like but i found it useful, thanks for sharing.
  20. i am still using windows xp because t is really compatible with a lot of programs. i also have windows vista that comes with my laptop but i never use it before, i am happy with my windows xp but i think eventually i should upgrade to windows 7 but i prefer to wait for a while until micrsoft will fix all bugs.
  21. ok then I GIVE UP. you are a hopeless case, i won't try to convince you any more. i wonder why other women here didn't reply? i hope they will to get another points of view here.
  22. oh yeah, now who is not objective? if you mean here with a bi woman who wants to attract everybody around her. then yes i met a lot of them, but not interested to knew anyone of them. and OF COURSE I AM NOT A BI. but from your point of view, that people should react with everyone and search for their core, isn't that what bi woman do? anyway, i still insisting that not all women are bi, there are quiet, wise women who don't want all eyes turn to her wherever she go. honestly, you didn't met such woman ever? if yes, that will proof you are wrong and not all woman are evil or bi. if no that proof i am right and you didn't meet all kinds of them. also, maybe you didn't say anything about makeup directly but referring to the painting of little toe is part of it, and what? do you want a woman went out with her hand nails painted and her toes not? if she will bother herself painting her nails, and waiting them to dry. why she didn't do it in a perfect way. that is the point, most of woman are organized where men are not. this is an issue of organization and doing things in perfect way. if a woman make a dinner she will clean everything, if a man make it he will leave everything like a storm passed by. so admit it women are more organized than men, as a result, if she wants to go for a special place, wearing best cloths, putting makeup, and didn't paint her toe then yes she will feel unsecured because she didn't make everything in a perfect way. in the same time, a lot of men do that either, i know men who can't leave home without a perfume, they even return home if they forget to put some. why because they are feeling unsecured too. well i wasn't assuming, i state evidences about good examples of women and said if you don't think they are good women and not evil then you didn't met the good kind of them. since you in the first step said ALL women are evil... but since you admit that not all of us are bad or evil then i am happy with your answer till now, and about the research thing, it is a good point because some men didn't bother themselves doing that or even trying to know the women in their life. now if i think deeply maybe you are attracted to that type of women therefore you can't see another ones.
  23. hi, anwiii. take a look on these links. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ these links contain ajax scripts for images viewer. and not allowed save as image option, hope it will work for you.
  24. i know that rigaudon, i am not defending myself, i am simply defending on the whole Womankind and try i a way or another changing his opinion of women. to make him see life in a sweet pink color
  25. OH, REALLY!! so you don't have anything against women anwiii, huh, now you make me laugh. hay, you must be reasonable why are you assuming all women are just like that. you should have at least one woman in your life that you respect her. if not, then i can't say more than you met only the bad kind of women, or the worst maybe. now i will try to convince you about the evil thing. do you think woman who have to work day and night if she has a husband or not to feed her family is an evil woman? or do you think woman who quit her job and chose to stay home to arise her children is evil? or woman who study and spend years of her life in doing something useful to herself and to the society is evil? or do you think woman who chose to stay with a bad husband who treated her badly just for the sake of her children is an evil? and there are more. but i will give you examples. there are two women in my life i will talk about them: one cancle her scholarship in London to take the master degree, a chance comes once in person's life just because her mother was sick and she couldn't leave her alone. another was graduated from her college with a very high scores, all of her classmates assumed she will continue studding to take MD or PHD but she didn't instead she worked hard to let her husband finish his study and took PHD first and she took care of their children. and guess what? she took her PHD after 20 years from her graduation just to support her husband and arise their children. if you think those kind of women are evil then... i admit there is evil in everyone of us, each human has two sides good and bad. and it is our choice to follow what we want to be. also, i admit that i saw the evil side of women. some of them really hurt me a lot, some of them are my close friends. all that because of silly reasons, but i really pity them because women like that are carried away, following their feelings only, never use their brain. therefore they begin to hurt everyone around them just to satisfy themselves. in the same time, i also know evil men, pretending they are good persons and hurt women in a such horrible way, they even don't care of what they done or feel sorry. but i will never assume all men are evil. about bi thing, i never saw one before so, i won't argue. and painting toe nail. COM'ON. for the god sake, women need to feel confident. so they do that in many ways. putting makeup is a way. even i dislike thick makeup, but i do use a little lipstick or light shadow, but i can't say who put thick makeup are insecure. but i will say they are short minded, thinking that putting a lot of makeup will let them be more beautiful, they don't know it is maybe makes them look older or more ugly. here, i really remember my father when i was a teenage and want to use makeup. he convinced me with one word, he asked me if i love nature and i said yes. so, he said always be natural, nothing compare to the natural beauty. on the other hand, let's take it that way. women put makeup, or try to make themselves look more beautiful and men shave, or doing anything else to look handsome. now can i say men are insecure?? FACE YOURSELF anwiii. no one become a devil or angle only by his choice. so be positive and ADMIT you are only met the bad kind of women.
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