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Everything posted by web_designer

  1. everyone of us have his ups and downs in life, no matter how our life is perfect it must be some periods that we feel depressed or sad. sometimes, the consequences are something we can fix, sometimes not. sometimes we get depressed for no reason at all or better say for a simple reason and sometimes for important one. all lead to the same result, we will be in a bad mood, suffer for a few days or weeks maybe or do stupid things that we regret it later. howeverl, we could do something to relax and think more clearly. to get rid of the stress, and return normal. for me i have many things to do to make myself relax, like:go to shopping "if i don't need anything then i will buy the first thing i see ", read one of my favorite books, eat ice cream, talk to my friends, call my dady i love him so much, watch my favorite anime series, listen to my favorite songs, but sometimes i can't do any of those or they didn't work so i write my thoughts in my diary.sometimes doing one thing of this list is enough to refresh me, sometimes not. but at least they are good things to do without side effects. in the other hand, i know people do really stupid things when they get depressed, like:eating too much, fighting with the others with no reason at all, playing video games even it is healthy in a way to relax but not if it is more than usual like playing for ten hours or more, or staying alone and not talking to anyone just giving up and preferring acting tragedy.so, what kind of people you are? and what do you do when you are depressed?
  2. i don't think there is a certain language secure than another, especially for HTML it is only a HyperText Markup Language, it isn't deal with database like PHP or ASP. i think you can use some scripts for security but you want only to use HTML then it is not an option. in the other hand, you can make your website secure from your cpanal, submitting ssl security "but i don't think you need it here since your site only containing general information like wikipedia", our make sure you directories not chomd to777, here is a link to a topic i started before and have a lot of information about security http://forums.xisto.com/topic/70656-how-to-make-your-website-secure/ good luck.
  3. you have a good point here, what is exactly spam is. for this forums i think it is obvious hoe they want us to write, in a full sentences, with grammars, no many dots between words (like poem), and that make sense because the long of the post counts, writing at least two to three lines as a reply or posts. at least that's what i understood. but the whole meaning of spamming in general is not clear, for example some comments in websites are considered as spam. it is easy to determine certain comments as spam but some are not. i have one comment pending from yesterday and don't know to approve it or consider it as spam
  4. don't worry simpleton, as long as you follow the rules after all it is a very supportive and friendly community, so if you are stressed or bothered from life pressure, feel free to post anything you want, and we are happy to help and read your posts. and remember we all have our bad times, or feeling depressed. that is so natural, but always we can depend on our family, our friends, or our close mates to help us pass it. in the other hand, all your hard working in college will be repaid as soon as you graduate and earn your degree. so don't panic, it is all a matter of time and everything will change for the better. good luck, hope i could help you a little.
  5. yeah, good topic simpleton, and Congratulations our friendly MOD, we promise you to be good members and not bother you at all.if anyone did that for a reason or another, please forgive us. even some get angry from your sharp opinion, but i am sure most of us appreciate your opinion and admire it. because you were doing the job of a mod when you weren't a one. as i said before you were an officer without a gun and they give you a one now btwn, during my first times here in forums, i was writing topics and waiting worried for your reply. because i know if you didn't like my topic, you will critic me seriously. but after a while i realized that you are helping me that way, and point to my mistakes and week points. so thank you for everything you done to this forum and to all members, and be sure we are always your faithfull friends.
  6. ah mandla, you remembered me with the sweet old days, my gandmother and my mother, in fact even my sister till now using tea leaves for making tea, and waiting a while till they get the perfect test. but for me i am a little impatient. boiling tea is really gives many flavors every minutes. it was delicious even for me who don't like tea so much. but in the same time, we have a tradition about making tea for visitors, of course i won't make a tea bag for anyone visits us. first we boil water adding cardamom seed to it, it gives it a great smell and good flavor, then we add black tea leaves, wait for 5 minutes or more and pour it in tea set (i really love tea set with tea pot, cups, milk pot and sugar pot, even sometimes containing tea spoons and a tray) and serve it with cake or cookies. sometimes i prefer adding ginger powder to tea and milk to become something like french tea type which called "the au lait". about the tea types, there are many flavors now in many colors but the most healthy one is green tea but it is not very delicious at least for me, and all kind of tea have a little amount of caféine which help you relax and concentrate.
  7. don't panic, it looks like a server error, or the server is down. i tried to check my xisto account after i read your post and i got the same error message. it happens a few days ago i couldn't enter cpanal, my website and the forum for more than half a hour. but it works again, seems they work on it or something. by the way, this is the first time i see such error message here, at least for the last five months ago. maybe they updating the codes but i believe it won't take too long to be fixed.
  8. well, that make sense H.O.D, sort of i think studding is really one of the reasons but holidays and summer. sort of, because holidays end after a couple of days or weeks, and that's not i meant here. as anwiii said the number of members signing up here is reducing for more that a month or maybe before that, the same for members activity. and being outdoor for all day, that won't prevent me from using computer at least for three or four hours. maybe it differs from one to another, especially me i admit that i am addicted to computer and the internet
  9. nice joke H.O.D i am not afraid of that, i like the way he argue and state things but he like to dig deep and that what i don't like now, that is a fact, even jealousy is a natural human feeling, but it is unhealthy at all. human are a complicated collection of feelings, including bad and good ones. only who have controlling on themselves can make a balance, and the first step of achieving that balance is realizing if our feelings are good or bad feelings towards us and everyone around us.
  10. well, that's a good idea anwiii, all of us should do that if we really love this forum. for me, if you remember anwiii i asked you about that before, and i pm opaque asking for his permission, but HE DIDN'T REPLY. so i get confused and till now didn't sure if i should advertise the Xisto without his permission or not. @fouGiLang even you said you are lazy or something, but i don't see you like that. in contrast, if you have problems with english language and you are suffering posting here, then i can't say more than WOW, GREAT JOB. because i follow your replies, you are posting good things here. in fact your english is understandable, at least for me. maybe because englsh isn't my mother language too and if you taking a lot of time on writing, processing, and translating, then believe me it is just a matter of time. after a while you will used to it. as anwiii said it is a great chance to practice and improve your english. FOR ALL THE MEMBERS HERE maybe some of you read this topic and think, she is always online, she is free and she don't have a lot of things to do, ..ect that's right i am always online, but i have a lot of things to do in my life. but why i am always online, because i am studying so hard for an exam i should pass it with a high score, i work for my website, and feed my passion in scripts and designs by reading ebooks, scripts and searching for the news in this field. between all these i open the forum page every half an hour OR MAYBE LEST enter the forum to see what's going on here. and i really feel down when i found no news at all.
  11. good luck rigaudon, which you can pass the exams and 300 pages in one week in too much, but you can do it i am sure. and believe me i am talking here about these situations, we all have certain things to do. after all you are one of the active members as i think.
  12. that is extremely right for me, i am one of those who you are talking on them. if i was angry from someone or i like to tease him, i never called him. i keep on sending him messages. it is very useful if you are angry from someone close to you, and you know that you will hurt him if you talked to him, so sms the great alternative for that. once, i remember that someone special to me forget a very important occasion in my life and i want to remember him indirectly, so i was keeping send him sms like " remember??" or "really can't you?" or "forget it" and it really worked. sms are funny, fast and beautiful way to communicate.
  13. hi, trappers "or who left of you", i wonder where are the members i saw them five months ago when i first registered. the few last weeks, i was thinking that no a lot of members are active like before, but i wasn't quiet sure. a few days ago i found out many other members share me the same opinion, so i decided to write a topic about that and hear your opinions.may be i am exaggerating or something, but the numbers of new topics and new posts are prove that i am right. five months from now, i was entering the forums twice a day or more, each time i found new topics, new posts, even more people talking on shoutbox. but now, i am sure topics and posts are less than before. if i was right, this is a serious condition for the forum, and absolutely someone should do something about it. no matter what the reasons are. now please share me what do you think? if yes then we should do something, opaque should do something. if no and i am imagining then i will be more than happy about that.
  14. @littleasterisk. thank you a lot i liked the idea, since i work with codes and read ebooks, so it is a good idea, but i should check up the permission and copyrights thing first. @truefusion, you just read my mind. this is the website i talked about before, i liked its pop-up window, even i don't like them in general. he did a really good job in his website and i am one of his regularly visitors. thank you guys, you are always a great help.
  15. that's correct, i got a malware before on my pc, i tried to remove it using the antiviurs but it didn't work. at last, i searched for the malware removal and it works. the strange thing why the antivirus can't fix this problem even it should to do that, and make you operating system secure and safe.
  16. thank you asterisk for the precise reply, seems it is really a bad idea after all of you guys agreed on that. even if i thought of doing it and use a pop up window, what kind of free things i can offer. my blog is kind of tutorial blog, should i offer them a code or what
  17. web_designer


    hi shubhkarman, welcome here. Xisto is a very friendly, helpful community, you can get a lot of knowledge, information and sharing ideas with everyone. also, you can get a free hosting or a domain name. just make sure to read the rules in the main page and start posting. if you have any questions we are ready to help.
  18. now that is exactly what i do when enter a website and a pop up window appears, all this idea begins in my head after i saw a very beautiful pop up window in a website, so i didn't close it immediately but waited to see the effect. and i figure out that it is in jquery, but i didn't subscribe so, after two opinions seem it is a bad idea, but i will wait for for opinions here, thanks for your replies.
  19. i got another good option, a customizable photo gallery in flash and it is free it called dfgallery, here is the link http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ this gallery not allowed "save as image " option, i test it myself, but ofcourse they can always take a screen shoot but you can avoid that by adding a watermark over each image.
  20. great, so we have a farmville players here. i was about writing a topic about that when i saw this one. for me, no i don't play it at all, i think it is so boring and it kills me see everyone i know just planting. and when i say EVERYONE i mean it, all my friends, all my family play farmville. it is like a disease or epidemic between them. thanks god i am not interesting. they wast a long time on planting, buying things, designing. what is this, are they serious??i know games are fun but all i know are over reacted. to make sure i am not exaggerating here, let me give you some examples: i have two friends who supposed to be so busy because one of them is a doctor, the other is a pharmacist and both of them are married and have a family. the other example is my cousin she is married and has twin baby girls and working in a college, and she spend hours in farmville. now, do i exaggerating or they are completely addicted. i wonder if we have someone here addict to farmville just like everyone i know.
  21. hi trappers, i have a newsletter in my website. i want to encourage the visitors to subscribe in my newsletter, so i thought of pop up window that asking visitor to subscribe. i am not quite sure, i sometimes find it bothering, sometimes not. so, what do you think?if you think it is a good idea, show me the good idea to start with? DHTML or JQUERY? thanks in advance.
  22. my best pc games are zuma and tumble bugs. i don't like the tactical games like red alert, the punishes or war games "i think it is men games" i prefer the intellectual games, some times i play spider solitaire that comes with xp. but i general i am not big fan of games.
  23. hi kelly_brooks, welcome here. we are all happy to help you in anything you want. here in this forum we are like a big society, everyone help the others. also, you can get a free hosting or a domain name, and good friends. looking for your posts.
  24. i agree that humans are full of emotions and jealousy is one of them, but it differs from one to another. in the same time i think either it is a good or bad jealousy, we should learn to ignore it. once, you listen to it once you will let it appears. i am sure there are people who could control themselves but in the same time there are people can't, every step after that make them loosing control more. i said it before, some are connect love with jealousy but most of times, it will lead to troubles between lovers. even in the case you stated, showing nothing is kind of not interesting which make you ask for attention but still the same for the results.
  25. very interesting, i love working in CSS, it is the best. i test the code and it works perfectly in opera 10.10 and firefox 3.5.9 but not working at all in internet explorer 6, even i used css hacks but i get nothing. thanks god it will expire next year. thanks for sharing.
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