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Everything posted by SarCasM

  1. Even though Windows is crappy in many ways, its all I have and even if I wanted to try Mac I couldn't.Plus, ... I don't want to, I've been on a Mac before, and I hated it.
  2. Nice, background is good, and actually kind of UNIQUE(wewt), render is good, and even the text I like, although the font doesn't totally fit the sig, its not horid and completely ugly.The border, on the other hand, sucks IMO, doesn't fit the sig at all =/8/10, border kinda ruins it, gj.
  3. Hm, had to decide between SM and TF..and after thinking about it and comparing them, I have to go with TrueFusion's. I like Saint's render effects/background/text, but I prefer TF's background, and I like how he did the green area, although I don't really like the text, I'm going with his. GJ to everyone though.
  4. I never said using one brush would be better, but after seeing 5965695 backgrounds done practically the same way, nothing stands out to me.
  5. Meh text looks fine IMO, maybe it could stand out a little more, but whatever.Not much I can say, its another multi brushed background with a semi blended render on it, with the same old border, and some blended text.Not saying its bad, but its nothing new..at all, although I like the crosshatch or pixels or w/e on the render. 8/10.
  6. The only time I put milk into my body period, is if its used to cook something.Ever since I can remember I've hated milk, I always have and always will. So what kind? The kind that doesn't exist.
  7. For a first popout its ok, but the background isn't my style, I mean its not bad, I just don't really like it =/Render is fine, can't really say much more about it. The text also seems too plain. Maybe if you had a better text I'd like it, but the text ruins it for me =/ but good job anyway.
  8. Well, the background is nice, aside from those "scratches" or whatever the heck they are supposed to be(just looks weird to me).Text is ok, the "Kubi" text is kinda ugly, but not horible(like my text useually is).Render doesn't seem to fit perfectly, but still looks ok with it.Yadda yadda 8/10.
  9. Hmm,I guess I'd have to go for Mike on this one, it just looks more clean to me, better detail, I like how the render fits into the sig, although the text isn't that great. Snils just looks like the same old same old to me(from him) =/ so yeah, SM.
  10. Although I have also attracted to Fusionss and SM's, I'ma have to vote for Freaker, just a nice looking, not over detailed sexy cute sig, in my opinion.But still props to everyone else.
  11. O.o weird lookin little guy, I dunno if I could come up with a sig to fit it, but nice render anyway.Of course, even if I could I don't have anything photoshop currently, so I can't period.
  12. Wow, most of the sigs I've seen posted lately have been more of the same thing, and boring for me, which is why I haven't bothered commenting on them. But this one definately caught my attention, so I guess I'll comment away....I love it, unique grungetechabstractish(no idea) background, plus sweet tech border, the left render(his face) is kinda meh, I keep thinking it may look better without it, but I also keep thinking it wouldn't, so yeah its fine.The text is plain, not much detail, but as you said it doesn't really matter with this sig.So..10/10 in rating, gj.
  13. Meh, it used to be very very..very awkward, and most of the time if I was in the room my mom would change the channel, or fast forward, or whatever.Now, I'm 14, a hormone crazed teenager, and she knows that as do I(...) so, its less awkward, and normaly she doesn't change/fast forward, unless my gramma is in the room.Although, she will make jokes every now and then, which I find very disturbing.
  14. Meh, the background/render is ok, the two "border" .. things or whatever on each side just seem kinda weird, and the "Model 101" text is just blech =/.But anyway, 7/10.
  15. O.o interesting, but nice. The "Milk" text is a little meh but still. Yeah lets go with that >.>
  16. Wow, you actually found a use for that render, I never could get it to fit(not fit as in size, but "look good" or whatever) in a sig =/ nice sig, 8/10.
  17. Background is nice, text is fine, render is..um.Well, its a nice render . but doesn't fit the sig.
  18. Hm, not the best border/text, and I see a few missed spots on the cutout of the render, but I still like it, nicely done.8/10(wow, haven't actually RATED a sig in a while).
  19. <3 <3 <3 <3 it.Seems like popout sigs are becoming a really big fad now -.- but I still love it, background text render, everything. Not to seem to um up front, but..I think I am..in love with your sigs...
  20. ILU SM ;_; well, least I love your sigs.I love it, sept the border, just looks bad with it IMO. And maybe more blending with the text(I know, take my own advice, blah blah hush), but still good.Ok, I'm going to chill down with commenting on your sigs..too many of them -.-
  21. Hmm, yet another nice sig from SM, sept two things:1: Text, I'm guessing you made the whole black over second half thing on purpose but meh me no like..me cannot read it good =/2: IMO it would look better without the middle render, just the one in bottum corner. But its still nice, as always good job.
  22. h0t.Can't really find anything I don't like about it, very sexy, good job.Well, the middle area is either like, little too bright or blurred, not sure, IMO. But still nice sig.
  23. ^This, is unfinished, well I made a sig with it, but hated how it came out. And this is the one I hate... First of all, forgot the border, the render on the right sucks, crappy blending, and the text is totally ugly out of place and just plain junk. Wow, trashing my own sig, cool! So yeah, I plan to make a new sig with the background, and maybe do more with the background itself. Why am I even posting then? I'm losing intrest, and I don't get any good ideas, so I was wondering if anyone could give me ideas, tips, links to good brushes(not much in Resources ;_; and please do not say deviantart), ect. And just because I'm bored: ^I know this one is very plain, I wasn't trying to do anything new with it, I just got bored and was messing around in PS, this is one of the things I did and I kept it. So I figured I'd throw it in this topic.
  24. I can't really think of anything "strange" I've been called, although my mom used to confuse me with my cuzin Kyle, but that's not really strange.Oh, but one time I was called "smart", I was like lol good one!</bored>
  25. Not only did I not find it funny(maybe its just me but that was a really lame pun), but its just plain ugly IMO. Background is meh, border doesn't fit, and the render .... yeah.And I hate mcdonalds BTW, not because of some health issues, I just hate their crappy food.
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