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Status Updates posted by deadmad7

  1. DANG! I just passed a 1000 bookmarks on Chrome! Actually its almost 1200 now, and i've been using it for like 2 years now. i just noticed today.... weird achievement. H o r r a y !

    1. web_designer


      oh great, but bookmarks for what??

    2. Iniyila


      i have only 14 bookmarks :D

  2. no one likes you...cause everyone LOVES you! :D

    1. Baniboy


      thanks man, i appreciate it =)


    2. Iniyila


      oh i prefer liking :D

  3. *spontaneous idea moment* (some time later) just got a new site... will tell you guys what it is after i finish...

    1. chini13


      ummm hmm great..creative dm :P

    2. web_designer
  4. aw damnit.. everytime i post the voting thread, at least of your sig has a blank icon and i have to fix it... and that reminds me, don't forget to vote in the sotw. http://tinyurl.com/SOTW15

    1. anwiii


      why don't you use the knowledge sutra domain. what kind of forum mod are you...

    2. deadmad7


      maybe because the knowledgesutra domain isn't "tiny".

  5. everyone, check out my site : http://www.thewalkingdeadcentral.com ! pretty ironic isn't? deadmad posting dead stuff...

    1. web_designer


      hey it lookd good i liked the theme...but last time we talked i remember u have an anime site ..RIGHT???

      so is this another one or what??

    2. deadmad7


      Well.... That's gone... I have new one now lol.

  6. someday the sky's gonna rip open and letters are gonna fall from the sky...

  7. Back in the when I was young, I'm not a kid anymore. But some days I sit and wish I was a kid again...

    1. chini13


      :( i wish i was a kid
    2. mahesh2k


      trust me twenties is way better :)

  8. just askin, is there gonna be trap (ks) awards this year? i guess probably not...

    1. chini13


      Are such awards given here ?? surprisingly umm hmm

    2. Iniyila


      i think what mahesh2k just said in 4 comments below this one is just right.

  9. new years sucks.... another year gone by....

    1. Baniboy


      You might not regret it if you use it well. I'm not saying live like you're going to die tomorrow but you know... enjoy the ride

    2. anwiii


      yea....use it well. next year, you will be dead according to your post...

  10. let it be....

    1. anwiii


      speaking words of wisdom.....



      or let it not to be?

  11. WHO SHOT YA?!

    1. anwiii


      I don't know who shot me, but I shot the sheriff. I didn't shoot the deputy though.

  12. just finished playing #Bulletstorm !

    1. anwiii


      i am proud of ya! let's talk in another 3 weeks when you log in again

    2. deadmad7

    1. anwiii


      haha i fell asleep early and woke up to some great news!

    2. Baniboy


      I don't see the benefit from this... When one a-hole dies, a much creepier a-hole is waiting just around the corner.

  14. *knowledgesutra still exists*?

  15. is wondering who will win the World Cup...

    1. Baniboy


      well we know it's not England..

  16. What if I say I'm not like the others? What if I say I'm not just another one. You're the pretender What if I say that I'll never surrender?

    1. web_designer


      nice lyrics deadmad...thank you for sharing..

  17. I'll buy each piece of Paul The Octopus for $1000

    1. DodgyPhil


      Not Paul's fault Holland are rubbish :D

  18. Seems like my signatures suck now.... my sig record now is 2 wins and 2 losses :(

    1. anwiii


      i know what you mean. i am all tied up too. 0-0

  19. I want a brand new house on an episode of Cribs. And a bathroom I can play baseball in. And a king size tub Big enough for ten plus me .(Yeah, so what you need?) I need a a credit card that's got no limit.I'm gonna trade this life. For fortune and fame. I'd even cut my hair. And change my name. 'Cause we all just wanna be big rockstars, drivin' fifteen cars. The girls come easy and the drugs come cheap.And, hey, hey, I wanna be a rockstar Hey, hey, I wanna be a rockstar

    1. web_designer


      get genie of the lamp...ask him to bring you all that...then he will tell you..save money and call me to bring these things to you hahaa...

  20. MY FIRST signature request has been completed! Yay! Party time!

    1. chini13


      Congrats Deadmad :)

  21. lol... I'm starting to miss the old forums... this one is crappy as HELL! everything is broken, moods aren't working,sigs aren't allowed, header is not displaying and million other things!!!

  22. YoAnime ( .COM ) is UP AND RUNNING! Yippie yippie yay yay!

    1. anwiii


      good. now do something productive with it :)

  23. do you know the feeling when you forget what you're happy about? :)

    1. web_designer


      yeah...and it is even better from being happy for something deadmad...enjoy...

  24. what she said was something beautiful ...

  25. I'll be there for you! (When the rain starts to pour) I'll be there for you! (Like I've been there before) I'll be there for you ('Cause you're there for me too)

    1. web_designer


      nice words..it is always good to be there for other people when they need us and show them how much we care...

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