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Everything posted by ArcaneSpirit

  1. I'm not entirely sure what look you are going for with your site, but it comes across as somewhat amateurish. I don't mean that to be insulting, just an observation. It's also quite plain as far as the looks go, which in itself isn't a bad thing, many have made awesome sites that are simple. But combined with the amateurish look as well, it's the kind of site that upon first viewing it, I immediatly leave for fear of being bombarded with pop-ups and spyware. I hope that my input isn't all that offensive to you, you did however ask for us to rate your site. I'm sure you have had many compliments and not so good comments about your designs. I just hope that my observation of your design is constructive and helps you improve your designing skills. I would deffinately get more color into your designs as well. As far as I could tell, most all your site was black and white, minus the title banner...
  2. When this war first began, and even now, I am completely against the United States butting their noses into other countries business. Are government is spending more time, money, and lives on other countries problems while not doing anything to correct problems going on here on our own soil. As far as pulling out of Iraq now, I would have to say we shouldn't. It our governments interference that has cause all the problems the Iraqi people now face and we should stay and help correct the problems we caused. It would be completely imoral to break down their government, rebuild it, then leave before their new government is able to establish control. If the US is going to put it's nose in everyones business, they should have the decency to stick with it until the current situation is over. I would prefer that the US stick to our own problems here at home rather than what other countries are doing. If they want freedom, they can fight for it themselves, just like every other country has including the US.
  3. First off; Sorry that you found what I had to say offensive. It wasn't my intention to have my opinion become that. But I do have a very strong opinion on the topics involving religions of any origin. As for an example of the bible contradicting itself, I can give you a one or two. One being; how in the 10 comandments "thou shalt not kill," while later it goes on to say "An eye for an eye" which by any theory means that if someone killed your sister, you have the right to kill theirs... A kill for a kill basically... That's just one. Klass, I have no idea where you seem to have gotten the idea that I swore anywhere within my previous post, unless you consider "damned" a swear word... In that case, you are mistaken, because it is not a swear word. Other than that particular word, which many seem to think of as a swear word, I didn't use any others.
  4. I'm not a religious person, I'll be the first to admit, and seeing how "marriage" is a religious thing, I couldn't really care less if we were able to be married. A civil union is just as good, gives the same rights as a married couple without the church being involved in any form. As far as the bible is concerned, it's FICTION! It is full of misleading information and contradicts itself numerous times. Whomever wrote the thing should have been shot. Because of this simple story there have been many wars, fanatics, and prejudices. Personally, I would love to see all bibles burned and done with. But, hey! To each their own. If people want to believe in the dam*ed thing, let them. As long as they keep it to themselves... Notice from Klass: If you swear again, I will change it to a funny and hilarious statement that will coincide with what your writing
  5. Invision is a nice board system, if you have the money to pay for it or you have a host that offers it with their hosting package. But if you wanted a FREE board that can be customized just as much as Invision and you want reliability, I would go with phpBB, especially when their new version comes out. I've always gone with phpBB simply because it's free and very customizable, not to mention they are always quick with bug fixes and hacker problems. I'm still waiting on the new version that has yet to be released. It sounds like the best free bulletin board yet! P.S. Invision and InvisionFree are not run by the same company if I remember right, but I could be mistaken...
  6. It's funny, until I've read this topic, I've never really thought about what my name might mean. To me, it's just something that identifies you talking to me. I find it curious that other people may or may not see it that way themselves.. So, I went to Websters Online Dictionary and searched for my first and middle names to see what came up after it was finished. This is what came up; First Name: Joshua "Joshua" is a name that signifies or is derived from: "a savior", "a deliverer", "the four letters", "be", "become". Middle Name: Robert "Robert" is a name that signifies or is derived from: "a bright fame". Very interesting in deed! Especially seeing as I am neither religious or a very social person. Niether of those meanings has any real association with me. Funny that my name may have another meaning, but nothing that really says anything about myself.
  7. Religion is most deffinately out of date nowadays. Christianity is still holding on to beliefs that are not welcome, appreciated and/or needed in today's society and just alienate more and more people as they go along. But it's not just Christianity that is out-dated. Almost all religions are out of date and most of the younger generation has about as much belief in their own religions as that of a baseball. It just hasn't occured to them to acknowledge the fact. I have yet to meet one person you has absolute faith in their own religion anymore simply because of what goes on within their own church and the world around them. Not hard to believe that fact really, there is WAY too much prejudice and hate in the world for many to believe in much of anything. Of all the organized religions around today, Christianity has to be the most hate-filled and they have no intentions of changing anytime in the foreseeable future. I'm sure a lot of "faithful" christians would argue the point, but they needn't bother, because plenty of people see it, even if they themselves do not... I am not saying this to dump on anyones religious beliefs, but it's what I see when looking at organized religion. I used to be considered a Roman Catholic, up until I turned six. Then I just figured that the entire church was full of themselves and had their heads too far up their own as*es to really see anything for what it is and not what they want it to be... Conformity is not a trait I think highly of.
  8. I've worn glasses and/or contacts most all my life. I have to say that I prefer wearing glasses over contacts anyday. I really don't like having to take care of the contacts they way they need to be, I have far better things to do with my time than make sure they stay clean, are replaced when needed, ect. Not to mention, they have always earritated my eyes to the point that I was constantly asked if I was high... Glasses on the other hand have a tendency to slip off of your nose, or scratch and you have to take them off when you come into a warm area after having been in a cold area for a while, cause they tend to fog up on you. You also have a tendency to fiddle with them in nervous situations, cleaning them and such... Wearing glasses can also show off a bit of your personality if you think about it. There are billions of styles to choose from for any one perscription and the one you choose is usually the one you like best...
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