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Everything posted by Indego_Media

  1. Mr Dee, just logged in to see your post. we both know that I've been where you are with the heart condition. the sleep apnoea thing is just to ensure you are getting enough oxygen when you sleep at night. usually the test is run at night. they hook you up to a few sensors and a nasal tube that monitors the your breathing output, the most difficult thing about this process is that breathing tube stuck under your nose for the night while you try and sleep. good luck with it. I'd dare say that your Specialists will find that unless you snore quiet a lot, and i'm sure Nanna will have told you if that is the case, that there is little to worry about there. It took them about 3 years to sort out the correct levels of medications for me, and we now things are good and looking up. so much so that i'm slowly starting to reduce the level of medication needed to keep the world a happy place.good luck to you and all the upcoming events.. Say Hi to Nanna for me as wellCheersJase
  2. Morning All, received a Tweet today from @LadyGaga about her New Foundation "Born this Way" founded by her and her Mum, Lady Gaga has always stood for those less fortunate, the new foundataion can be found here https://bornthisway.foundation/ the aim of which is very clearly stated This Way, Towards Bravery Where Youth Are Empowered. This Way, Towards Acceptance Where Humanity is Embraced. This Way, Towards Love Where Individuality is Encouraged. What really interests me about her new foundation is that she is finally putting her voice behind what has been supporting her for the past few years. It has always been the kids on the outside looking in that have found comfort in her work, she has helped bridge the gap between awareness and understanding on topics of sexual orientation, diverstity and the ones that society for what ever reason have pushed aside. During her push into world domination she has built a following of millions of @LittleMonsters who relligiously follow her every move, Given that she is ranked as one of the most powerful females in the music industry and indeed the entertainment industry, Her interest in creating a better life for those that are not as lucky as you and I is a welcome change. While Gaga has been building her empire of social awareness quietly in the background, the rest of us who are exposed to commercial media daily have had to continueously endure the daily antics of the likes of Kim Kardashian and Lindsay Lohan, Today the Australian media is all a buzz about the presence of the EX-Mrs Kris Humphries (Kardashian) here to spruk her wares for the launch of her and sister Kloe range of hand bags, and of course the on going puke-a-thon that is Lindsay Lohan's in again out again leagal battle, would seem that the Australian media are more focused on some pill popping drunk out of control Disney chick, than to really take the actual social concerns of our world seriously. Of recent times, our Media Community has spent time focusing on all the issues that don't really make a difference, we are constantly bombarded by Political antics, Celebrities Misbehaving and ofcourse Royal Scandle. But have you noticed that not once have then publicised any of the "Say Something" Campaign or Given us a Positive Spin on any really socially effective changes that we are facing. I really think its time that the New Room / Producers of these Programs started to focus on the positivite and socially rewarding efforts that are happening in and around our communities.. It would be nice to wake up one morning and be greeted by the Breakfast Televions shows, Publicising Decent people, good deeds, and communities pulling together for a good cause, instead, we hear about the drugs and violence, the criminal activities of the not so nice part of our world. You have to wonder what in the world is wrong with us, when we as a community crave news that shows the worst in people, shows people breaking promises, laws and ethiscs. all because it makes better ratings..... I sit here writing this blog and wonder if the community could stand a week of good news or if they would start to go into withdrawl with out thier hit of celebrity stupidity to calm thier nerves? I'd be keen to get your feed back on this one? In the mean time check out this latest call to action from @LadyGaga ''There is no oil too thick as to Destroy the Imagination." -Lady Gaga My 8 ft V Mag Cover! #Don'tPolluteTheDream
  3. Ok How about some good news ??????????? Misha our cavalier king charles spaneil gave birth to 2 girls and a boy yesterday afternoon by ceasarian section. All are well, well at least in the dog corener anyway, I'm just a little tired not to much sleep yet :) though some good news could brighten up the place :D

  4. Hi Nanna,i'm not sure if bramble is the same sort of thing as black berry bush that we have here in OZ but i find the best way to deal with it is to burn it. once its burned back you can get in and clean out all the bits you don't want and it will sprout again next season. it also give you a change to clear away all the weeds from under the bush as well.As i said not sure if it will work with bramble..CheersJase
  5. Hey SheepDog, i think we all enjoy a qood stouch with Anwii from time to time. i do agree though if they keep deleting his posts then we will have very little to actually chat about.... Hey hope you and you puppies are doing well cheers Jase
  6. Hey Mr Deecheck out this link http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ think it will give you what you need.Good luck.cheersJase
  7. I Need a Favour. Can you all please try and load Http://www.kimolsen.net as my client says they can't open the page. and its working for me. thanks Jase

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. velma


      loading fine here.

    3. Indego_Media


      Thanks All, seems to have been a propergation issue, but seems to be ok now.



    4. Indego_Media


      Thanks All, seems to have been a propergation issue, but seems to be ok now.



  8. i like the new logo for KS very nice... now all we need is some trafic and some content ????? :)

  9. i like the new logo for KS very nice... now all we need is some trafic and some content ????? :)

    1. k_nitin_r


      You asked for it, you got it. I'm on a posting spree!

  10. So pleased to have you at KS Nanna, Looking forward to some awesome times here with you :) HUGS Jase

  11. In the Chat room if anyone is looking for me :)

  12. In the Chat room if anyone is looking for me :)

    1. anwiii


      not in the chat room anymore. change your status haha

    2. Indego_Media


      got sick of waiting for you to get here so i bailed....

    3. Indego_Media


      got sick of waiting for you to get here so i bailed....

  13. i'm in the chat room if you want to talk... its raining here today... TGIF :)

  14. i'm in the chat room if you want to talk... its raining here today... TGIF :)

  15. I find it interesting that this topic string has popped up again,,,,given that I have a vested interest in Xisto - Web Hosting, and have been an active contributor to the forum both in the last 12 months and 3 years ago.... I can understand Anwii's frustrations with the drop in activity and the ongoing battle with Spam.It will be a definate loss to this community if many more of the active contributors leave for greener pastures, however I find it very difficult to continue to contribute to a site that last week had no activity for 3 days... Durring this same time I was despirately trying to resolve clients issues with hosting and yet again there was no support at all...Its just such a real shame as I've send many clients to host here, and as of yesterday, 3 of my clients are no looking to relocate to more sustainable hosting solutions.... A real shame, i was a member or Xisto and am hosted here and in Xisto - Web Hosting, unfortunately when it comes to client support, i can no longer see a reason why I should endure the greif that hosting with xisto continues to offer... Hopefully things settle down and return to the service levels I expect and was recieve over the past few years, becuase if they fail to improve I will have no other option than to find a hosting solution that does not cause me or my clients any issues.Lets hope that things look up for xisto, KS and Trap members... It would be a shame to loose such a great community....cheersJase
  16. Hey sheepdog,I'm with you on the red tape that small business has to deal with.... as for the idiots that hassel us over our dogs etc they need to be put to sleep....I don't know who it was that told me a long time ago, but they said that there is an ideal situation, if a govt like our respecive countries currently have with large unemployment, large homelessness, and massive debt.the solution was simple. start building homes for the homeless. this would bring a shortage in builders and trade related staff, as well as an increase in the demand for matterials and services around the housing industry. this demand would then create a drive to employ more people and ofcourse with all new jobs and sales of product increase government revenue via taxes.Its a win win for everyone.... Seems too simple doesn't it.... sometimes the simple things in life can be the most satisifing...cheers Jase
  17. not happy with XISTO at the moment very poor support services :(

  18. not happy with XISTO at the moment very poor support services :(

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. velma


      Dude Anwii, The reason I asked him to pm it to me because I CALL THEM!!! So butt out. I've been put on the forum so that in case a member needs support, I do the job of passing on the message.

    3. anwiii


      ok. i know this company has a weird way of doing things. continue to tell them to pm you. my bad. put it on the main page "PM VELMA if you need help"

    4. anwiii


      btw- jase is my bud. i will NOT butt out. you know he a cash paying customer right? xisto needs to step up. i already hear the complaints before you EVER did and i don't even work for xisto

  19. Have a nice nite all. off to Subway for dinner Catch you all tomorrow.

  20. Have a nice nite all. off to Subway for dinner Catch you all tomorrow.

  21. I agree that you need to be self aware and ensure that you don't put yourself into a situation that may result in a bad event occuring, However the actual idea of Online Dating being more dangerous then actually goiong to a bar drinking alchol and maybe meeting someone else who has been at the bar also drinking and taking god knows what, then depending on your promiscuity level, going home with that person is far more dangerous wouldn't you say. In fact if you wanted to pust the envelop to the edge of this discussion, the actual action of breathing in certian circumstances can be just as lethal.... At the end of the day i think if Online Dating allows you the time and convienence to meet someone special, develope a relationship with them and assit in you finding happiness then i'm all for it, but then again i'm also for going out and having a good time with a group of friends and maybe just maybe meeting the man of your dreams while stading in the cue to buy the next rounds of drinks...... I think we all want a bit of romance and companionship in our lives and it really shouldn't matter if that is facilitated in a noisy night club, your local tavern or online with your favorite MP3's playing in the back ground while ur wearing your PJ's....... its all about perspective and if your not hurting anyone and your not allowing anyone to hurt you then its fine by me..... J
  22. hmmm a vacation and a dental visit, sounds like fun..... its been a while since i've had a real vacation, the last one was to bali, in the febuary of 2002. We stayed 1 block away from the main blast, so its kinda spoiled our fav destination.but i think a vacation is always a good thing just have to agree with Sheepdog its not easy shutting down the mind and getting away from all your day to day troubles and enjoying the break.and when you have animals to care for its even harder as you need to find someone to look after then while your gone and you worry about them as well.......I so need a vacation and a house sitter that can handel my kids (dogs) while we are gone...... any offers for a few weeks in country Australia looking after a few kids for me ?
  23. Hey Sheepdog, yes i'm still here just got busy for a bit there. I agree it can be dangerous but so can crossing the street or driving your car to a cafe' so either way its all about ballance, trust, faith and belief in human nature being better then people give it credit for. Cheers Jase
  24. does online dating work? yes and i'm living proof that it works, I met my partner over 10 years ago online. we are still together, and online was the only way that I would have met him. He was not Out and online was the only place that he could comfortably talk to other gay guys.So yes it definately works and not just for Gays. one of my best friends got married to her husband that she met online. they've been together for 4 years now. there are loads more stories out there like ours. However you do need to be careful and make sure you take precautions before meeting someone. just a little common sense helps in most cases.As for those of you in this thread that have said its silly or wouldn't but have not tried it, you need to remember that every person in the world needs different things and just because your ideal way of meeting someone is not online, doesn't mean that it won't work for someone else. I don't get why people have to be down and anti something when they haven't even tried it? if you haven't tried it then really you have no opinion on the subject so stop putting your negative issues onto other people. I get that your intitled to your opinion but stop trying to inforce your ideal's on to everyone else its just not fair, especially when you have very little idea what you are talking about.I'm sure you've heard the saying if you don't have something nice to say don't say anything at all, maybe its time some of you negative people remembered that.
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