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About jerrylili
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Hi dudesd,ok i perfer AMD from a power perspective. Intel they are rippys, in teh news latley AMD sused Intel for briobing asian markets basically, because Intel hasn't had any new breakthroughs in teh personall PC procsssor indeustry, for god sakes they are still with Pentium 4, when they hooped from 1 to 2 to 3 in like 3 years.AMD on teh other had has made teh first 64 bit procssocr, even thought the computing world was NOT ready for it as, software wheren 't 64bit, after that Microsoft came out with an 64 bit version of windows whern they can do better but....Intel is ok for most but don't get AMD unless you are going to teh top of teh AMD line other wiswe stick with IBNTEL.yeap,jerryjmna
OKhi dudes,for the next 10 mintues i will explain in my way which is better for what.The Dells are for people with not that much money and whom done't play that much games, if you do on your dell, and it actually can handel it it my melt down. Dells are uslayy for application uses only, and they did go into the gameing industry with there rip off- XPS seris, seriously thats a rip off off of your panties. Dells are good for homework and other simple and low heat work, no big graphics. and they are cheap make in USA, but support is in INDIA. IF you want simple application and cimple games, and internet serfing DELL is the way to go with cheap prices and good perfomecen. BUT if you are heavy on games and video processing, you need to get a alienware. Dude, you're getting an alienware. (put that in your bon and smoke it)(he's in jail)Alienwares are really powerful, well, somepeople my say.... WHY i configures an alienware and a Dell to teh same sepcs but teh alienware is 300$ more!!!??? WTH??? well alienware uses good compontents, unlike DELL, which is waht keeps there prices rock bottem. yeah Alienware useus good motherbaords, hardirves and small thibngs like that but could mean big prices. Alienwares are very powerful for gaming they have teh Sli opption to boost you Half life 2 game to 100fps DAMN! yeah, thats expansive though, they also have the new alienware water cooling system which is teh altimite in cooling you machine, so you won't liiterly melt down you prcossor. that sucks. But i say alienware are teh better you can get a really good one for $1500 that reasoable. you lknow. and they are considered small bussniess compared to Dell so quality is good.Alienware if you want power.yeah there, thats 10 min.cya at teh party,jeery
Hi dudes,Are you kiding me man???? dude, a powerful PC is so much better than any consel, by the time PS3 comes out, 3.2 Ghz will be NOTHING in teh PC world man! sometimes consels take longer to load, because of small avaible memory RAM. but you can soup your pc with loads of it and it will load in an instatnt6. And PC you can play online with lots of people. Other than SOCOM for PS2, there are usally like 100 people on one game thats sad compared to PC--- like 10,000 on one game, but different servers. but i have to say. PS2 's SOCOM does holf teh record of conesle for having 100,000 people on at once a while back that was a recorded high record. But serioulsy if you want serious graphics, like what thaey have now--- SLi, meaning you can hook up TWO $1000 graphic cards on to one machine, wheren it will render half and half scrrens. NOW THATS BLOWER. PS3 is good, but no way can it do that. And also if you are into good games like Half Life 2 and DOOM 3 that require really good computers, note that the ONLY reason you can play on your xbobx when they come out for it is because they tuned it down, so XBOBX can p[lay it at say about 30 Frames persecond(fps) and thats tuned down teh XBOBX specs. But PC, a really really good one can give you 100fps,on PC verison. SO PC is better.BUT the price tag for a consel is like $300 and keeps you covered for like 5 years. A $3000 PC will be SWEET for about a year, then its all down hill. So for teh altimate machine in games you want PC, but price you want consel..either way, i like PC and i have a conesel, who i really does nto play with that much, i have 3 gfames for it. HAHAHAAHAH SRYYyeah so there you have it,jerryjmanbye
hey guys,thank you thank you, thank god, thank jesus. i have 1 day of hosting credits now, i had -4.85 before. thank you. i will try to bring it up to 10 days so i can keep my service, thanks thanks.btw: my site too cool to forget and trash.watsup,jman,jerry
hii really dont' like those massive mutiplayer online things, they are messy and intangled just like lifetime telveison for woman!!!! HAHAHAAHA no offensive. yo jerry
hey man, dude i love all of tem but i thnk GTA 3 is teh best GTA VC seems too short! DAMN! oh well. TOM SIZEMORE is in GTA VC, he is a trobled actor now, but he is really talented, too bad. yo jamn jerry Notice from KuBi: Fixed
Hi man,this is really bad, i havent' posted in a while and now i have -4.85 credits. Can i stil save my entire site and preferences??? please help. i want to have my service back, please give me time to post and get credits back again. that may take awhile, becdaus i will post god posts and not just everywhre.please let my site live again.jmanjerry Notice from BuffaloHELP: Edited topic title to meet TOS.
hi,YES i have used teamspeack before it is a very good program to talk to people using da internet, i use it with my clan people sometimes when playing wolfesnstein enemy territory, yes it is for boradband, so itf you have 56k don't think about it or you will get CHOPPED up peices of lingo which sometimes can be very bad and bad even more. MY CLAN- =SIE=http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/^^^^ u play wolfET????BARBARINA SERVER search we can play.yeah teacm speack alwsonme, donm't use venrtirlo i hgave nverver used it before. teamspeack has bots to announce when people are leaving aand coming in..TEAMSPEACK ROCKS.yeah,jerryjman
hi,what nest gen ipod?? where are you gettuing your corces from? i have never heard of 5th gen i pod!!!!i heard that windows based cellphone.mp3 is suppose to dominate teh market, btu we'll have to see hwo that will go later, but what ever, i dont know what you saying, i hope its a ::::******************* ** ** ** * * ** ** *******************3 INCHES BY 2 INCHES BY .23 IUNCHES and it hold a wahopping 100 GB og music and what ever with a color scree, ONLY then will i admit that steve jobs is a man and a compettior to billy gates.yeahtahnks stat your sorces please,jeery,ajam
hi man,are your sure you didn't get ripped off??? You know with all the stealing identiry online craptrash going around. you know...like...OK SEND MY FREE GIFT TO:adress:238 Foxtin av,Miami, 27362, FLMy credit card number: 521 5245 25456 2254My birthdate: 02-25-1952Social Sceiruty Number: 254 526 214 565You know that sorta thing, don't fall for that crap, becareful, i hope you get your real gifts soon , and not a suprise!!! card bill.yoyoy, buy barcadi HERE.jerrymejah
Hi,Moderators told me my communist banners offended some people. Ok sry, no worry USA never gonna go communist in a million billiob Kabajillion years. Its ok now, i chnaged my banner, everything fine. But i still keep my avatar. thats my symbol. and now the new banner is sensored and everything to regirements. :lol:yoyo,bardo bardorjerrryjamn Notice from BuffaloHELP: "OK!" is not a good topic title. Changed to more suitable one. Moving from Hosted Members Area to Photoshop Arena.
Hi, er here is a really good alsoem sweet one: i farted, It doesn't smell! yeah, thanks, please no autpgraphs, jerrymanbarcai party on the boat.
hey man!WOW your good, got some talent there man!. Do your use Adobe photoshop CS or CS2? OR what else?Do you mind makinf one for me and sending it to jerrylili@gmail.com. oor jus post a new topic with my game to get me attension.I would like to have if you please:Name : Jerry Li Lisome cool graphicsand these faces barcadi.and other.please mama,thanks ,thanks,jeman jerrry
Hi folks,yes very nice tutorial. I also know how yo make teh matric affect usinf 3D Studio MAx, it is very cool. you can get teh bullet rail affect and all that the whole SHAABAN!. OK?alright if any want it i can post it!np,yoyo,jerryjamn
Introducing My Site Not 100% but getting there
jerrylili replied to jerrylili's topic in Websites and Web Designing
HIYES YES thkns for your replys and reviews. Adobe did buy Macromedia, but only like couple month ago. i am using Photoshop CS and Macromedia Studio MX not MX2004, so it was made before they were merged, mabye they were thinkging og buys out each other a long time ago. Yeha i liek the idea of 100 Pure image site its sweet to have it that way you know what i mean. Now i have not idea how to make parent child windows in Marcomedia fireworks. Please some one help me!. YUeah the method of uplaod is really sumb if i chnage 1 little text, i need to upload teh whole documentpage with image folder very hassle-not-free.Can you please explian in detail how to add what ever you said and why it would make my life easier. i don't want to spend my life learning codes, that another reason why i did my site thay way. It was easier code free-alomst code free wrok YEHA! MMAMA!thanks,for the reply,party at my house,jerryjeamn