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Posts posted by SpiderVV

  1. Alright Sky. Thanks but, it may be my router that's not letting me broadcast the game to the Internet so I'll try Port Forwarding if the *BLEEP*ing ISP Admin hasn't blocked the Port settings. And I only have 1 PC that's connected directly to the Router so, it seems I'll have to try using a virtual VPN, as MTA Support has suggested me that so I don't get much lag. And no, I'd never ever run a MTA Server in a Wireless PC :lol:

  2. I guess the first 3D game I played was probably Microsoft Flight Simulator 98 but I think that must have been on a friend's computer rather than my own. It made a welcome change from 2D gaming. As for first 2D games, there were hundreds of DOS games on floppy disks being played on Windows 3.11 for Workgroups ;) The worrying thing is I still have most of those floppy disks! Three games that leap to mind are Balloon Challenge and Wallpipe, both developed by Soleau Software and Castle of the Winds, developed by Rick Saada (the days when one person single-handedly developed a game!).

    Ohhhhh, the times of Windows 3.11... My dad always had it since 1997, until he upgraded to 98. I also remember the good old games, like Bang-Bang, Chomp, all that. The first 3D game I ever played, yes, was Doom too.

  3. Welcome Spyke. Take some time to read the Trap 17 rules and all the FAQ's for Hosting like:

    - How do we give Free Hosting
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    - And about the myCENT system
    You start earning myCENTS as soon as you start to post big, not spammy posts. From time to time, as you reach certain post numbers you'll start to earn bigger rewards and then, these get converted in real USDollars and deposited onto your Xisto Web Hosting account IF your email is the same on both places. Well, once you have the money and good posts, you can visit the Xisto Client Area and manage all your orders there.
    If you need help hosting or making a website, you can always ask in The Trappers Place or read the Webhosting FAQ

    Hope you enjoy your time here and post a lot!

  4. I prefer Firefox over Internet Explorer any day. I have been using Firefox for years now and when I first switched to it, I was amazed at how much better it was than Internet Explorer. It had so many more features than Internet Explorer back then, and even though Internet Explorer has been catching up by adding tabbed browsing and such, it still doesn't even compare. I recommend Firefox to anyone who even brings the question of "What browser should I use?" up. ;)

    Same here. Still, we couldn't say that back in the 90's era, you had IE and Netscape and IE was king on the time, tho I always used IE, I started to test the beta versions of Netscape and I thought it was worse than IE, until I saw Mozilla.

  5. I wrote this tutorial. If any staff mods or addons for the forum say its copied, yeah, it is but from another forum I posted:


    This tutorial is fully written by myself and will have pictures ;)

    So, well you want to model and you don't know where to start? Then follow this: Start by downloading or "getting" Sketchup PRO!!! Then start modeling, the tools icons all say by theirselves. Model until you get this (for example):

    Posted Image


    Now start adding detail to it (invent something). To add a roof, make a perfect line with the pencil right at the middle of the square and then use the Move Tool to get it up and make a roof:

    Posted Image


    Now let's texture it. It's self explanatory, you can use the paint bucket and find a texture, I'm going to show you an example of what I made:

    Posted Image It's starting to get a shape!!!


    Next, scaling. This will require some work and various tries. Now do a squary in all your model (Select everygthing), right click it and do Make Group. Now Click S until it's like this:

    Posted Image


    You have to have Sketchup Pro, so you now enter File, Export, 3D Model then Options and select Single Object in the menu. Click OK and now choose .3ds. Next we gotta resize textures. It has to be 64x64, 128x128, 256x256, etc. Just choose the resolution that's closer if it's not already at that res. Get G-TXD once the textures are resized and fire it up. Do file, New and:

    Posted Image


    Choose San Andreas then. Now click the Plus sign and then right click and click yet again the Plus Sign. Now search for the textures:

    Posted Image


    Now download GMax aka Free 3dsmax and register their site to get a serial. Also get Kam's Script and follow instructions to install after you installed GMAX then go to the gmax folder, Scripts, GTA Tools and fire up GTAMax.exe. GMax will open. What you gotta do now is click File, Import and search for the .3ds you saved:

    Posted Image


    Well. Now you insert these files in gta3.img (read other tuts here) and get SA Map editor. After that fire it up and select your SA Install. Now go to Scene and render the place where you wanna put the model. In the IDE and IPL tabs, select the same. Now on the IDE tab, go to Add Item and write the names of the model and texture. Click OK. Good, now to to IPL and select the same place you rendered and click New. There, select (again) the place you saved the model in IDE and search for the model in the end of the list. Self explanatory as always, set the position of the model and voila. You have it in game. Be sure to save, if it crashes you didn't do something well.

    Notice from galexcd:
    Since this tutorial has been posted else where it must be in quotes, even if it was written by you. All content on Xisto must be original to Xisto, not just written by you.

  6. Well, I think the moderators are good like they are. Thing is I didn't *$%* know that you could make 3 accounts in Xisto just to get myCENTS. Still, IMO Mods are chosen by helping abilities and in almost every forum makes polls to know who should be promoted or not. It's not easy to be promoted but if you keep helping and making worthreading/using stuff, you may get a surprise in a staff revanish.

  7. For me it's been faster but Firefox 3.0 was more stable. I've been upgrading thru all versions and I seem to see a leak in all of the 3.5 edition that's up with website authentication. Sometimes if I start to type something, it seems it automatically clicks Submit but I don't even click any shortcut. Happens with almost all SSL websites, but it's not much of a hassle, only when it refreshes the page when it says "Wrong password or whatever".If I try IE it works, but overally Firefox 3.5 is faster, even for *$#!!!/* net speeds like the one I am using right now in my grand parents.

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