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Posts posted by SpiderVV

  1. You argued with Kel on the shoutbox and this is a 'lil late to introduce but here goes :P
    Welcome to Xisto, as you may have seen, the goal here is post for money to have Hosting on Xisto. I see your myCENTS so I guess you already registered with Xisto and have an account. I will leave you some important links below:

    The Xisto ReadMe
    How does Xisto give you free hosting (not Xisto): Here
    -- How to order Free Hosting: Here
    Everything you need to know about the myCENTS system.

    And also most importantly:
    The Forum Rules.
    Enjoy yourself on Xisto and make big posts, welcome people, don't spam and you'll see you will be a good member? (and rich? :P) Have a nice stay.

  2. Welcome Cold Fusion :P I've seen this username a lot in other forums. So, the goal in this forum is posting for money if you want. You can get "technically" free hosting by a real hosting company this way. If you want to have a website, you must register in Xisto Hosting with the same email as you've registered Xisto, then you can start to post big, non-spammy posts around the forum so your cents raise. Of course you can also pay with PayPal or creditcard :P
    If you need a hand, these forums and links are always available for you:

    - The Xisto Readme

    - How does T17 give you free hosting? (INFO: There's also another really FREE hosting company by no cents but this one you'd have to get a domain like YOURSITE.trap17.com. You can also do the same in Xisto if you don't want to spend money on domains! :P

    - More about myCENTS

    Then the most important Forum Rules

    - Official WebHosting FAQ

    There are also a few forums where you can get pre-sales questions and more:
    In the Xisto Network category, you can find all these forums.

    Hope you understood everything and have a nice day n' stay :)

  3. Welcome. All the people said what was suposed to be said but I'll say again. The objective in this web forum is actually post for money. Once you register an account in Xisto Hosting with the same email as here, every good, big posts without spam will add up to your myCENTS. Bigger the post, more the money you earn from the post. Xisto is a hosting company so if you wnat to host a website with this money, it'd be deposited on your virtual Xisto account once you get 100+ myCENTS. Adding with what I said above, since Xisto is a real hosting company you can also use your credit card if you want. PayPal, etc.
    I leave you some interesting links so you get ready to post, n' rock! :P

    You MUST also read the Forum Rules so you know them and learn not to spam, etc, all I said above.
    You can ask your questions (if you're hosted (or not)) by submitting a Support Ticket to Xisto or visiting the Xisto - Support Forum Category to ask all your queries, search for them and get pre-sale support :lol: Remember, to have this all you must Register in Xisto Hosting.
    Have a great time on Xisto, I'm sure you'll make great friends, etc :(

  4. 1337? What's your specs, Ash? :P Still, I always loved gaming and I can't just leave it, school or not, etc. Sometimes I always have to get my PC to vacations because sometimes I need something to do and I can just... play a game. GTA, Sims, MTA, Midtown madness, whatever. I always need some good game that actually RUNS in my PC and if it's fun I can stay there and play for hours. :lol: Practically I can stay in the PC a lot of time and my eyes never hurt :(Word. lol

  5. Welcome to Xisto. What to do in this forum is make friends (:P) and earn money by posting! If you post big and not spammy posts, there will be a red money indicator below your stats which means the myCENTS you've won with posts. Once you registered with Xisto Host with the same email as here, these Cents will start to appear once you start to post tutorials, big posts, all! That virtual money can be used to buy REAL HOSTING with a real .com, etc domain!!! Of course as this is a hosting company, Xisto accepts all payment forms, for example Credit Card, PayPal and the myCENTS. Just don't due invoices! lol
    Once you buy hosting you have to wait until the Xisto Staff accepts it and voila. This is also a forum where you can talk freely (not spam) and help other people. If you need assistance you can read the following useful link's I'm telling you below:

    Now most importantly you must read the Forum Rules and check the Main Category for announcements. If you have trouble you can always submit a Support Ticket at Xisto if you have hosting problems. People may also help you in the Xisto Category. In there you can discuss pre-sales and any opinions you may have about Xisto.
    Have a good time here and I hope you understood everything :lol:

  6. For me, or Acer or Compaq. I have a Compaq Presario CQ60 and it seems pretty good for what I do. I also have a Fujitsu Siemens and believe me, that sucks! I also agree with the Sony thingy, I never used one but I heard they're good. If you want to use your PC for basic gaming, go for the Compaq or VAIO, if it's just for work, you can go with the cheapest, which can be the Siemens or just go to NoteBook Reviews Website.
    Yes, it's updated.

  7. Foreign Languages I don't really know but I know a lot of English (I practise it since I'm 5 but sometimes I suck.) some Spanish and of course, not foreign my own language Portuguese. Trust me, Portuguese is easier than you think, just not the accent, it's weird for you English/Italian/German/French/Russian, etc people just ike the UK accent is a bit weird for me :lol:

  8. Welcome to Xisto! This forum is about posting for money :lol: You cannot post any spam, only big, non-spam posts to your myCENTS to appear. These myCENTS will start to decrease or increase depending of the post's lenght and quality, it decreases if you do little posts and then it can appear [NEGATIVE]. Well, once you get 100 CENTS, these will get converted in real US Dollars and deposited onto your Xisto Account once you register there with the same email as here. If you don't register, the myCENTS will NOT get deposited. Actually, you'll only enter the HOSTED group if you don't buy a domain and stick with (sitename).trap17.com, otherwise your group will not change. 


  9. Actually _Nameless said it all. :lol: The goal here is post for money, but you need big, non-spammy posts to earn it. You can create an account at Xisto with the same email as here and everytime you get 100myCENTS ($1), they'll get converted to real USDollars and deposited onto your Xisto account. All without using your credit card if you don't want to do so. It's a real hosting company, so... :P.
    With that money you can buy host. About the 5 posts, that is NOT true if you don't post average, big non-spammy posts cause, when I registered I had 16 posts and I had no myCENTS until I started to post Tutorials etc.
    @On topic again: ...if you need any support you can drop by Xisto Network Support Category and ask your queries but first use the Search Function on that board to see if it was answered before.
    Most importantly, read the Board Rules and drop by the Main category for news, etc.
    Have a good time!

  10. Hello and welcome to Xisto. The objective here is post but not spam!! With that you can earn myCENTS which can be used to buy hosting in Xisto Xisto - Web Hosting. After you get 100 myCENTS by posting, these will get converted in real money and deposited onto your Xisto account, all without even putting a digit of your credit card! Of course that if you want the myCENTS deposited there, you must Register on Xisto with the same mail as here. If you need additional help, you can always see the following topics below:

    - How does Xisto give free hosting?
    - How to Order Freehosting? (In Xisto, where you don't need to pay per month, etc.)
    - More about the myCENTS system
    - The Webhosting FAQ

    Now most importantly, the Board Rules and the announcements Forum. You can also post your doubts In the Xisto - Support Category. You can also seek for support there and please use the search function first. :lol:
    Have a good time on Trap!

  11. Today I was a bit sick of 7 so I decided to return to XP as I miss it somehow :lol: Well, happens that I had Ubunu on the same HDD and when I fired up XP Setup, there were like 4 partitions. 1 Windows, 2 Ubuntu and 1 for my documents etc. Happens that I deleted every partition but the documents one so I could do a bigger 250GB one and still stay with the docs one. Now, as both partitions are Primary somehow, when I copy XP first setup step files (not the full install where you can move yout mouse) when it restarts it just gives me an error about booting the HDD. No, it's not dead, I know it's because there are 2 primary partitions of when I deleted the main one and the linux ones. How do I make the docs one Logical again without losing data? Thx.

  12. Welcome BlooDtake! As you've may seen, the objective in this forum is post big, non spammy posts to get myCENTS. Nobody really knows how much a post gives you but if you want hosting you must register on Xisto Xisto - Web Hosting with the same email you registered here. That is a REAL hosting company that also uses the free forum dollars you earn from posting. When you reach 100CENTS ($1), they'll be deposited onto your Xisto account until you get the money to buy host if you want. If you want some help, you can always visit the Xisto Readme, More about the myCENTS and the Webhosting FAQ.
    Most importantly you must read the Forum Rules. Other important links are below:

    - How does Xisto give you Free Hosting?
    - How to order Free Hosting?
    - The technical support forum, incase you have any problem with your hosting, etc.
    - The whole Xisto - Support forum
    - And the most important Forum place, the Announcements Place/Alerts. :lol:

    Have a good time on T17!

  13. Nice thing. I used to do this to my school mates like 3 years ago, I'd put a shortcut called Internet Explorer and then with another friends help I made a CMD window appear saying "Starting IE..............." and then "You're installing a virus on your computer, please wait.". My friend made the thing take like 30sec and a window appearing saying "Virus Located on C:/Windows! Do you wish to delete?". Obviously they'd click Yes and the PC would just turn off :lol:

  14. Welcome, if you need support you always read The web hosting system FAQ, How to order freehosting and earning myCENTS. You can get them if you post big, non spammy posts :lol: For more support you can get Over here. Attention that this'll only work if you register in Xisto Xisto - Web Hosting with the same mail you used to register Xisto and each 100 myCents you earn will be converted into real USDollars and deposited onto Xisto. Therefore you can buy hosting for cheap if you don't want expensive stuff. You can always give a shot at the Web Hosting FAQ and most importantly the Forum Rules. Enjoy! And remember, no spam!

    I'm also Portuguese but I'm from Portugal so: Bem-Vindo!

  15. Welcome Siner!!! To answer all your questions, this community will sure help you! Once you start posting non-spammy posts and big posts, you may start to see a little thing added to your profile called myCENTS. These can be used to buy hosting if you registered on Xisto Xisto - Web Hosting with the same email you registered on here. After you get 100 CENTS, you'll get $1 and these will be converted in REAL US Dollars to your Xisto Account. You can then buy webhosting with that money, completely legally, as well as a .com domain with no cost from your credit card! Just post and avoid Warnings! :lol:
    If you need assistance, you can always read with more detail How Xisto gives you Free Hosting, Some more about the myCENTS credit system, the beloved (:P) Webhosting FAQ, earning real money by writing here and most importantly, The forum rules and guidelines and the Announcements Forum.
    Follow all these rules and links and you'll sure be an awesome Trapper!


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