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Everything posted by [i]_R_Crazy_Idiot

  1. That's hilarious, the poster just looks grey. But to my knowledge, this project has no real practical purpose.
  2. You can extract the music if you have the cd, search on the internet and I'm pretty sure you'll find it.
  3. I don't know if I'll pay for that. Maybe if I make a new computer but not anytime soon.
  4. Pretty nice, I've always wanted to make a spudgun. Consider making the font and overall size a bit larger, otherwise it's pretty nice.
  5. Sad, I guess it happens in life, just move on and everything will be ok.
  6. It's alright, don't enjoy it too much.
  7. It's out! Go get it at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ adds two new maps, Extraction and Dockside. I've only tried Extraction so far, and trust me, it feels like a real firefight. Like those things you see on the news. The CEM is messed with, so sights are even more important. Go try it yourself! If you haven't played before and are tired of all those arcade like shooters and are looking for in depth realism, this is for you!
  8. ^ Hmm, even that may seem a bit "geeky" it's not THAT bad. But still, you have to know what kind of things she likes. Just ask her straight up and see if she accepts.
  9. Hmm, maybe an Ipod is actually going to be as good as its hyped up to be. I think everybody likes it cause its trendy.
  10. I saw an ebay thing that looked completley authentic but in realitly was just a scam for your account name. But I dont have an ebay account.
  11. I know someone who likes me who lives about 400 miles away. Prob is, I don't like her to much. Oh well.
  12. It seems to run awfully slow. And the gameplay, heh, used to be my style, not anymore. I want to like it, but its hard. I loved Age of empires I and II but this is a bit different. Maybe I'll fire up the demo again.
  13. Hmm, how is this an improvment over Beta 1? I'm too lazy to try it, maaybe tommorow.
  14. I mean, if you use common sense, your ok. MS idiot proofed IE, so if you use wise judgement you wont be attacked.
  15. Anything simple is good, the old one was way to cluttered. This feels really simple.
  16. If she is attracted you mainly because of that, she is not the type that will last long in a relationship.
  17. If you don't draw to much attention and you wont have to pay tax!
  18. I think you put keywords or something in your page, and get people to link to you, I think that's how google works.
  19. I thought that Yahoo has so many freaking users for all it's other services that it's email is not that important anymore. I guess I'm wrong.
  20. I guess I went in with the wrong attitude as well. All I managed to do is link a bunch of "if" statements together. I pretty much forgot the little I learned. I want to start it up again, my dad has "The C Programming Language" which he said was a classic, but I havent gotten into it much. I guess I should start it up again.
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