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Posts posted by fermin25

  1. I almost had no hopes in the answers I could get in this forum. But I have to say THANK YOU. Thank you yordan. Maybe the next words can look exaggerated but they are truth. Your words have been so significant to me at this very moment I have no words to describe the relief I feel.


    Your words about the baby have been so powerful for me. I will start the work rigth now. THANK YOU SO MUCH... I have not a way to pay you. I don´t know you in person but wherever you be God Bless you my brother... I will never forget this moment... ever....

  2. Well, hello my friends of Knowledgesutra here I am with a big problem that I can´t solve. Well let me tell you the story of my last three months.


    I finished my mandatory practice to be able to graduate as Medicine Doctor in last June. The practice last a complete year. Everything was fine until I discovered that my girlfriend is pregnant and i will be a father in September. That alterates all my plan to the next year when I planned to exclusively study all the day. Now I can´t because I have to work to sustain to my girlfriend an my future son. I know you maybe are questioning me about how a medicine doctor can make a mistake like these? Well my girlfriend suffer Policystic Ovary Syndrome and the possibility to get pregnant was minimum under the treatment she had.


    Since I finished my practice and planned to give me a break at least two weeks. I knew it then this can be a bad idea because I could come to my old bad habits where laziness was my dominant behavior. When I don´t have to work I can spend all my day in front of the computer doing a lot of things, playing games, reading forums, reading Wikipedia or watching Youtube and only stand up to eat or go to the bedroom. When I have this behavior I can be awake all the nigth and sleep in the morning, posponing all the things I have to do for tomorrow.


    This problem was destroying myself a years ago where I have troubles to approve an intership, that was essential to go forward in my career.


    I have read almost 25 complete books about discipline, coaching and self-help and I understand all the concepts the authors trasmit me but simply I can´t apply them to my life. Maybe I can follow them a few days but after that amount of time I come back to my old lazy behavior.


    Rigth now this is my situation: The two weeks break have been converted in two months and counting. I haven´t done any of my paperwork graduation had to do. All my colleagues have finished the thesis with their respective doctors and I haven´t even start to do it. I have only a month to my child´s birth and I have no job or money. I have savings but they are few. All my colleagues will graduate in August 28th and for me is impossible to do all the work have to do in this short period of time. So i will not graduate in August. The next graduation after that is in November.


    This is my situation and I feel I am out of control. I don´t know what to do. I know that maybe this forum is not a good place to post my situation but I need some help my friends. I am posting this rigth now with the hope someone of you have suffered a similar situation like mine and could go forward.


    I will apreciate any word from you, Even critics.



  3. We humans have many ways of being able to extinguish. I think the most serious threat we have is one that would virtually wipe out all regardless of where we live nuclear war. Nuclear wars are our most serious threat, but the probability of a war breaks out these features today are few. The next cause of extinction of the human race could be the ecosystem devastation caused by a global overpopulation. Habemos today too human breathing. I am to be listening very misogynist what I just wrote, but it's true. The human race has never been so large and apparently the resources of this planet are being depleted rapidly due to overpopulation.

    There are many useless people in this world whose sole job is to breathe, eat, eat and wait for death, which takes too long to arrive at certain times. The vast majority of us do not make any contribution to the progress of science for future generations. Practically we live to die waiting. So the only thing contributing to this huge mass of people is to give indirectly harm the global ecosystem.

    Another way of extinction to which we have to give up is the impact of any celestial body with our planet as has happened before in the history of the Earth. Dinosaurs became extinct after the Yucatan meteorite impact. If we had been at the time he would have been the same. Our technology is very advanced today but against a threat how are you we could not do anything.

    Well this is a very small list but I think they are the greatest threats to the human race is facing today. Another could be the disease, but as a doctor I am, it seems very unlikely a global epidemic because medical science has advanced greatly and in this case I believe that if we are prepared to defend our existence.


  4. My friends, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion is a historical document. There's no doubt. The fact that the Allied powers won World War II makes some stories concerning the Germans are not very credible. Until this day this document is the most important piece of literature I've read. I know many of you may laugh at this. And I do not do this post to win MyCents. I do it to encourage all those who visit this post looking on the internet and read these protocols and are going to realize the great wisdom that house and of their cruelty.

    Although this document has to do with communism and Nazi Germany, if you keep your composure and ignore this, you will find a real treasure with which you can draw your own conclusions about the global reality in which today we are living.

  5. I don´t have experience with this operating system but I had installed so much times Windows in some computers using a pendrive. This is so much useful because the installation is so much faster and in my personal experience any issue had been seen. Now install the entire operating system in a pendrive, this is different and I am agree with Yordan that the boot must be so much slower than hard drive access.

  6. Oh my God Home Alone the Movie, I miss those years so much... Now is 1:18 am in Honduras. All the people in my house is sleeping and because I have my slepping time altered: I sleep in the morning and are awake in the nigth. I feel alone rigth now because I am really alone in from the computer and because I am the only person that is online rigth now in the forum. I feel alone, but sometime i like to be alone. I can do everything I want do do. I dont have to get permission of anyone. I have freedom where I am alone. But I accept that maybe if there were someone online me feel better.

  7. Thank you Elina by open this post. I have actually a lot of question to make here in Xisto forum, some of them related to the website and others not. So I will do this.


    Related to forums.xisto.com


    1. Is the Post-to-host system still working? MyCents is not updating to me.

    2. Why are there only a few active users?

    3. Can I obtain a hosting plan by posting?


    Not related to forums.xisto.com


    1. Is there a way to stop being a super lazy man?

    2. How can I make the transition between be a student and start to work more quickly?

    3. I will be a father son. Some advices?


    Thank you Elisa, and it doesnt care if anybody read this post. I have no hopes . But you dont know how much write this help me....

  8. Sorry yordan and thank you for your answer...


    I dont know what is going on in here.... The old tra17.com site had 100-500 users online mainly in the Honduras evenings... I dont know what time is in India. And rigth now there is only a member online: myself. So I can not understand why are you moving and merging the forum periodically? If one of the consequences is losing members... I dont have any motivation to write some topic if there is no one who will read it...


    Can you explain me the real reasons to change the name and merge forums???


    I can not simply understand.

  9. Oh My God I actually almost make a mistake creating a new topic about this initiative.


    I am from Honduras and I speak Spanish. I can´t speak english but I can read it very well. Because of that I have no problems posting and reading in this forum. But considering my English is not native to think I make many mistakes when writing that must be very uncomfortable for readers. So I wanted to start a topic similar to this that already existed and as I see it is outdated for two years.


    So I invite to all the non English speakers members to post here all your doubts about this language with the noble purpose of increasing our knowledge of English and make it easier for all of us to communicate our ideas and knowlegde.


    Well I hope this initiative can motivate to all of you that like me doesn´t have a complete knowlegde of the English.



  10. Hello my friends of Xisto team.


    Here I am again in this great community. I have had a lot of surprises in the last minutes because the name of the forum was changed and my xisto billing account no longer exists.


    Well, my logical question is why do you have to close my xisto billing account? Please can you fix it because I can´t login with my email anymore.


    I hope your answer.



  11. Hello my friends I am fermin25 from Honduras, here in the other corner of the world. 


    I signed today to this fantastic site. I had not login for two years because I have to work and maybe I have no time to login.


    Well there is something that annoy me about forums.xisto.com. I met this forum when it was named trap17.com. I created an account here and in astahost.com. Everything was perfect in those days because reading and posting was so fun that I wasted a lot of hours in front the computer browsing mainly trap17.com and earning some credits (named MyCents on those days).


    I retired from trap17 in 2011 because of my work practice and my college. I returned one year later and I found that trap17.com disappear and was named knowledgesutra.com, a beatiful name for me but with a lot of bugs that trap17.com didn´t have it. That happened in 2013.


    Now I return to knowledgesutra and i found that it doesn´t exits anymore and now it is named forums.xisto.com. I dont like this and I have to ask you this:


    Why do you have to change the name of the forum?

    It is still the post to host system working?

    Why do you cancel my xisto billing account?



    Note: I never used this forum only to get free hosting. All my website projects didn´t succeed. I was only posting because I liked all about the site and I realized that most of the members were intelligent people and the discussions were very entertaining and educational.


    Could someone please explain me all?



  12. First, it is logic to think that women and children have to survive and we can simply see the titanic. if men were arrived the boats before women and children the results had been more disastrous because women and children can not swim and maybe the number of people death had been greater. Like sheepdog says the crew have an advantage over the rest of tripulation and passengers because the know everything about what to do if an emergency happen in the ship. So is logic to think that they will have more possiblities that the other people. The difference here is that the crew have the job to help all the passengers so if they do their work the changes to survive are reduced drastically. I think that in this cases the titanic action of save more women and children is correct because they are weak and men can figth more for their own lives.

  13. Hello to all my knowledge partners from this fantastic forum. You are looking for wisdom ehh??? Well I will put this post here because I don´t know where can be better located. If I would be wrong chosing this forum please moderators fell free to move it for the correct place.


    I remember like yesterday the first time I arrived to this site... Was in the 2009 and I was so crazy because I had learned to make some non-complex websites using html and I found the way to get my hosting here. Firstly I didn´t trust much in the site because you know nothing it is free in this world. But reading here and there I understood all the potential of the forum then allowing to all of us share our knowledge and be rewarded with the possibility of getting a website to be realized our projects. I remember that is those days this forum was called Xisto.com. I enjoyed all the afternoons posting and reading here in the forum like crazy and of course I got my website hosting all was so perfect. I retired a months after thath because I have to go live in a rural location where there is not any internet connection. But making a comparison with today I can understand why all was so perfect this forum and I want to expose this here rigth now.


    First of all here were online a lot of users interested more in the forum than in their Mycents. Nowadays it is very difficult to see another people than you online. This only can be translated in a low speed comunication in the forums and abscense of response sometimes. This is very disapointing because all you want is not to post and collect Mycents, no, I want to share knowledge in other words, discuss importante matters here.


    Second the Mycent system is very very bad than before. I don´t know the origin of these but I trust in this can´t be intentional. I last until an entire week to get Mycents updates when before this was a process of hours only. This maybe is causing the incredible abscense in the forum because the people are starting to seek for alternative ways than Xisto to get hosting.


    Like a good critic I want to make some recomendatios to the admin and to other members too:


    1. Fix the Mycents updates problems quickly.

    2. To the members please keep posting knowing this forum reward you early or late and continue sharing your knowledge with freedom.

    3. This is particular opinion: I don´t know if this is real or not but I feel as I get less Mycents for my post than before. So I think I am not the only one who see this. Maybe if we are able to get a little more Mycents for our post can motivated the other people to return to the activity and save the forum from the silence that in some times of the day is all what you can listen.


    There is my recomendations and I am sure you as member of you our admin have something to say about the topic please feel in full freedom to comment.

  14. It is a shame the world famous Neil Armstrong leave us a great man. The moon adventure cost a lot of intellingent men lives and that night in 1969 Neil and Buzz Aldrin make something that all of us want to do someday I imagine: Walk on the moon. I remember like yesterday the first time I hear about Armstrong and his success when I was in the third year in school because the 20 of july there is another festive day here in my country because is the day of the Lempira Indian. All those who have used the american success in the race for the moon talking about conspiracies of they never took the moon and all was a montage using some photo software and scenaries created to fool all the people have to think a little more. Because if you remember the moon race was between America and Sovietic Union and Why will the sovietics admit their lost if this was performed? This doesn´t have any sense rigth? So stop talking foolishness like that ok. Neil was a great human being with his name remembered for the entire history as the first man who walked in the moon.

  15. Recently I started reading a letter dating from the nineteenth century called the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. I must say that when I found it on the internet the first thing I imagine is a book like "The DaVinci Code" or something like that. But what I found is a historical book that supposedly was found in Russia at the time of the Tsars, and spoke about a Jewish conspiracy to take over the global economy and thus also of world power. This may sound like antisemitism and even I must add that there have been extensive investigations of these writings and many researchers have said they are fake but so far it seems that the reality of the events of the twentieth century show otherwise.The automobile industry mogul Henry Ford read these protocols and has since become a fervent anti-Semite since according to all the events described in them proved their fulfillment in the time that Ford lived. The Jewish conspiracy in my opinion was perfect in the sense of understanding how the world and using it to seize power in a subtle and complete with no country or military or religious power could snatch. I must say that I'm not Jewish, I'm far from it. But if one day someone actually devised these protocols but I can not condemn his cruelty but also praise his cleverness.The protocols begin with a brief exposition of world reality. Part by focusing on the inference that analisisi and individuals, countries or institutions had the power. These observed that monarchies, the industrial countries and the Catholic Church had world power, world power being understood as full independence to do and undo of these organizations. In this state that had a crack in the power system of the nineteenth century, which the kings and popes had not taken into account and that at that time was not looking so influential in political power that was money. Economic power was confined to simple employee-boss relationship any more. The Jews found it very difficult to use the economic power (which they had as always) for the political and military power of nations. And it is also observed that the only way to seize power from kings and popes was excite the people. And this is where the need for exposed communism.And by provoking a civil war communism in strong monarchies disempower kings. Of course, a condition for which this was done was that the Jews will lead to communism (Marx and Lenin were Jewish, coincidence?) Overthrew the Tsar of Russia and ownership of all the country's resources and wealth in the name of communism. Once this would create a war between the political powers of the time (France, England, Germany, USA) and the First World War happened, coincidence? Then after all that would be devoted to trying to take over the economy of "free non-communist countries" like the United States using a strategy used by a banker named Rothschild in England in the Napoleonic wars, creating a huge economic crisis to seize the economy of a cheap (and depression of 1929 happened, coincidence?) should then be destrur all those powers that have remained in place as the domain independent Jewish (and WWII happened with the removal of Japanese and German power , coincidence?). And finally seize full of economic power to the extent that shook the country to make a sound on the economy (recession of 2008 with the multi-billion dollar bailout that almost leaves the United States on the brink of socialism, coincidence?)This and many other things that allegedly planned those Jews today are a historical reality, so in my opinion these Elders of Zion plan existed and was real too many coincidences?Hopefully opinions and open answers ok?

  16. I must say, this does not make sense to me as it will generate more methane under water in dams than in the water surface or on dry land? But I see in the source that is true but my point of view this finding should not be generalized only because the dam at Lake Lacamas was found this. The most logical question after reading this article is How will the water be accumulated in the future?Surprise beyond normal this discovery. For example in my town the water dam is in the beginning of the river in the mountains to get the effects of gravity to lower the water to the village houses. I know that many people we have running water in their homes have begun to suffer from certain skin conditions such as allergies and atopic dermatitis. Methane will be related to this? Maybe not. But I think that at least in poor countries like mine will be very difficult to get rid of the dam as it is the cheapest way to collect and distribute water.So in my opinion the scientists must do a thorough research to test whether the methane produced in the bottom of the water dams is significant in the emission of greenhouse gases because if it is not I think it should keep the as water dams are more economically viable because it would at least for poor countries that change your entire infrastructure of aqueducts and dams to prevent global warming.It is the problem of global warming is leaving large wounds on Mother Earth not heal easily. But there are also poor people who unfortunately do not have anything more to use the little infrastructure that a small country can offer. So in this case people should prioritize global climate. That is my opinion.

  17. First of all I want to thank you for the link to the page of AOL to get your own domain, I had never heard of it and I find it a great alternative to Google Apps that although it is free does not cease to be an excellent service. I've never understood exactly how Google makes money with the e-mail as it practically gives away for free all the service including those which for particular domains. I have never been surprised with Google Apps, the emails always arrive in my inbox without any delay or omission. But thank you for the link I will try AOL for comparison.

  18. Well I'm no scientist but based on common sense I think that two planets may be the same just because they belong to the same galactic system and also have the same form is very simplistic. Therefore, I believe that the findings of plate tectonics on Mars may perhaps indicate that both planets are different in geological aspects and I have so much confidence in the information that the crust of Mars is in the early stages of development. I also think that although science is very important geological issues are most important to study Mars for example if some living creature may have lived or currently live on Mars because the planet can be a way to save us from the chaos that one day will be on the planet when it is saturated by the huge population growth.Should also do some research on space medicine and how are you can influence the development, diagnosis and treatment of devastating pathologies such as cancer and AIDS. They travel to Mars is a utopia will soon be reached by man but there are more important right now that the only important things go missing undiscovered because while we focus on the scientific community for big things how are you. There are people who are dying or suffering from genetic diseases that have no cure and as affecting only a small percentage of the population are not given the proper research.I think these investigations despite being important not heavy or impact certain biomedical discoveries may have on humans now. Medicine needs a lot of support in many areas not only academics but also human to allow people to better health especially those that afflict Hereditary or genetic diseases that have a devastating also obscure manifestations.

  19. Hello to all friends here in Xisto.com I've been absent from this wonderful forum and general web programming from a few months ago but now I'm back with the entire load.Well let me tell you the story of this day. Hire a 2MB internet plan which is the maximum speed that a cable company offers in my country now. It turns out that recently, you believe it or not, I learned what the protocol is and how to use bittorrent to download large amounts of data and share them. Reading this is that you have to imagine that I am the fans of illegal things but I am not one of those. It turns out that trying to use a software called Azureus / Vuze bittorrent works with which I take the big surprise that my ISP blocks all P2P connections including eMule and Ares. Ares Emule and I do not care. But also block the bittorrent protocol. So I called the telephone of my internet company and told them I wanted to use the BitTorrent protocol and that you please enabled. The same day two technical support staff came to my house and did not even know what was the torrent protocol, Can you imagine?Then I gave myself the task of finding all the valuable information that allowed me to circumvent the limitations that my internet company put to the data traffic.Then I found information about and how to use port forwarding to open the ports on my router to that switch my P2P programs. The program worked great memory that was 3:00 AM when I did this and was very happy. At 6:00 AM the connection of my bittorrent programs had been blocked. And by this I discovered that my internet company allowed bittorrent programs will connect normally from 12:00 AM to 6:00 am daily. Then this showed me I could download or upload anything I wanted in this period, but still I am not happy because I should have the freedom to connect at any time of day so I've tried about a thousand things to beat my ISP and avoid their locks.Please can any of you help me overcome my ISP. I hope your answers angrily.

  20. Not exactly what you mean with academic record, or if the child's educational stage or the stage of puberty and adolescence. Because have excellent grades in the first years is not so significant as to take them at school or in the first years of college and I'll explain why. Many people think that learning is just memorizing but they don´t look on the surface of this judment. The tasks assigned to children in schools have no deeper meaning in order for the child to learn the rules of grammar or memorize entire books. No, the real goal of this work is that the child acquires qualities that can make an intelligent and prepared man and in the future have a very good chance of success. First define what success is. Success in my view is not to accumulate large amounts of money or acquire fame or glory. Success should be understood as the attainment of the goals set in advance by the man. For example, if a man dreams of becoming a good nurse and succeeds he will achieve success even in the face of everyone else that means failure due to the place of the profession within the labor pyramid. Success is achieving what one intends.But which is the "popular way" to succeed? Studying of course. Because it is a reality that people prepared academically are more likely to succeed than the unprepared. That is nothing new. For this reason I am surprised to see your examples of successful people who did not get such high academic degrees Albert Einstein. Einstein was a good student and you are very wrong in your reasoning since Einstein studying in their first years of study had the motivation to make the discovery that made him so famous. Actors like Tom Cruise are so good and famous because they studied. Cruise Maybe not study advanced mathematics but study the art of acting and this coupled with its consistent practice was what gave him so successful. So I think it is clear that the study if it's worth and the best reflection of the study are the notes that everyone gets. Now when a person gets high marks does not guarantee success. Why? Because success is not knowledge invariably success derives from the action. I know many people in my university: philosophers, educators, historians who have a high level of knowledge but success is not palpable because they take action only hide behind books and knowledge. The greatest wonders that a human being can do are: helping others, creating something new and discover something hidden. So people who are engaged only fill your mind with information that is of interest only in a special sense as is the study of ancient philosophy is not very likely to succeed.For this reason is that most philosophers, educators and historians dedicated to my country to lead strikes because they feel from my point of view that the success they have been deprived by those who have money, because that is how they preach. In this particular case to obtain a high academic record does not make you successful.Now I want to talk about the other side of the coin: people who do not get a good academic record. To expose this section I will use my experience over more than famous examples. I was always the best in my class from school until high school. I've always been very observant and over the years I have seen my results and those of my classmates. 90% of my classmates who did not have a high academic record left college after the first year. Some financial reasons but the vast majority did it for academic reasons. Today I had the opportunity to talk with some of them about this and they tell me that they simply could not go beyond the university and are best devoted to work. Based on this I can say that obtaining a high academic record may not lead you to success but warns you not be able to even finish college as happened to my schoolmates. So take a high academic record has its advantages and this is known by almost all parents and for this reason they put pressure on children to get good grades in their classes, with the hope that at least have more opportunity to be successful in the future.So in conclusion have a high academic record will not ensure success but if it gives you more benefits and more opportunity than not having it. That is my opinion.

  21. I think about this topic one simple answer: Barack Obama. In these days the United States government is like the World government and the US citizens decision´s affect to almost all the countries in the world and the impact of the influence of the american government is particularly strong here in Latin America. United states is suffering a great impact of the economy´s fall in 2008 and all the problems of the foreing wars and interventions that make the country bleed, talking about the economy. So my judment about the future of United States is very influenced by the future of my region Latin America. The international relationships with Latin America always has been good except for Venezuela in these moments but in all the countries there is an open dialog with United States. The Latin America position in the world is very weak and has been weakening over the years. The economy of Latin America depends heavily on the export of raw materials and semi-finished products primarily with our biggest buyer is the U.S.Politically the region has been a laboratory of political and economic doctrines for over 120 years and now in most countries the left has gained perhaps not in the corridors of power but if obtained in the thinking of people. America has always been the scapegoat, if it can be categorized as well, of all extremist leftist groups who dare even in these times to talk about communism taking advantage of the ignorance of the majority of citizens who do not even an education for six years.Is that in the previous paragraph is perhaps a personal bias but the raw truth of countries like Honduras, where I live.The Obama administration has been full of contradictions from the Nobel Peace Prize that was awarded days after sending troops to Afghanistan to questionable position often even contradictory and absurd in reference to the coup in Honduras here. For example, here in Honduras there was a huge decline in the economy due to stoppage of exports by multiple curfews necessary to avoid disturbances in the streets of my country after the coup. Honduras as almost all countries without oil is totally dependent on the United States to keep its economy at least at a rate that allows us to survive.Now talking about the internal politics in America is going a special phenomenon which has been present all the time but never in such numbers as in these days. This phenomenon is a feeling that has existed since the earliest times and is the difference between the rich and the poor rich people looking at corporations as conspirators mainly to prevent the complete tranquility of the town planning wars and economic crises completely dominate the government . Perhaps this attitude is a bit irrelevant to all the problems of the United States but is now a reality. The poor money evaporates as the unemployment rate in the U.S. has increased to a critical level. Massive layoffs have been the order of the day since the financial crisis of 2008 and there is a feeling of distrust among the people regarding the role of the government and its institutions to preserve their welfare. Right now they are creating protest groups if it is true that until now seem fanatical groups of conspiracy theories is growing every day more the belief that certain government actions both domestically and internationally are not motivated by the interests of its citizens but for the interests of American corporations and multinational corporations. So now more than ever the voter has a certain degree of distrust of the election of officials in the United States which would not be surprise to find a high percentage of withdrawal at the polls in November.As set forth in the preceding paragraph is logical to think that as voters decide by a man who declares come from the people and care about the interests of the poor. For this reason it is no surprise that a few months of the presidential election Barack Obama presents himself as the frontrunner in the polls despite criticism of his administration. In Latin America, although we have no voice or vote in the election of President of the United States we tend perhaps more for Obama based on that it is better to keep relations with the United States as they are rather than altering at least for the moment.So most likely after the November U.S. led by the same man who does right now and even though the author of this topic apparently leaning Mitt Romney is doubtful that achieves reverse the trend in the polls .That's my opinion on any comments or contrarespuesta is totally welcome.

  22. Captcha is a image verification method to prevent some robots can operate in some websites or to secure the website registration that only real people is getting registered. I have heard a lot about captcha in the internet because like a lot of people I hate it. I hate a lot how captcha is getting popular in the internet and how it makes you lose a lot of time. It is necessary perhaps but is going to be a completely lost of time for all of us who have to be writing all this non-sense words that in most of cases you cant read either.The preferences of the people for what is simple and easy is so marked that in my country a website named depositfiles.com started to require captcha to allow you to download a file with a size bigger than 5 MB, before this depositfiles was the preferred file hosting page in all my country but now it is not more the prefered site because this captcha is so annoying and almost impossible to read that some people like me prefer to seek some file in all the internet before download from depositfiles. There is not a surprise that in my country the people in the download forums put one or two mirrors for the archives uploaded. This is maybe like a new rule here.

  23. If the creator of this topic is talking about sites like wikipedia I can give you my opinion. Sites like Wikipedia are most trustful than the text books. I could see this a lot of times. For example, when I am studying my text books have a lot of information that simply doesn´t have any sense although it apparently is impossible. For that reason I like to read all the articles of wikipedia related with the part of my books that I am studying and make a comparison. In the most of cases I can say that wikipedia information is better organizated and equal updated like text books.I know there is a lot of people that have a lot of fear about the information uploaded to the internet and by this reason you have to make a little comparison between different online sources and offline sources too depending of your doubts about the information fidelity. The internet nowadays is open to almost all the people with a computer the difference maybe is the connection speed but this isn´t a factor that make influence in information.The internet will always have a grade of bad information because is open to all the people but I think that we don´t have to fall in paranoia because all you have to do if you have some fear about the reliability of the information is compare two or more websites to be a higher level of trust in the info.

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