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Everything posted by xboxrulz

  1. I'm just going to write my Linux side:FirefoxLimeWireKonquerorXFree86KDEOpenOfficeInternet ExplorerCrossOver OfficeMercury MessengerKopetedigikamTHE GIMPXMMSkaboodlexinekaffeineMPlayerKPlayerKsCDArkKCalcKMailYast2Sax2and much more...xboxrulz
  2. there are actually videos of him doing it...loljust go to politicalhumor.about.comxboxrulz
  3. tempknight, read my post on Bushisms: Bushisms xboxrulz
  4. Here are a couple of Bushisms that are funny (I have bolded words that you should pay attention to, to get it): Enjoy! xboxrulz
  5. basic commands of RPM:rpm -ivh <file> (this is to install the file, with hashes showing)rpm -e <file-prefix> (this is to uninstall the program)rpm -Uhv <file> (this is to upgrade the software with hashes showing)rpm -qi <file-prefix> (this is to view the information of the software)Don't use source files because you need to compile it w/ gcc (especially for beginners)xboxrulzP.S: NOT ALL DISTROS HAVE URPMI!
  6. voodooeye, stop spamming! This topic is about videogames!xboxrulz
  7. I see your point popac, but to actually persuade a person (especially if they learn how to use Windows when they were young), you need to give them benefits of Linux; like it's stabler than Windows and most software is free; they will see the value. You can't just say what it can do because that's not enough.xboxrulz
  8. also, Mandrake w/ all the NVidia/ATI driver requires you to purchase the Powerpack and HybridShock stated that he wanted a free Linux version.xboxrulz
  9. that's not good... I want to use gentoo, but their documents on how to instal it is confusing :SWaiting for 2005.0 w/ a new graphical installer.xboxrulz
  10. Maybe you should try SuSE or Yoper (both, safest bet) because SuSE is backed by Novell (which is a large international coperation) Yoper, I think is based on SuSE.Creative and all those companies only support Windows and Macs.xboxrulz
  11. lol, a reality TV show sounds great :rolleyes:xboxrulz
  12. Why get Mandrake popac, (if I'm disrespecting your opinion, sorry) but Mandrake is full of rc, betas, and bugged up software, I don't think HybridShock wants that. I still recommend SuSE, Knoppix or Yoper.xboxrulz
  13. maybe you're right to swear here, but please reduce the use in the forums.I have read your posts.xboxrulz
  14. xboxrulz


    I rather have Mercury Board because of it's speed. It's simple to edit and even simple to use! http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  15. we already have a "exhibition A" (a.k.a example) of a person who think cussing is cool. namely the person that post right before me, he swears in every post!I call this disorder overcussism xboxrulz
  16. Kennedy was also the youngest (and youngest to die) president on the face of Earth.xboxrulz
  17. I just thought of something the OpaQue sparked my brain to think deeply. US is making everyone to cough up their nuclear missles, AK-47, AK-74, Hydrogen Bomb and etc. But, US still has'em! This is so unfair. I think US is planning to invade the world. Just as what Futurama has shown us, US takes over the world!Bush, listen up, get the f**king nukes, hydrogen bombs out of ur country b4 telling someone else to do it. Because u guys have the weapons of MASS destruction.xboxrulz
  18. I hate both Bush and Kerry. But, if I had to really choose, I vote for Kerry. Heck, I'm not even American, I'M CANADIAN! I care about your politics as much as you care about ours (which is absolute zero!)xboxrulz
  19. I listen to that song. I think that song has alot of meaning to it.xboxrulz
  20. Yes, i agree with Bosz about the government stuffing young ones about war and all that. Do you all know what propaganda is? The government of US is using propaganda like "war against terrorism will maintain peace". Seriously, grow up! I'm already bothered w/ the idea of u ppl trying to annex our country (Canada) for many years (Manifest Destiny). Also, your national anthem has things like "watch as bombs fly in the air" or something.You guys irritate me!!I don't even feel safe being in America even for a vacation!xboxrulz
  21. I find swearing when ur mad is fine, but when you're talking it in every 3-5 words; it gets SO ANNOYING. But, you gotta live w/ society. Society has so many rules and regulations (also restrictions). Sometimes, when you want to do something, you can't do it because it's either your friends don't like it, or people, like the people that think that they're "cool" don't like it; it makes me go bazerk (I think that's how u spell it). I'm not religious so, church doesn't really apply to me. It also makes me crazy when my cousin chases my tail about rules, limitations and restriction in the modern society. I want TO LIVE MY OWN LIFE!! AHHH!P.S: I'm only 14! I still have a long way to go.Happy New Year,xboxrulz
  22. I totally DISAGREE. As peacekeeper as a nation like Canada, we don't really like wars. UN has already told BUSH TO NOT ENTER IRAQ. Don't waste your life just to kamakazi! Do something more meaningful to retain peace. "Peace cannot be maintained by force, it can only be maintain by understanding" - Albert Einstein.Haven't the dead soldiers taught u US ppl that war kills more of you guys than your opponent? You ARE NOT PLAYING CHESS! There is no retry. A human life is more precious than anything Bush can imagine. IMO, Bush is using the Amercian Army like chess pieces and go out to pointless wars.Com'on, don't be stupid, oppose all future wars! To retain peace, protest and don't start wars.P.S: To Americans: YOU ARE NOT PLAYING HALO2, Counter Strike or America's Army, those are videogames. Real wars ARE REAL (DUH!). IF YOU DIE, U WILL NOT RESPAWN! ALSO, I WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR UR DEATH BECAUSE I HAVE ALREADY WARNED U! OK?xboxrulz
  23. I dun think that's a distro. I recommend SuSE Linux (u can download Personal for free) or use Knoppix installed on ur computer by doing thisGo to the command prompt and type su, then type knoppix-installer. Then, it will guild ur installation.xboxrulz
  24. I haven't seen an AMD problem before, but I've seen Pentium problems b4.xboxrulz
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