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Everything posted by brandonjbegle

  1. There isn't enough to the design. and the colors are a little boring. if you added some color and some other features to the template, im sure it would look ten times better.
  2. i would have to agree that any slackware based distrobution is gonna be the most stable. its probably one of the oldest and most improved.
  3. i would just stick with ur current email, gmail provides the same basic features as yahoo and hotmail. gmails biggest advantage is its large inbox size
  4. I have norton antivirus, its finds pretty much every virus or attempted hack on my computer...so far i thinks its the best antivirus i've used. avg works pretty well too, and it uses little computer resources.
  5. Stepbrothers was by far the greatest comedy i have ever seen. will ferrell is a comedic genius.Best Part: Brennan rubs his balls all over dales drumset.
  6. My html knowledge arose from multiple sources, reading random tutorials, looking a website source codes, and from friends telling me what tags do what
  7. google earth is just another attempt for google to take over the world! lol
  8. have the google pics been updated or something? cuz its not on google earth anymore. all you see is the dirt.
  9. Does anyone really use a whole gb of space for their email? i have gmail and haven't used a percent yet, and i've got a lot of emails that have gone undeleted for a long time.
  10. Does anyone know of a good equivalent to net send, but for vista? Thanks in advance!
  11. i can't access some forum sites while i'm in firefox, the error is something like "Content Encoding Error: The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression". but i have no trouble visiting the sites in internet explorer.
  12. idk why they won't accept you when i was accepted even before my site was even up.
  13. I actually thought about putting it on my site, it looked like it could really generate some money. Then i found out that google has to take you tax id or ssn for their records. I really didn't feel comfortable with that, so i deleted my adsense account. are you required to report adsense revenue on your taxes?
  14. I think the site looks really good, nice layout, cool style. But it doesnt give the business feel, the colors are pretty vibrant. Maybe go for some different colors?
  15. If products such as photoshop, the other adobe software, and other good software wasn't so overpriced people wouldn't need to download warez. Your thoughts arent "why don't i pay $500 for photoshop when i can get it off the net for free" you think "i'm gonna do it for free, the easier way"
  16. Tell All of your friends, tell them to tell their friends, soon you have lots of traffic, as long as you keep good, up-to-date content that people are gonna enjoy looking at. if it ain't good, nobody is gonna wanna see it.
  17. Not a big thing, but you may want to change the text color for the login,it kinda blends in. and also you may wanna add a little more content to the main page, it looks pretty empty
  18. I think the layout of your site look pretty good but your color scheme seems a little boring, maybe add a little color?
  19. I would definitely go with the xbox 360 over the ps3 and the wiiReasons why:xbox has way more games than either of the other consolesxbox and ps3 have basically the same graphics but the xbox is $100 cheaperi personally like xbox's live better
  20. I hate windows vista because its incompatible with most of my older hardware and games. for example, none of my webcams work, i can't install half of my games and other software. another reason is some of the annoying features in vista such as the user account control that pops up every time you try to copy a file, open a control panel, or run a program!
  21. Depends on what i'm using it forA laptop is good for portability, but doesn't always have great performance. And lets not forget how much more you are gonna pay for a good laptop compared to an equally good desktop.The desktop isn't portable, yet you are gonna get way more for your money. Also its way more customizeable, if you want to add a new graphics card or other pci card for instance, you aren't gonna be able to do that easily on the laptop. but the desktop--just unplug, open, replace.
  22. Uses for my computer:emailsinstant messengersfacebookforums (Xisto.com) !!!programminggameshomeworkyoutubecreating my web pagesanything else that would decrease my everlasting boredom
  23. Gmail is the only one i actually use for emails. i have yahoo and hotmail accounts, but i only use them for messengers! I guess gmail would have to be my favorite then.
  24. Tried using opera once,liked the look and feelLOADED SLOW AS HELLuninstalled it and returned to FF
  25. I don't think this is really even a good question. Firefox wins hands down against any browser.
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