I would go with anything with windows mobile. there are hundreds of apps out there for them and they have a very customizeable interface. In my opinion, the iPhone is way too overpriced. Although there are a lot more better FREE apps for it
So far, the best media players i've come across are as follows: for dvds roxio cineplayer, music itunes, and any other video cineplayerBut the best all-in-one media player i would have to say would be Windows Media Player because of its multiple features and functionality!!!
I would choose vista over ubuntu anyday. vista (although not as good as xp) at least has an easy-to-use and familiar interface. Ubuntu just doesn't work with any of my hardware. my broadcom wireless card will not work so i cannot access internet and overall ubuntu just doesn't seem to provide enough features to satisfy me.
I suggest a slax based linux distribution. there are many versions personalized to what you are looking for. BackTrack for example has over 300 security tools.
Trap17 Definitely doesn't sound like a site about webhosting or anything related to computer content. I personally think a name that had a little more relativity would be more effective, but i guess the off-subject name gives the site a little bit of originality...lol. Keep It!!
Every bit of programming i know is from reading stuff on the internet or in the case of HTML, reading the source code of websites and lookin to see where they fit. Also i used frontpage to see what tags fit what objects. I don't see why you should take a class on anything you could just read for free on the net. I know some html, batch, vbs, and javascript.
Can anyone please tell me why my computer says something to the effect of "cannot find install.wim" when i try to install Windows 7? I had no trouble with any other os i installed from dvd.