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Everything posted by brandonjbegle

  1. I would go with anything with windows mobile. there are hundreds of apps out there for them and they have a very customizeable interface. In my opinion, the iPhone is way too overpriced. Although there are a lot more better FREE apps for it
  2. The antivirus i use is norton 08...it is probably the best paid antivirus i've used although it still misses quite a few spy- and malwares
  3. So far, the best media players i've come across are as follows: for dvds roxio cineplayer, music itunes, and any other video cineplayerBut the best all-in-one media player i would have to say would be Windows Media Player because of its multiple features and functionality!!!
  4. Neither! 7Zip is the best. it supports most of the common compression formats and best of all.....7zip is FREE!!
  5. I would choose vista over ubuntu anyday. vista (although not as good as xp) at least has an easy-to-use and familiar interface. Ubuntu just doesn't work with any of my hardware. my broadcom wireless card will not work so i cannot access internet and overall ubuntu just doesn't seem to provide enough features to satisfy me.
  6. I suggest a slax based linux distribution. there are many versions personalized to what you are looking for. BackTrack for example has over 300 security tools.
  7. Trap17 Definitely doesn't sound like a site about webhosting or anything related to computer content. I personally think a name that had a little more relativity would be more effective, but i guess the off-subject name gives the site a little bit of originality...lol. Keep It!!
  8. Every bit of programming i know is from reading stuff on the internet or in the case of HTML, reading the source code of websites and lookin to see where they fit. Also i used frontpage to see what tags fit what objects. I don't see why you should take a class on anything you could just read for free on the net. I know some html, batch, vbs, and javascript.
  9. Can anyone please tell me why my computer says something to the effect of "cannot find install.wim" when i try to install Windows 7? I had no trouble with any other os i installed from dvd.
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