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Everything posted by NeXDesigns

  1. I am a skinner for a mod Tiberian Aftermath I do the wreck models and skins, along with the hud that you see. (unfinished still) If you like i might be able to make a texture for your ship, but i dont think it could be detailed as i do not unwrap models yet. And i love the model, did you base it on something or upload it somewhere else? it looks familiar. nice work though m8, better than what i do and ive had 3ds max for a few months, and i cant model anything! lol
  2. I love the new system, it should cut down on spam, but it does have one flaw, some people may start making wondering posts where they quickly get offtopic.I think this is also good on the server, old accounts that are inactive, get deleted and make room for new accounts and the ones who need it the most. (like me)
  3. I was able to upgrade it to IPB 2.0.3 thanks to a friend who showed my where to get it. So far I love IPB and I think phpBB needs to get back to work and start fixing some things, Ive always used phpBB as a board but not anymore! lol And chiclete, yes many things cant be done in phpBB, but you can mod it, check out http://www.phpbbhacks.com/ for a long list of mods for your board.
  4. paid hosting costs only $10 for a whole year?does it include a domain or strictly hosting?and whats the bandwidth and space limit on it?
  5. I use dreamweaver because it seems to be the best for web design, it is user friendly, and has powerful features.i use it for most everything except minor code changes because it takes about a minute to load.I do think they could include more code snippets with it though.I used frontpage for about a year before getting dreamweaver, and it was the second best investment ive made aside from getting photoshop
  6. I say yes, but only for high class international flights, and it could possibly be used as a second to air force one, but it does seem quite big to fit in most airports, so either the airports expand, or this plane sees limited usability.and i think my image hosting company went out of buisiness because none of my sigs are showing.
  7. i believe it was 10 posts for minimal hosting, and the new credit system is only posts with 300 characters are counted, so it is a bit harder.I personally think the credit system is annoying, but it is quite fair due to the number of spam that gets posted in a day.
  8. I have tried cjb.net, i dont really like it that much, but that was a long time ago.tk, i have never tried but i dont like forced ads either.The other i havent tried, but i think if any i might try the st one.But for the time being i am going to stick with the Xisto.com one. i dont mind it, plus it shows who my host is. I wont change that until i get a regular .com.
  9. I switched from phpBB because i got tired of waiting for their 2.2 release, to only upgrade it so it is more like IPB. so why not just plain get the real thing.Thanks for the link, it was exactly what i wa looking for.And for the users of phpBB there is a good site called phpbbhacks.com that is very useful.
  10. Does anyone know where is a good place to get addons/hacks/mods/skins for IPB?I just installed it to try something other than phpbb and i want to get some new features on it.What? i like to customize ok?
  11. I like very little of it, im more of a metal/rock fan,Evanescence kicks hip hop *bottom*, plus amy is hot anyway :PI like eminem, but thats about it, lol
  12. English, and some parts german. (g/f is teaching me luckily)
  13. wow, yeah i knew a few of those, like german, italian, spanish, and english (my first language)Ich Libe Dich, is how i thought it was spelled, anyway,Thanks, very useful for those forign friends of mine, lol
  14. yeah, the only page i would really use mostly would be the 404 file not found page.Thanks i will try this.EDIT:: Thanks! it works!
  15. there is nothing there about it.
  16. is it possible to make a .php error page and not .shtml?Or possibly have it use an include on my index page?(my include links are like index.php?page=namegoeshere)any ideas as to how to do either of these?
  17. As soon as my site is fully operational i think i am going to invest in a .com,It seems to be the best way to go.On that matter, anyone know of a good place to get good php scripts other than hotscripts.com?
  18. I would rework it so that all the affiliates and links are in one spot, the banners really take away from the page, I would move the google search to somwhere else, possibly to the right side, Possibly add a footer to it so you can put copywrite info, banners, and disclaimers on it. If you want an example check out my page at [Link]
  19. hah, odd. dont ya just love it when n00bs think they are god? lolJust ignore them, they will eventually go away, it works with all my stalkers, lol
  20. Thanks, I will try that and a few other sites my friends told me about (now if only i could remember which ones they were...)And i dont need anything as complicated as a whole forum code, just need to learn the simplicities of php and mysql
  21. Does anyone know of any good php comments and tutorial scripts?I have checked http://www.hotscripts.com/ Also, does anyone have any suggestions for my site http://forums.xisto.com comments on the forum theme plz.Thanks
  22. Happy holidays,May you and youre loved ones be truely happy in this time of year.And dont forget about youre girlfriend.
  23. Just in case imageshack doesnt work, you can try IOwnJoo Image hosting, and if you put a link on your site, they will also upgrade your account. Good Luck!
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