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Everything posted by NeXDesigns

  1. UPS by far, fedex comes in second, ups has great service, always on time (the only delays ive had were when the people sending it were late), friendly service, but then again the ups guy is like family here, he is always at the door, lol, we even gave him a christmas present! (that ironically he delivered, lol)
  2. hmm what is my favorite car? god do i have to choose? well my favorite truck is the H2 Hummer, that thing is great, had the chance to test drive one out on a off road course and it handles extremely well, even on a 70* incline, my second favorite truck is the dodge ram 1500 ext cab, only the new ones though, i had an old '97 dodge, i liked it but nothing compared to these, my favorite car, this is where it gets harder, i like the dodge viper and almost any other expensive car, but on the cheap side i like the 2005 Mustang GT (red or black only, lol), those cars are AWESOME! lol, other than that i like the nissan 350z, those are nice, everything else sucks, lol
  3. well that is an old model, since then there have been soo many improvements, its like comparing win98 to winxp...
  4. thats just a bug when i took the screenshot because i had just changed the theme to that one, i think the startmenu buttons were messed up too, it all depends on the skins too, i have had some that are messed up, but most (like 99%) are good, and look good.
  5. yeah, what he said^^^ loli sometimes dont know when ill be away, i try to keep my credits sufficiant for at least 5 days but sometimes it turns out longer than that, luckily it is easy to gain credits, but back on the subject, when it reaches 0 it seems to jump to -4 and it sounds like its not only me with this problem, its not timing or anything, because this has happened about 4 or 5 times in a row.i just wanted to bring this to your attention, im not really complaining much, due to the fact it is easy to get more, l8r all
  6. thats a generally new model, it has the same os as mine, and if im not mistaken a better processor, nice catch m8 :lol:oh and that irDA means that you can control tvs, you just have to find the software, i might be able to help because i did have a program for that, but it may have been deleted, just pm me if you want me to check into it.
  7. for pc to pc i just use msn and yahoos built in voice chat, its the same thing pretty much, and sometimes i can use it as a videophone, so yeah.I did know where skype was but i forgot it again, because i tried to get it but it didnt work on my pda, lol
  8. we seriously need the edit button back, that double post had me making a double take, but you can also have an unlimited amount of positive credits too, i want those, lol
  9. it can go to -10000000 if you let it, i think if it is below 0 for about a month (30 days) they delete it but im not positive of that.
  10. with that package (minus the itunes) you can make windows look like anything, from media center (the skin i have right now) to mac, to half life 2, they have it all or you can make your own, i love ityou can go to http://www.wincustomize.com/ to see everything they have, the ones i use are[+]Logonstudio - changes the winxp logon screen[+]Bootskin - changes the boot screen[+]windowblinds - changes the windows shell[+]iconxp - changes the default windows icons[+]desktop x - totally changes the windows interface, but im not happy with the skins for it because most require a specific resolution.all skins are downloadable from that site, and everything there i listed is free or is free as a trial (windowblinds, iconxp, and desktopx, are free as a limited ability trial)if you want i can send a screenshot of my screen so you can see how they work
  11. that is a very good model, but im more of a wince fan, i use the HP iPAQ rx3700 mobile media edition and it has pretty much all those features except the built in keyboard. it has[+]WI-FI[+]Bluetooth[+]Built In 1.2mp camera[+]SD Slot (i have a 512mb card in there now)[+]Optional landscape screen mode with right/left hand ability[+]TV Remote[+]HP Mobile Media Software + all the goodies of windowsThe battery lasts up to 12 hours with the unit on but not doing anything, and about 4-6 hours with the camera and playing music at the same time, trust me ive tried both, lolthe only thing is it doesnt have the built in keyboard, something i really do miss from my previous pda.But as far as palm goes, urs and the palm treo 650 pda phone are my favs.
  12. ive never heard of it, and i dont know how to read chineese let alone my computer cant even display it. so do you have it right now? how is it? how old? what os version? sry im kinda curious about this mysery ppc, lolto find the os version go to start > settings > system > aboutthat will also kinda tell u how old it is too.
  13. I have seen that every time the credits reach 0 they jump to -4, this has happened every single time my credits have gone down, and its not because my posts are getting deleted. in my opinion this isnt quite right, i mean the credits are below 0 the account is suspended, so why make it go to -4 so they have to post a whole lot more to even get to a positive number, this is very bad for the people who are very busy like myself and cant always keep the credits above 0. i barely can keep the site itself running.so tell me is this supposed to happen or is this a bug?
  14. thanks, ill try it later when i get the time, cool tut, never thought of that.now i want to know how to add your own open in items, that would be cool.
  15. well gas isnt the only big problem, thats just my big problem, loli think the world should stop having an arms race to see who has the best toys and who can beat whos a**. it never turns out good, so why even try? its stupid on their side.
  16. i voted for dreamweaver, it is the best one i know of, i had the trial for a long time, then had to go back to frontpage, oh well.but i think dreamweaver or golive is good.
  17. the biggest issue today is gas prices and the little green aliens, ok so only gas prices, here in the US (florida) they are nearing $2 a gallon, imagine having something that eats gas like say a hummer, try to fill the tank on that and youll spend close to if not over $100 on one tank.
  18. this is a tutorial on how to get into your passworded windows 95 machine.I know not many use 95 anymore, but this can still be useful, and its quite easy.It might work for 98 or xp, but it hasnt been tested.First, Start your computer *seems easy huh?* and at the system config screen, press f8 to get to the boot options, now you can either boot into safe mode, and there will not be any password, or you can remove it totally.to remove it totally, press 7 at the startup menu, this will put you in the command prompt. when you get there type in "rename c:\windows\*pwl c:\windows\*xyz"now reboot, it may ask you for a password, and then to confirm it, enter anything. youre done, and hopefully it works, if it doesnt try these steps again, if it still doesnt work then i must have missed something, if thats the case you have my permission to hunt me down and kill me.Good Luck, ill try to figure this out for 98 and xp too.
  19. the more characters in the post the more credits, like for a tutorial i get about 5 credits, and for simple things like this i get about 1 credit.So basically the more text in the post, the more credits you get.
  20. the credits went from 0.31 to -4.97 in 12 hours. and ill try to work with the code to see how it will work, thanks
  21. ahh i cant read japanese, but i love the show, watch it every night when its on, loli dont have a gba but i have an emulator for it on my pda, and i can use the games from it.
  22. i shut it down every night, when theres a storm, or im leaving for more than 2 hours, other than that i leave it on because it is the media center pc of the house, so my pda uses it, the tv, and the home theatre, plus the occasional hdtv games :(but it is quite cool to have it on an hdtv, it looks very good when you get it formatted right.but i leave it on for like 5 hours at a time usually.
  23. very well put together tutorial, a bit long, but the longer the better, that way you can understand it all.i am going to have to try this sometime soon, it looks quite useful. thanks
  24. they have found water existed at one time, but havent confirmed that it exists now, but i think we will be able to live on the moon or mars, after a few hundred years of astronaught only colinization. then we might be able to get space hotels, etc, its already been talked about, read popular sicence, its quite good.
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