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Posts posted by serverph

  1. shorter. better. :lol: (that's just the brief summary of my opinion on the matter.) MAIN or INDEX would have been shorter (since that is where the link goes anyway), but OPEN DISCUSSION works for me as changed from the very long one before. i think Xisto has firmly established itself already as a free web hosting provider, and i'm happy we can focus on establishing the forum community more. ^_^

  2. how old is that in internet time again (forgot the formula in computing real time to internet time.... i just know that it would be much higher than 10 years in internet time)? :lol:did you also catch the google logo they used for their birthday? :D wasn't able to see that, as google.com is fond of redirecting me to the google domain assigned to us (google.com.ph) which does have the original google logo (perhaps it's also because it is already september 29 on my timeline ^_^).

  3. has it really been that long? ...four years of SM aboard the Xisto online "bridge to everywhere"? (okay, i'm taking an ironic potshot at the US republican VP candidate, so SM will be happy! just excuse that point hehehe?) :)


    what have we to celebrate for then? :( just kidding! :)


    as a "good catholic", i will petition the vatican to fasttrack the canonization of Saint_Michael of Xisto and be declared a LIVING SAINT the soonest and become the official patron saint of spammers! :( i don't know how his "EVIL" deeds here will affect his shot at sainthood, BUT all men (and women) are sinners, saints are men (or women), and Saint_Michael is a man (and "EVIL"), therefore sinners can be saints! :( bad logic? hahaha? bet that will just do fine in arguing for his case, but a miracle or two is a requisite for sainthood! SPAMMERS unite! submit SM's miracles to the vatican! :D


    all in fun, SM! more years to come on Xisto!

  4. perhaps you should have discussed that with the doctor who saw you when you had your earlier surgery. they could best allay your worries about your situation. especially since you have a special case of a growth in your left ear, which i'm guessing your next surgery would address in the coming weeks. good luck with the next operation however.

  5. check to see if you have thumbnails still of the image you have deleted. mobile phones create several of them (at least in my nokia phone).it can help also to see that you reboot/restart your mobile after you have removed the photo from your memory card. could be a caching issue.

  6. moving your domain to your hosting account (when you get approved) here would not be a problem. the nameservers you have indicated in your subject heading is incorrect however.

    the current nameservers we have for Xisto-hosted sites are:

    you have to make the changes to the domain registrar where you bought your domain to make the move to Xisto.

    check out the Xisto README to see other hosting-related information.

  7. thanks for trying, SM. :) but sadly it wasn't what i need. i already have GoSING in my apps collection, which is what i use to play the MK1 files i have at the moment. MK1 if i'm not mistaken is proprietary to GoSing (their site is the only place where i download the MK1 files i have) so it's the only one you can use to play MK1 files. what i need however is a conversion tool from MK1 to KAR, which GoSing doesn't provide at the moment. the KAR is more versatile than the MK1, since i can play my KAR files on my mobile phone (which is the whole point in my need for conversion... to have a portable karaoke system right on my mobile phone) :D GoSing is exclusively for desktop use, and i hope someone could create a mobile application to play their MK1 files on a mobile phone. :) just wishful thinking, until i get an MK1-->KAR converter.

  8. as an alternative, so that you can do away with the "partial" download that google provides which require pulling additional installation files, i have found a FULL, STANDALONE INSTALLER for the google chrome browser.

    -- OR --

    as you can see, they are google links so they're legit, but not the original miniscule 475KB they initially provide. :) it's a 7.8MB download, but of course, if you're still locked out from that, just your luck. :)

  9. VOTE OBAMA-BIDEN! :(that is if you are going to vote this coming elections, SM! :( although i am not qualified to proselytize on the american presidential political campaign, as i am not an american in the first place, as an international observer i would say that the democrat ticket is what your country needs at this point in history. :) it will be good for the USA, it will be good for the rest of the world if the OBAMA-BIDEN ticket goes to the white house. :( why? because they inspire! and from inspiration springs other good things! don't let it be written in the history books later on that you could have had the "best president and vice president who never were", because you failed to elect them. if i were an american today, i'd be a democrat. :(


    going back to sarah palin, i have read that part of her credentials in her bid for the VP is that she's the only person on a national ticket to have ever bagged a moose. WOW! :D i suppose that is something to brag about and catapult her into the national political limelight. who knows, maybe she's gonna get a lot of votes too based on that credential, along with the other points already listed above. :) surely there will be those who would base their votes on such. politics is really weird, anywhere in the world. :(

  10. i'm sure there's some sort of legalese gobbledygook in the google chrome end-user license agreement/terms of service which would have given you an idea why you experience that sort of failure in initializing the installation... particularly the part where you are from when you are trying to use their "service".


    these are legal issues which can basically be summed up in saying that google is still by large a business entity operating its business from the united states, and that they are bound by legal restrictions set up by the US government. it's not like google is targetting you as an individual or as a race. it's just that international relations between governments are somewhat murky, you know, and sometimes people are caught in the middle, you included it seems in this particular instance. :) as for other browsers not having the same restrictions for iranians, would you rather that they do?


    as for the issue you raised about google making money out of iranian companies through advertising, i would say that's a business quid pro quo. it's beneficial for both parties, iranian companies getting the eyeballs they require for their business, and google providing the platform where they can capture those eyeballs. of course there will be no restrictions on what kinds of products/services iranian business entities can advertise on the google ad network, as long as they are of legal nature. :(


    disclaimer note: statements written above are just my own interpretation of the issue, and not approved by google. :) i could be wrong, i could be right. who can tell? google themselves. :D


    for help concerning google chrome, there is an existing google group you may want to join:


  11. i simply wish that google could have provided a full installation download instead of a setup download which had to grab bits and pieces of the installation online afterwards. i was thinking at first: WOW, a 475KB browser download! clicked it to install, but NO, it had to connect to the internet again to complete downloading google chrome installer! i was a bit disappointed at that since i have a "very limited" bandwidth (a poor man's dialup :(). although a progress bar is indicated, it would have been helpful to know how much more i need to successfully download (in percentage or in MBs left) the whole thing.

    as i had expected, i experienced a download error in completing setting up chrome. the downloaded file failed verification --> Error Code = 0x80040508, that much is what i got. :) of course, there is a link there which asked me to HELP ME FIX THIS. but no amount of clicking gave any fix. :( the other thing i can click is CANCEL, so that's what i did. will just have to redownload it later. an excited albeit frustrated potential chrome beta user, that's me at the moment. GOOGLE, hear my plea! :D


    UPDATE: after some intensive googling, i found a full standalone installer download for google chrome. :( if you are having problems with failed verification, as i did above, simply download the full standalone version. it's what the 475kb setup file you initially download grabs later when you attempt to install the browser, and the full standalone version is about 7.8mb. :) it's a LEGIT/authentic download, and links from the google servers.

  12. all i can say is, ENJOY 2008, boys and girls of all ages! this year will be THE COLDEST YEAR in this century (and we're just in the early stages... way long before year 3000). :) and this is especially true for those in AMERICA, for you will never experience SNOW and the COLD weather as you had before. :P for us in the tropical regions, we're born with a good amount of genes to combat such adverse heat conditions that is sure to come in the coming years, and it is not likely that we're going to drop like flies because of the onslaught of a heat wave. and we're brown-skinned as well (a good deal of melanine for sunscreen), so the sun is not so much an issue for us and we are not as prone to skin cancer as others with whiter complexions.


    as for weather changes, we're battling the whole range of typhoons and tropical storms from A to Z, and then some, in the annual international nomenclature of destructive storms. we're used to flooding, we're used to weeks of no power supply, we're used to the devastation. in short, we have adapted ourselves better than those from the land of milk and honey. :P we shouldn't be the ones heard whining when the time of nature's retributions come.


    sure, we can always say GLOBAL WARMING IS A MYTH! sadly, it takes a whole world to combat it if ever it's true. and for those of us who believe it as an incontrovertible truth of science, as a part of a natural cycle or as resulting from human acts, just do your share to stifle it's onset. maybe we'll get to enjoy more years of calm, so to speak, before the ever-greater "storms in life" to come. :P

  13. naturally, from a business view point, the best western hotel group could say to individually allay customer concerns about the issue when you call them is that, yes it is a possibility you can be one of the victims but it is unlikely. :P i doubt if they can ever fully satisfy any customer inquiry that will calm their customers. what they can always say, just like a much-played record, is that they are doing everything they can about the issue. :) nevertheless, it could always be much ado about nothing, since what could the russian mob do about the information? :P


    imagine on the other hand if you are a bank customer, and all your personal data was sold on eBay --- FOR 77 pounds(?)! SURE, IT ALREADY HAPPENED, if you're a bank customer of The Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) and its subsidiary, Natwest! :P though unlike above, it is not tecnically a hack, since it is an archive left on a computer sold on eBay. good thing it was bought by a conscientious shopper this time, unlike shady transaction parties as reported above.


    just a sign of the times... you are not safe in this time and age, anywhere! :D

  14. FLAGGED for admin's attention in Xisto forum. in so far as moderators at Xisto.com have no official capacity to resolve any hosting problems related with Xisto - Web Hosting.com as we are all just volunteers to assist in Xisto forums, i just hope your post here will get MORE noticed by admin Opaque when he drops by here any time soon.


    patrickcurl, it would also be helpful if you include herein the Ticket Details (Ticket IDs, Date Submitted) of the support tickets you submitted, to facilitate a quicker way to address your hosting issue with Xisto - Web Hosting.


    For XISTO NETWORK STATUS: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    FOR XISTO-related HOSTING news: https://support.xisto.com/index.php?_m=news&_a=view

  15. i stumbled upon my old stash of KAR format music (900+) and since it's raining much these days, i think it would be safe for me to be belting out and exercising my vocal chords (the heavy rain drowns my singing voice, so no worries from neighbors :P).


    and to update my music collection with the more recent tunes, i have come to download MK1 files. sure, no problem, i can play them on my PC. but i began transferring my old KAR files to my mobile phone too, and MK1 is not supported by my mobile application to play karaoke music. what i want is to convert MK1 files to KAR format, but i'm stuck at the moment since i can't seem to find a suitable conversion tool (and to think i thought i was an efficient google searcher).


    i can take comfort that there might be a KAR equivalent already, floating around the internet, of the tunes i already have in MK1. but if i can easily convert MK1 to KAR, so much the better for some files which i'm sure no KAR equivalent is available yet. it's not so easily done, as with some karaoke midis, which you simply just have to rename to KAR, and that would be it. MK1 to KAR conversion doesn't seem to work as easy as that.


    any ideas, guys? i'm putting this up for forum members to tackle, and help me find a conversion tool appropriate for the job. :) hope you can help me. it's not often i ask help in the forums hehehe? but i'm in a bind here, so please.... HELP!!! I NEED SOMEBODY, HELP!!! NOT JUST ANYBODY! HELP!!! YOU KNOW I NEED SOMEONE!!! HELP!!! :P (oh, that's just me singing the beatles song :P)

  16. You can create professional online albums/books with this simple and convenient tool: FlippingBook HTML Edition. The main attraction with this Javascript+SWF application is the page-flipping or page-turning feature, like we are used to do with physical publications like books, magazines, etc.



    this free version has several limitation however: up to 10 pages only, and you gotta retain the copyright link embedded in it. of course there is the paid edition too, in case you want to use it beyond the limitations of the free version.


    can't provide a working demo, as the one they provide on their site seems to be under maintenance. it's a 2MB download anyhow, so just test it on your machine locally to see how it appeals to you (and if you get to have a working online sample uploaded, post a link here to let us see how you made use of it :)).


    let your creative juices flow, and enjoy!

  17. i went to check CUIL yesterday when it surfaced on DIGG's top 10 feed for the day. too bad it wasn't able to cope up with the influx of users, i wasn't even able to get a glimpse of it's front page. :D how could it ever achieve stability if it can't cope up with just the DIGG crowd? :)

    now i check it again, and i see it for the first time. my verdict? still a long way to catch up with the GOOGLE search empire. :D it says "Search 121,617,892,992 web pages"... and although it claims to be "worlds biggest search engine", i'm betting google has a lot more on it's index than cuil. initial search test of my forum name, SERVERPH, yielded 2,847 results from CUIL as compared to 15,300 results from GOOGLE. :D

    and what's with the DARK background? is it trying to be an underground or a renegade maverick search engine? :D although it has a cool web2.0 feel in it, i prefer a much brighter search interface. and need i say, what's with CUIL (and read as "cool", for whatever reason)? it doesn't compute with me. ;)

    i do however like the way they introduced the ability to explore by category, to aid a user in filtering the search better (if they don't know how to do it in the first place). i haven't extensively tested it yet to qualitatively declare that cuil has an edge over google in terms of relevant results, but quantitatively google has the upperhand, i think. but for now, quality and quantity in google results serve me better.

    cuil's management are a bunch of ex-employees from google and IBM among others, so i suppose they know what they are doing. but not yet as good as how google does search. we'll see in the near future how CUIL will fare in the public's consciousness.

  18. when a topic thread gets locked, it's usually one of three things:* a problem particular to author of post is [ RESOLVED ] with "finality", or requested to be closed by original author of thread* a thread is turning "spammy" after several posts, which gets locked as a result (or thrown in the SPAM section, inaccessible to members).* a thread is rather old, and a rehash of points already discussed in the thread is pretty evident after it gets resurrected.moderators usually use a macro (a one-click, abbreviated sequence of instructions) to lock a thread and to add a generic note signifying it is now deemed [ RESOLVED ], effectively locking it. but this is on a thread-by-thread basis only, and only on threads which required resolution. sometimes we just use the CLOSE TOPIC option, with no annotation to simplify things, and to indicate no further discussion is allowed on a particular thread. when we encounter a series of posts which are needed to be locked in a particular forum, it's easier to lock these by an ajax feature in the IPB forums to lock them without needing to open the thread itself and use the macro.in any case, unless it is a SPAM thread (which gets thrown out of the visible forums), members can still have a thread re-opened in instances when a further discussion on a closed topic is deemed necessary. any member can simply request any T17 staffers via PM, or if somebody empowered to do it is onboard the shoutbox, from there. :)

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