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Posts posted by serverph

  1. as i analyze the question, it just wants you to point out the arguments from both sides... and then decide which side you agree with. not that it imposes on you to argue both sides, just to pick one on which you lean on the more. :)on a much more general sense, i would argue that logic and religion doesn't seem to go well together. :lol: it's more on faith, rather than logic when it comes to religion.

  2. as someone who occasionally makes use of google's image search (https://images.google.com/?gws_rd=ssl) who have to be somewhat disappointed with a large amount of irrelevant results on my searches, this is a welcome development. :lol: no more need to trawl over 30 to 50 pages of results just to pick out THE ONE you want which fits the bill of your search. at least you can use more keywords to drill down on a very particular image you want, and find it without too much fuss and hassles. not that google image search is bad as it is today... :) but a better way to search always help. ;)

    i'm still wondering however why a search for "Einstein, tongue" yielded a picture of a dog on the first page of search results. ;)

  3. You can use wikipedia to answer those questions!!!

    maybe wikipedia is banned/deemed inappropriate/inaccessible in china (where bvic1991 happens to state where he is in his profile)? just a thought. :)

    Reminds me of someone who's trying to get people to write his research paper for him...

    true. i agree with watermonkey. those questions look like something to be assigned to a student, and which is more likely than not, answers of which can be found in class textbooks.
    if not, then perhaps their main website can help bvic1991 with his research (hopefully it's accessible to him). :lol:

  4. I believe you guys are not uploading files one by one with the file manager.

    if you're dealing with a lot of files to upload, a time-saving feature worth looking into is the unzip feature using the file manager in your cpanel. simply arrange the files you wish to upload in the directory structure you want (folders and sub-folders), and zip them all up in one single zip file. upload that, then unzip that file using your file manager in cpanel. one-file, one-upload. :lol:

  5. it seems anybody who would come upon this thread by this time will be met with disappointment by raising their expectations too high, as the originally posted URL for the service has turned itself into a technology blog since december 2007... (nazcar has pointed it out earlier).


    in short, no more of the promise for a 30GB email for free. :) it's an old thread anyway, and it has since "evolved" (or "devolved", depending on how you look at it.)


    let's just keep this open for alternatives which may exist out there, and which other members (and guests) can find useful in lieu of 30gigs... :lol:

  6. @Marina\'stadpole:

    tested my method using photobucket, and was successful...

    here's the sample image i used: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png

    one thing you should remember is to get the DIRECT link of the image, paste it on your browser and wait for it to load, then COPY it afterwards for pasting into your new gmail email composer. if you review the step-by-step instructions again, you'll never go wrong. ^_^ and it should not matter where you host your image for embedding into gmail, be it imageshack.us or photobucket, or any other image host as long as it can be made accessible online.

    in any case, if you still experience problems, it might be good to include the exact error you received. maybe we can assist you better next time.

  7. @mrdee:

    Does it also work for links that have to be right clicked? The file in question on my web site is a small .txt file, and people have to right click and select "save as".

    sure thing. if you check the page, it has a working example on how the script works. just hover over the sample link provided and you will see that it will access first the click.php script with the corresponding ID of the download concerned, thereby adding to the download count. :lol:

    Actually what I was thinking of doing was just making a php page that redirected to the file and in the stats just see how many times the page was hit, but this might be better, thanks for the link!

    maybe you can code the script you have in mind, and perhaps it will be an improvement on the above-mentioned script. alternative scripts will always be welcome for some of course. :P

  8. Ccount - click and download counter



    Ccount is a PHP click counter which can also be used as a download counter. With its help you can count clicks on any link on your website. A great tool if you want to know how many times a link has been clicked, a file downloaded ("download counter") and similar. You can also hide your affiliate links with PHP click counter. As long as it's a link - Ccount can count clicks on it!


    Ccount uses flat-text database so no SQL databases are necessary. I also developed an admin panel, where you can view link statistics: how many times a link has been clicked (both numerical and graphical display of stats), link with most clicks and average clicks per link. You can also easily add, edit, reset or remove links in the admin panel or even display the number of clicks on any web page.


    Ccount has been tested on servers under Linux and Windows operating systems. It should work on any server with a working PHP installation.

    and it's FREE too. :lol:

  9. thanks, jim. :P good thing there are rubber stoppers on the lids to keep them dry and not invite moisture.any safe estimate of a timeframe when it is best to just simply discard unused stored dry herbs/spices? i doubt we'll be able to make use of them so frequently this year... and i'd bet we'll not be even able to consume even a quarter of the stuff by the end of this year. four to five years later perhaps! :D it's a shame to waste them though if we'd just throw them. :lol:

  10. i'm looking into learning how long can dry herbs be stored before they expire or be unfit for consumption already. i don't usually cook (only when i'm alone at home :lol:), and we only rarely use herbs (and spices) in our meals... but we have a 6-bottle rack of dried herbs/spices in our kitchen, namely basil, rosemary, oregano, parsley, red pepper and garlic.


    the only ones i've used so far are the red pepper and garlic. :P the rest, i don't know what recipe i'd use it for since these are not particularly part of the cooking regimen in our house. we received these as presents from a relative late last year, and i'm starting to wonder if they can still stay long in storage for a much longer period of time. i may find some use for the other herbs/spices in the collection, but until then, they will just be there on display. :D


    remember, these are dried herbs/spices, so how long will they last for certain? and another important thing, will they expose anybody to some kind of food poisoning in case these herbs/spices are used beyond their storage life?

  11. since i happen to be one of those who served you a warning a while back, you can PM me directly after 3 to 5 days from today. :P jlhaslip has just lowered your warning level hours ago, and i will do the same thenafter. that should drop your warning back to 0%. :lol:




    (UPDATE: warning reduced april 14, 2008 for learning from, and keeping in line, with forum rules and regulations since warning was served.)

  12. wow, you specialize in this stuff? :P kewl! maybe you ought to videotape a lightsaber fight choreography you did yourself and upload your video on youtube so we can appreciate your skills more. maybe more reviews will follow after that. it's hard to visualize the things you explained above with just words. a choreography is a visual thing, and it will be more apt to make your video to showcase it. :lol:

  13. with heartfelt condolences to you and your family, krazygoddess... cherish the memories you had with your mom while she was still with you. and in remembering her throughout your own journey in life, bear in mind she'll be looking over you from up above. find solace in the thought that she will be there to guide you and support you, if not in body then in spirit.

  14. ONE QUESTION: Will Trap FeedBacker also make use of the Post Rating Module? :lol:


    as we can easily verify from our board statistics, a substantial amount of traffic comes from guests (who becomes Trap Feedbacker) when s/he decides to make a reply to a post/topic thread. since replies are accepted in principle to come from guests, can post ratings be far behind? what i'm basically saying is, these guest users get drawn here to our Xisto community forums since their search resulted in something relevant to them, and they could add an objective point of view on how they rate the posts here, apart from members here who may decide to play with the post ratings modules of course. :D ratio of guests to members (hosted and non-hosted) at any given time is very high so i suppose we can't overlook their importance. :P

  15. the site is functional, with the proper distribution of content and a utilitarian menu, which is what is important first and foremost in an online presence. the framework (or layout) is good and your site users will not get lost. however, as a website establishing business presence online, i think the site needs some spicing up to make it palatable and inviting to your business prospects. work on incorporating a nice interface using graphics, especially the index page which is the first page interested parties will come in contact with most of the time. as jlhaslip suggests, a banner image will enhance your site better. you can do better than just a banner of course. get inspiration from other business sites, especially your competition. :D if competitors' sites do not inspire you, at least you will get an idea what you don't want your site to look like, and learn also on how you can up the ante, design-wise, by doing your own critique on their sites -- throwing away what you can't use, and incorporating what you must have. :lol:i have also a little bit of apprehension on your use of Arial on the site as the first one in your font-family in your main.css file. my qualm is that Arial is too thin and awkward to read. add Verdana first, before Arial, to see if you will like the difference better when your page is viewed on a browser. :Pmanage your pages also so that ALL will have a standard width, using a single template... you can use your index page as your template. as it is at the moment, when you click on links going to other pages, you get a graphics embedded on the page, with no semblance whatsoever to the layout you established in the first place. and it requires horizontal scrolling too which could be irksome for some users. if you want it that way, you can perhaps code those graphics pages to pop-up instead --- like those you see in image galleries on news websites like CNN, BBC, etc. you can also chop down the graphics into bits and pieces so you can show more detail, if you think it's necessary. this could be very helpful indeed in case you want to gallerize your images instead. and speaking of your images, it will need a little cleaning up so that it will erase any traces of scanning, like black edges, etc.anyway, you have a good start already. just build on it some more. :D

  16. maybe it would be a good idea for MrSandMan to also try country-specific google. :lol: google has established local-google versions for (some, or all... not sure) countries. CANADA has https://www.google.ca/?gws_rd=ssl, PHILIPPINES has https://www.google.com.ph/?gws_rd=ssl, INDIA has https://www.google.co.in/?gws_rd=ssl, FRANCE has https://www.google.fr/?gws_rd=ssl, and SENEGAL has https://www.google.sn/?gws_rd=ssl for examples. what happens for local residents of countries when they access google.com is they get redirected to their country-specific google. i'm guessing these are mirrors, and is only established for each country for speed-in-searching purposes. instead of getting routed all over the world to the main google servers, they get served with the mirrors. they practically will have the same results, wherever you are in the world, i would hope. :D

    so since you're in michigan, i would bet you will have access to the main google.com servers in the USA. but, if you're having trouble with your searches via google.com, try the sample alternatives above. these will also provide you with google search. :D if you're having problems with the local languages used for the alternatives above, you can always make them appear in english (option to do this on the right-most corner of the bottom of the google page).

    it's a workaround, but it's better than no google at all, until you can figure out what's wrong on your end for having this "funky" experience of yours with google. :D i rarely use yahoo (only for my yahoogroups, and not searches), and i never use MSN. :P good luck.

  17. is there no government agency in bangladesh which can provide this kind of support? they may be more knowledgeable of this kind of information you are trying to seek here in the forums for a very country-specific requirement such as yours. look for some government agency dealing with livestocks. that will require some research on your part though since i'm not familiar with bangladesh government institutions... perhaps it could be a Department of Livestocks, or some other name. :P they can better advise you on matters of equipment acquisition, and related issues relevant to your business of choice.on the business side, isn't it a bit risky to be undertaking this chicken hatchery business with the existing concerns on bird flu which are featured in the news lately? is there no particular risk in your area, or nearby communities on this matter? it could dampen your business if you started it and then realize this was overlooked. that's one way of losing money, after initial investment in buying machineries is done. it may not be viable then if your business is hit with an outbreak. you don't want to go bankrupt at the very beginning, although i will agree any business is a risk. just cover your bases so you can avoid the pitfalls of failure.as it is, your government can better advise you on such concerns. just find the right agency, and the right people to advise you. tell us how it goes, and good luck! :lol:

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