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Posts posted by serverph

  1. hey, if apple can roll it out in asia soon enough, i'd get one! :( they are a bit late in introducing the original iphone in the philippines, so much so that rabid apple fanatics who are itching to have their own iphone are resorting to buying their fix on the black market. :( then they just jailbreak the thing so they can use it with their network. as of this writing, no "legal" iphones are for sale yet in the philippines. :( they'd be launching that much later... the second half of the year, during the -BER months before Christmas. :D bad apple! LOLZ :Dthis iphone resurrection is more feature-packed than the first coming... :( and since people are commenting on it's lack of 3G in the first iphone even before they shipped, and more people are clamoring for an upgrade with such (though they most likely won't use the feature lolz), and now that IT IS FINALLY HERE... well, let's just say we'll be seeing more people queuing up to grab it (if not, just to ogle at it lolz).i'd say again, APPLE, DON'T FORGET ABOUT US HERE IN ASIA!!! :(

  2. i'd say you try the Domain Name Suggestion Tool provided by Xisto - Domains.com :D



    just enter the keyword/s you might want to include in your domain name, and the page will cough out some recommendations. :( as you don't want super long domain names, you can limit the suggestions you receive between 5 to 10, just pick it from the dropdown menu provided.


    for example, i have opted to use the keyword "host" with up to a maximum length of 10 letters for domain name suggestions, and it gave me some quite good suggestions. :( it covers .com, .net, .org, .info. .biz and .us results, and if ever a TLD is already taken for such a domain, it will show up as an un-check-able box. that simplifies registration too with XISTO since when you find a worthy domain to pick as your own, you just check the domain+TLD extension name you want, and proceed with your purchase.


    Xisto - Domains.com is a sister-site of Xisto.com, powered by XISTO. :(

  3. interesting idea... :D although i have doubts if it would be a profitable venture if one's native language is something other than english, am i correct to assume that? did your research show if it can also be available for native speakers of french, german, or some asian language too?from our part of the world (philippines), some other asian neighbors visit our country to learn more and polish their english skills. this is particularly true for koreans, an abundant surplus of students-cum-tourists to our country. this is quite opposite from the concept you espoused above though, since the "teachers" (mostly college students who get hired as tutors for the purpose of learning/polishing their english skills) do not go out of the way to visit korea and teach, but instead koreans relocate to our place to study. some decide they could learn our native language at the same time as english, but they are mostly interested in english.i hope you can enlighten us more of the company/organization you researched about this.... i'm willing to travel too, and if teaching will make that possible, i am in for the ride. :(

  4. you gotta work on it in CSS so you can better control it, to float your images and captions with text content wrapped around them.

    see if this page helps:

    check out tutorials 2 and 3 in particular as these seem to pertain to your problem.

    or this page for another treatment with span class OR tables (for captions):

    this one, on the other hand, has a different take on CSS image-text wrap... and is not your run-of-the-mill block-type layout: http://www.bigbaer.com/css_tutorials/css.image.text.wrap.htm

    PS: i'm no expert. :D google is.

  5. doubting thomases, post your email address here (or PM me) and i'll send you a sample email to show you it can be done. :D if you can't follow instructions as have been explained, then just simply GIVE UP! :D if you find nothing above that works, then make your brains work, and find a solution yourself. :( whining and demanding doesn't impress anyone. when you've got yourself a WORKING solution you can live with, then get back here so we can applaud your effort.


    otherwise, just READ INSTRUCTIONS again, and maybe you'll get the hang of it and make it work for you. :D

  6. can't answer your first query, since i'm still comfy in my XP environment, but i'll answer your second query.


    convert FLT to AVI using Pazera Free FLV to AVI Converter 1.1:



    that works fine for me.


    okay, i'll try answering the first query :D i use NERO WAVE EDITOR (bundled with NERO 8), so if you have this installed in your arsenal, you can try that. there's always a free alternative with audacity (https://sourceforge.net/projects/audacity/).

  7. yeah, i've tested your domain already on firefox. but just now i've tested it again on IE. as with firefox, the same wiki main page shows for me.maybe you gotta flush out your cache and remove any temporary files you have, then check it again. alternatively, you can force a page refresh by holding down your CTRL key and pressing F5 together.try to ping your domain as well to see what IP is shown to you. add that to your report ticket.

  8. from the shoutbox, you mentioned your system as a Gateway 838GM, and that you don't have the disks required for your drivers.

    just check out gateway support's download center to look for the ones your system require:

    also from the shoutbox, you said you have lost your serial number. i just didn't quite get if the serial number you lost is the one for WINXP (as you mentioned you're reinstalling your OS) or just the serial number for gateway. if it's the latter, gateway can help you locate your serial number:

    or you can just browse all the downloads here if you can't locate it:

    if it's the WINXP serial number you lost, maybe gateway can still help if they have a record of your purchase with them.

  9. if he were a real wizard, surely those school authority figures who wants him dismissed out of his job should have been turned into warty toads by now. :lol:


    we may get some laughs at this, but it's actually sad. a sad story of the education system and people who run it. :)


    it's a good thing however that it's getting some media attention. hopefully, those warty toads can realize how dumb their actions have been in dealing with a substitute school teacher who knows a magic trick or two.

  10. Posted Image

    i'm 575.4 points short of the record you are trying to beat. :) i gotta say, for such a teeny-weeny thing, that penguin sure bleeds a ton! :D


    hints? just aim well, and hope you hit a long successive series of land mines. random as they are, you can definitely use some luck to hit them and go a long way. what i noticed though is you'd achieve greater distance when you get to hit two land mines close to each other at the same time.


    cheat? you can always edit the score using photoshop! ;) (hey, this i didn't do with my score, okay? :lol: that's genuine.)




    update: i just improved on my earlier score above ;) 484.5 points more...

    Posted Image

  11. this is supposed to be your URL, derryck? http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    derryck did not seem to catch up with his credits yet. it goes to a suspension page. when you raised your credits enough and had your site unsuspended, i would suggest you check out the HOTLINK PROTECTION feature on your cpanel.

    if you have enabled it, you should put in the URLs you allow access to those images. if you don't see your site URL there (including a variation with WWW prefixed), this might be the reason why you are not able to view the images. of course, another reason could be that you have not fully uploaded all the images that you need for your site, or that they are incorrectly referenced (could be that you have an incorrectly-named folder where you uploaded it).

    check out these stuff soon, then get back to us. :lol:

  12. All Domains / Parked domains / Subdomains which are not working.. Send list to CH-SUPPORT -> https://support.xisto.com/ immediately. Mention the Server you are on.

    i see this is on Xisto - Web Hosting forums, and CH-SUPPORT is for support on Xisto - Web Hosting hosting... but i would suppose Xisto hosted members are not left out on this invitation, correct??? :lol:


    i have raised tickets at Xisto - Support with the following references: Ticket ID: BUR-901314 and Ticket ID: LIE-678330


    BUT the department i've selected for those tickets are Xisto - Support and not CH-SUPPORT. i hope they carry the same weight, same if it's not directed to CH-SUPPORT department. :)

  13. let me just add my domains on Xisto gamma server to the list of those NOT resolving to NEW IPs:




    ping reports IP as (OLD IP). it has been several days already since gamma server went back online, and i can somehow concur with rvalkass that it seems more and more not a propagation issue any longer.


    the workaround by editing the HOSTS file on windows as suggested by BH works, just to be fair. BUT it is pointless for my site users/visitors who are unaware of this to be able to circumvent IP problem. it would only work for myself, and not for the general public who access my sites. it's a localized solution, and not a netwide one.


    i have the correct nameservers for the domains above, as do others on Xisto experiencing same issue.


    Also I would suggest not to remove and re-add your domains again

    thankfully i did not attempt this to see if it can be resolved strictly from my side.


    Oh almost forget use the Live Chat option as well, that way some tickets could be reduced on this problem and you would be able to get immediate results.

    tried that, and ashley came online for me. :lol: no joy on that, as she seems unaware of any issues of the kind, and simply referred me to raise a support ticket (which of course, i did. :) Ticket ID: BUR-901314 and LIE-678330 -- i mistakenly labeled the earlier one as LOW, so i made another one with same report as CRITICAL).




    UPDATE 1 (a day later): velma has attended to my domain issues via XISTO LIVE SUPPORT, and they appear to be up and running again. have tested on proxy, as i may still need to wait 2-3 hours more for them to appear on my side of the world. ;) thanks velma! (special thanks to SaintMichael, who was hounding LIVE SUPPORT as well in my behalf, and for testing availability of my sites in his side of the world. :D)


    an advise to others: get on https://support.xisto.com/ to check if anybody is ONLINE for LIVE SUPPORT chat. velma and i think it works faster that way, so she can do the manual resetting she needs to do to make the domains work the instant you get to chat with them. faster than the ticket system. :D




    UPDATE 2 (hours later after UPDATE 1): my sites are back on track, and i can view them with no problems whatsoever. will check on cpanel if there are issues there when i have the time. ;) i have likewise closed my support tickets at Xisto - Support myself, so as to reduce the backlog support is having in responding to support tickets. :D

  14. it's like asking why the RICHEST men (and women) in the world continue to make more money than they are able to spend in a dozen of lifetimes. :D


    but seriously, it could just be the way they are programmed (by God and/or evolution). the notion of storing surplus quantity of food for the lean season is inscribed as part of the survival instincts of a species. and bees are such fragile creatures to effectively survive a dire shortage of readily available source of food supply. surplus is good, and if they have a market economy in their society, prices will be so low that riots will not happen that food can be provided for everyone even for free. ;)


    besides their societal structure dictates what they need to do. and for worker bees, that is to find food and store it for future use. if they see the storage combs are not yet full, then supply is needed. if storage combs are full, then they create more. then rummage for nectar again for more supply. moreso when human intervention is evident, when beekeepers harvest their honey. of course there is nature too, like bears in the wild who covet their honey as much as humans do. :lol:


    but humans have engineered bees to produce more honey too, so in addition to their natural programming, humans are "at fault" too. ;)


    greed however is something which i can't attach to their behavior of producing more honey than they need (unlike humans and their money). :)

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