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Everything posted by serverph

  1. main forum index then, it is. just shelve the 'every-page notice' in the to-do list in the meantime (just in case members still fail to note where to check their account status) lolzany timetable you have for the implementation of detailed stats, admin opaque? hard work, but it needs to be done, right? i'm crossing my fingers that new codes will keep the forum (and the hosted sites) intact.
  2. tasty, i'm a member of mensa would that count? let's just say that if george w. bush and albert einstein were to discuss anything, it would be the weather at the white house. if einstein and i were talking, it would be quantum physics. on to the topic: albert einstein's brain dissected? for what purpose? most likely a museum or conversation piece for the scientists who got hold of a portion of einstein's brain. but if they can use einstein's brain to make the world a better place (how? they have to figure that out ), then they would not be making a mockery of einstein.
  3. that clears up a lot of things, admin opaque. thanks. as for your future plans on this system, the detailed stats should definitely be a priority. that way, the system will automatically tell us how long we can temporarily take leave from the forum, and not bother and admins/mods for the information. also, since the 'account activity validity' is already in place in the GENERAL forum page, is it possible to have it on every page instead to keep members in the know whereever he may be in the forums? no reason for any member not to notice it then.
  4. nice, admin opaque detailed stats will definitely be useful. i want to point out that i like that the 'account credits validity' is reflected on the GENERAL forum page (http://forums.xisto.com/index.php). it's easier to check there than logging in to the link you gave via email. (https://support.xisto.com/) if you have the detailed stats soon, hope it appears on the GENERAL forum page as well for easy access. thanks. (btw, how about adding it as part of every forum page, near the top? just a thought )
  5. google, useful as it may be, is simply a tool. and as a search tool, it's the most efficient i've seen. yahoo even acknowledges that (remember when yahoo used to partner with google in churning out their search results?). but as a tool, how efficient the results google gives us would largely depend on how we use it. in shackman's example, 'yamato', as obscure as it may seem, will have pages related to it in google results. but one-word searches like that would certainly yield most accessed pages as google sees that as the relevant results. adding some more keywords would narrow down the search. and the more keywords there are to a specific topic search you want to investigate, the narrower the search would go, and you would get the most relevant results. i usually do my searches in google with their advanced search features (using refinement techniques). here's a link for some tips: https://support.google.com/websearch/answer/35890
  6. hey, bandwidth is expensive! and if the site you mentioned is such a popular one, then people from all over the world are hammering it every second, every day. that would eat up much bandwidth, for sure. :Pbut it seems to be working again. lolz. so their bandwidth issue has been resolved for the meantime. if it is that good a site, hope they can sustain it. btw, burgen, do you have your own blog there you want us to vote for? Xisto members can hammer in our votes if you want
  7. i'm going to test other CMS later on. there's this nifty little CMS out there, but it's in GERMAN. lolz. can barely understand it, but i am waiting for an english version. that is if they are ever going to release one in the near future. ever heard of KooBI CMS? that's the one. try checking out their website (http://dream4.de/) if you speak/understand german. if it's not too much, and you are pretty good in german, can you make an english pack for this? then send me a copy for testing. :Danyone tried this? post your comments here please. thanks.
  8. i agree with goosestaf. i choose topics i reply to, and only if i think i can be of help in the topic thread. with this new rule, counting 300 characters, and a countdown to account inactivity, the tendency is to cram in useless words just to reach the minimum character count and to avoid account deactivation. suggestion: i hope there can be a cumulative character count for each post not reaching the 300 characters minimum, then those posts can be counted as ONE post after reaching 300+ characters. well, some complex coding to be done. but at least, **useful** posts below 300 will not go to waste and members will not be forced to spew nonsense to reach minimum count. just a suggestion though.
  9. there's a search link in the menu above. or use this: http://forums.xisto.com/search&f=96
  10. it's not television on your mobile phone, mind you. but an added feature for radio delivered to your mobile phone. who will dare it? nokia of course read more: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/4192351.stm what are your thoughts on this?
  11. no idea about concepts(?) as substitute(?) for proxies either. maybe you should ask your friends a bit more, since they could it explain it better since they seem to know what they are talking about. and further information about "concepts" you may learn, you can share it with us also. :Dbtw, what's your site URL?
  12. how about 'Myself on Posters'? http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  13. hmmmnn.... there have always been singing competitions since time immemorial. and american idol is just one of them. when american idol closes its franchise, for sure there will be singing competitions that will crop up sooner or later to captivate the audiences again and keep them glued to their television screens. so there will be no end to it, in short. american idol is just a "brand name", and every season of the program just reinforces the brand. it would be more stupid to just throw the brand away, and start a new brand. strike while the iron is hot, so they say. besides, every season, new talents are discovered. and this season, age limit for the competition has been lifted a bit higher to include more talents who never got to audition before because of age restrictions. more mature performances this season, at least i suspect. just enjoy it if you can, and there's always the remote so you can change channels anytime you feel like it.
  14. tough to sell yourself without one, eh? don't fret... good thing the net is littered with somehow useful junk as this: "The Advertising Slogan Generator" Visit http://thesurrealist.co.uk/slogan/ and make one for yourself. type in your name, and click 'sloganize', and voila! your very own slogan! don't forget to post the results here, and let's see who's got the best slogan me first (btw, my name is errol), and it gave me this: "BEHOLD THE POWER OF ERROL" as hugh grant said in his movie with julia roberts: "surreal... but nice." what's your slogan? in all seriousness, you can also use the sloganizer to create a slogan for your company or product if you think you are not creatively endowed to create one. nice tool for advertisers out there.
  15. discussion thread for the mac mini here: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/5894-mac-mini-when-i-woke-up/
  16. maybe... if you want to be lugging around another set of monitor, keyboard, and mouse. and strangely enough, Steve Jobs calls the machine "BYODKM... bring your own display, keyboard, and mouse". and for another hundred bucks, a second version with a larger hard drive will also be sold for $599.
  17. if you have the means to be a volunteer, then that can help. a lot of the victims need medical attention even after several days of the tragedy. moreso now that diseases can somehow pose a problem because of the dead. medical missions from several countries have been sent, but more hands will be appreciated still.
  18. this article intrigued me enough to post a topic of this kind seems that long hair has been propagandized to make one dull of mind. lolz! myth or real? what's your take on this? i have long hair, and i don't feel it dumbs me to have one. related pictures: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/shared/spl/hi/pop_ups/05/asia_pac_n_korea0s_haircut_campaign/html/1.stm
  19. i believe there are no file size restrictions in Xisto free hosting unlike other free web hosts. so you can either upload any file size, either in full or split. but i also know that when your site hosted in Xisto (or anywhere for that matter) mostly provides huge multiple download files, your allotted bandwidth will be used up very easily. and members are discouraged from making an entirely downloads sites in Xisto. there's also the issue of what kind of files you are providing as downloads. you know the general rules just like any other free web hosts: no warez, no cracks, no porn, etc.
  20. i dunno... but i searched for the keywords you used as example in google ("tsunami coverage" and "lop ear rabbit"), and i got the most relevant search results in both searches, and not even one ebay link in the top 10, not even the word "ebay" in the whole results of the first page. what browser are you using? if you are using IE, it could be that your browser has been hijacked by some adware if you keep getting search results with mostly ads in the top 10. it's just a possibility.
  21. Asian disaster: How to help http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/4131881.stm
  22. well, the code you posted works just fine as well. it stays for 30 seconds showing "Do you work?", then gets redirected to yahoo.com the html and the meta tag works as you've set it based on the redirect code i posted earlier.
  23. yeah, very sad. multiple countries hit without warning whatsoever. such is the force of mother nature. i'm from asia as well (philippines), and we're thankful enough that we were spared this disaster hitting our shores. we're still reeling from the devastation of 3 big typhoons in a span of one week, and thousands were killed as well in these tragic typhoons due to landslides and flooding in the some areas in the philippines. our hearts go to the families and friends of those who were affected by the tsunamis and earthquakes. we extend our prayers as well for everyone.
  24. post your code and we'll see if there is any error. my code works fine on my end.
  25. well... i use the meta tag refresh. you can try that. sample code below is set for a 10 second delay before redirection to another page. just change tag settings accordingly. just remember to place the meta tag refresh anywhere BETWEEN the <head></head> tags. example: SITE1.HTML
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