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Everything posted by serverph

  1. merged three much earlier threads with this one dealing with same MYSPACE topic.
  2. author Nileshpatel last active 31st October 2005 - 10:40 PM, and link is dead.closed.
  3. just merged two of author's threads of same topic here: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/36611-my-game-i-made-its-adventure-type/ and this is a third one. closed.
  4. Notice from serverph 051706: another much later thread merged with an earlier thread of same TOPIC and site URL from same author.
  5. query answered. closed. author's related post on his domain change "success": http://forums.xisto.com/topic/36937-setting-up-a-domain-name-with-Xisto - Web Hosting-and-Xisto-is-quick-and-easy-setting-up-domain-is-easy/=
  6. apparently resolved already. quote from site: closed.
  7. you will only need to make the nameserver changes if you are using your own domain with your Xisto hosting space here. but since you are using a Xisto subdomain for now (kyle.trap17.com), you don't have to worry yourself about NS1 & NS2 settings.
  8. there is also the notion that you will get one dollar for every download, but that is not entirely true. if you read their terms carefully, it says: so, depending still on a user's location and being a first-time firefox user, you will get credited for up to one dollar per download -- meaning something from anywhere in between $0.00 to $1.00.
  9. start with your circle of friends. encourage them to discuss things in your forum as much as they can. when you have good discussions and content going on in there, then perhaps those visitors who chance upon your forum would be enticed to register and join your discussions too. from there, your membership will start to get large and wide. :lol:as for topics, anything will be good for your forum, but it would be best if you can specialize in something you have a substantial knowledge of -- at least for a start. give your visitors (and potential forum members) topics they would want to contribute into -- even for just a query or a comment or additional info. as your discussions progress, you will gain more members wanting the same information or content as you have. :lol:start small, dream big! good luck with your forums.
  10. itssami, you don't get it, do you? the sites you mentioned beforehand (including your own) may be in domaintools.com blacklist, but ONLY because it is using SpamHaus which incorrectly tagged the gamma.xisto IP to be the handler of spam. but looking into it (SBL40666), is it really from gamma.xisto? you're obviously having a hard time digesting the difference. to be more precise, does SBL40666 bear any reference to your pakdir.com (formerly hosted with Xisto) as the source of spam? you still can't answer it, can you? WHERE IS THE SPAM???? you didn't even answer if it's a problem of Xisto/xisto or spamhaus/domaintools? or is it just you crying spam when there is none at all? but i give up on you. maybe others can explain it better for you. good luck with you.
  11. it's good to know you don't usually start blaming without any reason. but make sure first that you are blaming anybody FOR the RIGHT reason/s. well, Xisto along with the XISTO network has got a reputation to protect. the simplest explanation we can give is that you didn't DIG enough information to back up your claim of your subject: "Why Spam Is Spreading Through My Domain Email". i didn't see pakdir.com even mentioned in the SBL referred to in the blacklist, did you? you just took it hook, line and sinker from domaintools/spamhaus, right? and what else are people doing here, if not trying to come up with all sorts of explanations in previous posts? ego is not the real issue here. facts (correct, and not contrived) should be. good for you. right (read quote below). 'nuff said. any other reasons to keep this thread open? will let it stay open for a little while more for any further rebuttals.
  12. moved from THE MIGHTY GOOGLE SEARCH!, to Google Services > Google Labs.
  13. not exactly vintage ads... but just check with them if these images are "completely" free (they have a donation link, though): http://www.art-e-zine.co.uk/vintageresources.html also a nice selection of cliparts from days of old: http://antiqueclipart.com/ for images you already have, which you want to convert to have a vintage "feel", you can have them sepia-toned in photoshop or any other graphic editor. there's a lot of tutorials online on this, but here's a quick one for you which will hopefully start you going: http://www.myjanee.com/tuts/sepia/sepia.htm
  14. elevenmil, see if it updates on may 8 for you. just testing a theory of mine, since at least 2 moderators (me, and jlhaslip) are monitoring web stats (via cpanel AWSTATS) from the start of this month when this has been brought up in T17 staff's boards. we're still also waiting for an admin reply on this issue, so just keep posted for future updates. until then, there is no definite answer i can provide as moderator.
  15. obviously, DOMAINTOOLS.com is returning FALSE POSITIVES with regards to their BLACKLIST. The SPAMHAUS project has got some cleaning up to do as well, since it is what is used by DOMAINTOOLS.com., can be IP traced to gamma.xisto.com. SPAMHAUS's IP Address lookup brings it up as listed in their SBL (spam block list Ref#: SBL40666), BUT clicking that reference number brings up an altogether different IP ( as listed on the Spamhaus Block List. do a quick search of from that SBL page, and see what you find: NONE! so where does the problem lie? xisto? Xisto? or SpamHaus/DomainTools? the spam in question as reproduced on the spamhaus is CRYSTALSYSTEMSANALYSIS.COM and hosted with CALPOP.COM, which is not even remotely related to XISTO from what i know. ITSSAMI, you are advised to THOROUGHLY STUDY first your claims before posting such in here, and JUMPING into conclusions. if anybody can dispute my findings above, please feel free to do so. i am open to the possibility of my being wrong. and ITSSAMI, doing a WHOIS on your PAKDIR.COM shows you are hosted with BLUEHOST (ns1.bluehost.com, ns2.bluehost.com). and your domain's Blacklist Status is stated to be Clear. your other domain TALKBY shows it hosted on BLUEHOST as well, also with Blacklist Status as Clear. are you STILL hosted with the xisto network? what other DOMAIN/S would that be? hoping to hear from you. You seem to have endless issues with XISTO, when the problem i can come up with is sitting between the chair and the computer on your end.
  16. glad to have you here. welcome and enjoy your stay with Xisto.
  17. google saves the day the gist from http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ another explanation can be found at http://musicplayer.sourceforge.net/best to check the source of your app for documentation details. as this is not exactly a Xisto.net concern (you said it's for your MYSPACE), i will move it to a more fitting section.
  18. closed due to repeating spamming by 'Guest' poster with IP:
  19. totally pointless thread. closed.
  20. use the proper form now, and then your request will be queued in the Free Web Hosting Account forum. that is where the admin will process your request for approval.
  21. are you sure http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ is the correct URL? seems to be a fresh koobi cms installation (in german) to me, not a file hosting service similar to rapidshare, etc.
  22. twas a suggestion only, to have all background in #999999 or black. but it's gloomy still, either way. to each his own though. i didn't notice the shadow/raised box effect in firefox 1280x1024 resolution though. will try to view it in a lower resolution next time.
  23. just passing it on to people you know, for greater public awareness, may help i suppose. even if non-americans, we can all form a chain of resistance to this, alongside americans. i'm not american either, but steps like these to quelch NET NEUTRALITY especially from american soil, is something which will reverberate throughout the whole net sphere in a global sense. other countries and their isps and media bigwigs may join the bandwagon. in short, the threat not only affects american users, but eventually will affect us all.
  24. Democrats lose House vote on Net neutrality so how does NET NEUTRALITY affect us all? Rep. Barton (R-Texas) has sponsored a bill to hand over the Internet to big telephone and cable companies. Rep. Rush (D-Illinois) supports Barton's bill that would stifle independent voices and small businesses (and that includes the MOST of us). would you be willing to have the media giants privatize internet as we know it? but the fight is not yet over... you can still help SAVE THE INTERNET!
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