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Posts posted by serverph

  1. a forum-type support site? i'm not active in Xisto's own graphics forum myself so i can't assist you in this respect.i suppose to gain membership for your forum site, you will need a compelling reason for people to spend their time there, instead of at Xisto's forum. it is somehow redundant for Xisto members to be there, if they can earn hosting credits here instead. there is even a SOTW on your site akin to here. think about it. B) anyhow, other non-Xisto people may stumble upon your forum and find it useful for them. maybe reformulate the niche for your site, which somehow does not clash with existing (or underdeveloped) Xisto sections, and perhaps you can entice Xisto members to join there. B) just a thought.anyway, your choice of template and colors for your forum is cool to the eyes. i like it. :P

  2. speaking of old... i just finished reading THE LOST WORLD by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle in one day. :P it's a short book, and it's in the public domain, so i got it right away and started reading it the moment i had the itch to read it. :D it got me interested in the book when it was recently announced in the papers that the bones of a new giant dinosaur have been unearthed in argentina. :P i enjoyed reading it, simultaneous with a text-to-speech rendition of the book using microsoft mary's voice (i just wanted to experience an audio book reading, that's all B)).


    at the moment, i'm reading an ebook pertaining to adsense, a 199-page-turner. B) hopefully, i can learn something from it to increase my adsense income on my site. B) something educational for a change. B)

  3. i was only able to watch GOAL II: The Living Dream so i have nothing to compare it with the first. but i found GOAL II inspiring, to be able to discuss how the main character was able to hurdle life's obstacles, rise above his expectations and come to the acceptance of how he was abandoned by his own mother, and reconcile in the end with his mother and his younger brother. :P and oh yes, i love the matches as well. :P not to mention the perks of being a star player as portrayed in the film. cool house, cool cars, cool friends... but in the end, nothing beats the family. B)


    i also liked the light-comedy-with-a-heart soccer movie BEND IT LIKE BECKHAM. :D the plot: the daughter of orthodox Sikh rebels against her parents' traditionalism by running off to play soccer/football, in secret at first, and with her parent's blessings in the end. what attracted me to this is soccer as played by girls/women, rarely seen in movies. B)

  4. see if this answers your question.

    for more information, through google adsense site, access https://support.google.com/adsense/answer/1709858?rd=2&visit_id=0-636150902132561573-561776039
    take note that payment is withheld until tax info is declared, but you will still be earning until tax info is provided.
    tax is not deducted on google's end, and it is up to you to declare it in your income tax return.

    for general questions about submitting your tax information to google adSense, you can email adsense-support@google.com

    and good thing for your site to be earning that much in a short period of time. :P not many can rack up that much for beginners, so congratulations.

  5. google adsense is definitely a PAYING program, so this is one you should definitely get into. :) i had two checks from them, which i did not take the time to document for myself, but brought directly to my bank for deposit. (okay, i did, but it was just over a hundred dollars each, their bare minimum for payout. nothing to brag about really. :P). but here is a screenshot of one of the biggest adsense payouts i've seen:

    Posted Image


    and that one is authentic, mind you. :D perhaps canadian trappers have seen this cheque floating around in the internet for more than a year already, since it bears a february 2006 date stamp.

  6. ei, that's the bane with search engines as it picks up anything and everything, and google is VERY efficient for that. but SEARCH via any search engine is a human function, and it needs human input so it will spit out the most relevant results. you simply would just have to input a stricter set of keywords and employ advance search operators (like +keyword or -keyword) -- a more intuitive interface is what jlhaslip has suggested already. google.com has a basic cheatsheet that you can find here: https://support.google.com/websearch/answer/2466433?visit_id=0-636150820433817986-2388317373&rd=1


    there are more elaborate cheatsheets you can use in searching via google, and you can download a 2-page outline here:

    http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and if that one does not suit you, just search for any type of "google cheatsheet" and pick one of many which you can understand better.


    as a general rule, broad keywords will give you broad results. like in your example, the keyword PAINT is referenced in google results in 141,000,000 pages. that's not going to be very helpful as you can see, so you add other keywords related to your search, like paint house glow-in-the-dark for example, and it narrows it down to 413,000. you can narrow it down some more but you need to be more concise with your keywords, and you'll get better and more precise results. keywords are the key. :)

  7. i tend to believe what we do not fear death at all. it is the unknown, that which lies beyond death (for us, and people around us), that scares us most of the time. death is simply the expiration of life, which every mortal is bound to reach in the end. this is an inevitable fact in the cycle of life -- what began in birth, ends in death. thus for me, there is nothing to fear in death.

  8. Theobromine sounds right, something like a distant cousin to caffeine. i checked wikipedia about it and seems to act as a poison for dogs because of their slow metabolism. it looks deadly enough for dogs even at small quantities (50mg for smaller dogs, 400mg for bigger dogs). there's the tolerance level which you account for each dog, as you seem to note that some can eat a whole candy bar with no ill effects. but of course, chocolate is still something to keep out of a dog's reach, that's for sure if only to keep the dog out of harms way especially if the dogs are loved pets by their owners. thanks for the info. :)

    what's the deal with grapes as toxic for dogs when ingested though? that's a new one for me. theobromine still in the works here?

  9. i'll jump in to your request for dog questions. :) although i never really am much that into pets myself (dog, cat, anything), but i just wonder how come chocolate can be harmful for dogs. i saw an old episode of a tv series wherein a pet dog consumed chocolate without the owner's knowledge, and the dog just sort of got in a "depressed mood" where it just lay down beside the bits of the leftover chocolate and its wrapper like someone going to the guillotine (sorry for the description, it's just how i remembered it :P). after the owner came home, and after seeing the dog in this state, he had to rush the dog to a veterinarian. is it really bad for dogs to consume chocolates or for that matter a substantial amount of sweets? or was it just a made-up-for-tv scenario? :D

    and another, do sheepdogs bleat/baa? :D (just kidding!)

  10. for starters, i'm impressed. :) i am looking forward to the tutorials. :Pmy concern with the forum is how it appears to be framed. is that assumption right? couldn't it possibly just flow as part of the template, without the forum scrollbars which are appearing now? the scrollbars i believe just disrupts the forum in my opinion, at least i'm not used to a forum that way.more to come as development progresses... :D

  11. i should say this is one of the reasons why piracy is prevalent. :) but **MAINSTREAM** hollywood movies for our side of the world (PH) are always shown "simultaneous" with their original scheduled premiere dates as with the US. come to think of it, since we are ahead of the rest of the world timezone-wise, we get to get our first crack at watching the latest hollywood flicks EVEN BEFORE mainland USA viewers get to watch them... at least the big-budgeted media-hogging movies which the whole world is anticipating for. :Pnot so with other foreign releases though, just like with this naruto film in the case here. SM is right, dubbing japanese text to english for the rest of the world would take some time, and distribution is a major factor too for the wait. and since these take time, nothing to do but wait... or learn the language and go where the movie is showing in its original form.

  12. some more tips:the length of the password lends to a more secure combination also, something which exponentially increases security especially when brute force technique is employed. in short -- the longer, the better.an additional good measure is to have a separate set of password for your cpanel, VERY MUCH DIFFERENT from your forum password. it's very likely that some members here have the same passwords for both, which gives higher risks for both the forum account and the hosting cpanel. in the likelihood that one is compromised, it compromises the other as well. it's better not to compromise both at the same time.

  13. if the mobile industry is "quiet" about the existence of the gphone pending the actual official release by google themselves of this "gphone", it is because the people in the know (who really can tell if this gphone exists yet or not) are bound by the terms of confidentiality which they have most definitely signed before they ever get hold of information or even a glimpse of the a prototype of the thing. :D and when i say the "mobile industry", i mean people and companies who may have been contracted by google already to realize this gphone for future release. :)

    of course there will always be speculations on its existence, but it heightens the anticipation, don't you think? just like with apple, who had their hardcore fans as a ready market for their iphone, so will it be for google who will have their fair share of the mobile market once this gphone comes around. :D and don't discount nokia as of yet -- there is also a nokia iphone-killer in the works.

    as long as they have great features i can use, works without much hassle, extendable (with 3rd-party applications), and does not tie me up to one network ("open-line" as we usually call it, which can utilize a SIM from ALL networks) -- then it's good for me. :P i've still to see an iphone in the market for us in my country, but nokia usually uses the philippines to test-market their newer brands of cellphones (so they say, since we get ahold of the NEWEST nokia models even before the U.S. market even uses them B)). hopefully google will not ignore our part of the world also, otherwise i'll be having a nokia "iphone" more sooner than i can have the apple or google brand. :P but yes, i'll prefer the gphone (and yes, i'm a hardcore google fan). heheheü

  14. there ought to be something you can find here., and it's just one of the top URLs i found with a google keyword search for FREE CLIPART. a lot of categories there, and if you're for something more specific on what you'll need, you may have to narrow them down some more.

    there are other "cheap" alternatives you can find of course, if you can afford to pay $1.00, $2.00 up to $3.00 depending on image size. you can try https://de.fotolia.com/ for that. it would not be the usual stocks cliparts other people may be using already. these are royalty stock photos, which means you can use this image without limit of time and without limit of number of uses. :)

  15. one trick i came to learn to stop a bad case of hiccups is by plugging your ears with your fingers for about twenty seconds. the theory that was espoused is that by sticking your fingers in your ears temporarily, it short-circuits the nerve that control hiccups, which results in the interruption of the hiccup cycle. :P not recommended when you're having a bad bout of hiccups when your boss is talking though. :D

  16. i don't find anything to rant about except for one. :P the "halo" (white outline) which is quite evident in all the edited pictures (left side of the head). i dunno, it is just disconcerting me to find it present there... like a thick fat brush has gone awry in that section. other than that, it's all rave for your efforts here. :D and the least you liked, new #3, is what appealed to me as the best. oh well, personal tastes i guess (at least color-wise). :D nice work, damen. :P

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