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LeAnn Rimes My Angel

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Everything posted by LeAnn Rimes My Angel

  1. I love all of the MORTAL KOMBAT games since they were in the arcades. And that was like 10 to 11 years ago, and each year they seem to make another Mortal Kombat game with much of the same characters and same stories, but the blood and guts will always be there (It's what Mortal Kombat is famous for), at times I was playing this game I kind of knew the story was but I still don't quite know the whole story of it, because all the blood, fatalities and other stuff are all pretty big distractions. But the graphics are great, the gameplay is great and the combo system is insanely easy, and after you learned how to dodge attacks and whatever the computer throws your way you will be unbeatable cheat codes or not, I love the fact that in this game the only way you can really beat the boss characters in this game is by using fatalities you don't have a choice when you've beaten a boss character. But the coolest part is the game displays the code for you to pull off a fatality to finish off the boss character whoever it may be.
  2. I only speek english only. I have a Grandma however that speeks french sometimes. But she always speeks in english to me.
  3. My favourite anime back in the day. Was an old show on tv called "Sailor Moon" and yeah it may have been more for girls but in someways it was a very good show I used to watch it a couple of years ago I don't see it anymore. And I recorded the shows a few times and some of the story lines were pretty good.
  4. There's alot of nice movies out there these days, like X-men being in the movie Theaters and Underworld: Evolution coming out tomorrow for DVD I thought I would see what movies people are going to be renting, buying or watching in the movie theaters this week? For me I'll be buying: Underworld: Evolution By Friday at the very latest, I loved this great movie in the movie theaters now I can't wait to see this new movie on DVD and see the special features that are going to be on it. Hopefully it'll have funny outtakes like the first one did I love movies that have bloopers in the special features or just parts where the cast and crew goof off in the spirit of being funny to each other. In terms of maybe renting: I am thinking of renting someday the old Superman: Movies: With Christopher Reeve I've been a fan of these movies since I was a kid I of course got the VHS versions of these movies at home now I'd like to see what they're like on DVD and digitally mastered. I bet they'll look as good as new if not better hopefully. So far those are going to be the movies I will more than likely be buying or renting this week because theyre all very good movies. What movies are you people going to buy or rent or just go out to the theaters because movies always looks better on the big screens.
  5. I've never smoked ever in my life but a week or 2 ago someone did die not from Smoking but she died from second-hand smoke. She once worked in a restaurant or someplace and her work place was always full of people smoking and she always had to work there and always breathed it in and in a while later she was later they found out she had cancer. And some fellow Canadians in here would know who she was her name was Heather Crowe. Here's an article about her little crusade to stop smoking in all indoor places like restaurants and other stuff. And as of now no smoking in any store or Malls anywhere smoking indoors is now completely off limits heres a few articles about Heather Crowe and the Smoking ban that's going on in Canada. Heather Crowes story and other things you can learn from her. All that you need to know about the smoking Ban that's now in effect.
  6. There's so many video game characters out there it may take a while to name them all. But here's my list of favourite video game characters. Scorpion: Of Mortal Kombat fame easily the most famous of all of the Mortal Kombat games. I play as him almost all the time in my Mortal Kombat games I have at home, I always play as him in Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks he always wins a fight and he has a very wicked style of fighting. And just looking at him sends shivers down your back. Akuma: Of Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo fame and other Street Fighter games. Another very easy character to play as and you always win because he always has a move to get out of very, very tought situations like if you're traped in a corner just teleport behind your opponent and trap them in the corner and beat the crap out of them. Your opponent likes to throw fireballs at you if you're playing as Super-Akuma just jump in the air and throw dual air fireballs back at them one of the air fireballs will destroy the single fireball thrown and the other will just hit your opponent giving you the upper hand. And of course Super-Akuma is the ultimate version of Akuma for the reasons I just stated he always wins he's the fastest character and the easiest character to play as if you know the code to play as him. You will always win. Reptile: Of Mortal Kombat fame, when you first see him he has both Sub-Zero and Scorpions moves in one character I don't think I ever found out how to play as him. But fighting against him always gives you a nice little challenge. If you want to be on the list of the biggest scoring players in the arcades back in the day. You just had to fight reptile and if you beat him you get a huge score of 10,000,000 points if you beat him and do your finishing move on him. And of course he would sometimes interefere in one of your matches before you start to give you clues on how to find him. Anakin Skywalker: Star Wars Episode III Revenge of the Sith. I love playing as him in this fun game. When I play as Obi-Wan. I can't wait to play as Anakin again because he has force lightning and plus you get to play as a character that goes from being a very nice guy and a good friend to Obi-Wan. He also turns to the dark-side and for once you are able to play as the most popular Sith Lord and bad-guy in all of the Star Wars films (Darth Vader). I love that angle in these games you play as the good-guy and something happens and you turn into an evil person and you're controlling everything your character does. And I find I love playing as the bad-guy it's always the most fun.
  7. Yeah I like to read other people's posts in here. Or anywhere for that matter. And if it's something that I like or something that interests me. I'll take part in the discussion. It might be about something or someone I might like. Whether it is about a movie, song, actress, singer or something I just might like to do whatever it is. I'll read it and if I like it I'll say something about it. Maybe I might share other people's opinions.
  8. In someways it's easy meeting people on the computer but you don't really know who you're talking to online. Which can be pretty tricky, I've met some very nice and reasonable people online. Whether they're nice or not you don't really know until you actually meet them in real-life. In real-life you can at least see who you are meeting and it can be easy to see whether or not they are nice people or not it all depends on their people-skills. So I think in alot of ways meeting people in real-life is a little bit more easier because like I said at least you actually get to see these people sometimes for what they're really are good or bad.
  9. I have worked in Burger King for about 6 years now. Which I think is a nice enough achievement I like working it gives me something else to do during the day and it makes going home at the end of the day or going on vacation really worth it. And because of my nice job I've been able to go on nice vacations and other nice places I've liked visiting. I'm pretty much just getting off of work right now.
  10. Sorry I can't play Piano I never learned. Although there are some singers out there who play Piano and very good at playing it. Like Elton John and others but sadly like I said I never learned how to play Piano sorry.
  11. I recently saw him on Regis and Kelly a few weeks ago. And he was funny as usual. I don't know if he writes this stuff down. But every single word that came out of his mouth was some of the funniest stuff I've seen in a long time. I could not stop smiling or laughing. I enjoyed it so much I had to record it for those days when I need a real good laugh. He's truly one of the funniest men around I love Robin Williams he's just so darn funny and fun to watch. He always comes up with funny new material. He would be a great host for the OSCARS. Although he might just kill the audience by making them laugh themselves to death.
  12. Another one of my favourite games. Is Zombie Revenge. I also have this game on my Dreamcast. It's alot more easier to beat on my Dreamcast. And a few years ago I saw this game at an arcade and played it. And it's just like the Dreamcasts version. Nothing really different but the graphics for the Arcade version looked alot better. Jurassic Park: Shoot em up: This one always gave my the shivers not the bad ones but the good ones. You just sit there and shoot Raptors and the boss fights are: T-Rex, Chameleon, And a few other big old Dinosaurs that when they come at you and you're shooting at them. It certainly gets the adredline flowing and thinking to yourself "Thank God this is only a video game and they can't come through the glass to get you for real". The first boss fight you're in a jeep and T-Rex is coming after you. Ooh definitely made me glad it was an arcade game. Marvel Super Heros Vs. Street Fighter: Another arcade game that was released to PS and a few other systems. When this was released to Playstation. I rented it a number of times. I always played the game as Cyber Akuma or Apocolypse. Sadly in the Playstation version you only play as one character at a time. Which made the arcade version a little more worth playing. And I've seen a few people play this game and some of them were very, very good. They seemed to have a contest amonst themselves at times. I always find it fun when these "Experts" play these games and use combos and stuff that leaves you scratching your head. "Man these guys are good". I think I tried one of these expert-players once. And I was dead in about 2 minutes or less these people are insanely tough. They must be tournament players or something to be that good. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Ah yes the old classic game. This was released to Nintendo. But the arcade version. You can play up to 4 players. The graphics were outstanding. Foot-soldiers coming at you in all directions. The good old days I miss these old arcade games alot. I will post more in here in the near future whenever I see them sometime in the arcades.
  13. I am editing this because I managed to play the entire game and win. And I gotta say. This game is a heck of a fun game. You get to do lots, and lot's of fatalities, the graphics are great and you can choose to play as 2 or 4 characters (If you know the code) and you get to see all kinds of wonderful videos, of you doing fatalities and other amazingly fun stuff. It's just like playing Mortal Kombat I and II but you actually get to go through the stories for both. Of course you get to meet all the regular characters like Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Baraka, Shao Kahn and Kintaro and many others. This game is truly a wonderfully fun game and I hope everyone else in here likes it too.
  14. I just did a Google.com search to find out what the new Playstation 3 will look like and wow it looks to be very impressive. Looks like the controller will be a wireless controller and it certainly looks different. Here's a direct link that talks about it. I think it looks pretty darn impressive looking.
  15. Things certainly do change over the years. Very impressive. You can find anything on the net when you look hard enough. Even older boards like this one and others. I like looking at old stuff. And remember a few things back then.
  16. Since my poll is not working all that well I'll add a few other very funny people that I consider to be very funny. Jonathan Winters: Another old but funny old man back in his day. I have a bloopers show at home and it has him doing some very funny stuff. Bob Hope: One can say it's because of him alot of people become comedians and he was another one who always had that sharp and funny wit about him. He hosted the OSCARS a number of times. I never really saw them but I've seen shows about him hosting the OSCARS and he seemed to be very, very funny. He could say anything on the show and people would always laugh and never gets offended by his jokes. Jerry Lewis: Another big time comedy legend. I saw him a couple of months ago on Regis and Kelly. Kelly was away and for once only Regis hosted his show and he had Jerry Lewis on the show to talk about Jerries new book and Jerry made a funny joke which I found pretty funny here it is "Do you know what mixed emotions are: He asked Regis and he said ' That's Jerry Lewis for you always making an interesting joke only he can say without offending anyone.
  17. It all depends on what day of the week it is. Or what time it is when I go to bed. I usually sleep for at 7 to 8 hours a night. But when I am in other people's homes I find I can't sleep to well. And I always find it more easier sleeping in my own bed. Unless I have no other choice but to sleep in someone else's bed or a bed in a motel or hotel room. In which case I might sleep a little bit more because of a long trip.
  18. Star Wars: Jedi Outcast is my favourite online. I love playing this game it's so much fun and an interesting way to meet people online. And some people of course are very good. But it's only a game and games are all about fun.
  19. Actually Jango referenced Count Dooku as his Sith name, Taranus. As all Siths get a Sith name and Count Dooku's Sith name is Darth Taranus. And yeah maybe he did go by Siphidious when he was in the Jedi order. But only George Lucas would know.
  20. Glad you brought up Pac-man. A number of years ago. I did a search on the net for something I forget what it was. But I found this link to a radio stations website. And they actually have that old pac-man game you're talking about. <----click on this link here. And have fun chomping away. It's another old classic game everyone used to play. And who knows what else you can find in here. Have fun checking out the games in here and like I said have fun.
  21. There's always really great games in the arcades that everyone loves to play. And here's my list and descriptions of my favourite arcade games I love to play or I'd like to own for my PS2 if they ever come out someday I hope. The Simpsons: Arcade Game: I'm not a really big fan of the other Simpsons games but this one was my all time favourite Simpsons game because it's just like playing the old Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles game. And you could play up to 4 players and you have to save Maggie from Mr. Smithers who wears a blue and red cape and later in the finale stage you have to fight him while dodging the bombs he drops from his cape. <---I miss this old game alot. Star Wars Trilogy: Arcade lot's of great Star Wars games out there and this one was another great masterpiece of a great game where you get to play 4 great stages like fighting on Hoth, Ariel fighting that puts the other Star Wars game to shame the graphics are outstanding and look almost so real you feel like you're actually flying an X-wing fighter. And the 2 best parts of the game (I used to always draw a crowd) was when I went into the dueling parts of the game when you fight Boba Fett and Darth Vader (The Darth Vader fight is always the funnest part of the game). And after that you go into the finale and most funnest part of the game taking out Death Star #2. I haven't seen in the Arcades for a while but it was another one of my favourite games I would love to own. House Of The Dead: Yeah this one was released to Sega Saturn back in it's day but it's another really fun arcade game you just aim and shoot the heads off of some ugly Zombie's. Wierd storyline in it but it's just really a fun game I love it. It's still at a few arcades around here I like to visit sometimes. And there was a time I got so good at this game. I only used 2 bucks to finish it. I got to be pretty good at playing this game. The arcade versions of Mortal Kombat 1, 2, 3. Always the arcade versions of this game were always the most fun. Nothing edited because of the blood the graphics were always alot better than they are or were on the tv screen. I of course have the Plug-in-and-play thing but nothing beats the old arcade versions of this game but the Plug-in-and-play helps to bring back the old days when Mortal Kombat games were fun. Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo: I've always loved these games and were always alot of fun to play in the arcades way back when. And these games were always a good challenge. If I can think of more Arcade games I love I'll post them. But for now those were or are my all time. What are you favourites or were your favourites?
  22. For me it's really hard to choose. They are both Hollywoods funniest men. And so far I know those 2 are definitely funny but if you guys know of others who are also pretty funny go ahead and use the other option in my poll. I would like to vote for the both of them if I can but I will have to choose Jim Carrey he's pretty funny.
  23. He swears alot but man alive I laughed so hard at many of his jokes. Only Robin Williams can make me laugh that hard. He truly is one of the funniest men alive. Other than Jim Carrey of course but Robin is just so darn funny. It's impossible not to laugh at him. Only Jim Carrey can match Robins crazy antics. Who in here has seen it or seen at least one of his shows when he was on tour? He's also one of my favourite comedy actors he'll make anyone laugh who dares to try and do an interview with him. I've seen a few interviews he's done before on certain tv shows. But everytime he shows up people start laughing. Like I just said I think he's just as funny as Jim Carrey is both make interviews fun and people loves to laugh at these 2 men. And maybe Billy Crystal but I think Robin is truly the funniest man alive.
  24. Happy Easter to all members in here. Tomorrow is Good Friday. And soon it'll be Easter Sunday and Easter Monday. So HAPPY EASTER weekend to all in here. And maybe tell me and others what you have planned for this long weekend? Well for me I'll be staying up late tonight just watching tv watching my Reese Witherspoon films. And maybe watch my Robin Williams show again( I just bought the DVD of "Robin Williams Live On Broadway DVD which I may talk about eventually. And sleep in tomorrow maybe see my mother tomorrow depends on what she feels like doing. Maybe go out to a Sugar Bush maybe get some fresh Maple Syrup and eat some lovely pancakes. Listen to my LeAnn Rimes cds as well and listen to my Walk The Line cd and DVD as well maybe. Perhaps call a few friends and maybe get together with them as well. That's my plans so far what is everyone else's plans? So again Happy Easter!! to all members and Moderators and Admins in here I hope you all have a happy and Safe Easter Weekend.
  25. Yeah they put some really wierd stuff in Ebay sometimes. One time about a year or 2 ago. They had up for auction "And I still can't believe it to this very day". They or someone was selling a stick or something that supposedly had a ghost or something in it. And the title was once called. "Ghost for Sale" lol I still think about that sometimes. And this topic reminds me of that. Can these people actually believe they can actually sell a ghost online? And if so how do you exactly buy a ghost? Where do you expect to store it and what if you don't want it anymore?
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