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Posts posted by Lyon2

  1. I don't know too!Perhaps Gibson had the courage to say what many people think, just like him, the problem is that not many have the courage to do so.I don't think like him, i think Jews and Palestinians have the exactly same guilt, they have been fighting for ages now, for thousands of years, since the time of jesus christ, di you all see the movie or read this, i did, it seems that this fight has been going for thousands of years, and the problem is that they are so religious but at the same time they can fire a gun without thinking.I think this will never stop untill America and ONU do something concrete, not just words, actions!

  2. I like both real and google, firefox too but, it is not my default browser, my browser is Maxthon, for many reasons that firefox will never "know"!Anyway, i find this a good idea, it is always good to find good/strong/competitive partners in the internet, it is exactly as in the real life, and in this case, both 3 companies are very competitive in their areas/markets.I love google for all their free and not free services, most of the free services, i hate to pay for something that i know i can get for free!I love real because their rmvb format and codecs are the best on the internet, especially for movies compression, it can compress dvd to a high quality movie with 300 to 500 MB.I also use the real player from Real, it is needed to see the *.rmvb format, plus you can see many other formats both for audio and video formats, but usually i only use real player to see *.rmvb files, i prefer Video Lan as my default audio/video player, it's free and it's the best.Firefox is also a good browser, i use it for some things, i must if i want to test my websites before i upload them, all webdesigners must test their personal/clients websites with the Opera, Firefox/Internet explorer/Maxthon browsers before uploading.

  3. One more thing about the google adsense program, it seems, at least for me and some friends, that google adsense url does not open with internet explorer, we can only open it with firefox and sometimes with maxthon browser.I don't have this problem with any other url, just with google adsense url.But now i understand why this is happening with me and some of my friends, it is because google and firefox are doing this to people start use firefox browser instead of internet explorer browser that comes embbed with the microsoft operative systems by default.Now i understand the "project" or "plan" they have in their minds!!!

  4. The best choice is to use one this: https://pando.com/ (The first best choice for you, the best, but it is a program which all must install, great speeds, no limits what so ever, no upload nor download limits) http://www.filefactory.com/ (The third best choice for you) http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (Very very good, you can upload untill 60 files at the same time, just choose the mp3 files and click upload, after you set up the number of files you which to upload at the same time)

  5. Very very funny, very funny indeed, sort of like Matrix special computer effects (cg), but this is way more cool in comics terms, of course.If you want the movie, after you visit that link, go to the directory named: "Temporary Internet Files" on your computer hard drive, there is the file there named: "crazypingpong.wmv" with 3/4 MB, just copy the file and paste it into your documents folder and you will have the video.Nice tip isn't it! Yes it is, and you can do the same for getting flash animations (*.swf).Ps: Only works with internet explorer browser!

  6. This news are very true, i saw it in the TV here in Portugal, everyone is talking about it, it's a fact.

    He even apologize for the words he spoke, for the things he said about some relegion aspects because people thought he was something that he's not, i mean, when someone is drunk it always says the truth, it always say what really think, and this is the perfect example of what i'm talking about.

    Mel Gibson is an alcoholique, that is also a fact, it seems he didn't got over that problem, his words, not mine.

    Anyway, see this videos, there's more to this:

    Many videos + article (videos are on the right side of the page, clcik play button and let it run, after each video a litle comercial will run, don't do nothing) :

    Mel Gibson Apologizes for DUI Arrest

    Ps: He said the jews are responsible for all the wars in the world, and i am quoting Mel Gibson!

  7. Nice article, very specific and usefull, though i already knew most of it, i am a litle paranoid with the use of usernames and passwords when i configure lan's (LAN = Local Area Network).And we can turn things even more confusing, but, i just want to say something about how to use passwords: - First choose a password with 8 characters minimum - The password must be confusing even to yourself - The password must not contain information related to yourself in any way - The password must not contain names, just characters and numbers like: aA12Ht&%#)/H125 - The password must contain special characters, like: &%$#"!|??=)(/ - The password must contain uppercase and lowercase letters like: AaBcGtTjd - You must not write down the password in paper or whatever - You must not use the same passwords for everything - You must not save the passwords in programs on your pc, but if you do, encrypt them with secure algorithms - You must train to remember the passwords if you don't use a program to save your passwords with encryption - If you have lots of passwords, write them on a paper and guard the paper "with your life"!

  8. I agree with Plenoptic, one must study to get good grades at school, course, profession, university, et cetera.

    But then, imagine if a teacher gave you bad grades just because it does not like you very much, or imagine the teacher gave you bad grades and you and your entire school colleagues think you deserve a good grade, or at least a positive grade, would you use your computer skills to raise your grade?

    What do you do in this cases, would you at least consider cracking techniques fair to use?


    KuBi, you don't need to be registered to view that article, but if you say you can't read it, here you go:

    2 Students Are Accused of Altering Grades in Computer Hacking CaseBy Stephen Clark, Times Staff Writer
    July 26, 2006

    Two Cal State Northridge students have been accused of hacking into a professor's computer, giving grades to nearly 300 students and sending pizza, magazine subscriptions and CDs to the professor's home.

    Lena Chen, 20, of Torrance and Jennifer Ngan, 19, of Alhambra are to be arraigned Aug. 21 on misdemeanor charges of accessing computers illegally and other counts. If convicted, they face up to a year in prison.

    According to Cal State police, Chen confessed to getting access to the professor's account by answering a routine security question and changing the password.

    "They felt the professor was unfair, and it was on behalf of all the students," said Frank Mateljan, a spokesman for the city attorney's office, which filed the charges. "They were trying to be college pranksters."

    Mateljan said Chen also admitted assigning grades to nearly 300 students and giving Ngan, who was earning a D-plus, an A in the professor's political institutions course. The school would not release the professor's name.

    Investigators said the professor's campus e-mail was being forwarded to an account created by Chen and Ngan, who were sharing a Northridge apartment.

    Ken Swisher, a campus spokesman, said he knew of no previous incidents like this one. Political science professor Jane Bayes, who has worked at the school since 1968, said she remembered only one student hacking into a computer to change grades in the 1970s.

    Nationwide this year, more than 800,000 people at colleges and universities have had sensitive information exposed in more than 30 security failures.

    Chen and Ngan allegedly used the professor's personal information found on the university system to order pizza, more than 20 magazine subscriptions including for Time, Newsweek and Ebony and a shipment of blank CDs for delivery to the professor's home.

    The professor received bills for the orders but was not charged.

    "Identity theft and computer tampering are serious matters," Mateljan said. "We want to send a clear message that this type of behavior is unacceptable."

  9. This flash animation is very cool, one of the most impressive flash animations i have on my collection, in fact, is the most cool and atictive flash animation if you like rock n' roll music and also if you like creating your own rock n' roll sounds.

    You can create your rock n' roll musics and share with everyone that has this flash animation.

    You have 3 instruments to play with to build your rock n' roll songs.

    Click the random button to see examples.

    Click the instruments images to enable and disable them while playing musics.

    Click help button for help, of course.

    Explore it, enjoy it, and give me some credit for sharing this awesome flash animation!

    The flash animation that Rocks

  10. Now this is real cracking, imagine the future now with all things inserted to a computer, i don't think the next generation of students will study too much since they can "insert" the marks or notes they want.

    This news remind me of the movie "war games", don't it remind you too!?!?

    Anyway, see the article and say what you feel about this, especially if you have kids and also if you still study.

    ps: don't go ask those 2 students to explain you how they did it!!!



  11. Here is a more complete list of security related websites, the best of the best ones:

    http://search.yahoo.com/?fr=altavista (you must pay to access, but it is worth your money)

    http://search.yahoo.com/?fr=altavista (very good)

    http://www.securityfocus.com/ (also very good)

    https://packetstormsecurity.com/ (Very good too, one gets good and hot news in hacking/cracking)

    Others also very very good:

    Has the Free Exploit Maker that builds exploits to test the security of programs/operative systems)

    http://sectools.org/ (Lists of top quality free and pay security tools)

    https://nmap.org/index.html (Home page of the best network mapper, network tcp/udp ports scanner, and enumeration too)

    http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/products/security/advisory-services.html (Good security articles)

    http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (The best to search for security threats)




    Google hacking security websites :


  12. I don't understand what you want, just a litle bit, so i really wish you explain it better.

    There are free domains and domains you must pay if you want them.

    Free Domains:


    In the above website, click and visit, then choose your domain like :


    Of course, the offer is not entirely free, you must have 90 unique visitors in 60 or 90 days, so you must have a good website to have this visitors in each 60 or 90 days, which i think is not too much.

    Of course, your website will have a banner, not very big, in the top of your website, but if you build a flash site, it will look cool, i tryed and it looks better then html website with that banner, but you must understand html, at least, to arrange things to look nice and compact in the end.

    Domains you must pay:


    The most important domain, the most used and wanted by search engines to show their queries search results :


    example: http://forums.xisto.com/ or http://forums.xisto.com/

  13. I voted for google adsense because i have been using it for a year now, and i am not rich or poor, i honestly don't depend or want to depend of google adsense profits to "put food on the table" for me and my family, and to tell you the full truth, i don't even expect high profits from google adsense.But, if my websites get some thousands of visitors a week or a month, i know i am expected to earn a few undreds from google adsense program because, i know for a fact, that in a couple of thousands of visitors a month corresponds to a few undreds of clicks on google adsense ads, in average, of course.And with google adsense, lately, that is not happening, and i have many clicks and some thousands of visitors a month.I don't know but, if google adsense program continues to pay me bad, i will go for another, and most likely for adbriter because i heard good things of adbrite, it seems that pays more, but it is not so accurate as google text ads which are very relevant, which by the way, it is the most important factor that is keeping me from saying good bye to google adsense ads!

  14. Thanks, but that's not so funny, it is always the same animation, not funny, after 2 or 3 fights i get bored because like i said, it is always the same flash animation, i saved it if i want to play it next year! Thanks anyway.

  15. shahhitesh10, and especially je-ar, adsense buddy program is even much better then adsense tracking script, i think you should both try it, it is trustworthy, it was made by the well known by most adsense optimizers, it was made by "Joel Comm", the writer of the top quality and best selling ebook about adsense:Google Adsense Secrets, by Joel Comm, 1st and 2nd Editions(You should read this ebook(s) also, i have them, they helped me a lot)

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