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Posts posted by Lyon2

  1. icemarle, Panda is the wisest decicion perhaps, but if you can't get McAfee VirusScan to work, that's because you have some *.dll files corrupt or not registered, i know that because it happened to me also, and i had to repair the registry, i had to read 2 ebooks about windows xp registry to fix things up, anyway, it was good for me because i learned tons of very usefull stuff, it's easier to format the disk then to repair it.I'm using McAfee VirusScan 10 (Retail) and it is very good, i used to use Panda titanium and also tryed Panda platinum but, McAfee is getting better every year, now, McAfee VirusScan or the Internet Security is even better then Norton VirusScan or Norton Internet Security, and that's just the pros reviews.AVG has a professional version, i have worked in a company as a informatics technician, here in portugal, where they used and are still using AVG Professional, i think it is the 7 professional version, it is very good, and it protects the entire LAN of computers of that same company, and it doesn't takes too much RAM (Random Access Memory), perhaps you should try it if the avg antivirus is working for you well.AVG pro has an antivirus, firewall, anti adware and spyware and much more great professional programs all in one.

  2. if you treated the only adware you had, you don't have to worry, perhaps someone is using your email to send spam or something else.Perhaps it's an error from msn, perhaps someone that doesn't like you very much is using your email, there's too many possibilities.One thing is for sure, AVG is a good antivirus, but not that good if you know what i mean, so if you could get one better, that would be much better for you, maybe McAfee or Panda.Also watch out for SPAM Bots, they are always trying to get more email accounts, like yours, to use them for spam, perhaps it was what happened with you, in fact, that's more likely what happened.But don't worry, email accounts can be created again, if your email account get blacklisted, since you use it for not important things, you can always create another one!

  3. Of course i would pay google, 5 euros for adsense adwords it is worth the money already, i don't even need the google search engine, i'm paying only for the adwords, but google search engine is the best.Yahoo search engine results are powered by google, you can all see the logo in the bottom right of the search result pages.Anyway, i would pay 5 euros for the google search engine only, you all don't have any idea of what you can find with the google search engine, absolutly no idea, you don't have an idea of the real power of google search engine, i'm not going to give examples because i don't think i need to, some of you will know, some of you know, and some of you will never know, that's just the way it is.

  4. Anything is better then winzip, even 7-zip is much more better then winzip, beleave it, i tryed them all already, and winrar compresses more, it has much more cool functions, like for example, it can compress to many winrar files (*.rar), and with other functions, for example, you can configure the size in wich you want to make the winrar files in case you want to put a 3MB file in 3 files of 1.4MB for 3 flops, or compress a 700MB file in to 7 files of 100MB.Winzip is the program more used by people, that's true, plus windows xp has its own winzip program and with the same name, but winrar is the best by far, without a doubt.

  5. If you say so, i'll do an effort to beleave you but, it is very very hard to beleave you did not make copies of books or anyother copyrighted material such as books and other works that normally help students and workers achieve better school marks or courses marks as well as in a profession.It's very hard to beleave you did not make copies, unless you are rich or you did not go to school.Here in europe, things are very expensive, and in schools as well as in all places, people makes copies of copyrighted material all the time and that's also illegal, cracking programs is also illegal but most people crack programs because they need them, it's not for playing around with them.I could tell tons of other examples that most people do, and most of them do not even know that they are comicting an ilegall action.You could say lots of things, i can beleave you, but it takes a hard effort for me to beleave it because i didn't burn yesterday or 2 seconds ago, i have a lot of experience in the real world, with people, and one thing reality tought me is that no one is an example to critisize other, no one is an example in all things like morally, professionaly and so on, to say that cracking programs is bad, i know it, but let's not forget the other things too like the example of copies of books in school/courses/work.

  6. DaRealChrono, please be carefull next time, this topic of yours is not for a Freebies forum wich was where post it.Now, this is a very polemic subject, interesting but it will raise many answers, many ideas.I don't know if you cracked or applyed a crack in a program or even an ilegal serial or anyother code to break the program/script security, and by that, removing it's limitations, so i'm going to beleave you've never done that.I'm going to tell you the trueth, i cracked some programs, Photoshop and Norton antivirus was among the first programs wich i applyed a crack, and i had many reasons to do so: - Photoshop is too expensive (1.000+ euros) - Norton programs are also too expensive - Still, i need the best programs (I'm a webdesigner, informatics technician and shh technician so i need the best web design / design programs plus i also need to be protected when i open files from the internet and others)I could buy them, but i'm not that rich to pay so much money for a program that i know how to crack the limitations.I may have cracked some programs, i might crack programs in the future, but i tell you now, i will never do the same to my friends, i have principles, do you think if i crack a program or whatever it means that i'll steal my friends, no my "friend", i will not, i have principles and rules wich guide me.One think is to crack a program in the virtual world, another is to steal a friend or an unkown person in the real world, both are very different worlds, you just can't compare them like that, it's absurd.Now, please, answer me this questions: - Have you ever toke copies of books in school? - Have you ever downloaded mp3 (music) from the internet? - Do you use p2p programs? What do you download!? - Have you have steal a chocolate in a market or grosserys store?The first one i'm almost sure you did it and perhaps you are still doing, almost everybody in the world makes copies of books, but what they don't know is that is illegal, why, because almost all people don't have permission to take those copies of the copyrighted books or whatever information, they don't have the respect of asking for those rights, for that licence.Concerning the other questions, also i'm almost sure you did it, i don't know you, but statistics don't lie, perhaps you are an exception, if you say so i'll beleave you, but the point is that everyone does illegal actions everyday, all time, for any reason, now, does it mean that if you take copies of books then you also steal friends or take copies of your friends work?I could talk forever here explaining you why not one person (with a few exceptions) is an example to say something about cracking programs, think about this.

  7. I can help you with the ebooks, don't worry, you just need a adsl internet account to download the ebooks and also videos and a hard drive to put them on.Now, you must give a list, not like those links, for example, if you want ebooks to learn: - cisco - networks - webdesign - flash - photoshop - etc...i need something specific if you want my help, sorry but that's the only way i can help you.

  8. Here's some programs that will convert html to php, but they aren't free:

    HTML To PHP Converter 4

    Arigola html to php converter

    HTML to PHP or ASP

    Arigola is very good, and to tell you the trueth, i think i have a free version from the past of this program, but i'm not sure, i will post it here if i find it when i have time.

  9. MaineFishing45 has a good answer, so i only want to had a few points:



    - Create a script or buy one to able visitors to sign in and

    have their own account (like filefront.com or rapidshare.de)


    - Put a limit of uploads for all members


    - Put a limit of downloads per day for all members


    - If you know how, create your own servers (if you want help just send me a private message), or do like

    rapidshare.de does, they have 2 high speed servers for files bigger then 50 MB or something like that,

    and i normal server for small files, so like this you will have dedicated servers for big files and for small



    - Give a chance for users to register, but at the same time, ask them if they want to buy a premium

    account, and here you have to know the prices of the competition (visit the below list of the best free

    uploads/download services), so you can have a chance to win some clients, and perhaps to make some

    money, but i tell you now that rapidshare.de, filefront.com, megaupload.com, sendspace.com and

    pando.com (it's a program, it's the best idea so far, and it supports a great speed, i've test it) are the best

    ones, so you should consider visit those websites above and see, studie, analize how they work before

    you do anything else.


    - Create a script or buy one that able visitors to win or earn money from the number of uploads and

    downloads of their files, like it is done in megaupload.com, or think of something else if you want to be

    original, but you don't really need to, just be wise and smart, think of everything to attract visitors.


    - One again, think of everything to attract new visitors, and then techniques to make them register in your

    free and pay service.


    - Build a great website, with some flash, good programming, good scripts, good looking graphics, but yet, it

    also got to be very simple to navigate, you don't want people to wait for a graphic or animation to get

    loaded, if you know how to do this, good, if not, do something simple like the rapidshare.de website, or

    even simplier like sendspace.com wich is a lot more attractive in my opinion.


    - Now, you also have to promote your service (free or pay or both), you need to submit your website adress to the major search engines wich are:


    - https://www.google.de/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=7AkjVIatDsKH8QfNkoC4DQ&gws_rd=ssl

    - http://yahoo.com/

    - http://www.msn.com/de-de/

    - http://de.ask.com/?o=10181&l=dir


    If that is too work for yourself, get a seo (search engine optimizer), or you just could promote/submit your website only to the google search engine, in my opinion, that's what matters, just for you to know, yahoo.com search results are powered by google, and another thing, google has more then 75% of all the searchs in the internet, it is now close to have the monopoly.


    I guess this should help you with some things, good luck!




    Here's the list of the best free uploads/downloads services:




































  10. Learn all that in here:




    or here:


    Google Hacking Database (GHDB)




    Also google has a good and simple tutorial on how to use the advanced operators manually:




    Just a note, the advanced operators can be used automatically if you use the google advanced search page, try it here:




    At http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ , you will learn how to protect yourself from the "google hackers" because the advanced operators you're talking about are a pain in the head for website and network admins when they are used for the bad reasons, for example, to find passwords, sensitive data, vulnerabilities, personal information, private information, and tons more of ilegal information.


    Normally and usually people will not use this advanced operators, not all have the I.Q. enough to use them to find stuff, only the smart ones will try to learn and use and those are only a few, and if you want to find those few guys, visit the above website and contribute to protect your website and other's websites as well.


    ps: sorry if i've heart anyone.

  11. Sorry my "friend", but you can't make questions like this one, or better, you shouldn't because php and perl are somewhat different server side web languages.Important Definitions you must knowServer side web languages:The script (in php or perl) runs on the server sideClient side web languages:The script (in javascript and/or in html) runs on the client's browser sidePhp, in my opinion, is much more easy to work with, and most of people (developers, webdesigners and programmers) think and feel the same way, but you could be one of the exceptions of this, i mean, after you try the 2 languages (find some good ebooks about php and perl, if you just can't find just send me a private message and i will help you with this), you could be more interested in perl just because you have less difficulties with perl then with php.As you can see, that's a subjective question, so you will have subjective answers, this is my opinion, now you have to "build" your opinion, and you can do it by reading good ebooks of both php and perl.

  12. Forget about flash 8 or even MX, now there are some really good applications to build excellent flash websites, flash animations or just flash stuff.

    Of course, the programs i am about to tell you are not free, you have to pay for them, but anyway, if you want them, just send me a private message and i will help you in this matter, don't worry.

    Now, the programs are:


    This program has just been released, and you can build flash websites and animations with absolutly no programming involved (no actionscript) because the program does it all the programming, you don't even see it.

    Xtivity is the best choise for advanced or begginers in flash technology, beleave me, i know.


    Swish or SwishMAX

    This program, either one or the other, personaly i prefer swishMAX simply because it is the best for building flash websites, flash animations, or just flash effects with text and images.

    SwishMAX has already tons of effects wich you can apply them on text and/or images, and it is pretty easy to work with, it is not hard as it is with macromedia flash mx or even the latest version, version 8, so i have to say that you wasted money, sort of, but don't worry, just contact me if you really want help on this issue.


    There are 4 more programs to build flash websites/animations, but i am tired of writing, sorry, but i am tired of working, in fact, i just got out of work.

    Contact me thrue this contact form:

    or send me a private message to talk more about this matter, see you later.

    By the way, you first animation is quite cool, nothing professional, but yet simple and good looking, at least for your first time, what you need is experience and the best programs to do what you want.

  13. anwiii, sorry but i must correct you in somethings you're saying:Yahoo doesn't pay their team to look up the website, that's done with scripts, and in google is the same thing, imagine to visit more then 10 billion web pages, can you imagine how many workers will you need to look up the web page one by one?It matter who your site exchange or even get links from.It's better having 3 links from high popular websites in google that 100 links from not popular websites.

  14. Well, if you want a plain freeware program to transfer your files with the ftp protocol, there's only 2 good:


    SmartFTP ---> https://www.smartftp.com/download

    Filezilla ftp client (free):




    Filezilla ftp server (free):



    If you want the best, shareware:


    WS-FTP pro 2006 ---> https://www.ipswitch.com/secure-information-and-file-transfer

    Flash FXP ---> https://www.flashfxp.com/



    Personaly, i would choose the WS-FTP pro 2006 because it is the best, no doubt about it, but flash fxp has many awesome functions, like for example, it uses hacking techniques to enter in ftp servers better then all the others, just for you to know, some ftp servers are only reachable with flash fxp because of the forcing techniques that it uses.

  15. itssami, that's not a stupid question at all, very pertinent i may say so.Actually, i'm allways reading seo and search engines ebooks, at least the best ones, and i can't find a resource, ebook or something that can help me learn how to build a spider/boot to crawl the web for pages or links to pages and so on.I would really like help on this issue like itssami, so if someone has good information about this, i would apreciate it very much.

  16. Yes, in some points.The thig is that i like to change graphics, but i will build another layout to use in all sites.And thanks for your opinion and thanks for all, it's better then paying a professional reviewer or something like it if you know what i mean.Also, i'm going to take the flash intro out and the counter, or perhaps put it hidden just for me to see it wich was the only purpose.The flash intros website, i'm going to build more flash intros and with some different colors, perhaps black, white, blue, brown and green or red.The flash games website, i'm going to add some more flash games and only very good ones, perhaps i'm going to take out one or two there and substitute for better ones plus add more too.Next week will be ready.Thanks again to all.

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