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Posts posted by Lyon2

  1. I understand a litle bit about private and public law, at least the Portuguese private and public law, and from what i already know, law can be whatever the lawyer "say", not the judge.Resuming, if their lawyers are good enough, they can do whatever they want, and it seems that company you're talking about, it is very powerfull, so they can do that.It is best for you to ask a lawer, or a persona that knows this field.Go to the yahoo.com site, they have a script there called "Yahoo!Answers", google also has but it is not free, and at yahoo.com is free, so give it a try.

  2. Gmail - Online Free Mp3 Player

    Yes, it true, Google Mail (known as GMail) has its own built-in mp3 player, in fact, its an audio player, which means if someone send you an audio file, for instance, a mp3 or wma file, you can view it with google Mail built-in audio player online, you do not need to open your personal audio player ever again, consuming your ram, now you have another advantage using Google Mail, the GMail.

    But that's not all, just open this link, you will see the Gmail built-in audio player:

    Gmail - Online Free Audio Player
    " http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ "

    There is more, imagine if you wanted to add this player to your site, wouldn' that be awesome? Wouldn't be very usefull and cool?

    Yes, it would be, and it is possible, very possible, just add an iframe to your website, insert the following code into the page of your website you want to add the Gmail audio player:

    The Iframe code to copy and paste:

    " <iframe src=“http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/” style=“width: 500px; height: 25px; border: 1px solid #aaa;” id=“musicPlayer”/> "

    url = uniforme resource location
    url = it's the adress or link to a file (audio file, like mp3, wma, ogg, et cetera) or page (index.html, index.php,m et cetera)

    You can listen to mp3 files before you download, with the gmail mp3 player, just add that iframe to your site, with a link to a mp3 file in some website, and you will be able to listen to that song, you can use it to insert a background music into your website, just use you imagination!

    Hope you enjoy this discover, i did!

  3. I have the same problem, you can use the same solution as i do.

    If so, the solution i came across is simple, just insert the contact form at your Xisto.com free hosting account, and in your another free hosting service, insert the link to the web contact form to your Xisto account.

    You want to see an example? See my free flash clocks website at awardspace.com, notice that the link to send me an email is actualy to a page at Xisto.com url:

    Free Flash Clocks

  4. It is better for you to add your bank account number, the BIN.BIN - Bank Identification NumberAsk your bank, or log in in your bank website, and you can see your Bin there, then just add this number in the google payment setup.After entering the BIN, google will deposit a small amount of money in your bank account, about 80 to 1 euro, which you then must enter that number in the google bank account validation in order to validate your bank account.But first, google adsense will send you the PIN by letter to your mailing adress, your home adress, which you must enter to be able to recive money by online transfer.

  5. I use paypal, it's the best of them all, but moneybooker is also good.The trick is to create a bank account, specificaly to payments online, so, when you need to buy something, just deposit money from your first bank account into your bank account that you want to use for online payments.Anyway, that trick is just to unsure you don't get cracked by some carder or cracker.Today, things are much more difficult for a cracker to be able to find all the keys and personal numbers (BI and IRS/IRC numbers, which are used to login and process bank transfers and so on), because besides those numbers, you also have another key which is used to confirm the online payment or transfer, and that special key no one has, and you will never write it completely in a web form, so you do not have to worry about online payments or money transfers, just remember that special key and burn the paper. It is inevitable, everyone, sometime in the future, will need to use online payments and transfers and so on, so why not start now, i can assure you that things are very secure now, 128bits transfer still can't be cracked just like that, and even if a group of crackers wanted to try to crack somneone, to get all his/her money, they won't go steal a couple of dollars, when that happens, it will happen to steal thousands of millions of dollars, not the couple of dollars or even your couple of undreds of dollars because that don't mean nothing for crackers, they will not risk a sentence for a couple of hundreds, don't you think? I do not think, i know!

  6. That's pretty cleaver, yes.... you give 5 to take 15 or more, you earn more money then you spend because you have some kind of contract with someone. but you won't get far, this is no a way to earn your living, you will make money but, one day, you will notice that you will need a better idea to earn more money, because you will most likely need it if you want to go on with your life.Hope you understand.

  7. Personaly, futeball is a sport, american football is not a sport, in my opinion.I will now explain why.Football is a sport because it doesn't put in danger the lives of the players, american football puts the players lives at risk, in fact, many players die quickly and most of them very slowly, everyone knows the problems caused by drugs that they take, which they must take in order to old on the pain after each and every game they play, no matter the opponant,Second, i think american football is even worst then box, boxers are trained, and trained hard to get punched in the mouth/head, american football players do not, most of them think they are, and coachs want and must show to all people and all media that this players can support all games, all pain, without pain killers, without drugs, B.S.!B.S.! I do not beleave, and i know what the truth is!Third and last, i am tired of writing, the people and all the media do not care for the players of american football, they just want to see a good game, they do not care if a player lost his eye during the game, if a player is taking drugs and can't stop playing because he is so f.k. up with the drugs that he won't get a job anywhere else, et cetera.Personaly, european football is the best for this and many other reasons.

  8. Lets see if i can arrange some time to do your custom logo, can't promise, alright?But just to tell what i thnk, it is best for me to have the website (the index and the images/colors of your site) for me to test in my computer, it would be faster, much faster, and then i would upload the images of your site already with some logos for you to see the end result, so then you could choose right away.But you decide, no problem.

  9. Yes, i use AAALogo 1.20, but not only, i also use The logo creator and logo design studio when i want to create logos for clients or just for fun/helping, like this case.Both 3 programs are great to make logos, and i find AAALogo to be the best, no doubt, the problem is that to find the right colors is a pain in the "a.." , i do not have the hex values, so i can't to do much about it, it is also very difficult do create a logo for a site that i do not have the html/php/images files to test the logo i am creating.Anyway, i am doing this because i want to help you, of course, at the same time, i can develop my webdesign experience and knowledge on how to use certain programs.I'll try again, lets see if the last time i can do what you want better.I will upload the images later at night.See you later then.

  10. I don't think Dooga, wireless technology and laptops make made crackers impossible to be cought by cybercops or other crackers working for security companies, even if they spend thousands of dollars trying to track a connection established by a laptop, even if that laptop is in constant movement, for instance, in a car, it would be almost impossible to get a specific location of the where abouts of the laptop, that because it it is in constant movement.It is almost... not impossible, of course, but i doubt a intelligent cracker let him be cought!

  11. I didn't said google has been cracked many time, au contraire:"and i don't see google technology to be cracked many times"Plus, i don't have anything particular for microsoft, only that they don't care about security in their products.But just for you to know, there are thousands of people out there that hate microsoft and their products, undreds of anti-microsoft groups, and they have logical and reasonable reasons.

  12. Yes, but everyone knows microsoft programs and programming languages and operative systems are almost 100% insecure, it is a fact, and the fact that this happen is just another way of proving i and millions are right on what we think about the all microsoft stuff.This was because a vulnerabilitie of the IIS 6 version of their web server, another one of already hundreds of them, there are tons of exploits for IIS servers, for any version, and that does not happen with other web/local servers out there, free or pay servers, at least not that many exploits to use.Microsoft is a well known target by most defacers and crackers, but google is too, and i don't see google technology to be cracked many times, just once and a while, and this is just to give you an example.

  13. Microsoft France site Defaced, Defacers say Microsoft.com Site is next site to be defaced/cracked!

    Can you beleave the arrogancy of this crackers, to say that the next site they are going to crack/deface is the https://www.microsoft.com/de-de site, this is really a major embaressement for microsoft, especially when microsoft is at war with google.

    Just imagine, if the microsoft site can be hacked, which is supose not to happen, never, the same trust for their programs will be at stake, at least for many millions of people that are paying atention to technology and security as one.

    Now, are they going to crack/deface the Microsoft.com website?! I bet they are, i bet they will, i hope they succed, perhaps this way they start considering thinking to increase their programs and operative systems security, as everyone knows, security is not an issue, is not a n important issue for their projects, at least that is what i think.

    Look at what the turkish defacers group left on the microsoft.fr website:

    The defacer/cracker turkish group name: TiTHacK

    The defacement:

    redLine Was here...Hi Master (: Your System 0wned By Turkish Hackers!redLine ownz y0u!Special Thanx And Gretz RudeBoy |SacRedSeer|The_Bekir And All Turkish HacKersnext target: microsoft.comdate: 18/06/2006 @ 19:06WE WERE HERE....

    I bet they will hack the microsoft.com site, just look at how many websites they have defaced/cracked:

    Here is a screenshot of the defacement:



    (Today, 10:15 PM, i tryed, a minute ago, to open microsoft.com and it was down.)

    I don't know about you guys but i can't open the microsoft website!
    Can you open the microsoft site?


    I guess i won the bet, ha!?
    Notice from jlhaslip:
    Edit Title to avoid size problem on Index page.

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