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Posts posted by Lyon2

  1. I do not aprove he should be executed but since that already happened, i just want to say that that is the worst political decision ever made.Besides the fact that the "chihitas" are going to put the "streets" filled with blood again, the execution will make Saddam a martir among the ones that are on his side in this "story".Of course he made bad things, very bad things, but i do not think executing him will make things better, au contraire!

  2. Yes, or it could be, it is the programming language of the old macromedia (which its software was sold to adobe), which was introduced into the flash version 5 and then, on the next versions, improved a lot, and now, programmers actually call it a programming language, au contraire of the time of its release.I know a litle bit, not much, i read and practise a lot, perhaps that is why you say that, thanks.

  3. I am not taliing about free software or open source software, i am talking about a lot of small companies that have their profits decreased by more then 50 %, and when that happens, small and medium software companies will close down, i saw that many times in the past and recently, and with the spread of the portable versions of software (not free software, only shareware), they will loose big profits, and that depends of how much people now about this portable versions of cracked software, like photoshop, flash, swishmax, microsoft office, et cetera, and a lot more, you can see it spread like virus on todays warez websites.If you knew the real truth, you would not be saying that, i know for sure thatr many antivirus, firewalls and anti-trojan software companies are having huge problems with piracy, and their problems have increased hugely because of the spread of the number of the portable versions of many different software.If you knew the real truth, you would know that only the big companies and a few medium software companies not only make their profits through sales literaly, but the truth is that most software companies are small and few medium, so tell me, do you have a company or do you have contact with software companies to say that? I know about some, even here in Europe, and where i live too which is Portugal and Spain, and you have no idea how huge the problems are getting with piracy!!!Of course, i was somewhat dramatic with this topic title, but that is the real situation for a lot of small companies as well as for some medium software companies too.--------Another thing, software companies that build free and open source software obviously do not make their money selling software, because obviously the software they create is free or open source, they make their money with other ways, but the portable software i am talking about is cracked versions of very expensive software as well as of other not too expensive software too, and most software companies are small, and the close down of companies i said concerns the small companies and some medium software companies too, the big ones do not need a lot of salles, still, if their sales drop a lot, they will close down too, or at least, they will fire a lot of emplyers, which is also a very big problem today.

  4. adriantc, Portable software is not available for that long, only recently crackers have been releasing tons of different portable versions of tons of different software, and i know about it quite well.The main thing now is that people are starting to use portable software instead of buying it, and that will lead to close down a lot of software companies that make software for a living, i am sure about it, it happened before, but it is starting to happen a lot offen now.

  5. Just do this:Download a portable version to your flash drive;Extract the files in to a directory on your flash drive;Open the directory and double click the file/application named: portable_xxx.exe(xxx is the name of the portable software you downloaded)The program will open like you had installed it, completely full.There are programs and full ebooks/guides, also in that site and others, to create this portable versions of software, without having to install or apply cracks or patches or keygens to it, that is why if an inspector goes to a company, and if he opens it to see which software is installed, he will not see nothing because nothing is installed, is like opening a txt file to write some text and then you close it, without anyone knowing you did that.Of course, those portable versions are meant to be run from flash drives and portable disks, but you can run it from a directory, you do not even need a flash drive, it is just handy because you can put all the portable versions of the software you usually use to a flash drive, so then you can use the same software on other computers, without installing anything, you can use it in schools, work, et cetera.Do you see the power now!?

  6. What you are about to read is something i came up myself while visiting some websites that are popular for providing illegal software, and software plus their cracks.Do not ask me what i was doing because i will not tell you!The thing is that i saw what i consider the end of software developers, including the companies that also build software to make a living out of it, to make money.Now, people are not searching for software plus their cracks or keygens, now, people are looking for the same software to use on portable disks, pen drives, flash drives, well, on USB's.Now, in those illegal sites, people can download software, that do not need to be installed on a hard drive, it is software (like photoshop, flash 8 pro, swishmax, corel draw, word, and so on) fixed to run through USB's, from pen drives and portable disks.Why will this be the end of software developers, of software companie, pretty simple, i already thought of it, you just need to download the portable version of adobe photoshop cs2, then run it from a flash drive, connected to a laptop.The so called "Portable versions" (for example, "Portable Photoshop", or "Portable Flash 8", or "Portable SwishMax") are compressed files, usually compressed with winrar, which has the decompression functions required, you can see the portable versions of tons of software here in this website:<removed>Just search this site for "portable", without the quotes.Just search and download one portable version of a software to see for yourself and you will see what i am talking about, this are packs of the same software people used for years, applying cracks and patches, even key generators, but now you do not need cracks, now you just need to searchj for the portable version of the software you would like to use on your home pc, especially, to use in companies.You just need those portable versions, then extract it to your flash drive, open the application (usually under a name "portable_xxx"), and the program will open itself, like if you would have installed and applyed the crack already!Imagine the power! If you can run software from your usb flash drive or portable disk, which you can, you can even run it from your home pc hard drive, you will not have to pay for software for your company anymore!You just need a laptop (portable computer or notebook), the portable versions of the software you want to use for yourself and/or for your company, and even for the computers of the employers of your company, and if the inspectors come to check the software licences and so on, you just need to close the applications on your laptops and take off the flash drives, that will be so quick that no one will ever notice nothing!Now, i am sure you understood why software developers will "die", why software companies will close down, it can happen quickly, but i guess it will happen slowly, just a few people know this information, just a few, but now, i am sure that thousands, and hundreds of thousands, even millions, will have a big moral problem, which is:Do i use this portable versions?Do i buy software or do i search for the portable version of it?Are crackers the good guys too?Well, i am sure tons of people will reply to this topic, so i just hope you reply hosnestly!Article Copyright: LyonArticle created for the Xisto.com comunity.Purpose: Hot news! Education purposes.

  7. I use most of those "tips", and actually, those are the main rules of a webdesigner if he wants to put his websites on top search engines results.But, in my experience, you should all forget the following "tips": . web rings . usenet . banner exchangeI am not going to explain why, just trust me, those can get your website drop on the search engine results/ranks, and i know it for sure.More "tips" and "tricks": . topsites (insert your site in the right category); . always update your site 2 times per week, at least 1 time; . Optimize your site for good keyword popularity and keyword density; . Get links from other popular sites at google and at yahoo; . Focus on getting top rank results on google, yahoo and msn only!; . Focus on getting top rank results on google only, if you do not have much time; . Search google for forums where have topics/posts with a subject related to your website, then register there, and reply to that topic, and think how you can insert a link to your website, both in your reply as well as in your forum signature;--------The most priceless "tip" i know:Think, think hard, the above tips i thought by myself, of course, after reading ebooks and articles, but i did not ask for them or read them in a place, use your imagination, Seo is an art, and not everyone is an artist!

  8. I already told this, but i will wuite it again all the steps:First register, create your google adsense account;Get the code to insert on your website, in each page you want it to appear;Customize the colors and template;Now get a bank account on your country/city;Now you need your bin (bank id number) to insert on the google payment setup;(Do this now! After you reach 50 euros/dollars, you will receive a letter from google to your home adress with a pin (private id number) which you must enter in the google payment setup, or you will never receive money from them!)After you enter the bin, they will deposit a very small ammount of money on your bank account, and when they do, you will have to digit the numbers of that amount of money on the google payment setup, or you will never receive money from them!You will receive only if you make 100 euros/dolars, and each time you do, they will pay you directly to your bank account, no check, no BS!!!Bank account = Creat one, and then ask them how you can login to your bank account throught the bank website, do not worry, it is all secure, all 128 bits encryption, and you will need to know a couple of passwords and logins, as well as you id and tax payers numbers too, they are needed for you to be able to login to your bank account, so do not go share them with your "friends"!

  9. Beeing gay is not "ok" nor "not ok", no one has the right to judge the human beeings right to like women or men.I voted "ok", and i am not gay, i have been with girls all my life, and i will not change that, but i know that if a guy likes another guy or a girl likes another girl, they have the right to like and to be together, and even in loved if that is what they feel for eachother, so why must or should i judge that to "ok" or "not ok"?I do not think so, this is one of those topics that does not help, i mean, no one has the right to judge a gay person, as long as they do not provoke the ones that are not gay, that is ok for me.

  10. Of course, there's also the possibilitie that google gmail is a virus in some way, i do not think so, but it is possible.I do not think microsoft would do something like that, Bill Gates has more money then "God" Himself, why he would accept his programmers to do this stupid thing, i do not think so, i think google programmers have study the microsoft code in order to create this error in microsoft antivirus, of course, that sounds stupid too, but that is one of the other possibilities!Another possibility is that not google nor microsoft programmers wanted this to happen, which i think is most likely.

  11. That is very interesting, i do not use windows antivirus but i must say, microsoft has very good products, we know that they are all insecure, but that is because of the great functions/features it has, one can not have it all!One more thing, if it is on purpose, that is pretty smart of microsoft, and i am sure if it is, windows will win the war, meaning, people will prefer windows products instead of google, and microsoft will always win, that is a fact, no matter what google does, i still prefer microsoft products, with a very few exceptions.

  12. Thanks a lot, i did not know about the cssviewer plugin for firefox, i usually see the css files from my websites or any other website with a personal program named "Instant source code", which only works with internet explorer, it shows about any file a website has, with tabs too, and you can see color codes, view source codein many ways, i like it better, but for firefox, cssviewer is very good.icemarle, you must pay atention to internet explorer, it is still the most used browser in the world of computers, so any web designer needs to test his websites, and especiallly his clients websites with internet explorer first, and then with firefox, and finally with opera, this is just my advice to you.

  13. Get yourself a all-in-one server, with both php, mysql and apache, if you can of course, otherwise, i do not know of any online.I use "Wamp", it is so easy to install all 3 servers with the most usefull plugins for all 3 servers, and the program is very easy to use, and i tryed easyphp, apache2tryad and Xampp, only wamp gave me the satisfaction i have now.

  14. The best tools for you would be:



    DiamondCS TDS3 - Trojan Defence Suite 3 (The best of them all!, but it was discontinued, be one more to ask for it.)




    DiamondCS Process Guard



    This tool is the best, it blocks rootkits, spyware, and protect your computer from dll files used by trojans.



    DiamondCS Port Explorer




    Free online trojan scanner



    This is what it says, try it, and use it regurlaly.

  15. Sometimes it is best to use hardware from the same company, if it's possible, because not every hardware is compatible with each other, you must contact the producer/provider, and ask for qualified persons to help you.Then, it the problem persists, then you should ask for help in here, untill then, i advice you to also read the hardware operator manuals for instructions and help, it is the most wise behavior concerning problems using hardware.Sometimes it is better to ask for qualified help, instead of trying to fix the problem ourselfs, especially when you use hardware to protect/serve a network of computers connected to the internet or intranet, if you do things wrong, you could most likely compromise the network security.

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