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Posts posted by Lyon2

  1. If you want i can do one for you, just tell me.




    Visit my free logotypes website if you know how to use photoshop or other image editor


    Free Logotypes for Company Websites









    But tell me if you like the colors, or give me the right colors to use ok?


    Posted Image


    size: 300x200

  2. It is happening the same with me.Tons of not good things are happening to many times, i wish we could have some explanation of why this things are happening.Anyway, Xisto.com free hosting service is still the best of the entire internet, no doubt about it.

  3. I totaly disagree with you, lawmatchmaker, sorry.If someone is already in love, it is almost impossible to conquer her/him, i know it for sure.What you are talking about, is that of someone that is not already in love for someone else, even so, it is very difficult, for instance, if you are "dead" ugly, or if you don't have qualities, or if you don't have qualities at all, or if the girl is false, and she only wants rich men, and she doesn't tell to anyone.First, you need to know her very well, at least, untill you're sure you are going to put your heart at risk because, if you fall in love, and the girl only wants a rich man or something that you, as a man, don't have, and most likely never will have, it is almost impossible for you to conquer her.Personaly, i can conquer any woman i want, i have the required qualities to do it almost easy, but a lot of men don't have what i have, so, be sure to get what women want in a man, and then start with your conquering plan for the girl or man that you want.Ps: My experience comes from meeting women, so what i have writen here, most likely doesn't apply to a woman looking for man, "au contraire".

  4. I am sorry for you wappy.I hope you make backups from now on, find a backup script, or just make copies of the mysql databases, at least, and also advice to access your ftp account once every week to copy all files to your hard drive, and then record them on a cd or dvd, and you don't need a cd on every backup, you can buy one cd-rw (cd re-write, meaning you can substitue recorded files of the last record.), so like this you won't expend a lot of money on cd's and space on your house or whatever.I feel sorry because it happened the same thing with me, but i had a backup, the problem is that the backup was of 2 weeks ago, before Xisto admin erased my account files, welll, but they are right, they did the right thing with me, in my case, but with your case, it seems that you are not doing anything wrong.Good luck wappy!

  5. You can use all that, and or you can use a program or script to encrypt the php source code, like for instance:PHP Code ObfuscatorSourceGuardian ProI have both, and the first is a php script, a very good script, that can encrypt php source code to a simple or advanced encryption method, anyway, it can even reduce the size of your php page/script with the encryption.SourceGuardian pro is also very good, you have more functions, more features.

  6. Yes, it is not news that many websites, everyday, are defaced by the Defacers or crackers, call them what you want, but that is not the main point of this topic.

    The main point of this topic is that, as many of you may know, Kevin Mitnick was the best or one of the best Crackers of the entire world, they even made a movie called "Hackers 2", which many of you may have seen it in the 90's decade, that movie showed how Kevin Mitnick cracked everything he wanted, but not only cracking, also phreacking which is the "hacker" of the phone lines, i mean, making phone calls without paying.

    Kevin Mitnick was arrested for a couple of years and he was out a couple of years ago, which now he has his own security company and works for many companies in the security field.

    The irony is that his website was cracked, defaced by a pakistan cracking group or whatever they are, it is funny how things happened, one of the best crackers got defaced by amatours, imagine the embaressement!

    What and how do you feel about this irony event!?


  7. Very usefull, thanks, but i already knew it, and personaly, i still prefer gmail drive shell extension, i don't usually use firefox that often.I prefer to use gmail drive shell extension instead of this extension because when you open "My Computer" window, you just have to double click to get inside your gmail account to upload or download files, in any computer.With this extension, first you need to install firefox, then open firefox which takes a lot of time, depending on your cpu processing speed and how much ram you have, so if you have an old pc, it is not the best choice for you, instead, use the gmail drive shell extension.So you can "see" the reasons why i prefer one and not the other, anyway, i have it installed to use it when i test my websites with different browsers.

  8. I hate, Hate, HATE Paedophile and violattors or rappers, i just feel that when this sort of animals with this sort of mental illness, violate a girl/boy, or a woman, the death penalty comes to my mind very quickly.Sometimes i imagine if that happened to my sister or brother, i would start a man hunt, kill him/her, and then torture him/her, i do not want to even imagine what i would do to this kind of people, most certanly i would go to jail after i kill the rapper or Paedophile, but i would go satisfied!

  9. Ouch indeed, i won't buy their laptop for sure, but then, i can not even imagine how this happened, but it occurs me a couple of thoughts, for instance:The company plans to blow up hackers and crackers! He he heThe company does not know what a computer is made of, if knew, it wouldn't have exploded!The competitors did this in order to get away with the competition.I think the 3rd choice is more on what i really beleave!

  10. I know a trick to bypass that protection code, of course you can just click the edit menu or whatever and then click view source code, and that works in many browsers, but my trick does not use that, it is a trick with the keyboard buttons.The trick:Right click in any part of the pageThen a box will appear saying that you can't do it, or whateverThen don't release the right clickat the same time, click ok with the left mouse without releasing the right click, then release the right click, and voila, the right click functions will appear.Anyway, the best is to encrypt the source code of the page, not only for protect your work, but also to protect yourself from the google hackers.

  11. Try this htaccess file generator and htaccess password generator:

    or this simple yet good:

    or this one (very good):


    Open notepad, insert the code you want, after reading those tutorials, then save it has htaccess.txt .

    Then go to the folder where you saved the htaccess.txt file and rename it to .htaccess

    That is it, exactly like that: .htaccess (with the point behind, and no extension.)

    Then upload it to the directory you want to protect with password or whatever you want to do.

    You must read that complete tutorial, or the first link.

  12. No, you are wrong!The link is to Xisto.com, you can see it, just pass the cursor of your mouse where it says FREE WEB HOSTING FEATURES, plus, there's no reference to Xisto.net concerning those features, and the link is to http://forums.xisto.com/ .AND, just to confirm, i don't see it saying that those features are from the Xisto.net , no way, the sentence you are talking about is in another section, in the above section, does not have anything to do with those free web hosting features.I think YOU should first be sure before you post, i am sorry to say so.

  13. I saw a error in the Xisto.com home page which is the fact that in the following graphic, you can see that is offering 50 to 250 mb of hard drive space, and the other is offering 150 mb for the package 2 of the free hosting of Xisto.


    I must say this because lots of members can see this, and then they register, and when they see that they can't get more hard drive space, they will feel "bad" about your good service.


    Here is the screenshot:


    Posted Image

  14. Yes, it can infect, as you may be well aware of.But one thing i must say, and not only concerning spyware but also adware, virus, worms, trojans, root-kits, exploits, dos, ddos, pishing, spam, et cetera, today, there are no antivirus or the so called security suite programs supposed to have all kinds of protection for all kinds of threats, that can protect you 100 %, not even 70 %, especially when a cracker wants to get inside your PC OR Network, it is just a matter of time untill he/she cracks "you".Today, most antivirus and firewalls and anti-adware and anti-spyware, can only protect you for about 60 to 70 %, the most advanced and dangerous spyware, worms, virus and trojans are almost impossible to escape, malware creators are and are getting much more evolved then the "goodware" developers, that is a fact.I know this for a fact, not just only by reading top quality ebooks and articles, no, mainly by testing software and operative systems.The main point i got from testing so many software and operative systems is that the problem resides on the operative system, mainly, and not on the antivirus or firewalls or whatever protection software you have.If the operative system were secure, at least 90 to 95 % secure, virus, worms, trojans, spyware and so on, woldn't work.Another important point with windows operative systems is that they are very unsecure, but highly used, why people don't go for unix or linux? Why? Because they do not want, they want cool functions, they don't want to insert a command for almost any action you want to make, problem that is always inside very secure systems like unix/linux.And i got to admit, i also use windows operative system, windows xp to be exact, soon i'll go for windows vista, but i know that windows don't care much about safety, and to tell you the truth, i am tired of caring too, know one gives a sheet about this, at least the men with power to do something!

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