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Posts posted by Lyon2

  1. My favorite movie is "meet joe black", and i can tell you wqith certanty, it is a awesome movie, you will love it for sure, but of course, or you love it or you will hate it, most of people i know loved it because it has it all and it was well created with the best actors.Try and see it to see if i am right!

  2. It is also illegal to create a fake website with fake torrents to make people beleave that they are downloading one thing but another another in reality, that it is also illegal.I do not aprove it, i do not aprove for a company, even a company to track people that download illegal stuff from the internet, may that be music or videos, i do not think they are doing things the right way, i am sure of it in fact, i do not think they even feel good to cought someone downloading a illegal music or video when they are also not rspecting people's/human's rights, at least a very well known human right to know what the hell they are downloading, that is, at least, bad advertising, they are lying to the people that go there to download a torrent or whatever and so that are not better then "us".Yes, us, i also download illegal musics and videos sometimes, COME AND GET ME...IF YOU CAN!PS: I hope pirate bay wins.

  3. What i see is some competition to google, and competition is always good because it is not good in any way for a search engine to have almost all the monopoly of the internet searchers this days, no company should have the monopoly in any situation, in any product or service or that same company could do whatever it wants.I just wish Microsoft creates a very good search engine to compete with google, at least with good features so that we could use it wisely and also to change a litle bit, i am tired of going to the google search engine page to search for something but it is the search engine that i trust the most.Good luck Microsoft!

  4. Well, that is a pretty simple question, i have not thought about it, never to be exact but, now that i am thinking, i would like to be a moderator for once, i know that i would be a good one, i have the required qualities to be one, the sort of problem that could exist could be the lack of too much time to be on top of the situation on the forums i had to moderate, but besides that, i think i would and could do a great job if the admins asked me.But of course, my comments above were not expressed to manipulate the admin/s to ask me to be a moderator, that is just what i think about.

  5. I think this is going to be a very BIG opportunity for a BIG company to finance someone in using the company name to promote itself, of course, it will need to spend a lot of money but, it is a great way of promoting a company using the internet with this challenge, that is what i would do if i had a big company and i wanted to promote it worldwide using the internet.Anyway, and obviously, this challenge is not for all, not to many can afford to play this cool and original Google's "Game/Challenge".Anyone or any company that will be entering this game/challenge will have its company name spread worldwide and that is a smart move indeed, i just hope i see some hard competition between the competitors.

  6. News: Google offers $30 million for robotic rover on the Moon
    Source: http://www.thetimes.co.uk/

    Now this is interesting! Google is offering 30 million dollars to the one person or the one company that puts a robotic rover on the moon, i mean exactly, that lands a robotic rover on the moon and then to beam images of the lunar surface back to earth, roam for a minimum of 500m and then to take a series of panoramic images and videos to be streamed on the Google website.

    You have until the end of 2012 to complete this challenge, this awesome Google challenge!


    This is awesome, but of course, it is not accessible to all, i mean, only people with "real" money on their pockets can enter and enjoy this challenge, that is the catch actually but, nonetheless, very cool and interesting to watch who is going to win, at least for me, it really has everything to be tracked and enjoyed.

    I hope you find this interesting as i did, as i do.

  7. I do not trust the China government nor the China PLA Hackers or just the PLA normal people, i just do not have a bit of trust in them, why, pretty simple, China government are comunists, i do not trust a comunist, is that simple, and their way of doings things is not the democratic way, it is the tirany way, and here in Europe, we just hate tirans and comunists.I really just hope the China PLA Hackers and the China government are not the same, i mean, that they are not working togheter to spy on the USA and Europe, they do have the Crackers to invade any computer connected to the net or not, anyway, i think the USA and Europe should be prepared for attacks trough computers, that is just the word i want to finish with, be prepared.

  8. I have been looking for a php script like that for a long time, thank you so much for sharing this wonderful script, in php, that does not need the smtp protocol to send e-mails from a web server.I have been using a free web hosting company named freehostia.com which gives everything but smtp support, and this script is going to help me a lot because now, my website members and visitors can contact me, can send me their comments and ideas to me, to my e-mail inbox, without the need to create a special script in another server to do that, so you must see how and why i am so happy with the genious that created this script, and with your awesome idea of sharing it.Thanks again, and by the way, can you tell me how exactly this works? Thank you in advance.

  9. Source: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2007/sep/04/china.usa



    Besides the fact that China today dismissed accusations that its military hacked into Pentagon computers (calling the claim "cold war" thinking, with somewhat the reason on their side besides the fact that it is very likely to be truth, like you can see in the news source, after reading the article, and according to the FT, a senior US official said the Pentagon had pinpointed or tracked the exact origin of the attack as well as aother official also told that the China PLA Hackers were/was responsible, but he is not the truth himself nor the other official, they are just people, you can beleave them or not, i just beleave that this can be very likely the truth nonetheless.


    PLA Hackers = Chinese People's Liberation Army Hackers



    In the attack against the Pentagon, the FT said, hackers from several locations in China spent several months probing the Pentagon system before overcoming its defences. The Pentagon was forced to take down the network for more than a week during the attacks.


    The German chancellor, Angela Merkel, has also raised similar concerns about Chinese hackers infecting German government ministries with spying programs.

    George Bush is meeting Hu Jintao (the Chinese president) tomorrow in advance of the Apec summit of Pacific rim leaders.

    This is becoming very interesting news, at least for me, i love to see the americans against the chinese, i am sure they will not attack China so easily like they invade and murdered undreds and even thousands like they killed in Iraque and afeganistan, but that is my opinion of course, anyway, China has a huge army of solders and weapons of really mass destruction, and they have a lot of new and modern technology, so things will not end up in a war.


    Do you find this interesting like i do? Say your thoughts and opinions on this matter/news.

  10. I am sorry dogbolter, not sleeping can make your head to explode, and i can say it because i had that problem a few days ago, i did not sleep for over 2 weeks, i just closed my eyes but nothing, i toke medicines but nothing, so i waited before anything else, and now i have not any more sleeping problems, it was a period, a bad one, but if you still can not sleep normaly, forget about the drugs, use natural things/products/food, go search the net for someone that knows about it and consult him/her, drugs will not do the job without doing something bad to your health but natural things can and they do the job too, most of the times even faster and without destroying.Good luck!

  11. I am sorry sara you had to live this but if you love him i tell you to fight for him, with a limit of course, you must be happy too, and my advice is that you will have to make a decision, to fight for your love no matter what or to let him go seperate, nonetheless you will suffer either way because love hurts.Give him a last chance, but give him if you in fact see in him strenght and hope to still create your future.Go see him, give him a last chance and tell him everything that you feel about him, specially the most profound feelings which are harder to tell to anyone, specially to someone that you are closed now or almost.Good luck

  12. If that really works for you, congratulations, it seems a decent and honest business, 400 dollars a month, for a "nood still" is quite amazing, there are people that work one month in a day job and do not earn so much money, so if they see this, they are going to be angry with something or someone.The internet can make anyone rich, we just need the right idea and the strenght and effort to do it wisely, and it seems you have all that in place, so i just can say thank you for your motivation, anyway, i must say, i will just take this as a motivation for my own ideas, meanwhile, i will stick up with google adsense, you can make the same amount of money too and even much more if you put the necessary effort.

  13. I agree with your opinion, and it is a fact, India is growing fast, specially in informatics and medicine, they do create good professionals in those areas, everybody knows that they produce good computers technicians and good doctors, but they do create more then that, they have good hospitals too, their method of doings things is modern and sheep for the europeans and north americans.But, they still have many huge problems to solve, and they must not forget them or put them on the second plan or secondary things to do, and that applies to all countries, rich and poor.

  14. Yes, i agree too, he is so angry to pay the tax that he did this to joke with the bank.Anyway, it is so stupid, people must understand why they pay taxes and other things, the money is meant to create jobs, maintain jobs, create houses, streets and so on, one must pay those taxes because that i how the government will "make" money to do what they promisse, at least to the ones who voted for them.I do not like to pay taxes too, but i must and i do understand why, so i am not angry enough to do this kind of stupid acts like giving 12.000 like this, the guy just wants publicity or this was a vendeta for him, nonetheless, anyone with a clear mind will not give him the reason.

  15. You do not need to know a lot about programming to be a hacker, you just need to have some qualities, namely the ones i think it matters to have or to work "inside" yourself and other things to know too:


    - It is always good to have a lot of Inteligence


    - It is good to be good in software and hardware knowledge in general, learn by reading and practising


    - Always learn and practise new stuff in computers (learn to use any program and to fix any computer and its accessories)


    - Read a lot of good hacking articles and ebooks in the most respected websites about computers security and hacking


    - Read ebooks from the hacking exposing/expose series.


    - Read the ebook series: "maximum security"


    - Read the ebook series: "hacking for dummies"


    - Be patiente


    - Be calm


    - Be wise


    - Be smart


    - Use always the proper judgement


    - Do not use your knowledge for the bad purposes






    Explore and learn anything by yourself, alone a mean, try always to "get things done" by yourself, and you can do it just by reading a lot and search google for good websites about:



    - hacking


    - cracking


    - white-hats


    - black-hats


    - computers security


    - network administration, management and penetration testing of LAN's, MAN's and WAN's

    (LAN - Local Area Network; MAN - Metropolitan Area Network; WAN - Wide Area Network)


    - exploits and vulnerabilities of program applications (programs and tools) and operating systems (ex.:windows, linux)


    - virus (main keywords to search for in a search engine: vx, vxers, virii)






    The best websites




    Virus knowledge and source codes (the best of them all, with more then everything you will ever need to hack and to know how virus are done and by whom exactly, it even has interviews by Mark L. to the virus writers all in there for everyone to see, it is the best website for white-hats, hackers, and potencial antivirus writers too because you need to know how to make a virus to know/learn how to create and antivirus/anticorp for the same.)








    Computer security, exploits, vulnerabilities and much more here at:








    In those websites you will see more links to the best websites about virus, hacking, computers secruity, exploits and much more that you seem to get to know fast!



    You do not need to know a lot about programming to be a hacker, you just need to have some qualities, namely the ones i think it matters to have or to work "inside" yourself and other things to know too:


    - It is always good to have a lot of Inteligence


    - It is good to be good in software and hardware knowledge in general, learn by reading and practising


    - Always learn and practise new stuff in computers (learn to use any program and to fix any computer and its accessories)


    - Read a lot of good hacking articles and ebooks in the most respected websites about computers security and hacking


    - Read ebooks from the hacking exposing/expose series.


    - Read the ebook series: "maximum security"


    - Read the ebook series: "hacking for dummies"


    - Be patiente


    - Be calm


    - Be wise


    - Be smart


    - Use always the proper judgement


    - Do not use your knowledge for the bad purposes






    Explore and learn anything by yourself, alone a mean, try always to "get things done" by yourself, and you can do it just by reading a lot and search google for good websites about:



    - hacking


    - cracking


    - white-hats


    - black-hats


    - computers security


    - network administration, management and penetration testing of LAN's, MAN's and WAN's

    (LAN - Local Area Network; MAN - Metropolitan Area Network; WAN - W)


    - exploits


    - virus (vx, vxers, virii)






    The best websites




    Virus knowledge and source codes (the best of them all, with more then everything you will ever need to hack and to know how virus are done and by whom exactly, it even has interviews by Mark L. to the virus writers all in there for everyone to see, it is the best website for white-hats, hackers, and potencial antivirus writers too because you need to know how to make a virus to know/learn how to create and antivirus/anticorp for the same.)








    Computer security, exploits, vulnerabilities and much more here at:








    In those websites you will see more links to the best websites about virus, hacking, computers secruity, exploits and much more that you seem to get to know fast!






    Iphone hacking is hacking, but try to understand one thing, they mean the crackers or black-hats, or even the script-kiddies, not the hackers who are the good guys, ALWAYS!






    This is just to get your started in the art of hacking and virus creation knowledge to better defend yourself and who knows, to even be a good programmer in the future, we have a lack of.



    Do not use this information to destroy! Use it to be a good boy!

  16. The playroll is not the word, the proper word for me or to anyone to give enfase to one of the most interesting topics of the world of phones (iphones) plus the hyperlinked Black-Hats world, aka (also known as) crackers but, beeing so interesting and a very curious topic/subject indeed, i will give my knowledge, information and opinion about this subject, about this matter, about this new recent or not so recent for others opinion events.


    Apple is, and perhaps if they really are, trying to win this fight, but it is so pointless that it is so funny to see the apple company without the strenght to even fight back, specially today when and where we depend of media/comunication tools like tv, computers (with modems), celular phones/phones/iphones.


    The hackers (Crackers or Black-Hats) can not be stoped because there are so many vulnerabilities that one must not be too much inteligent to use/explore the ones already discovered or even to find new ones, to discover or to exploit new ones, it is so easy and easy and easy that there are even ebooks on the internet explaning how to break the security of any phone and then to explore it to the fullest.


    One can bring a phone company down, or any company of any business down, just with the phone lines, just with the phones technology, and just by reading a ebook.



  17. Those are great news, at least for me, because i am a big no polution adept and fighter too.I really do not apreciate the price of the electric car, notheless, it is an improvement if governments are allowing/investing on the spread of those types of cars on the society, on the streets which are noe too much poluted by the cars we have used until now, and that we are still using in fact.I do not know, but the price of this car is going to make things even more harder in order for us to evolute to the next step, which is the step of that we have to take responsability for our own actions, responsability to take the action to make as less polution as possible as well as recycle everything we can because my friends, there will be a time, in the future, that we will need to do it even if we do not want!

  18. Forget about Adobe Flash 8, swishMAX 2007 is the program for you, it creates awesome flash websites, flash animations, and flash actionscripts for that matter.

    SwishMAX 2007 has so many features that you do not need adobe flash 8 anymore, you can do pretty much the same thyat you could do with adobe flash 8, except a few things obviously, but it is the best choice if you do not want to use an ilegal copy of the adobe flash 8 or even to buy it.


    That website and all their softwarer have millions of users and there are tons of websites, forums, newsgroups and newsletters for swishMAX users, you will not have difficulties creating flash websites with professional look and feel.

  19. Making web forms for your web application, either swebsite, blog, forum, myspace site or whatever, is a ask of the past, meaning, any experienced web designer and even any web developer, do not make web forms, programming them by hand, anymore, now we do it with the proper and right programs/tools.


    There are an enourmous amount of free and not free tools, which one or two you could and should buy, to create your web forms, either in cgi/perl, or in php with mysql/ms sql support, even with xml support too, and i know that all, i know about it because i have almost all the best programs of the internet to create awesome and functional and cool web forms. I know what i am talking about.


    I am not about to give you the links to download the programs, i am not at home to do that, but, i know the names of the programs, and later, if you would like, i could share those links or even better, i can upload them to my server for you and all to download.



    The best programs to create web forms are (freeware and shareware):



    Coffeecup web forms creator

    Creates flash web forms with dynamic languages, namely, php and xml plus the html files and txt files too, you can create just awesome web forms, here is an example i created for my website visitors:




    Web form designer

    Creates web forms with cgi/perl support, rather spectacular this tool to create cgi web forms.



    Visual form mail

    Creates also cgi web forms, pretty useful too in fact.



    Asp Data Form

    This one is awesome for asp users, it creates, with a awesome program interface, asp forms with microsoft access (*.mdb) databases support, it is so easy that you will optimize your work a lot with this tool, and it creates asp web forms completely free of errors.



    Fast Forms

    It creates web forms with support for php, cgi and perl, xml, and with support for integrating a database server like mysql, ms sql and others, this one is very complete.



    There are more, at least 5 more which i have installed on my computer, and which i tryed and they all work just fine.


    Get the download links by asking google where they are, they are very easy to find, and perhaps you will find even more cool tools now.

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